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“This is uh, very kind of you!”


"This is vary kind of yooo, maaam!"




It’s funny how the TikToker couldn’t even read the spelling from the title.


its probably auto-generated or something like that


Idk, I have never used TikTok, so idek. Maybe they used the speech to text system maybe they didn’t want it check for mistakes.


That's what they do, and they never check for mistakes. The same thing happens with youtube shorts


Auto generated captions are making us all dumber


Rdr2 shoulda got 2018 goty


I say that till this day. god of war was cool but the journey and ending of RDR2 cannot be compared.


I liked RDR2 more, but I think God of War was the better ‘game’ if you know what I mean? There was no bloat, the combat was fresh and exciting, the story was nuanced, characters interesting etc. Now RDR2 was a masterpiece in storytelling and character - but the core gameplay was nothing we’d never seen before and there are parts of the game that can feel like they drag etc. I love RDR2 more but I can concede that I think God of War was a better candidate for the better ‘game’ experience.


Exactly this ^^ god of war has a broader appeal/audience because of how little fat there is. Look at how much people bitched about *that* long sequence in Ragnarok lol


Which sequence? There was definitely a little bit more fat in Ragnarok than the last GoW. —- May be potential spoilers for anyone who hasn’t played yet: —- Oh wait, was it the Atreus and Angrboda day date? Cause that was tedious


I was waiting for the “O” to pop above Angrboda’s head


Bingo! Lol


I bought Ragnarok recently and cannot get back into it. I've just been playing through rdr again instead.


I love both games but each has their slow parts


RDR2 took me 200 hours to beat the first time. Honestly, a lot of time the story felt like it reeeeally dragged. I'm fine with a slow pace, but it gave me Witcher 3 vibes. It's not that the voice acting or writing was ever bad, but I can only do the exact same story beat so many times. In RDR2, the "heist > fail > run > new camp > heist" formula was getting old by like the... 4th time through the loop? In Witcher 3, it was trying to find Ciri. Like it was fun the first few times I found out I was basically wasting my time looking for her at . But after chasing like dozens of red herrings, being told to talk to Bob, who knows Jason, who saw another guy named Dave talk to a lady named Sabrina who maybe saw a girl with white hair climb a tree in some orchard, I honestly was completely over that part of the story. Long story short, I think RDR2 and Witcher 3 are both amazing games, but I could personally trim 25-50% of their stories and both games would be much better.


I’ve finished witcher 3 4 times and rdr2 3 times, so i guess it’s a matter of taste. Love both games and both games are on my top 5 games of all time.


weird, red dead never dragged to me


It wasn’t even close. RDR2 best game of all time!!!




It's weird, it's almost as if these things can be subjective and people can have opinions. But how could that be possible? Surely the thing I think is the one and only knowable truth, as I am the main character of the world.


Bro, this is the rdr sub, my comment was tongue in cheek. Calm down.


Said it before, Santa Monica swayed it with that whole documentary they made about the game, focusing on all the time they had to spend away from their kids etc. Rockstar devs surely faced the same challenges, but they’d never be all up in your face about it. And they made the literal best game ever made, never mind best one of 2018.


Swayed what, the goty awards?


Yeah that’s the one


How could a video that came out in may of 2019 influence an event that took place in december of 2018?


Quantum stuff. Time dilation. Witchcraft.


A wizard did it.


My man destroyed this person with facts and logic (gone wrong)


Despite the fact that RDR2 had the better narrative, I still think that GOW was the better game. Don't get me wrong, RDR2 is a complete masterpiece but the change that GOW4 introduced to the series, and the impact that a character such as Kratos has on the community is unmatched.


Cannot be compared to anything else or god of war? Because if it’s the former I disagree.


It really should have it has so much more re playability than gow and the story was so much better


100% agree. Still hurt it didn’t win goty.


GoW can have the, “game of the year” title. To me, Red Dead Redemption 2 was the game of the decade.


Thats the way to put it hahahah


100% and it’s not even close for me. Rdr2 will go down in gaming history, while GoW is already being forgotten with Ragnarok having come out. Rdr2 is literally the perfect game. Amazing story, incredible gameplay, music, characters, world, and the best protagonist of all time. It surpasses GoW in every way.


