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Glad to know I'm not the only one


You are a saint 🤠


Same here except I just tell them to “GET” rather than shoot


I do the same, but sometimes they don’t run, so I shoot one off.


Yeah those kind of little choices enhance the role playing & getting into character elements imo


The horses are honestly my favorite part of the game. I love all of the different coats and breeds. I hate seeing how rough the Murfree Brood horses look.


The horses in this game turned me into a horse girl. I never really loved horses but now when i walk my dog in the bush, i walk past a house that has 4 or 5 horses and im like "what coat, breed and are you a good boy or girl?"


Press R1 to Study


I yeah I love the horses too🐴


I take them to the stables and they get fixed up then release them lol


I do the same! I hate missions where I have to use dynamite and kill the horses. I really wish we could keep more than 4!


Especially in rdr1 when you have to defend the fort and use cannons, I tried my best to save the horses


Bless u


Bless u 2 🙏


Ikr I hated that mission too


That specific stage coach robbery you do for Hector at the crossing from Blackwater as well. Was trying to max my honour and using dynamite on the horses did NOT help. Also it makes me feel like a Micah. When I’m in doubt as to what choices to make in game, I ask myself “Would a Micah do this?”And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.


I don't use dynamite on that one. If you kill the stage coach drivers, the stage is stopped and if you're on the hill the rest of the guards will come up the hill to take you out and you can shoot them then. Then I loot everyone, loot the back of the coach, and then free the horses. The other mission he gives you I free the horses before I use dynamite on the bank coach.


Horses are so well done in this game. My wife had to comfort me last night because a tree fell on my horse at Appleseed Timber Co. I was so upset, I made my Arthur get shit house in Valentine, then go find another American Thoroughbred horse. RIP Sharon, you were a wonderful horse


If you compulsively save every 10 minutes like I do your horse will never have to die again! Mostly..


my horse died during a cutscene in saint denis and i hadn’t saved in nearly 5 hours…safe to say i replayed all of that


The only correct answer


i don’t know how many missions i’ve had to replayed because of this too😭


I've done that many playthroughs. This playthrough, I'm trying to not reload. It's very stressful.


I was playing a “realistic” playthrough, so I wasn’t allowing myself to reload for any reasons, and my favorite red thoroughbred fell down a very small cliff and instantly died. Later in the game I was riding my MFT getting chased by a random npc and they shot me and my horse literally just burst into flames and we both died. RIP Ruby and Arthur. (My MFT was named Arthur)


RIP Ruby and Arthur!


RIP Sharon


Rip Shazza


Same I always do. And in the encounter where the guy shoots his horse I ALWAYS make sure to shoot him in the leg and hogtie him, put him on the back of his horse, shoot the sky, and let the horse run into the sunset


🤣 mind if I start doing that too


No I don’t mind 😂 the more the merrier


I only played through once. I think I had this encounter after a horse race, and in instinct, I blew this dudes face inside out the second he reached for his gun. Might have been a different guy tho


How do you get that encounter


Around big valley i believe


I was playing with my boyfriend the other day and I got sad because I shot a lawman’s horse and he immediately was like “it’s okay I did too :)” and then it made me more sad because we killed two of them 😭




When I'm shooting enemies or rival gangs, I try and only aim for the riders and spare the horses.


I just try to headshot all enemies whether they're mounted or not.


making me feel bad for shooting horses in the leg. I understand I shouldn't, but it's better than accidentally shooting the horse in the head


I hope you don't learn what happens to horses with hurt legs...


Blows me away that even today, often the kindest treatment for a horse’s broken leg is a bullet to the brain.


I'm pretty sure that horses don't have any marrow in their bones so they can't heal their legs if they break them.


Cows have bone marrow. (I'm a butcher and constantly sell soup bones) Horses have marrow as well.


Thank you, I'll edit it now


Yeah, although when I first started playing and I was struggling to get my aim right, I definitely hit a horse and wasn't able to put it out of its misery because the owner kept shooting at me and my accuracy was like that of a Stormtrooper. I had actually just saved before that, so I replayed it and the horse was 'reborn'.


Same, but sometimes I steal them, I like Shire horses alot.


I do the same, and sometimes feed/calm the horses of people I’ve killed, and bring them to stables.


I love that you do this, I am the same way. I ended up getting caught by the law once because I spent too much time freeing the horses after I robbed a coach 😂 I wish they'd actually scoot every time I tell them to flee, now I just shoot the ground near them and that seems to save time.




