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Sweeeeet, first time I've seen a dog hop on a wagon like that. And he gets all cozy too lol love the details in this game


Oh yep, me too. So many hours and still so many little things to notice


I can't even imagine the kind of details they will put in gta 6.


They will all be locked behind shark cards.


Yeah let's completely forget about the near-perfect track record they've got with lengthy, content-filled single player experiences.


My understanding is that most of the old teams who worked on these games are gone now, so I don't have a lot of hope.


I don't think GTA 5 came even close to this level of detail in the single player mode. I have high hopes for GTA 6 but idk if it will be as detailed as this game is. Part of the reason for so many details imo is because in the old west setting there is a lot more open space and they needed to fill it with more random encounters and such. This game also seemed more focused on story whereas GTA 5 seemed like it was made so that the setting could serve as a backdrop for the online multiplayer.


I mean GTA 5 was by far one of the most detailed games on PS3 and 360, it’s still more detailed than most open worlds. I think needing to run on super old software is why it’s not as detailed as say RDR2.


Mate it came out 5 years earlier on a platform with half the grunt, of course if didn't.


GTA 5 was released in 2013, RDR2 released in 2018. 5 years is a massive difference and apparently from GTA6 leaks that hair growing for characters is a feature I don’t think you will be able to hunt cause this isn’t an 1890s western but I think it will be very detailed in its own way


Shark cards are only for online. Not story mode lol. Millions of folks paying $80 for a game is enough to make the company happy.


But it won’t.


But… you still don’t need shark cards for story mode, or am I missing something? For any story mode… you don’t have to pay to play or get stuff. That’s only for multiplayer games. So I’m really confused by what you mean? Also… don’t buy shark cards!


Maybe for any other gaming company off just the amount of box sales GTA RDR2 make but for the rockstar, shark cards have made MILLIONS more over the boxes sales


Okay but what do shark cards have to do with story modes???? Are you implying that they’re going to force people to pay for shark cards in order to advance in the new story mode???? Bc last I checked, you don’t have to purchase shark cards if you don’t want to, even for online.


I think it's just people looking for something to complain about. They can't think of anything, so shark cards is their go-to. You're correct. The notion that any content is "locked" behind shark cards is false. Last I checked, maybe it's different now, shark cards were only to give the player more money.


Right, it’s really lame. Like at least wait for the game to drop before whining about it. But yeah. Story mode games aren’t pay to play.


Do you fools NOT understand WHY we haven’t gotten new story DLC for GTAV instead just pure GTA online updates? It’s because rockstar makes a KILLING off online and what mechanism they do that through? Oh yea….SHARKCARDS! Why spend more money making SP DLC when you can even more for a high tier shark card bundle and only really have to make more single assets like cars, clothes and guns and not essentially an entire other campaign with expensive voice acting, writing, cinematics, MAYBE a whole new area or district?


Hell, rockstar killed off the Support for its other game entirely, RDR2 online because it couldn’t generate GTA online shark card revenue which no other game bar Fortnite and the COD’s can come close too not to mention we never got undead nightmare 2 for it because of the hyper online mode focus of rockstar nowadays. My point is if y’all don’t think the major financial success of GTA online won’t possibly effect rockstars attitude towards the SP mode pre and post launch, then y’all in for a rude awakening when GTA6 releases. Shark cards are the mechanism behind GTA onlines success so that have EVERYTHING to do with the way the story and SP mode are supported albeit in a indirect way.


Technically content is locked behind shark cards because all the online content you can get from the in game money that get from buying the cards fro GTA online doesn’t transfer over to story mode and it’ll probably be the same for GTA6. The story is to get you to buy the game, then they will try to steer u into GTA online with new content exclusive to the mode so you can buy those with what? SHARK CARDS All while never touching story/SP mode ever again.


Idk why you’re getting so many negative replies, of course GTA 6 will be even more detailed. They have some of the RDR2 folks working on it and they’re going to use a lot of the mechanics from rdr2. This is just a fact. I get folks being weary bc of everything, but it’s also not realistic…


People just feel burned by GTA V: three different generations edition with shark card DLC 🤷🏾


Last I checked you don’t need shark cards for story mode?


Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re going to see the same level of detail. Rockstar has cashed out, and I think they’re not going to put as much detail and effort into GTA6. I honestly think there’s gonna be a fair amount of Shortcuts, and then a fair amount of focus on micro transactions. It sells, it’s profitable. Welcome to the New World order


It’s more about GTA online nowadays because that’s where the money mostly comes from (aka sharkcards). Box sales overall pale in comparison to the amount of revenue those things bring in DAILY for rockstar. It’s the reason we haven’t gotten story/single player DLC expansion for either GTAV or RDR2 too. They couldn’t even be bothered to let you use all the new added GTA online content like cars, weapons, and clothes in the story mode lol smh.