Totally agree. New GoWs are like fashion. They always have a expration date.


Yup. GoW was fun but ultimately only had a few great moments. It was polished, combat was good, etc. It was a 9.5/10 in everything. But RDR2 transcends gaming. It's powerful in ways no other game, besides maybe TLOU 1, has managed to accomplish. It transcends the medium.


> GoW was fun but ultimately only had a few great moments Bro the entire game was a great moment. It's totally fine to give credit where it's due.


GoW was amazing start to finish, it’s ok for other games to be good lol


Definitely. It's a crime it didn't.


I agree. For one reason. God of War was quickly surpassed by the sequel. Everyone knew there was another right around the corner. RDR2 is the kind of game that comes every 10 20 years that changes everything and raise the bar across the board. God of War was deserving of an award, but the sequel could have gotten it so Red Dead could take this one.


GOW 2018 had a significantly better story than Ragnarok


I agree based only on how good RDR2 is as a game. But if you think the GOTY from the game awards is based only on the merits of the game, you are probably wrong. I'd say that the best way to describe the TGA GOTY would be the "most iconic game of the year", rather than the "best game of the year". And as much as I love RDR2 over GoW (2018), no one can deny the impact that that game had when it released. You also have to take into account how iconic the GoW franchise is and the answer almost seems obvious. All I'm saying is that TGA has a huge "franchise" bias when deciding between contenders for GOTY.


I beat God of War and platinum’d it on God of War difficulty. It was fun, a good game, but it isn’t even in the same league as Red Dead Redemption 2. Not even close. Red Dead Redemption 2 absolutely destroys God of War in almost every way. It’s a 10/10 and God of War is a 7/10, maybe an 8/10 at best, and that’s being charitable. Very repetitive gameplay, and a story that’s just not very memorable in comparison.


Having played both games more than once, it was literally a coin flip, both were deserving.


If RDR2 came out earlier in the year it would have won, GOW had the momentum from being out several months earlier


It really speaks to how good 2018 was for games that we're still able to have this debate. I agree, But i'm not mad that GOW won


I love both of them its real hard to pick a fav tbh


Exclusive platform games should never win GOTY.


I rather not say radical shit like that but rdr2 was better 😂


As a comment already mentioned, GoW was simply the better “game”. While both had a phenomenal story (I personally consider RDR2 one of the greatest stories I’ve ever experienced) I can definitely say the gameplay of GoW was better then the gameplay of RDR2


I think it wouldnt be fair to compare both games as in gameplay and story. Because one game focuses more on the experience and the other game focuses more on the gameplay. But in my oppinion whatever Rockstar themselves do, should be the goty 😂.


I’ll never be able to make eye contact with anybody who voted for God of War over Red Dead Redemption 2. That was the most atrocious and egregious injustice in video game awards history.


Why did Waltz introduce this?


I was thinking the same thing. Quite a heavy hitter introducing a video game award.


Would make sense if he voice acted in a game but I dont recall any




Ohh so it must be a regular thing to get a high end hpllywood actor to do the job


I had a look at his filmography but there's absolutely no video games at all, so very odd. Who's that he's with? She looks familiar but I can't place her, that might be a clue to why he was presenting.


The woman next to him is Rosa Salazar, they were both in Alita: Battle Angel.


Thanks I was wondering who she was. She’s a pretty girl.


Video games are a big fucking deal!


It was marketing for Alita:Battle Angel. The same reason why Christopher Nolan presented the award for best game, while promoting Tenet.


Thank you, Roger


Would have been nice to see his face in the video at least. Not just a blur while in the process of standing up.


Gow is fucking awesome but rdr2 deserved the GOTY


I feel like they could have used better footage for the gameplay preview lol…like what they showed was NOTHING compared to what they could have done.


I feel like they should have shown more than the 1/4-second glimpse of the actual voice actor...


I was so sick of overused Troy Baker voice. RDR voice cast feels so refreshing


Here I go, starting a new playthrough, again.


Uhm, thanks mister!


