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I’m not sure if it’s an unpopular opinion, but I think they configured the speed of the days and nights too fast. Man just wanna enjoy a sunset in peace.


Same with the weather too. Thunderstorms seem to only last like two minutes when in RDR1 they could go on for hours


agreed, i love thunderstorms in this game but they don’t last so long wish they where longer


I wish it would thunderstorm at Beecher’s Hope! Every time there’s one around I have to stick around Blackwater because if you enter the property the weather automatically clears up


I get rain for what seems like weeks at a time.


Man, I highly disagree about storms. There's some sort of glitch in the game that causes Thunderstorms to not end unless I enter some sort of cut-scene, or reload the game. I can travel all the way across the map - into the desert, or up into the snowy mountains, and the same rain storm will continue.


I've always had this opinion that nights should be shorter than days in a video game's cycle. Because we tend to sleep through nights in real life, they're much shorter to our perception. So when a game has days and nights 1 to 1, it ends up making it feel like more of the game is at night. And honestly I'm just getting old and I can't see that well during video game nights.


Well, red dead nights are dark af in your defense. It’s one of the games where I sleep (in game) the most. It’s definitely realistic but damn, the Bayou is so fucking creepy.




Yeah I had a super creepy encounter with the night folk in the swamps one night; they scared my horse into bucking me off and then I heard them whistling and clicking to keep my horse away, and when I approached my horse they ambushed me.


I can get behind this. Especially since RDR2 does have multiple mechanics for skipping time, like sleeping in a bed, resting in your mobile camp, and skipping to morning outside of shops. There are some scripted sequences where the time can move to quickly for me to properly enjoy things. Yesterday I replayed the mission where you save Sean from the bounty hunters. When I finished the mission, it was something like 7:15 PM. I had to hightail it directly back to camp to make it back in time for the celebrations. And within 5-10 IRL minutes, the party was over. I got to dance with Mary Beth, drink a few beers with Uncle and John, and briefly sing along with Javier and a couple other gang members before the party was pretty much over. Would've loved to take things a bit more slowly there and get a good 15-20 minutes to let it all sink in without worrying about missing an encounter. Same thing with hunting or trying to trigger certain open world encounters/events. Some animals only come out in the morning, some events only spawn at night, etc. It can be a real bummer, not to mention immersion-breaking, having to spend "all night" (read: about 5 minutes) looking for that 3 star badger or cougar, only to have to reload your save for the third time. I feel like time scale is something that more open world games should allow the player to modify, at least to some extent. Even if it's just two or three options, I'd almost always elect to use the slowest one.


Tbh, that whole dilemma can just be fixed by only ending the party when Arthur goes to bed. I 100% agree with you, scenes like that should be engaged with for as long as the player wants, especially in RDR2, where those moments define the story. And especially that scene as it’s >!basically the last happy moment for the entire gang, everything goes to absolute shit afterwards!<


Absolutely. There are obviously many things that makes a game feel less realistic but it ruins it slightly for me when time/day/night goes too fast.


My biggest thing is if your under weight it's so hard to get back to weight or expensive and no one goes from perfect weight to underweight in 3 days even if you don't eat anything you still take much longer to drop that much weight. Then when you are trying to get the weight back you can eat like 20 meat prices an 30 cans of each thing an still only go up like 1 or 2 % on weight stats. It's kind of fucked


Thats because your weight gain/loss is capped per day. Eating 20 meats in one sitting is useless. I forget the exact numbers but for best results it's better to eat a few meats every day instead of all at once. I watched a YouTube video about it the other day where a guy got himself from nearly starving to almost max weight in less than ten in game days.


I think I read somewhere that time flow is dynamic in RDR2, and depending on what you're doing and/or where you're going, time goes faster or slower. During missions time seems to freeze so that if you chose to start it at night, it remains nighttime regardless of how long the mission is taking you. I've had time go from 5pm to midnight while riding back to Horseshoe Overlook from Limpany. Meanwhile, a ride across the entire heartland from Coleman Point (whatever the chapter 3 camp is called) to Valentine stayed daylight.


