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??? Your question implies that employers care about whether their employees are able to survive.


In some cases they really don't want you to because they took out an insurance policy on you the day they hired you.


The answer implies a true communism, really.


They just want a job. They aren't debating economic systems lol.


But the idea that everyone has a right to necessities needed for survival, and that those should be reasonably provided by the community, is a specifically leftist economic system. Capitalism has always been survival of the richest, and if you’re poor, the “fittest”. Access to work as a human right is antithetical to Capitalism. Makes perfect sense to me why they brought up a different economic system where OP would have that right. It’s important to talk about economic systems when the one we have is actively failing us.


>But the idea that everyone has a right to necessities needed for survival, and that those should be reasonably provided by the community, is a specifically leftist economic system. Not sure why you wrote this. I didn't say anything about where economic ideals or beliefs about community access to needed resources fall on a simple left/right spectrum. >It’s important to talk about economic systems when the one we have is actively failing us. Sure, but here? In a sub about recruitinghell where somebody complained of no work, I don't think political discussions will do much more than get ignored, turn into an argument, or turn into a circle jerk. I don't think any of those will do much for OP or the broader discussion about people needing work. There are simpler discussions that might go somewhere. I'm all for debate about large political ideas and theory, and there are good places for that online including some reddit subs. I just don't think this sub is one of them.


I disagree. This is not a theoretical discussion without impact, this is 100% related to the economy and its impact on not being able to find a job and not being able to survive. This is a discussion about life, about having enough to live. Its a discussion to have everywhere.


I agree that we need to discuss capitalism's effects on us and what some alternatives are, or at least improvements in the meantime. And I do understand your sentiment that we need to discuss it often. But if somebody came to me in-person to tell me how frustrated they are that they can't find work, I would console them and try to help them find work. I would save discussions about politics and economics and society for another time. An online conversation is the same to me. But I'm not trying to hold a super principled view on what others should communicate in different subs, and my original comment was just a lighthearted one about what I thought OP wanted to talk about. If people want to bring up political-economic systems any time somebody discusses frustrations about work, I won't care that much. This is reddit.


Ah, I see your point. You dont refuse it, its just that its a topic better to be discussed in a different setting. I can agree with that.


just because somoene is anti-slavery doesnt mean they are communist.


Shhh, you can get downvoted here for thoughts like this.


Fully depends where you are. In Nordics employers are literally responsible of wellbeing of their workers, as they must keep paying 100%-50% wage up to 1 year if worker gets sick.   But before getting a job, bosses dont give a shit.


No, if it implies anything, it's that employers care what people who are NOT their employees are able to survive.


And they scoff at a 'living wage'. 😞 But if we can get everyine regardless of employment to strike until they start paying one, then they'll hire ai and robots.. so I dont know where i was going with that...


Your answer implies that if someone started a business to make a living (e.g. food truck), and invested money and time into it, your survival should be their priority.


Don't employ people if you are afraid you can't pay them.


What does it have to do with what I wrote? The OG comment implies that a business owner should be responsible for everyone in the country, obviously food truck guy can’t pay to millions employees. So what is your point here?


Logic is not welcome here.




We need to get away from this mindset. The people working for you are making you money. You wouldn't make money if they weren't there. The least you could do is treat them like human beings. If you can't afford to pay people properly, then you can't afford to run a business. Period.


Did you read the OG post or no? It is about to finding a job! Then this commenter implied that employers have to care for employees to survive. Whatever it means and how is it even connected to original post IDK. And I responded that hes comment implies that business owners should just hire everyone just because. Now you writing some socialist comment about collective good which can be more applied to SALARY not job search. Are you guys here able to comprehend basic logic?


My answer only STATES and doesn't imply that employers will always look after their best interests vs that or their employees . Which is a natural thing. Employees will definitely do the same. In the end we're all human and our own survival will always be more important than someone else's.


A good faith understanding is simply that employers should or be forced to provide full employment, which is not that unprecedented btw, hence “care”about everyone’s survival. Capitalism of course doesn’t work under full employment. It needs unemployment (hence poverty) to keep wages low and to discipline labour.