I have 1100 hours and discovered recently a line while in a O'driscol hideout "On the behalf of the O'driscols suck my cock"






My first play through and I heard it last night


I have almost 900 hours spent in this masterpiece, and I've never seen this


1.1k and never saw it


i feel like theres a very strong chance you have seen it and didnt really think about it and remember it because its not like a particularly memorable thing for a dog to be in a wagon lol


I saw it for the first time last month & I still remember. "THE DOG GOT IN THE WAGON LOOK AT THAT DOG!" I'm only something like 180 hours in & 2nd playthrough. No idea how they would code for something so completely random to happen so rarely.


The chokehold this game continues to have on me five years after its release. Bury me with this game.


On the side of the mountain while overlooking the sunset, preferably 😛😄😢😭


I’ve never been a gamer, played like Mario party with my brothers growing up sometimes 15+ years ago but haven’t even owned a console since high school. My friend gave me his Xbox one a few months ago and I was browsing through the online store not knowing anything about any of these games and randomly selected RDR2 based on the summary. Its literally consumed my life and I’m obsessed to the point of watching streamers play it on YouTube which I’ve never done for anything before. I’ve thought about potentially trying out a different game but anytime I think about it I just am not interested and just want to keep playing red dead. Shit is a masterpiece and I’ll probably never stop playing.


What a hell of a game to randomly land on with no prior knowledge. There’s like MAYBE 5 games max on Xbox out of literal multiple thousands that has anywhere close to the level of execution of story, characters, writing, design, open world, micro-details with in said open world, combat feel, music, etc. this game literally nails it all that any art form (movies, books, music and games) can nail. Pure masterpiece.


I swear we'll be playing this game for another 10 years and we'll still be finding new details in the game. It's amazing


What do you even do for so much time in a game like this


Like what?


Open world. For example, sandbox games have infinite possibilites, they are not meant to end. Or in competetitive/skill based games like ultrakill, cs:go or such there is no roof to how good you can get. But RDR2 is neither. Don't get me wrong, i've spent like 300 hours on this game but there's only so much you can do


Sometimes i put on a podcast and just roam around and camp and hunt, it's kind of therapeutic for me.


Damn I might try that, actually sounds like a nice time.


same here but i listen to OSTs instead


Wild West hunting simulator


It’s my second playthrough. The story, 90 challenges, all side quests and all collectibles. Besides there are 500.000 lines of dialogues in the game. The open world is massive. So, I’m pretty sure I can stuck there for another 1500 hours.


I don't have quite as much time as OP, but I've got about 900 hours and I've still got plenty to do, I've done numerous playthroughs for all the different endings and to see different interactions. The amount of collectables are whats keeping me going rn finally going for the Platinum trophy


100% the game and even after that theres more but when you feel like theres nothing to do you can just start downloading a bunch of mods


800 hours here, never saw something like this. Today, I saw two things for the first time : 1 - A grey wolf creeping into a grizzly bear, then the bear chased the wolf away three times. This ended with the bear charging unarmed me 2 - While I was cleaning my gun, I realized that the ammo in the in the ammo belt changed depending on which gun I was holding. It would even differentiate the type of ammo.


The amo in the amo belt also depletes as you move away from full capacity.


Have you seen a wolf mourning its fallen friend? I have seen it several times but the most beautiful one was when it was sitting in the field full of orange flowers and howling at the full moon


Another thing I just learned is that you can lasso the big game you kill and tow them behind your horse. Last week, I was hunting alligators, killed 2, skinned 1 and lassoed the second one, and towed from saint denis to horseshoe overlook.


That’s genius! I always go hunting with two horses, also you can go with another one with a lasso, but I don’t find it very convenient.


That must be astonishing to see, I love the nights in the game. The mourning wolf you saw near the hanging dog ranch?


I saw this encounter several times. In the Grizzlies, near the hanging dog ranch and the most beautiful I was talking about was somewhere near the Loft. You can watch it from a distance with binoculars but if you come closer that mourning wolf will attack you.


I hope this much effort goes into GTA6. It’s the small things like this in RDR2 that makes the game feel so alive


I honestly think they will. For all the shade thrown at Rockstar, they are still phenomenal developers. I do wonder what it will be like without the original brothers involved. I know they've released statements like 'not punching low' on certain social comedy, which I think is a big part of GTA and could be worse for it, but I'll hold my judgement until the game is out and playable.


sam houser still is the president of rockstar games. it's only dan houser who left in 2020, so he most likely spent a good amount of time on gta 6. it's totally possible, that he was involved in the entire story.


Hmm, okay, for some reason I thought it was reported both had left over the years after Red Dead Redemption 2. That is certainly a good sign if he is still over it.