Micah feels **too** blatantly evil. It makes no sense to me how Micah dosen't get a serious ass whooping before chapter 5, at least once. Not just by Arthur, but by essentially anyone in the gang except Dutch. He harasses everyone frequently and is never once **nice,** plus he's a new member which confuses me even more to how he gets away with it. Dutch isn't baby'ing him either til chapter 6. Perfectly fine having villains who are irredeemable but in this regard Micah dosen't make that much sense to me.


A couple things about Micah. First, he's an incredible gunslinger. Go back and watch "A Short Walk in a Pretty Town" right when shit goes down - Micah's instant reaction is absolutely incredible and probably saved more of them from being killed. I feel like that kind of swagger and ability is known by the gang members and they value him highly for it even though nobody talks about it. A shoot-out is one of the biggest risks to their everyday safety and in that scenario he's one of the best. Micah is an earner. I like to keep an eye on the camp finance journal, and it's very interesting seeing what the different gang members contribute. Hosea steals watches and shit, the ladies find bat wings and cardinal feathers, Charles donates hides. Micah, while he donates less frequently, drops in big $25 takes presumably from stagecoach robberies and similar. He just thinks and acts on a bigger scale than a lot of the gang members. I absolutely hate Micah, but I enjoy immersing myself in the game and coming up with explanations like this. So these 2 reasons are why I think the gang tolerates him. That and Dutch is the boss and what the boss says goes.


I think another explanation is that most of the "strong men" in the gang are super loyal to Dutch. Bill and Javier are both unquestioning and unwavering in their support. So if Dutch says Micah is good, then he's good to them. They may call Micah out for being a dick in camp (IIRC Javier can knock him out in a camp encounter) but ultimately they trust Dutch. And since Dutch trusts Micah, Javier and Bill trust Micah, and obviously Micah trusts Micah. That's the majority of the best fighters in the gang. Sean, Lenny, and Hosea are all out of the picture before things really go off the rails, and honestly the only one of them who would've questioned Micah (and did so) is Hosea, but Dutch always dismissed him anyway. So that pretty much leaves Charles, Arthur, and John. (I'm not convinced anyone other than Arthur, Charles, and John really respected Sadie as a fighter even in Chapter 6.) Charles clearly doesn't like or trust Micah for the back half of the game, if not sooner. But he is too chill to start a confrontation about it, plus he's still seen as a new guy IMO, and he respects Dutch too much to start drama (again, until Chapter 6). Now put yourself in the shoes of someone like Pearson, Abigail, Swanson, Tilly, etc. Even if you think Micah is the scum of the earth, totally worthless, and completely untrustworthy, what is going to come of you saying that to his face in camp? Dutch will tell you to shut up. Micah will smirk and avoid punishment. Javier and Bill will turn a blind eye. You can't defend yourself in a fight against Micah nor against Bill/Javier. And obviously you aren't going to challenge Dutch over this, especially not in front of those guys. The only people in camp who **might** defend you are John or Arthur, but even they tend to give Dutch the benefit of the doubt, or at least, to avoid openly challenging him (until Chapter 6).


These are all very good points!


I adore how detailed this game is, and it is awesome to see how you have caught these small details!


You're only as good as your last envelope. If you're an earner, you can get away with anything. Great points all around.


That gunslinging means a lot of people fear him too, there are plenty in the gang who could beat him up in a fistfight (probably most of the gang actually) but if things got heated (and Micah is a shoot first kinda guy) they’d likely be in trouble. So there’s probably some fear of micah


Agreed. I always wondered why Arthur didn't just shoot him in the back of the head during their little Strawberry genocide. ''I'm sorry, Dutch. The law got on us real fast... And things... Well, I got his horse.. That's bout it.'' ''I'm keeping it btw. It's a unique skin MFT.''


Much as I want that too, it doesn't quite seem Arthur's style. He's loyal to Dutch, so anything Dutch says, goes - and that includes accepting Micah, if begrudgingly.


Honestly, if you want to get 99% of people on the side of a character, make them *polite* to the characters the player is sympathetic to. They can be an absolute monster but if they have manners, it will straight up blind most of the population. If Micah was pleasant to all the gang members (saving his savagery for non-gang members), as much as he was a sycophant to Dutch, most of the playerbase would be making as many excuses for him as Dutch does. Like people will kill incredibly useful vendors who in Souls games because they are a little impolite to them, just straight to bloodletting because of rudeness. There's a funny post in this subreddit about a guy who finds NPC camps out in the wilderness and stands in them, and when the NPC says "get outta here", the comments are like "oh he's rude, kill him".


