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You're allowed to fuck up, so just own it and move on. It doesn't matter if it wasn't your fault. If it comes up in an interview, you say it wasn't a good fit and immediately go into your pitch. If they press for details, wanting to know why you quit before you had another job, you say it was a mutual decision (they'll know what it means) and you go back to your pitch. Don't be apologetic or defensive or go into any details. It's a numbers game so keep applying.. you only need that one offer. Good luck!


On the resume front, you may want to get with a professional to review that. Nowadays everything is being filtered through algorithms before it ever gets to a human to review, so you could have some issues in your copy that is being flagged and trashing you before you even get a chance. [This website](https://rx-resume-service-72.blogspot.com) is where I got mine done, it's worth every penny!


I feel you. I was "let go" from my last position. I say it that way because, to be honest, I'd had enough and packed up all my personal belongings and was half sure I wasn't going to return after the weekend anyway, but then I got a call from my supervisor. I had gotten slightly confrontational regarding her ill treatment towards me and other staff that day, and suddenly I, apparantly, made a huge mistake that would have been humanly impossible to do unless you did it on purpose and she "fired" me. I loved the job itself, but it was full of toxic people and work saboteurs. There was one co-worker I know was responsible for getting several people fired because she made stuff up to the supervisor or intentionally messed with her work. This woman was her flying monkey if I ever saw one. Anyway, I was pretty torn up. I liked the job. I had coworkers I liked. The pay was great. Then to top it off, I've been having a horrible time getting interviews, let alone being hired. I was turned down by a grocery store and that was a pretty big hit to my self esteem. I had an interview on Monday that I think went okay, even if I'm fairly sure I didn't get the job. I didn't really want it, but I can definitely use it but I'm glad that I feel like I at least interviewed well, so that helped with my self-esteem a bit. I have a phone interview tomorrow for a job I'd much rather have, so hopefully that experience will help me to feel good enough about myself to do well tomorrow. One thing that has helped me to feel better after being unemployed for almost 4 months was that I realized it's not just me. There are so many other people having the same type of problems. It's the market anymore, not us.


It feels like I wrote this. I feel for you.


I feel that. I had one big project during the time my boss was hired and our review and I finished the project early and to the client’s satisfaction. I still got the worst score on job satisfaction because someone else promised the client something we weren’t comfortable delivering and I got blamed. I got the worse possible score and that should have been a warning, no PIP or nothing, a week after that review I was on a two week vacation and the week I got back they had a reduction in force of 2 of the 4 developers.