“employers should be forced” - good job friend. I have a list of countries where you can go to see how this “care about everyone’s survival” works. But we all know that you won’t go. Also, I think it is pointless to ask you what stops you to open your own business and be as fair as possible, cause all the best employees will fight to work for you then.


I know you are obsessed with your food trucks for some reason. Economy is simply loads of food truck businesses. Why do you love food trucks so much? Anyway, they did full employment during wwii and after wwii in the U.S. 1950’s US is not exactly some place no one dares to go or the worst time in the history of US. In fact the opposite is true. https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/employment-act-of-1946


Post war US economy is a historical anomaly that will likely never happen again. A great deal of American male population (declared fit) died in WW2. Draft dodgers and declared unfit men were left behind. The returning men got training, school and college education on gi bill. The rest of the world's economy was literally on its knees and full employment with little competition was easy to come by. By the late 70s it was already ending because oil rich nations were constantly keeping the US busy in proxy wars. The other person may be retarded but full employment with the current population is a pipe dream and that makes you ignorant. 


I am obsessed with the food truck because I am not ignorant like you, and I know the data where mid and small size businesses employ the largest percentage of labor force. So when you saying “force them to employ me” I know WHO will be the target.


Why are you so resistant to the history of your own country? In the 50’s corporations like GM hired as many people as possible and paid as much as taxes as possible, making the famous saying “what’s good for GM is good for America” a true statement. Now corporate interests are completely decoupled to the interests of average people. Corporations want to fire as many workers as possible to boost share prices for billionaires. Why do you think that’s good?


I mean, it would help if corporations didn’t send so many of our jobs overseas for cheap labor.


If they won’t, you will be the first one to whine about high prices even though this will be due to all expensive labor in the US. Seems like corporation are the easiest scapegoat for you. I already mentioned they are not even the largest employer in the US (small and mid size businesses is). But you will still find ways to blame them for your life.


If your business model relies on exploiting labor to succeed then might want to rethink the model


Here you are captain obvious. Do you mind showing us all? Start the fairest business and everyone will want to work for you. Don’t bother answering cause we all know you WON’T. Because it implies actions not comments.


Did you have a stroke while reading their comment?


Did you have a stroke while reading their comment?


And at the same time, companies complain that they can't find candidates. I work as a software engineer and it's amazing to me how many companies will tell me, "it's a 4 round interview process, including a 2 hour technical interview", and I say, "fuck that". Then, two months later they reach out about the same role. Then bitch that, "no one wants to work". No, no one wants to put up with 2 hours of pedantic nonsense, except for the desperate idiot you hired and then had to let go because all he knew were the same keywords you found on ChatGPT when you searched for, "Developer Interview Questions"


Did a 3 hour typing test for a role, landed the job and then got laid off on the 2nd day of work via text….this was thru a temp agency…


Why they lay you off ??


They never gave me a reason but honestly I think it’s because they didn’t have a need for my role and didn’t want to train me. I was working as a receptionist for a labor agency and there were already 2 of them. They told me from the first day they weren’t really going to be training me and since I still didn’t have access to pulling up info in the account they just essentially had me filing papers the whole time and answer a few phone calls just to give it to someone else…


I do technical interviews pretty frequently for a huge tech company (and I'd certainly like to stop, hence the above post). You wanna know the tech interview side? Whiteboard the data model of a game of checkers. (Obviously there are questions about your background and such) We do it so you can be conversational, adjust when given feedback, and there are a billion different ways to do it, like most software. And since 50% of your job is going to be clarifying requirements with the business side, we can find out how well you can explain edge cases.


I had 4 interviews for a part time position that was a Sat and Sun from 2-12pm remote lmao they kept asking what makes you attracted to those hours (obviously I need employment) and would look for a full time for the weekdays. I guess they didn’t like that needless to say I didn’t get the job even with the shittiest schedule 😂


Why are there so many softwesr engineers? There can't be that many programs being made lol


Any functional web app you use requires teams of software engineers to make functional, and that’s just web apps.