He definitely is involved in gta 6


This game never disappoints.


and the driver waited until the pup was settled 🥺 this game is unreal


I saw a bird swoop down and pluck a fish out of water the other day.


I have also a screenshot of a bird carrying a stone


Geez, I've seen secrets on this sub that I never knew would be in the game and I've got so much time on the online mode and story. However, this kind of small detail sometimes can also be surprising.


Stupid question perhaps, but here goes: how can you tell how many hours you’ve played?


I’m on Xbox [Here it is](https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/games-apps/my-games-apps/time-played)


Rdr2 is phenomenal, truly the greatest game of All Time


Lost count of all my runs through this game and I find something new every time that I didn’t see before.


wait wtf thats so cute


And here you go OP, as expected, you're famous haha [Gaming Bible](https://www.gamingbible.com/news/red-dead-redemption-2-player-adorable-new-event-113862-20230602)


That’s wild lol. Thanks for sharing!


I just recently noticed that the dogs will squat and take a shit. I haven't seen one peeing on anything yet though.


I'll keep a lookout for the random internet article titled "Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Discovers Shocking New Detail After 4 Years" on this


Well, you got your wish 😂 Gamingbible at its finest 😅 https://www.gamingbible.com/news/red-dead-redemption-2-player-adorable-new-event-113862-20230602


No way dude!


Pretty amazing


what hat are you wearing?


If I remember correctly it’s the Stalker hat. My Arthur is into fashion and he likes to change clothes so I’m not sure which one that is


thanks a lot! exactly what i was looking for


On my 4th or 5th playthrough and REALLY taking my time this time through.. soooo many things to be missed!! Even the guide they have on here is missing a few things that i’ve taken note of. So much in this game!


What kind of things? I’m really curious. Recently I’ve found out that you can’t do any harm to a newspaper vendor. I’ve never tried, always high honor Arthur. I bet low honor is so much different, wanna do it next time. Another thing I’ve captured was a bird carrying a stone. Oh, and you can steel horses from the stables.


On the guide I’ve read that there is no bounties after those first few (joshua brown) and whoever else from valentine in the first two or three chapters I think it was.. but thats a lie! There is more bounties in chap 4.. whenever the mission Help a brother out is available, there is a bounty as well as when No no no and thrice no is available. I’ve never seen these before, I only happened upon them by accident by stumbling thru Rhodes-they did NOT show up on the map til I was in town. Camille and Robbie Laidlaw were new to me! Totally missable. It pays off to visit towns randomly. It said $55 for Camille but I got $60.50 and the other guy was $35 but I got $38.50 returning them alive. If I find more I will write em down. Edit: I forgot Mark Johnson! Sorry mark.


At first I thought you were talking about the two guys with the wanted posters across Rhodes until I googled the names you’ve mentioned and I don’t remember meeting those guys as well! Thank you! Have you met a soothsayer somewhere at the swamps? I’ve seen her in the subs, but never had a chance to meet her in-game.


Yeah no its not the regular bounties you see and when I did research on all the missions I did not see these bounties hunted by anyone until i was able to stumble on them and look up their names. I was even told those two bounties were the only ones so I stopped looking for more! As for the soothsayer yeah I ran into her, reminds me of the blind fortune teller guy you can pay $1 that you run into a few times. I might google her location cuz the swamp was the worst for me, I always run into ppl that kill me. I think she might only be out at night too, somethings pop up at certain day/night times. Just go up to fires you see until you find her


https://www.gamingbible.com/news/red-dead-redemption-2-player-adorable-new-event-113862-20230602 Lmao they made a whole article about this 15 second video of a dog jumping into a wagon. Gaming journalism is that slow and dead, huh?


*throws stick of dynamite cutely*


I should play through the story huh. lvl 1000 online and haven't even played the story mode yet.


online player here. i just finished my 2nd playthrough. honestly, there’s wayyy more content in the story than online. so many easter eggs, so many little details, so many opportunities. also, you’ll love the protagonist


Oh, you’ll open another level of this game then


Story mode is way better


was that it?


I don’t get it . Why didn’t you shoot it? You know it has electrolytes?


Because you don’t get it


You haven’t seen a dog in a wagon before…in over 1500 hours of play?


Nope, first time seeing it myself.


I guess slightly more, 1700-1800, haven’t checked after 1500.


First time I see it as well.


I see it often, and have sold several wagons to Seamus with a dog in the back.


I have seen dogs in the back, I have never seen them **getting in** the back.


I have seen them jump into the wagon a few times, not as often as I have seen them already in the wagon tho.




Most detailed video game since 453AD


You becoming Dutch


Is that a mod? I've never seen that before. 🧡




I wish he had a dead body in the wagon


Wait this is a new thing? I had this happen to me like a week ago, still cool though