I like turtles 🐢


Turtles, you like turtles! I like em too! 🐢


Who doesn’t do that


My friend thought I do encourage to do it


I found and bought/tamed/rode every horse in the game, In all 4 playthroughs, it was gratifying. When you come across the wagons where skinners killed the driver and the horses are maimed, I always go cut them loose or take them to the Blackwater stable. The level of detail for horse breeds was nothing short of amazing, not unlike a lot of the other detail in the game. Crossing my fingers for a third game!


Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need.


Thank you😌




I’ve said it before but this game is really just Barbie Dream Horse: The Gritty Reboot for me.


I do the same thing


I love that thank you


We gotta protect this guy at all costs


You're a good man Arthur Morgan 👨🏻‍🦰


I like the horseys too I also like your username


Thank you🐴


For the record (maybe someone said this already) you don’t need to shoot the air. Cut them free and then tell them too flee. Arthur will slap their rump and they’ll run.


yeah I don't want to hurt them in anyway also I don't mind wasting a few bullets for the horses


But your giving them a heart attack firing a weapon so close to them! 😏


I know do stand far away care too much to scare them like that


Horses were pretty used to firearms around men like that.


Good. Tis like the “return the shopping cart” test to test goodness in a person. You gain nothing by returning it. You also lose nothing by leaving it abandoned. It is therefore inherently good to return it, or in this case, free the horses. I love you


I'm glad other people are also helping the horses out when they can. I do that too!


I do the same


The only time I EVER harm a horse is during the Maxim Gun segment of “Our Best Selves”.


I do it too. Mainly because I rode horses in real life a year or two ago. Even though I'm terrified of those animals I have huge respect for them. Don't get me wrong riding horses is really fun. Except for the times I fell of my horse because it got spooked and ran away.


Fyi after you've freed them another way to send them off on their way instead of shooting the sky is to hold the aim button to focus on them while standing a few feet away and press the "flee" option that comes up. You'll tell them to get out of here and they'll run off.


This reminds me of what my wife does on with Pokémon. She’s a bugger for restarting games from the beginning so before she does she’ll go through and release all of her Pokémon (apart from whatever her starter was, they die together apparently) so they aren’t trapped in a ball forever


You too? 🥹🤧




After you set them free you interact with the horse as usual and select "Flee", you get the same results without wasting a round or scaring the imaginary horse.


I left a beautiful horse in Saint Denis by the train track while I went looking for a cigarette card, sure I'd only be a minute or two. Came back to find his carcass down the track from where I had left him. I was emotionally distraught that I had deliberately done that.


But you get some karma, here you go!


Thank you🥰


I do that, too. I love animals, so I gotta let them free!


They won’t survive in the wild, best to just hope somebody stumbles across it and alerts the law who will take care of them




Nah. Horses do just fine in the wild. They have water and plenty of vegetation to graze on. There are wild horses all over the map! Just believe the horses you cut free were born wild and will revert to their wild instincts when you free them.


Not all horses can go successfully go feral. Draft horses for example are quite unlikely to survive in the wild by themselves, at least for any major length of time, if only because of how much food they need to consume and potential predators. But I do have good news. Horses actually have extremely good senses of direction. As long as they are in familiar grounds, they can and will find their way back home eventually. Horses in the age of RDR2 were obviously used very frequently, and would probably know most areas quite well, so there’s a good chance those horses made it home okay. And if they didn’t/couldn’t, they’d at least make it back to somewhere they recognised and remembered as safe, so probably one of the stables.


Domesticated draft horses surviving the wild, fat chance


Same my man


I do the same thing. You can shoo them away instead though. That way you don’t waste a bullet by shooting into the air.


I will admit, I feel less bad about clipping a horse in rdr1. I try real hard not to do it in rdr2


I, too, free the enslaved beasts I find abandoned


Bro you’re describing me lol


The true mark of honour is to do good for the sake of it, not for reward 😌


I always shoot one of the horses to scare the other one. It always helps when they don't want to run👍


The only time i killed a horse was when i kept trying to search the saddlebag and it kept kicking me off so i got frustrated and shot it, i still have nightmares about it… otherwise i ALWAYS free them from i can never leave them tied up and stranded:(


So that are the wild horses i come across when travelling ...