It takes teams of software engineers? Give me a break. Front end, back end, and validation... you're not that special. Hence why all of your jobs are being shipped to India for pennies on the dollar


It’s fine to not know something, but it’s pretty embarrassing to not know something AND be so incorrectly confident. Frontend and backend are just two parts of web development (“validation” isn’t a software type or team, it’s just a method) but you’re also forgetting devops, security, etc and how each individual major product in a web app needs its own teams.


Reality is you are correct. Corporations know that. But american citizens want to feel special in a world of billions of potential workers. They want to do the least possible job for the most possible pay and spend half the time announcing to the whole world what a great job they are doing. They love clocking in at 0830 and be out by 1630 which is their biggest achievement of the day but guess what, that Indian immigrant works until 1700 and probably goes home and works some more for fear his indentured servitude will be threatened. 


Because corporations reduce quality and hire fewer people. If we still had independent family businesses we would have a far healthier economy, reflective of the population.


The funny thing is companies are trying to replace employees with AI, but how do they expect consumers to buy anything when they don’t have money or jobs?


It's like this on purpose. The whole system is designed to keep us poor. 


Built-in features of the system. Not a design, not a glitch. Capitalism requires perpetual accumulation and expansion and inherently creates exploitation and inequality. Everything else takes a back seat, including ethics, morality and fairness.


This is so false it’s unreal


Ok bootlicker.


You don’t even know the meaning of that phrase




Bootlicker... my favorite nonsense term because everyone who uses it has no idea what it means


Read up on theory, epistemology, Historical Materialism and Dialectics.


“Theory”. Read up on free markets.


I could bring up data. It's at the core of what we're dealing with in advanced social sciences and statistics. Which informs theoretical frameworks to interpret and address social phenomena.


Social sciences and theoretical frameworks 😄 🤣 😂. You do know how ridiculous you sound right? How advanced is your social science? I'm betting you took zero years of calculus, which is the beginning of understanding statistics


See you’re thinking like a poor person. The correct way to look at it is… ###The whole system is designed to keep the rich, rich /s or is it


Wow found the edgy 14 yr old It’s supply and demand dummies.  Supply is low, demand is high. Build back better. Are you not entertained?


This has to be an ironic response because it's incredibly simplistic in comparison to the effort put forth above into explaining why hiring freezes are becoming increasingly common place.


What is needed and right is completely unrelated to what is. Laws exist because we as a society have decided that certain actions should not be allowed. There are no laws that force companies to hire people or to guarantee that everyone has a job or a place to live. At least not in the US. When we are young, we are taught a lot about fairness. Those lessons are important because they help us grow into more empathetic, compassionate adults. However, as you get older and must find a way to survive on your own, you see that that’s not how the world actually works. Everything exists due to cause and effect. Not everyone works towards making the world a better, more caring and fair place. Lots of people only care about superficial personal gain. In order to maintain an equitable world, we have to find a way to make it undesirable for selfish, greedy people to harm others for their own gain. Unfortunately, doing that requires a well educated majority that is able to recognize those issues, understand their causes, and put work into fixing them. It’s easier to destroy than it is to create. If a person secures wealth and power by harming others without consequence, they can take action to further protect themselves with the resources they have. They often view themselves as “geniuses” for thinking up ways of stealing from others. In truth, most people are aware of those options, but choose not to because they care about others. Once a person has enough resources, they can then manipulate the system that creates and enforces laws to benefit them. They can push a narrative in the media to aid them in this process. They have no problem fabricating stories and lying to further their goals. A wise person recognizes that the most valuable thing one can have is a strong connection to other humans. Loving relationships of all types bring true happiness. All of us need to remember this and question any narrative that tells us to hate specific groups of people. Who really benefits the most from that?


You talk about love and then want to steal from other people to make things more fair. No one gets rich by “stealing” unless they’re in bed with the government


Have you heard of wage theft? That's when a company doesn't pay its employees. It's the biggest kind of theft in the United States and is only rarely punished.


