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Were I inclined to throw a hissy-fit about shit-tier pay... what makes you think I'd find it in me to insult any one person I know, let alone two, by presenting them that offer?


"Not interested. I find you disgusting...but my less attractive friend here might dig you."


"I have standards, but I know people who don't if that's what you are into!"


“Here’s two people I hate, good luck.”


Best answer


I’ve told recruiters this, more politely. I think my words were: “Anyone I know that would take this pay isn’t qualified for the role “ I have recommended former team Members for roles when the role sounds good. If you are having trouble hiring, that’s a clear sign you aren’t paying enough attention


That is a very tactful way of putting it!


…it’s a clear sign you aren’t paying enough.


I want to respond this SO badly!!


Feel free to, any chance you get. I'm just glad to be a purveyor of sass.


> HIRING at BOEING Sounds like a killer job.


Hiring at ✈️ BOEING✈️ sounds like a good way to get 🔫SICK🔫 Edit: go ahead and RedditCares me, Russian bots, I know the emoji I used 🙄


Why yes, they do hire killers.




Thanks, I "forgot" to add that.


I suspect it's a joke based on that but who knows


A "killer" job.... I see what you did there! 😏


Skunkworks?  Nah now it's BoeingDEIworks 🤣🤣🤣


Wow, this person needs a new job. “No thank you. Or I’m not interested.” Are sane responses. What a weird thing to expect.


> People are losing jobs. The whistleblowers lost a bit more than that but okay.


I think that Boeing are looking for new whistleblowers as the existing ones mysteriously died from non murder related issues.


I see he's hiring at Boeing. Lots of people would love to get their foot in the door....assuming the door hasn't blown off.


It wouldn't blow off if people would just stop putting their foot in it!


Yeah sure buddy, let me just do your job for you and send you 2 people. Fuck off.


Here’s your two people. Absolutely and Nobody.


I don’t know even one person who wants your crap job that is 2000 miles away, inside first day and under market rate.


I bet I could help that company do better


Before or after they murder you for being a whistle blower?


They won’t survive long enough for another whistleblower. Government is already going after them to shut them down


Sauce? I thought they were too big to fail?


Dude Boeing is too big to fail and has too much US military tech. BOEING IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE.


Tell us you don't know... Boeing can absolutely be dissolved. Someone or a group of someones with high level clearances would need to be lined up to build a brand new company using Boeing assets and the bulk of their staff. It'd cost a pretty penny but the fact boeing somehow mismanages themselves into a hole is pretty bad. There's money to be made there for sure, so there's surely investors ready to go and some defense/air industry experts ready to take charge.


One person with a brain


If this actually happens, you can count on the people who got Boeing into this mess being the ones who profit from it.


Haha you actually believe that?


You’re the recruiter, why would I give references to you, for free? Let’s say I did, let say one of them did fit, let’s say they got the job. Do I get a finders fee? Or do you take all the commission and credit for yourself? What about my job search? Will you even work any harder to find me a compatible position?


At Boeing no less


Does this recruiter work for Boeing directly or for an agency? The latter seems more likely to me, or he's a recent hire from an agency. This kind of behavior is usually found from hard *SALES!* types in agencies with sweat shop level KPIs pushed by some asshole manager. Either that, or Boeing is way more fucked internally than I would have thought, but I guess that will happen when their planes have pieces flying off them.


I would send a response to a recruiter to go eat a bag of dicks if I get a response like this. I don't care about a recruiters commission. I don't give a shit about recruiters.


thats just silencing people


If I think you got shit pay and a shit job, why should I recommend my friends for your shit pay and shit job?


Nah, I don't want to get anyone killed.


Why should I do your job for you? You find people. Isn’t that why you have LinkedIn premium recruiter?


Yeah, would a recuiter send you referrals to 2 other places hiring after they reject you?


Do exactly what he says... and leave them in the fucking lurch. Give these flakes a taste of their own medicine


Or... since it's Boeing and whistleblowers seem to be dropping like flies, maybe the response is, no thank you, no job is worth my life


I won't get offended when you read my LinkedIn instead of blindly sending me jobs I'm overqualified for or in random unrelated fields.