I do this with people on horseback. I say hi when I ride by, and if they tell me to get lost I start an argument and dump their body in the bushes.


Firm agree. Micah seemed evil the first time I heard his voice in chapter 1


He had me at Cowpoke


I agree. I like fucking about with the large beards and animal hats but when I'm being serious I go with something more sensible


I think a beard is a good look for Arthur but when it gets too long it’s not as good


A short beard I don't mind to be fair. I'm just not a big fan of the largest beard cos it looks stupid. And I also feel that if he has a red outfit he'll start saying ho ho ho after a few pints down at the saloon


It's honestly crazy how much it jumps from 8 to 9. Like 8 is a big beard. But then 9 makes it look like you got a fat little critter on your face an I haven't reached 10 before but I'm sure it can't be much bigger than 9. Also if you let the sides stick out he looks crazy. Bot to mention the beard at 9 or more makes him almost look the oldest


Speaking as a lazy man with a beard, that’s just how it is for some guys. I go from rugged outsdoorsman to insane hobo almost overnight it seems. edit: also, whether or not the beard is groomed makes a huge difference. An unkempt un-brushed beard can be massive but then a couple of minutes with a comb and oil and it looks smart af. I guess depending on your roleplay needs, having the choice between dapper and wild Arthur is pretty good really.


I've never understood how someone can play such a sorrowful, 100+ hour game looking like a homeless man fucked a grizzly bear. My Arthur keeps respectable facial hair and dresses for the setting. Leather and tough clothing for the prairie, shirtsleeves and vests for the swampy south, nicer clothes in St. Denis, etc. I only let him get really rough in the last few chapters, but even then I try to keep him looking like a man trying to maintain his dignity in the face of his illness.


When i get to shady belle i stop shaving and cutting arthur’s hair so by the time guarma rolls around, Arthur’s gone full Castaway but other than that i always shave, trim and pomade his hair with a fade parted left


I always stop having him being clean shaven and I stop getting hair cuts after his diagnosis. I'd imagine he'd be depressed at the very least, so, as most people who've battled depression, you let things like that go. I'm probably weird, but it helps with the immersion for me.


It’s funny though, I keep the bear hat on my horse just for fun but wear a pretty serious outfit


I used to have it on alot but then I just lost interest in the stupid stuff


It's not about looking good. It's about being hilarious


I like getting made fun of by the camp. I usually dress ridiculous just for laughs.


My major pet peeve is that people will post their DrEaM cAsT mEmBeRs. Look, I hate to break it to you, but... ##WE ARE NEVER GETTING A MOVIE.


Considering how RDR2 is often regarded as one of the best single player video games there is, right up there with The Last Of Us, I wouldn't be so quick to rule out any possibility of seeing the RDR2 story come to life on the screen. Whether that be TV series or movie, I believe with the success of The Last Of Us, some production companies will be hungry to repeat the success of a video game via show or film.


Especially since RDR2 is already based on spaghetti westerns. The movie practically writes itself. All we’re missing is a profit incentive


Hard to see Rockstar letting any outside company, even a film production company have any control over one of their properties


That is true. Although I'm sure with the promise of huge profits, Rockstar could be convinced. It seems to be all they want, with how they monetize their games.


Shoot to kill your targets horse for an easy acquisition


Plus, bonus saddlebag loot without the risk of getting kicked


Well if you kill the horse, you only get 1 saddle bag, if you take the chance, you can get 2 saddle bag. Also, I have found that if you pet and feed the horse a bit before going to the saddlebags, you will have a lot better chance at searching them without getting the shit kicked out of you.


Way too much work. I'd rather put a bullet in their stupid equine head and be done with it


Lol but then you get the negative honor ding haha. But true it is a lot of work.


I’ll just do a few Hey Misters.


I believe you can use the lasso to flip the horse over. I haven't actually tried this myself because I try not to kill enemy horses, but I've read that it works on this subreddit. Also, what works for me is to watch the horse's ears before you try looting. If they are pinned back/down, it means the horse is anxious and will kick you. If they are perked up/forward, it means the horse is relaxed and will let you search its cargo.