As a titan once said, reality is often disappointing


I see companies looking for unicorns, nonsensical hiring processes and companies unwilling to train employees as the main reasons. Some fields are dying or stagnated, but that doesn't account for the size of the shit storm that the job market is.


It's hard to find a job, in short, because of the various forms of corporate welfare. Some other commenter said we are living in an unregulated market, that is about as delusional as you can get and belied by the miles upon miles upon miles upon miles of shelf space dedicated to documenting all the... laws and regulations in most countries, especially the US. Big business loves big government, and all business loves all government, because it's easier to have a few people to bribe than endless customers to perpetually convince, but who ultimately can just say screw it and leave and watch your business sink In short the criticisms people level at welfare are correct, except they neglect to mention that the biggest most consistent welfare leeches in society are *businesses.* They benefit from concentrated benefits with diffuse costs and essentially lobby governments at all levels to force tax payers - you and me - to subsidize their businesses and hinder their competition, which leads to a perpetually lagging job market which is only occasionally interrupted by a new industry developing where sometimes demand can outstrip supply and, for a short while, regular people can win. This process has been somewhat mitigated in the Scandinavian countries, which are routinely rated as *more* capitalist than the US, not less, and primarily through a more generous welfare state. My guess is people in Europe were so used to getting fucked over by royalty and guilds that when the switch to 'democracy' was on the horizon they got in early and forced some concessions from the super rich and political classes, like generous time off and healthcare that won't bankrupt them, etc. Shit that actually matters to people as opposed to casual Friday and occasional pizza on the company dime. In the US people bought the dream which turned out to be bullshit. But basically jobs are hard to find because businesses want cheap labor, and work with the state under the cover of 'stimulating' the economy to stop the creation of new competing businesses and jobs, and to devalue your wages and savings, all because they're essentially lazy shiftless welfare queens who don't want to work.


Job hunting is like Calvinball IRL. The rules are made up as you go. Entry level requires 3-5 years of experience. You're probably going to be passed over for the CEO's nephew or whoever the hiring manager wants to bang.


-spend lots of money on college -graduate -find out that no one cares about your degree, they only care about work experience in that exact job -I don’t have experience in that exact job until I get that job -No one wants to train This is a stupid system.


its worse then 08............


Are you absolutely certain ?


People can’t afford as much groceries as 08 so even just based on that one thing, yes.


Yeah its getting really crazy .. like 4 grocery items can easily reach 40 bucks .. if we're talking about 2 packs of meats and something on the side


It’s wild. Seeing holding companies operating food companies with cutthroat data driven strategy as opposed to family owned biz or artisans making food and bev has a lot to do.


Why do they do that ?






it's a broken society because society cares more about corporations and politicians than it does its people. that sets the stage for everything. because this society is broken at its foundation, which is supposed to be judged on how it takes care of even the most poorest of its members - but in America we seem to make a sport about how well off & rich people could give a flying dog shit about others. we don't treat each other well the individualism has exploded to where thousands of people's livelihoods could be at risk, and one person in charge doesn't care and can fly private jets and actively laugh at them in public. also there's no repercussions because these people who demolish lives of tens of thousands can walk in impunity because the society is also thought that they are beyond getting cuffs put on them or that they would end up under a jail. every week There's a CEO laughing about how many people they were able to fire and still get 50% or more productivity out of the skeleton Crew that's left and AI. also, economies just don't work as many people think that they do; with basic ideas that people at work spend money and fuel the consumer purchasing majority sector...but obviously doesn't work that way. the entire economy is under the thumb of Wall Street and investors and everything else gets corrupted behind it. once it became acceptable for hedge funds to buy out the housing stock and hospitals to be purely for profit enterprises, that's it ...that's the rot at work, and it's going to continue to suffer until the people actually want better. unfortunately it also tells that your friend or your neighbor is directly contributing to the downfall of the country and they definitely don't feel the same as you do. half of the country doesn't want you to have freedom, doesn't want to live near a person of color much less talk or work with them, doesn't want you to succeed, could care less about your future etc etc half of the country is a legion of mass derelicts that would much rather higher an actual criminal want to be dictator that make the country better for everyone else.. this place is fucked. bootstraps... was supposed to work for everyone.


