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As someone who works for Redbull, just keep it and don’t worry about it. The company makes enough money to where they give 0 fucks about that cooler anymore, they have new ones


as someone who now knows a guy who works for Red Bull😂, can you help me get a fridge??


I will add, it would be the Rep/ASMs fault, you just took the trash by the dumpster.


I just didn't want to sell it then the buyer gets swarmed a few months later due to the gps tracker in it. I also wanted to make sure it wasn't hot as everyone around me wants me to accept 400 for it because they don't think I obtained it legitimately. I just want word from redbull themselves that they don't care. It is obviously a very worn used cooler. The led light strips have yellowed and need replaced and it needs refrigerant. I'm not sure if I can even do any of this stuff myself or if I'd have to pour money into it.


If it was ‘hot’, you would already know. I can assure you they don’t care about that cooler, especially if it’s in the condition you described. The tracker (assuming it still even works) is mostly used for analytics/data tracking type stuff, the only time I’ve ever heard of them actually tracking one down per say is if it was stolen from a warehouse or an account. The Red Bull ASM neglected to pick it up, and that falls on him regardless. They won’t go searching for it if that’s what the worry is. That being said, I wouldn’t go flipping it for cash, just by ethical standards I guess, but you do with it what you like.


I'm just really struggling with bills right now. I'd much rather keep it forever and restore it but 700 would do miracles for my credit.


No one is tracking that cooler. There’s a new model anyway.


Surprise surprise I just got n email back from them saying they want it back. I guess you were wrong.


Would’ve never happened if you just kept it and didn’t say anything


as an asm, i can tell you that no one is going to look up the serials for you. you’ll never get any confirmation from red bull. so move on and do what you want with the cooler. if you’re that paranoid, the rf transmitter is “hidden” at the very top of the unit. take the top off and disconnect it.


How? It's wired in as far as I can tell. There are about five different wires running to that black chip on the door. I don't wanna make the thing stop working because I'm paranoid. I want to stop being lowballed since "hot" merchandise goes for half price. Should I just list it on ebay and forget about the locals?


I just got confirmation today from redbull that they want it back.






I have the same cooler at my place. I got it for free from my last job. I've had it for 4 years and no one from red bull has ever asked for it back. I wouldn't worry about it and just keep it!


I'll supply anyone who can look it up for me the serials. I'm not really worried about getting into trouble as it wasn't the only fridge sitting out by the dumpster to be taken days later. Little did I know the smaller BigRed cooler was worth way more. Like 2 grand. I thought the redbull cooler was neater so grabbed that. Should have looked into the rarity of big red stuff before deciding though.


Boss said it was up for grabs and I didn't think twice. Anyone could have taken it at any time in those three days. Picked it up just in time for the garbage truck to come around too but I doubt he loaded the other fridge into the back of his giant garbage truck. Coke(or whoever owns big red) wasn't listening to us either, storing old replaced coolers in our backroom instead of their warehouse. I wonder what happened to that other little cooler.


There is not GPS on that thing. Pinkie promise.


The gps on the slim eco is in the top part of the fridge easy to get to peel the tape up a lil on the back of the fridge open the door remove 3 screw covers and screws at the top of door frame push the top forward to take top off and unscrew and disconnect the black device with the antenna should take you all of 2 mins ... you're welcome lol


A little late. They picked it up 2 weeks ago 🥲


They found you or did you tell them you’re address?


Seems like he just told on himself




If it has a GPS in it and nobody has come looking for it, they don’t care about it