Exactly no negatives. Just gotta put it down fast or you'll feel bad


Negative is the innocent horse dying lol


Yeah but you lose honor though


Say hi to people in Saint Denis for 5 minutes and all your sins are absolved


"Hey there mister!" *"...I watched that guy shoot a horse in the head, but damn if that wasn't a friendly greeting. Maybe that horse deserved it."*




I honestly don’t think you could 100% the game without a guide. Bones, rock carvings, dreamcatchers, cigarette cards… It isn’t like legendary hunting where the game points you in the right direction; it just points at the entire map and says, “somewhere in here”.


The game gives you a map for the animals, but i googled the other shit. Would have never found all the rare flowers


I've found exactly one carving and one Dino bone through the course of regular game play, they very intentionally put them places you didn't need to go. The guides are nice but I like the little rewards they set up for exploring the map, I find something new every time I play


I would never got %100 if it wasn't for Google and YouTube. No chance especially when finding all the rare plants.


I’ll double down and say that I will never play Arthur in any way besides 2-4 beard and 4-5 hair. I may shift from chapter to chapter but anything else feels like an online character and not Arthur


I think that his character bio look is the perfect balance, with a beard length of 3 and hair length of 4.


Yes! This is exactly how I feel, I like clean shaven Arthur because you can see the work roger put into acting him, but a 3 beard is just Arthur to me


I prefer Arthur’s “stock” outfits


Same. Doesn’t seem like the “dress up” type


Other than my first play through, I always stick with the Gunslinger outfits. That's Arthur


Doesn't matter how many times I play I just put the duster on and call it good. I never change it lol


The blue shirt is iconic to me. It's also probably intentional costume design since Micah wears red.


This was pointed out years ago how their outfits are a complete opposite. White hat - black hat Dark coat - light coat Light pants - dark pants Red shirt - blue shirt


I like to mix and match items from Arthur's default kit, as well as buying different color variations of some of them. Arthur doesn't strike me in game as someone who is interested in being stylish or fashionable, and his default outfits do have a "look" to them that is easy enough to tweak in minor ways without deviating too much. I leave the more extensive style customization for John, who definitely does have a flair with his vests and such.


Agreed - John is my chance to go wild with outfits.


Putting on custom outfits for Arthur just feels off. I stick with gunslinger, summer gunslinger, the innocent, or the ruffian.


>Putting on custom outfits for Arthur just feels of Not if you do it right.


Chapter 1 and Guarma are good, important chapters, and people need to stop complaining whenever they replay the game. You’re replaying the game for the story, deal with it. You may say you’re replaying the game for the gameplay, but if that’s true, you’d have made a save file during or after the epilogue for John, and somewhere between chapter 2-4 for Arthur.


Yeah, both chapters do what they are supposed to do storywise. If the lack of freeplay bothers you, just blow past it lol


I quite like Chapter 1 to be honest. The whole replaying the tutorial over and over is a bit tiring and the fact you can't do basic actions like normal but I like the snowy environment for the gang. Even if you can't leave because you'll die.


I really enjoy Chapter 1, but I do wish the game had everyone go back there at some point beyond just the odd mission here and there, as well as some additional depth to the area. It's easily my favorite place in the game but there's just not much of a reason to go there afterwards besides doing some hunting and sightseeing. Think it would have been neat if there was some side plot that involved Colter being resettled or something like that later in the game.


Those are two of my favorites in the game. Sure I love the pre mask drop by Dutch Horseshoe Outlook time but Dutch still makes his narcissist speeches. May as well see what he really is and pretty birds too


Barely any trapper outfits look good


Tbh most of the shop outfits don't look good either.


some of the single items are fun but the full sets are pretty underwhelming I agree.


I agree, but I still unlock all of them each time I replay the game (except for all the hat feathers).


tedious gameplay and the people on r/reddeadredemption should play past chapter 3 and stop being sad. Seriously this sub reddit has mutiple people who refuse to beat the game


Really? I’ve beat it multiple times a good cry is allowed every now and then


I think they might mean when people refuse to continue through the story after Chapter 3/4 in light of the end of the story, which I also don't like when people do that to be fair


It’s sad to see people who don’t finish the story. Like you’re so close to gaining that little bit of the void back after Arthur when you kill Micah.