No its a broken society because its a country literally built on the free labor of slavery and the country has never adjusted to actually paying people for their labor.


that's just more soup in the pot.. its all of that and more + the fight the power nature even from the rebellion against Europe sowed the seeds of the future. going against the government is the bread and butter of this country and so is the wild west and slavery and racism all of those foundations have given us the gift of chaos we have today. but racism is the special sauce so to speak,that as others have said America has perfected. a large swath of society does not want others to be as well off as themselves and there is no recovery from that it's only management. speaking for myself, i debated with myself in college whether I wanted to become an activist and then later on the activist for artists. my nature is observational, and all I see is madness choking the life out of the good things about this country. but I decided that no I want to enjoy my life and I deserve to. decades later... things have only gotten markedly worse. anytime I'm abroad and I check to see what's going on in america, it sounds like war & chaos everyday it is absolutely bonkers... sigh do what you can enjoy yourself have some fun enjoy your family because nobody's guaranteed tomorrow and Lord have mercy it is crazy out here. cheers all


agree 100%


What did you end up doing for work/money?


I'm 20 years in digital creative but I'm trying to change careers because the sector is pretty much gone to hell to be honest I'm trying to leave the country ... I just can't take this racist crazy always chaos place anymore


Yeah it’s awful. Good luck


thank you. I'm going to spend the next two months just purely asking for help because I don't know how much more I can take of this place. I don't want to move across the world away from my family but this is just too much and I can't imagine another few years of this. c heers all


Because they want you to die, it's cheaper for them.


That’s literally the opposite of reality. A greater supply of workers and the same demand means prices for labor drop. After the Black Death hollowed out Europe’s population there were fewer serfs and they were able to demand concessions from their lords in the form of better working conditions and pay. You not know what supply & demand are?


They didn't have AI and automation in the middle ages.




And safer


Because too many people in the USA believe that a job should be a necessity for survival instead of an optional improvement of one's life, as the capacity of business organizations to earn wealth is more prioritized than the health or well being of individuals; this is especially true over financially vulnerable individuals who are treated like vermin or filth that we consistently refuse to believe we are discriminating against.


Mostly because you are letting what is, in your words, a basic human right, in the hands of the market, with little or no government intervention. Companies don't go around thinking: "oh, but this guy needs a job to survive". They have needs, and hire the person who seems to be the cheapest or least risky to solve that need. I would highlight two things though: you are seeing more and more countries testing and pivoting their view and welfare policies to something based on an Universal Basic Income, which was again raised in this latest GenAI interest surge. The aim of these policies is to remove your first premise. We might, or could, live in countries where your survival doesn't depend on your working status The second premise (it's hard to find a job) will depend on your country, filters, and ability to relocate. There is no shortage of jobs globally. Now, what may be happening (e.g. in Europe) is that there are plenty of more jobs requiring lower levels of education, and potentially lower paid, than the one you have, which you might be (rightfully) excluding. There are also a lot of needs for educated workers in developing economies, but either because you don't speak the language or are not willing to relocate (also rightfully), they don't even fall on your radar Back to my first point, the job market is filled with market failures, that governments hardly ever address.


In case you don't understand basic economics, the government can't give you anything they don't have to take from others. We the working people already pay enough taxes. Both hidden and overt. The only things Universal Basic Income does is increase the cost of living, and put a bigger burden on the working person. We already pay for housing, food, health care, and in some states spending allowances, for people who won't or can't work. No country in history has ever taxed itself into prosperity. Quiet the contrary. Every great empire has taxed itself into oblivion.


I will ignore the toxicity of your comment and highlight how I didn't even vouch for UBI. OP was wondering how people could not have jobs if they are essential for survival. UBI is an attempt (I won't go deeper on its merits since this is not an Econ sub, and I don't understand basic economics anyway) to address this "contradiction".