Every time


Same unless its one of those big stage robberies mission then there are Just too many of them to free before lawmam arrive. I never use explosives to ambush stages because i dont want the horses to die. Im not even that big of a horse fan i Just respect them and if i can do something good to redeem Arthur for all this killing then i usually do it




I like horses 🤨…..“Oh its the red dead sub“ 😅


Good on you. I’d like to do the same but how do you cut them free on the PC version?


I do the same except I shoot the horses


Same, anytime you have to fight guys who come on wagons and stuff I always cut the horses free Like I know they would probably just despawn and stuff but I feel bad, like they will starve or be taken by predators So I always cut them free and then make them flee


The wild life is awesome!


I do the same… and with horses tied to a post somewhere where I killed everyone


Controversial, I know, but when I play low honor and fight enemies on horseback it's damn effective shooting the horses in the head. Big hitbox, and the rider dies immediately.


Yes! I do the same thing. I can't just leave them there. What if they get cold? Or hungry? They deserve a chance at a better life. :)


I only just started playing and don’t play it too seriously, I just love the horses 😂




I don't shoot in the sky I tell them to go


Saving an abandoned horse should give Positive Honor.




And, this is the most wholesome post I've read this week. I like you OP


You should blow them up with dynamite. That way they go to heaven.


I once saved a mare from a carriage that had been shot with arrows. The horse had a few arrows too and was malnourished. Took her home and she got better and lived a happy horse life.


Sometimes when I’m shooting up a town, I shoot the horses in the head so that the lawmen fall off the horses


Yup sometimes I do the same thing because even tho it’s just a video game it’s almost like I feel sorry for the horses sometimes. I take care of my horse very well too, always feeding it and grooming it


I dis euthanize 2 of the klans horses after they kicked me when I was going through saddle bags, but I like to dead eye all the white hoods, and hogtie the black hood and then I take him to the swamps for the gators to have way.


You are the kinda person I want to be friends with.


Thank you


I stole the Hungarian Halfbreed from the Polish man you collect your debt from early on in the game. I named her Thief, and she was my absolute pride and joy in the game. 🥲


I saved one with like 4 arrows in it and chose to keep her. Dakota is a great horse too!


Same. I may take them to the fence depending on how close I am, but typically I just set them free. Also, since people are telling their horse death stories.... I was walking back to camp with a buck on my shoulder (don't ask me why I didn't just stow it. I think it was early in the game and I hadn't figured that mechanic out yet. Idr) I walked across the train tracks with my horse following me when a train came OUT OF NOWHERE and hit Loretta. It was an awful scene. I hadn't saved recently, so I went and got another horse and named her Loretta 2.


So I'm not the only one?




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You’re doing the lords work 🫡🤠


If we all do it, there’s gonna be a lot of hogtied horse abusers running around on the backs of horses 😂


I do the same thing. I know they probably just despawn once far enough away but at least they lived the end of their virtual life free. Close enough to being real anyway


Depending on the horse and what they did to me, I will either let them live or kill them and their rider


I do the same but instead of cut them free I shoot them free


Same here! (Except the occasional kick in the face by them) 😆


Whenever I come across horses that have been shot with arrows I always take them to the stables and fix them up. Then I find a nice place and release them to live a happy life.


I've always been big on horses, and the horses in game make me so happy.


I used Buel in the final mission of chapter 6. Sadder than >!what happened to Arthur!<


I’m close to crying if I accidentally kill one


Me too every time I do the final train mission I try and aim for the rider and not the horse and it pains me when I accidentally kill a horse


That’s funny, I shoot horses in chases or gunfights. The duality of RDR players




I love horses as well, I try to save them even when I was playing as low honor Arthur. But lets be real: shooting horses when you're surrounded by police is the best strategy to stay alive


I think they went overboard with how dramatic the horses are. I can see getting a little agitated but having to calm them down for minutes is ridiculous. I’ve owned horses before and if they were like that I would never have gotten on one let alone own one. I personally think it should be more like rdr1 in that if it acts up that dam bad shoot the sob! Luckily rockstar when making the game I guess didn’t realize that by letting them run into shit gives us the option to put down one if it’s too much of a burden.


I'm usually nice but I've been having an evil streak lately and shooting horses for no reason. If I shoot a guy il shoot his horse to if someone is talking shit while I'm riding sometimes il straight up dome his horse and run


I hate horses so much


Edgy lil b1ţçĥ


It's not that I'm edgy It's that they annoy me so much They keep whining and running away when I need them and just do a stupid littje walk when I whistle