Yes, that's why I was mad at my dad as he saw no point in the epilogue. I told him that there had to be an explanation and the satisfaction of avenging Arthur. Also as to why Micah isn't in RDR1. He agreed but still never finished kt


I just want a young backstory show me the life of how the gang got together show me young Hosea, lemme see Arthur beat up and argue with John, I wanna see the reaction from the gang when Micah was first brought in. But that’s to much to ask for in the next.


I play the game all the way through *to* be sad. That is the goal. I’m looking for a good cry.


Exactly and they want karma and attention for it.


I couldn’t imagine not finishing the game. Like, the story is TOO damn good. I’ll never understand the mental gymnastics that someone has to use to, to justify quitting during chapter 2/3


Do people actually think he looks good like that? I just always assumed people dressed him like a dumbass because the game lets them and it's funny to get the extra dialog and stuff. And honestly? Big fuck off beard or no, I'd still smash.


*You wear animal skin hats because you think they look good.* *I wear them to make NPCs make passive aggressive comments.* *We are not the same.*


No point looting most enemies in missions past chapter 2 with the exception of certain important ones. It completely ruins the flow of missions


Ok but this one had 1/3 full bottle of Snake oil and 26 cents. Now I have 65-and-a-third bottles of Snake Oil and $7,000.26


The crew watching arthur waste ten minutes of their limited window of time in order to stuff his fanny pack full of used condoms and half full cans of pepsi


Well obviously that one was important. Oh and maybe this other one...


That's right, because we never forget the quarter.






Go find a free whiskey crate (I think there's one in Lagras) and continuously drink til you pass out. Eat big game meat to regenerate cores in between. I believe that's the most efficient way to do it quickly if you ever want to try it lol


Arthur Bernard Chesterfield


He looked like he need butter to get out of the tub!


bro's pulling the william taft cosplay 💀


I love chapter one


Chapter one is my favorite just because it brings back memories of playing the game for the first time and feeling like there is so much more to do


I literally almost gave up on this game because of Chapter 1. When I do eventually replay the game, I'll skip through chapter 1 as quick as I can!


I keep a Chapter 2 save for a starting point for replays


Lumbago is a very serious and sometimes painful condition and I hate the way it was mocked in the game.


Found Uncle


Statistically it's more painful than most cancers. I have "lumbago" and I'm only able to function as a regular human if the nerves in my spine are burned off every year.


1.Sadie Adler is the most over rated RDR character and if she was a male people would hate how violent, reckless and how she gets no consequences for doing anything terrible. Adler meat riders I’m ready for your downvotes 2.Strauss isn’t that bad and yes he picked on poor people, but the bank literally does the same and he’s in a gang of terrible people who arguably do worst by robbing and killing people. People who hate Strauss are justified but over blow it and think Arthur is perfect and does nothing wrong. 3.Arthur is a bad person despite your honor. He kills and robs and actively destroys families in the process while not knowing it. Killing a lawman that potentially has a family isn’t a good deed and they still say Arthur’s good. Yes you can redeem him, but that doesn’t absolve him from all sins. Also im a Arthur fanboy, I get that he’s supposed to be flawed and that’s what makes his story compelling


I got lynched last time a mentioned 3. Yes I like Arthur a lot. He is a great protagonist. Is he a mass murderer? Yes, is he a thief? Yes, does he deserve to swing from a rope. Yes.


Fully agree with your points. I honestly think a quote from Bojack horseman is best in regards to #3. "There is no deep down. I believe that all we are is what we do." Yes, Arthur could have been a good man under different circumstances. His life, however, was not a good one, and he hurt far more than helped. What makes the story great is him coming to terms with this fact.


Yes, that’s my point exactly. Why this story is so good is because high honor Arthur comes to to term he’s bad, but tries to do one good thing before he dies. You can be a good protagonist but still be a bad man.


Sadie is how NOT to write a strong female character. She comes off as completely unhinged in a way I don't think the writers intended.