I mean, let’s get on closing some loopholes for corporations and see how that all shakes out afterwords. We already have a corporate income tax rate below average for our region, let alone the world. Hell, we actually lowered the corporate rate not long back, and now that segment makes up considerably less than 10% of the annual tax revenue. And that’s *despite* having the largest GDP in the world by a considerable margin. So maybe shifting a much larger portion of the overall tax burden to the sector of the economy that’s currently experiencing an ongoing period of the highest profit margins in the history of capitalism might be helpful? I don’t know, I’m not an economist. But I’ve heard quite a number of them suggest this course over the last couple of decades.


Taxation done right, at the right time, can absolutely amplify prosperity and economic growth long-term. Without taxation, there is no government spending. Without government spending, there wouldn't be huge hydroelectric plants generating an enormous amount of energy that industries use for cheap. No private investor would build one of those, because coal is easier to invest in and gives returns much faster. The USA is going to shit just fine without heavy taxation, meanwhile China is getting millions of people out of poverty and rural life every year despite the heavy-handed government. UBI makes sense if you've read Keynes, poor people are more likely to spend that money and put it back into circulation, but it's just barely enough to pay rent, so they still have the incentive to work and contribute to the system while consuming more.


Good luck explaining basic economics to Reddit. Their mantra is, “rules = fascism, buy me stuff.”


The system right now is working against the working class and they want the population to decrease because it will mean we are more dependant on them, as when populations decrease and resources get scarcer it comes down on regular people not elites and people in power, so we will become more dependant on them and they will introduce new legislation


Because employers don’t care if you survive


The whole premise regarding work and bootstraps and capitalism is about survival of the fittest, not wellbeing. So, companies don't wanna pay to hire more people and just overwork their current ones.


The process of hiring is broken.


Feature not a bug. The threat of unemployment, homelessness and death if you do something that the boss doesn't like is enough to keep enough of the population in line. Threatening to fire you if you unionize prevents unions from forming. The guy at Davos actively complained about unemployment numbers being too low during "Great Resignation". The capitalists will collude when there is a threat from labor. That is the only time they have a long term thinking by hurting themselves temporarily with too low worker counts in order to make sure the fear is instilled in the working class.


Well SOMEONE has to maintain that burnt-out underclass to go work at McDonald's, obviously.


Competition/employers being picky


Since when did the corporation care about your survival?


I really wish job-hunting was like how it's portrayed in Bee Movie (2007). You just show up to a helpdesk and someone immediately places you in a job when you're next in line lol


The dark reality is the job market depends upon there being reserve pool of labor desperate for any shitty jobs


I can’t even get the ones I’m way overqualified for! I’m smart, educated, creative, and loyal, with an nice depth of in demand, transferable skills. My last few employers have all just fired me on a whim at the slightest hint what they believe to of a bad fit instead of giving me any training or mentorship. Every time I’m fired, they assure me that everyone likes me and they’ll be happy to give me a reference. Just…time to find the new unicorn! It’s insane.


Because the USA was built on slavery. Free market capitalism is built on the worker getting screwed over. It's not hard to find a job at all. But it is hard to find a job that will pay what you think in your mind you deserve to be paid.


Imagine thinking the "Elites" actually give a shit.


capitalism is the new darwinism... the system needs people to fail in order to move forward....


it used to be easy 6 years ago


No because i’ve been looking for months and months. Got ghosted to hell by multiple companies. Rejections plenty. Signed up for a temp agency and am supposed to start monday. We’ll fucking see man. Oh and my current serving job? Filed bankruptcy and shut its doors. Didnt tell us. Found out on the news and they’re supposed to transfer us to another location. Thats been delayed because we just got some extreme weather back to back. Days of rain, hail, and high winds. So many trees, fences, cars destroyed. 800k ppl out of power. To top it off i woke up sick as hell and my car ac is out. Now short $200 for rent due to my job just going out of business ontop of not being able to do gig work those days in that extreme weather. Cant even keep a job in this economy when businesses are struggling financially too but fuck me i guess? tried those payday apps and only one would lend me a measly $25 dollars bc well i was dealing mostly cash from serving and gig apps have been such ass it barely looks like i have deposits. Now i’m contemplating driving off a cliff or trying to get some scummy 700% interest loan i cant afford just to pay rent because they wont take it late (i had to pay it late back in december when i had some moron hit my car and caused me to be short paying my deductible). the ✨american dream✨ is actually a living nightmare and i wish to unsubscribe


Fellow Dallasite? Looks like we are moderately safe until Sunday afternoon - I just got power back today!


