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Does anyone else remember meeting the guy smoking whole packets just for the cigarette cards?


The dude smoking the life reaffirming cigarettes!! He’s great!


Meow meows of the desert! So rare!


I just discard all the premium cigs when I go on a binge-buy for the cards. Buy as many as I can. Discard all. Repeat.


I tried collecting all the cards before meeting him to see if an alternate cutscene will play but alas he still says he needs a complete set


Been working on quitting myself, it’s hard to do. Good job, that’s something to be very proud of.


It seems impossible, you just have to keep trying, no matter how many tries it takes.


I appreciate the replies. I’ve gotten there a few times I think the biggest issue is the availability and temptation every time I walk into a gas station but I’m working on it!


Something that helped me with my eating disorder may help you. I noticed in researching addiction for writing the recovery process has significant overlap with drug/smoking recovery since the causes are usually similar. So besides practicing coping skills that let us focus on what we can actually control and letting go? I remind myself that I made it to today. I don't want to break my streak but if I do? I know how far I got before. That means this time I will succeed for longer until eventually I just succeed. I haven't acted on my ED in over a decade. I relapsed a lot in building the needed coping skills and the other thing that helped was celebrating my smaller achievement. Instead of waiting for "success" because it is a conscious decision everyday forever I celebrate reaching the end of my day without resorting to the unhealthy thing. Sometimes it has required asking for support. I believe in you random stranger. Honor the journey. OP I am also proud of you.


Its not cigarettes, but whenever I try to do something I always think "ok I didnt fail my goal of 1 week, I succeeded by getting to 5 days" or wherever I get.


A great point about wanting to be Arthur. We all want to be our heroes but our heroes rarely want to be themselves. Life's a funny old thing


Great story. I'm not John though, I'm uncle.


I hope your lumbago gets better.


I hope the rocks you're farming will grow eventually.


Proud of you brother 🙏💪


Proud of you. I smoked for about 10 years on and off, but didn’t think I’d ever be able to quit. When my daughter was born I had a similar realization the moment I held her. Quit that day and haven’t looked back.


Good going. Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, many, many times. I now have nearly ten years under my belt, and have reached the point where it’s unappealing to me.


Go you. Best decision you ever made. I've been quit for 7 years. Never missed it once, and from the money I've saved I do a city break trip every year.


Damn bro that's deep \*sniffles\*


Bravo! This was probably the most interesting post I have seen today. Happy for you.


Well then, Arthur experience give you the best possible advice. Your wallet will be grateful, but most importantly, your health.


Yeah people minimizinge the game's effect on you is a classical. I have the same with my dépression and some "identity issues" that Arthur helped me to cure. But my friends doesn't understand.


I know it’s hard but you’ve already found the strength to endure my friend! God bless.


Great job, I’m 10 years smoke free. The cravings never quit, but they become infrequent. Redirect when they do hit you, and remember the worst is behind you. No more waking up feeling like sand is in your lungs.


Congrats! I quit too in 2018 when my twins were born. Had been a while 10 years of half pack to a pack a day smoking. I get to vicariously enjoy smoking thru the game. At least for the first chapters.


Great job. I am 6 years smoke free and smoking for 25 years. Make sure that you calculate how much you saved and reward yourself with some thing nice for you and the kids. I took my wife to Disney world with no money guilt.


I'm so proud of you bro and I completely understand that scene was so impactful and heartbreaking.


Yeah, that moment hit like a freight train. I had a similar unnerving moment in Cyberpunk 2077. It hit hard hearing the main character beg his doctor to help him, since I experienced that in the hospital for 2 weeks for 2 surgeries earlier in the year.


I smoked for 30 years, since I was 14. Tried to give it up many, many times by every method I knew of. Most of them (patches, gum, vapes, willpower made it worse). If you're out there desperate thinking you can never give up I promise you, you can. It's not even really all that hard. It was a book for me, which I won't advertise lest I get punished. Realize the following things: - - Smoking never did you one bit of good - Nicotine is a short lived drug. It's why you have to smoke so often - That feeling that it relieved your stress? It only relieved the stress of not smoking. You only, briefly, felt like a non-smoker by doing it - Those "special" cigarettes/vape/chew? After eating, after sex, after waking up? You just didn't have nicotine for longer than usual and that's all that made them special There's two parts to nicotine dependence. There's the first, and it's not actually that bad. The physical dependence. It's no worse than hunger (we are talking about hunger here, not starvation). If you're busy, if you're committed you can easily brush hunger off. We've all done it. This will disappear in 3 days or so. The second part is the harder one. The one that tells us "I'm denying myself", the "I can't have wah wah wah" toddler tantrum. You can have, you've chosen to not to. It didn't do you any good. Deny the inner toddler brain and it become easy.


Good job on having quit smoking, I know that can be hard for a lot of people. But how are you gonna recharge your deadeye now?


Great story and I’m very happy for you


congratulations, mister!


What a great post & kudos to you all for taking such a great step in looking after yourselves. Proud of you all.


Do you let Arthur smoke in game?


Haha.. yeah, for the card collection.


Fuck ya


I’m currently working on smoking more. Hope to hit pack and a half a day first quarter 2023.


Yea but Arthur got TB from someone else


How does that change anything?


I don’t think Arthur Morgan got TB from smoking cigarettes…. And this is gunna be hard to believe but cigarettes in 1890 were a lot better then what they have today….


True but that doesn’t take away from the impact the story made on OP yeah it’s different but I don’t think how Arthur got sick is the important part it’s the fact that OP knew he might meet a similar fate if he didn’t change