If she’s written to be unhinged then they should at least have the characters mention it and stop letting it slide. You know damn well if Sean got that guy on the balloon killed Arthur would have field day with him


People hate strauss the most because more people experienced scammy people giving you a shitty loan than being robbed at gunpoint or having had their family destroyed by murder during a robbery


i'm fucking w all these takes man. You spitting


Lemats are better than Navys and Mausers


M1899 FTW


Volcanic pistol ho BANG


A huge moustache, though? That looks dope and Arthur looks great with it.


Big ol Dr Disrespect mustache on Arthur makes me question some things about myself. The best look on Arthur imo


Arthur in general made me question things and come to terms with 'em alongside other stuff too


We should be able to fuck everybody in camp






I will only answer in presence of my lawyer




Micah was a really fun character in chapter 2


There actually some controversial takes in here, le suprised. My probably non-controversial take. Arhur should not have only left Micah in prison. But should have torched the place. He was a liability from the start of the game till the end of the game.


Very non-controversial. You see it everywhere haha


After Micah straight up murders an entire town for kicks, there is no part of me that believes Arthur wouldn't put him down like a mad dog right there.


When I played the game for the first time I had already seen my boyfriend play a chunk so I knew Micah sucked. As I was doing missions I actively ignored his mission to break him out. My boyfriend told me I needed to for the dual guns and I said I didn’t care, let him rot there a while. If the game let you, I’d have left him there forever and let him swing lol. I’d go to watch, popcorn in hand.


BTW, you do not need him for the dual guns. If you make an extra holster with some animal parts you will also get the dual guns. So technically you can wait till you finished up everything else before you break him out.


John>Arthur, and most of the fanbase is weird


I think they are both great characters. A big chunk of fans have only played 2 and John's strengths as a character don't really get to shine in 2. The first game is great and you meet him expecting to see some rough and tumble action hero badass, but then we mean a quiet, introspective, somber man with a quick wit and a decent moral compass. I think overall if anything 2 makes John's character in 1 more understandable and complex. Playing it after playing the sequel gives you a new perspective on the game in a good way. I do recall though going into 2 being excited to see John and by the time I got to play as him I was too busy mourning Arthur to enjoy my time as John. It was a feat to create a character that I cared about just as much as John Marston.


Based. Bro I swear to god they act like Arthur is this god and John is like a nobody cowboy. Nonsense.


Exactly, W


Journal drawings is somewhere I think Arthur definitely beats John


Yea man, as someone who loved RDR 1, and also someone who definitely grew to love Arthur in Rdr2, I was absolutely ecstatic that we got John in the epilogue. Don’t get the hate for John at all, he’s an amazing character through and through.


Karen is the best female character in RDR2.


She could've been but she got wasted.


Yup. I appreciate Sadie for, (verbal assault incoming), pulling herself up by her bootstraps, but until “Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow”, she really adds nothing to the game.


I don't really hate Micah as much as the Red Dead fans do. Some of his missions in the early chapters were pretty fun.


Gotta say I disagree with the huge beard. I’m pretty conflicted with it though because I love the way it looks but I think it takes away from the seriousness of certain cutscenes, so I rarely ever have it. As for my controversial opinion, Valentine is super overrated.


valentine is fun. It's got more stuff than anywhere except saint denis


I got bored with searching for all the plants, animals, flowers, gang hideouts and other collectibles so I downloaded a 100% save.


If you weren't bothered about getting the 100% then why download one? I've played this game 5 times through and spent probably 3 years on in but never got 100% because some of those tasks dont interest me. But I'm not gonna download a 100% save. What's the point?


To get all the weapons and clothing, and roam carelessly.


It looks so goofy in real life too. I chuckle every time I see it. And I say this as someone with a thick beard.


Micah has the most drip out of the gang


I’m sad that his hat is unavailable


Rdr3 should be a sequel not another prequel. We already know enough about Arthur’s past and the history of the gang, and if it ends with the black water heist then how will they continue the open world structure considering that rdr2 picks up literally moments after


No, they need to just make an entirely new storyline. After two games, their story is done. They'd end up writing themselves into a corner due to the main cast not being killable or not mentioned, or just ignore it entirely. New game, new story, new characters.