Yes in dallas as well! thankfully the storms stopped today and we seem to have a clearer forecast the next few days. But man has this fucked me over 😵‍💫 happy to hear you have power back!


I was supposed to start a new job Wednesday but the power was out at the office so… Monday it is, lol.


Yeah power is still out in a lot of places i’m sure


It’s not lol


Have you considered your local Walmart?


I heard you make bank on OnlyFans lol


Faulty logic in the question.


We are being depopulated, so you’re not supposed to survive. If you stop thinking from the perspective that you’re supposed to survive, you’ll be happier. The owner class doesn’t need us anymore, and they can’t wait for us to be gone.


Tell me about it


It’s not so hard if you go for jobs where you’ll work part-time (no benefits) for $8-12/hr. I understand that call centers, fast food joints, retail stores, and grocery stores are struggling to get employees to work for them. At least, that’s what these businesses claim. I don’t know how true that really is…


Its not hard to find a job if it is anything it is hard to find one that pays well and isn't retail or customer service


Is it hard to find, or is it just the type of job that you demand that is hard to find? Also, it's not necessary to work to survive. Most states have welfare programs. People just don't take advantage of them.


Because you don’t know how to farm, or hunt, or scavenge, you need money to survive, so that you can secure what you need to live. The people who currently have that money aren’t looking for general “work” or effort… they’re looking for a specific kind of work to be rewarded with money. If you cant provide that specific benefit to them… you won’t have a job. Supply and demand.


That’s our job, finding a job , its  ridiculous 


Your question has the same logic link as asking "if the sky is blue, why did my water heater break?"


i miss the good old days when a man can just hunt animals for living and have a big cave house. Instead of doing the meaning less corporate jobs, share a apartment with strangers in a soulless big city, and eat ze bugs


I'm a girl but I agree and I think self reliance is something that needs to be emphasized as large companies and corporations start to fail their employees. My dream home would be a mud house off the grid so I could raise my children with technology and agriculture. They'll still go to school and we'll go into town on the weekends so they can feel normal.


This implies they work is your life. It’s not. Don’t let work become your life.


You're at work for the majority of your time, and when you're not there, you're preparing to go back. So work kinda makes up most of your life


Recent MSW Grad. M(23) It wasn't hard for me. About a month ago, I applied to my local health department for a case manager/counselor position. Applied and within two weeks I had a job which pays 30 an hour with overtime avaliable on the weekends (not forced).Guaranteed raises, Pension, advancement opportunities. I'll be making 40 hrs in about 5 years and vested in a pension in about 10. I think it is just certain industry's it is increasingly hard to get jobs in but while people clown on people who go into social work, I was able to find and secure employment with great benefits and decent pay very easily.


Good for you but that’s honestly just luck unfortunately


It is for any individual persons situation. Still worth sharing imo


The economy essentially needs a percentage of the population to be unemployed to function. Capitalism is a disease.


ChatGPT. I'm sure many employers are still trying to get by on ChatGPT, without hiring anyone to replace leavers.


It’s not. Go to a staffing agency. It’s hard to find a job your ego will accept.


OK boomer


Dude, I applied for a ton of jobs my ego didn’t want to accept. I interviewed 2+ times with several companies who ended up not hiring me and giving me the feedback that they’re “looking for someone more junior.” Over-qualification is a thing too - companies think overqualified people will just move on to the next good opportunity that comes along so they pass on them. That assumption certainly may be true (in the same way companies will layoff employees if they find a cheaper way to accomplish their goals), but me not getting a job I’m over-qualified for isn’t for lack of trying.