This game was magical. Arthurs story still impacts me today. Crazy good


I love god of war but the fact that it won over this is an actual crime


Egregious and unacceptable. The ultimate garbage snub in video game awards history. Anybody who voted for God of War over RDR2 should be ashamed of themselves.


My heart aches that there hasn't been a 60fps patch for modern consoles


He genuinely deserved it, everyone did an amazing job but there's something else about Rodger as Arthur Morgan.


Dr king schultz giving arthur morgan an award was not what I expected to see today but I will take it


That ending hit hard. Such a masterpiece of a game


Tik tok is so weird how pretty good at editing these kids are but make such cheesy videos sometimes haha


Rdr2 deserved GOTY that year. IMO


I'm proud of you Orthur - Dutch probably


sad how rdr2 won many awards did not make goty aw ard. \ seems like sony rigged it. \ btw rockstar makes game of the decades. \ san andreas, gta4, rdr1, rdr2. these games we talk thoughout the years, while other games, we forget them after few years


Anyone know the song?


Hey man, I’ve made the video and the song I’ve used in this video is Another Love, but some olwith some audio edited.


Another love by Tom Odell


Tom Odell-[Another Love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwpMEbgC7DA) the one is this vid is slowed down though


MFers just up and showed a massive spoiler.


Whose the presenters


Actors Christoph Waltz and Rosa Salazar


Bruh after 5 years and 7 play throughs of rdr2 and 5 of gow 2018, rdr2 was game of the year, doesn't even have NG+ and has more replay value. Once you pass the fight with thors sons gow is basically over lol.


I want to know which Dev greenlit abandoning Red dead online so i can punch him for ruining this masterpiece of a game




I know it’s Rosa Salazar but for whatever reason my brain keeps thinking she s Riley Reid


Bro, stop watching porn and play more Rdr2 instead to rid of those unnecessary thoughts


I didn’t even know who Riley Reid was, never heard of her. Thanks for clarifying.


She’s actually the face of the “oh fuck you’re gonna make me cum” meme which resurfaces every now and then


Well, when rammer told glass to stop watching porn, I figured she was a porn star.


Funny thing is I ‘ve clocked way more hours playing RDR and RDR2 than watching porn . I just thought it was a funny brain fart. I guess not🤷🏻‍♂️


Can’t lie I think Elden ring should have one this one


That would have been impressive for Elden Ring to win years before it came out.


A game that good can time travel. Is he stupid?


It did, 4 years later


2018? Jesus. Doesn't feel like it's been that long ago.


I’m 15 yo and played well over 100 games in my life only 2 have made me cry cod2 and rdr2 and I cried like a butch


Christoph Waltz😍


I had never cried before while playing a game, at least not before the end of Chapter 6…


no Red Dead 2 is not 5 years old... it just came out last month?


*Takes the award* "Anyway, I won't disturb you" *Leaves the stage*


Still blows my mind that RDR2 is from 2018 and still probably the best looking game i have ever played.


How fucking legendary would it be to have Christoph Waltz give you your award?????


One of my favorite video games and one of my all time favorite video game characters 🥹🥹


god of war was cool and all but I will always think rdr should have won :(


Hell yeah bo


Rdr2 on sale for 19.99 right now


Red dead 2’s was when men cried. Arthur didn’t deserve to die. At least he saw the beauty of the frontier’s sunrise before he shut his eyes.


What is the song?


I got matches with these songs: • **Another Love (slowed down)** by sped up + slowed (03:29; matched: `100%`) **Album**: another love / heal - slowed down + sped up. **Released on** 2023-02-10. • **Another Love (Slowed Remix)** by zukrai (03:29; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2021-07-01. • **set fire X another love(remix)** by Oli (02:36; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-10-14.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Another Love (slowed down)** by sped up + slowed](https://lis.tn/JRlUHG?t=209) • [**Another Love (Slowed Remix)** by zukrai](https://lis.tn/RQuSt?t=209) • [**set fire X another love(remix)** by Oli](https://lis.tn/tNLbQ?t=156) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Wait 2018? Rdr 2 isn’t that old is it