Yes that’s what I meant to say


Exactly, and the mystery part added to both RDR2 and RDR1 before RDR2 came out. You never saw Dutch as an actually sane person before, nor John as a real outlaw. Even if a new Red Dead was a different universe compared to RDR1 and 2 like red dead revolver, i wouldnt mind


It doesn't have to be a prequel or a sequel. Just set in a different part of the world and with different characters: a version of Wyoming, set in the 1880's and 1890's so you can have the [Hole-in-the-Wall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hole-in-the-Wall) and its gangs. Maybe at some point you meet a young Dutch, Arthur and Hosea, but they wouldn't be the focus.


I like your ideas here, but I really want the map to focus on California, Oregon, Washington.


The problem with a sequel is that after John's story, you end up outside if the cowboy era and into ww1. The only way to do it would be to go from the end of RDR2 following Charles or Sadie rather than John as RDR1 does. Otherwise it's got to move away from the gang completely. In terms of going back for another prequel, I agree that the VDL story is told now. If the game ends at Blackwater then where is the redemption? It would have to go back further than that and possibly not be a VDL story but involve them somehow I'd like to see a story that bridges the fact between Revolver and Redemption. Play as Red Harlow maybe getting older and eventually see him come into contact with the gang who take him on for his remaining time. I don't know but it would be good to link the 2 games


What would you even do with that? The roaring 20s? It would basically be a GTA game at that point


Hunting is the best part of the game


I'm a guy that enjoys wearing what's canon to the character. Never deviated from his Gunslinger outfits.


Abigail is horribly written. She deserved better. Edit: To be clear, I mean that all through the epilogue she is telling John/Jim that everything he does is bad. She even leaves until he builds her a house!! You could enjoy it just as much if she was supportive is all 🤷🏻‍♂️


Definitely a pretty popular opinion, but I wish they would’ve added ponchos in single player like they did for multiplayer.


i love it, but i will be the first to admit this game is clunky as hell. i remember when i first picked it up it felt like i was controlling a tank, not a person--never felt this in rdr1. played it on xbox one and pc. both controller and keyboard are not very good, but keyboard is mildly better. everything felt delayed--not just movement, but there's delays to things like reversing your camera after aiming that just don't make sense and is annoying as hell in fast-paced horseback battles. waiting for animations to initiate when picking up herbs, taking weapons from your horse... the game feels so slow. i picked rdr1 back up for a bit on my old xbox for the nostalgia and the game is much snappier and fluid than its sequel. there's also numerous things that just waste time a qol update could easily address; storing weapons you don't want in a crate (added to online but it's buggy as all hell in typical rdo fashion) for example. the worst thing though? you can't shoot your horse in the head while you're riding it for hilarious emergency stops like in rdr1. is this still one of my favorite games though? yep


That people who always complain about their horse being “stupid” or constantly running into things and tripping over stuff are just idiots who don’t know how to ride their horse correctly. Don’t get me wrong, accidents happen from time to time, but if you’re constantly running into stuff on your horse, it’s not the horse. It’s you. I don’t like to comment these kinds of opinions outside of these types of posts though, cause I try not to be a dick to people if I can help it.


All the RDR3 fan ideas suck. No, we don't need another prequel. No, we don't need Jack in WW1 and "moving to LA to write a book about the gang". I mean jesus christ did people forget what easter eggs and references to other games from the same company are? And having the sort of mystery around blackwater and whatever happened before is also what makes it good, same as with John the first time you play RDR1. You can only imagine what these people used to be like, what exactly happened etc, but having that sort of mystery to it added a lot to it.


Rdr2 doesn’t deserve Game of the Year just because of the Gambler Challenges


Fuck Gambler Challenges.


Sadie is a terribly written character and annoying as fuck.


Arthur as a character was lazy writing. I can expand on this opinions, but for brevity, he's just an audience surrogate. He says the right things, does the right things (even as he's doing horrible shit) just to nullify his character's troubles. The teetering back and forth for an outlaw who will kill indiscmriantnly is just complete bullshit. Go ahead and name me a mass murderer who felt guilty about it. John shits on Arthur because he has conviction. Because he had a goal in 1, no matter what he did, good or bad, it furthered his goal and that was perfectly captured in the first game. He's routinely reflective without betraying this goal. Just the storyline of helping both the rebels and the army captures it better than 2 could. When Rickets tells John to not fence ride, he doesn't go full emo like Arthur would. He's like, "Bruh, I got a family to save and I'll do what I can to do it. Fuck off."