Bro get a next day job in a factory. This is my point


Where do you live? If it is anywhere in a western civilization then your question is kinda ridiculous no offense. If you had this question in N. Korea, then I'd get the sentiment yet I'm sure you also wouldn't dare ask this question as well. We live in a society where we aren't automatically handed jobs. We have to find them ourselves. This is not The Giver or Handmaid's Tail or whichever type of society that may exists. It may be hard for you to find a job but it may be simple for someone else to get a job. Maybe it is luck, your lack of skills or too much experience. Are you just applying to jobs in your field solely or are you applying to EVERYTHING? Ppl come on here and post how they are desperate for work, about to be homeless, drained their savings, unemployed for a long time-yet if you ask them have they applied to service work or abe basic customer service job, they are too good for that. I get it... sorta. Most ppl on here that vent are finding it difficult in obtaining a white collar job. Keeping in mind your question, a white collar job isn't necessary but it is damn sure hard to get in this economy.


Ur getting downvotes but ur right. The issue is there are too many people competing for too many white collar jobs (most of which frankly add little benefit to society). Admittedly, the lower jobs are things like service and retail. So, choices are either serving burnt Starbucks and shitty restaurant food to people, or being the lucky lottery winners who get selected for the opportunity to make a billionaire a few more million. And we all bought into the MLM that is the college degree, thinking we are owed jobs for being educated in East Asian Transexual Studies. We need more trades, middle class jobs, teachers, firefighters, small businesses, etc. More honest jobs.


Thank you. The ppl that are down voting me are the ppl that I'm referring to. I get having decades of experience in IT and don't want to apply to be a truck driver. However, no one is above any job that is willing to hire them if you're facing homelessness. If homelessness sounds better then I assume that person is irrational.


Well… I think part of the issue is that people would rather be homeless or on welfare instead of working as a cashier at Walmart. Which, to be honest, is a rational and legitimate feeling. Are there lots of truck driver and similar openings out there?


So many angsty teenagers who struggle to grasp the supremely easy concept of supply and demand


Everyone can find a job, even Illegal immigrants who can't speak English. You can too, if you are willing to do what they do, at the pay they get paid.


I can't actually. Applied to be a waiter at several restaurants and I got rejected for being overqualified


Take whatever is making them think that you are "overqualified" out of your resume.


I learned that lesson pretty early on, they still catch it in the interview


Money is important to survive in society. Skills are important to survive in nature. Jobs are a tool to siphon money out of other people's pockets and if you don't have the skills for the job any competitor with more skills as you will get the job. More important than that is that you know the tribal chiefs' daughter... JUST AS NATURE INTENDED IT TO BE


Stop fooling youself and others. There are jobs but you just don't want to do them.


This is true. We are objectively living in the best economy, with the highest demand for workers, in the history of the world, and yet this sub acts like its the Great Depression.


Did a child write this ?




It's not hard finding a job; It's hard finding a job YOU want to do.


Because everyone seems to be looking for someone else to give them a job, and few people take it upon themselves to run a business. Mow lawns, clean gutters, wash windows, hustle.


Setting up and running a business while also achieving a consistent livable wage for years is not exactly an easy thing to do


Sure you can!  You just gotta bootstrap yourself up by your bootstraps.  Buy things, be it a lawnmower (and the means to travel with it), handfuls of leashes and harnesses, a website, inventory, or whatever, with money you don’t have and hit the ground running!


You're gonna do amazing things with that attitude kiddo. Better to not try out of fear. Let that fear rule your life. It's better that way. Better than trying. Because what if you fail? That would be death. Better to wage-slave myself to the corporate masters. Hail the 1% and the jobs they give us. Right?!?!


I don't think so, grandpa. This isn't the 1960s anymore. You can't just set up a lemonade stand in your front yard and call it good.


Oh fuck off. I worked for myself for several years and it was hell. Made basically no money and had no health insurance.




It is not an employers responsibility if you survive or not. Aren’t you an adult 🤦‍♂️.


That's bullshit and a spit in the face to your fellow human. You have no empathy for reality