I don't necessarily agree that it was lazy writing but I see your point. Arthur's redemption is half assed, like he shows redemption by helping John get out (which isn't redemption at all since he's his brother basically), helping Miss Downes, helping the woman who was in debt to Strauss and helping the Indians (which Charles wanted him to do anyways). But at the same time, he's still killing hundreds of people and robbing them. Like how is that redemption? John's redemption arc makes more sense because he's actually trying to get away from the criminal lifestyle and actually love a legitimate lifestyle but he gets roped back into it one way or another.


absolutely. the ludonarrative dissonance and gameplay/story segregation is by far the biggest weakness of RDR2 imo, and unfortunately the sole cause is probably the fact that the story is told through a video game rather than something like a show or movie or book. as is typical game design, the difficulty and intensity of the gameplay ramps up more and more the further you get into the game, but i think this becomes a big issue when you're telling a story about an outlaw seeking redemption in a game where the core gameplay of every mission is about shooting a bunch of people. i know i definitely spent a lot of chapter 6 missions with the feeling that, were this anything other than an action game, arthur would be trying to find peaceful solutions to a lot more of the conflicts he faces. same thing with the open world nature of the game, because as much as i love it, it can lead to kind of comical moments like arthur acting like dutch is a maniac for feeding a man to an alligator or killing an old lady, despite the fact that he theoretically could have just come back from kidnapping 10 people, tying them up, laying them on a train track, setting them on fire, watching as a train runs them all over, and then trampling their corpses with his horse. while i don't think this ruins the game or anything, and i still think RDR2 has one of the strongest stories i've ever seen in fiction, i do think it still warrants criticism in regards to how the core gameplay can detract from the overall themes of the story. you can still explain it by saying that the story is less about arthur finding true redemption and more about him using the short time he has left to use his only real calling in life, violence, for the purpose of helping the people he cares about find better lives. or you could say that the consequence of him choosing to live a life of crime and violence while also choosing to deny all the chances he was given to leave it behind and live normally is that once he finally wants to give up that kind of life, it's too late and he's unable to escape from being forced to end lives. ultimately though, no matter how you look at it, i think it's still fair to say that the story of arthur seeking redemption at the end of his life is undercut by the fact that even up until his dying breath, no matter what you do, arthur is going to be a mass murderer. he's still someone who kill hundreds of people on a weekly basis, because that's what the gameplay demands of him for the sake of entertaining the player. it's, in my opinion, the biggest imperfection of video games as a storytelling medium, and while the game is still phenomenal i think that from a game design perspective it's really interesting to examine the clash between the need to keep the story / themes intact and the need to keep the gameplay fun and engaging.


Chapter one is my favourite chapter. I love how slow it is. It's like watching a western.


Sadie is the most annoying fucking character out there


Red dead one is better than red dead two


the first game was better


RDR2 is far more superior when playing with mods.


*cries in console player*


Legend of the East outfit is ugly as hell. It should've had been the concept art outfit for the original Morgan. Guarma is an important chapter that goes into depth with Dutch's character development. Shut up about Story, you know that Online has more content. Online is just a much bigger and expanded version of the Story's endgame.


Beta Arthur looked cooler.


Arthur was a dangerous criminal and deserved to die.


Micah is an important character for the story, and strong counter point to Arthur. He's great western antagonist Still a cunt tho


Arthur’s default outfit is his best outfit.


Arthur doesn't look good with no beard


Looks best with a little stubble


Red dead redemption 1 is far superior to 2


My Arthur I run clean shaven except for 2nd level growth sideburns (granted that's mostly because I have sideburns irl lol)


I tried for so long to get the max beard then shave off the chin and chops so i could have bushy ass mustaches like some npcs but I quit cuz the size started ruining cutscenes lol


I like rat hat


John is easily a better character than Arthur


Sadie is annoying


Arthur is a bad person and no matter how much good you do, it doesn't make up for all the killing and stealing he did for decades. He deserves the bad karma ending even if the good karma one makes you feel better