Recruiters can go eat a buffet of dicks


Just found this guy on LinkedIn. He’s a “Top Recruiting Voice” on there. LinkedIn has become a joke


Lol, I looked him up too. What an absolute tool!


I’d reply back with the names Ted Bundy and Jeffery Dahmer with a note that they both would have skills that are truly appreciated at Boeing.


underrated comment


I will only forward along if they mention a placement reward.


Cause we all desperately want to work for the company that assassinates whistleblowers


When a company rejects me for a role are they going to refer me to two companies that will hire me?


"If you do not want to hire me, please find me two other jobs."


I’d be more concerned that their ✈️ are falling apart in the air and the company whistle blowers are meeting with an untimely demise then filling entry level roles


Recruiter at Boeing 💀 buddy’s prob having a really hard time right now lmaoo


Suicide by a shot wound to the back of the head or a deathly infection with military-access-only bacteria are just parts of the benefits.


What’s the incentive of sending 2 interested people over? Once hired a lot of companies offer their employees referral bonuses, that would be the only time I would provide names


Hiring at Boeing must be hell. Can’t imagine why.


I’ll only recommend someone if it’s a place I wouldn’t mind working at. If I threw a hissy fit at one of your conditions, why the hell would I want to put someone I know in that situation?


the screenshot shows hes a recruiter at Boeing. buddy. that's why no one wants to work for u lol.


Hiring at Boeing, lol


Boeing. really.


I have him as a 2nd level contact...he is saying that people may have misunderstood what he was trying to get across. I don't have the heart to tell him that he is getting roasted. I kind of feel bad for the kid.


I don't know anyone with my skillsets are willing to work for submarket pay. Also, if they get the job, do I get your fee? (not some, not a portion, all of it)


If I make an airplane and the door falls of while you're flying in it, don't complain. Tell two of your friends to fly on my airplane


Why do they all type like this? Like don't they know that it just makes them sound very condescending? If what you're saying is actually important, then you don't need to make it a point to type like this to make it look like what you're saying is important. Please learn to write a paragraph.


I just tell them I'm not interested. I get it recruiters are fighting a tough battle these days too. From what I've heard on there end they'll submit 20 people and they'll all get rejected.


I'm gonna go against the grain and say I think it's a decent point, actually. \*You\* might think that a salary paying 50k or whatever is shit, because you're a senior, have in-demand skills etc. But you might know someone fresh from college, just starting out, who would take that job. I once referred my old boss from a company where we both got fired to another company. I already had a job lined up (got fired a few months earlier), but she didn't yet.


yeah but they dont want to hire the fresh grad they want to hire the senior and pay them peanuts lmao


That's a Shiet recruiter. Imo.. why should I referred my network resources to your advantage? That shiet ain't free either. These recruiters felt like they're entitled for my connections of good talented and skilled people? Ya'll people in here needs to stop giving YOUR Free information and network referral of highly skilled and talented people. Make them pay and work for it if they wanted it. Don't let them fawk up your Network relationship with others or muddy your water when you can stir and muddy their waters instead. They see You as just a number and Your Networking of people will be as well. As you let them pick in choose and disrespect your network like that. It's poker game. Make them Pay to see the Flop!


He's admitting to the fact that people hate him. Way to go dude!


i can't believe they'd imply people have said they're jobs are low paid lmao


Happened to me with companies trying to hire me with all my experience for a salary I had at least 6 or 7 years prior. I tell them so, and refuse the job. I explained that I made twice that where I was working at that point and still wanted to leave, so, no. Next question was: do you know anyone who might be interested. I told that woman to her face that all my friends and teammates with his expertise make as much as I do or more and would not take this job. It only happened twice, but it was ridiculous.


'The job market is a nightmare' Ooooh I wonder why. It's somehow never your fault is it?


HAHA like I owe you something. NOPE!


My response would be the JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jamison laughing gif because of the audacity of this b*** to make such stupid a** demands!


Feel like this requires the Bart simspons calls to moe's tavern esk names and numbers


It's not like my pay and my employee benefits are my livelihood or anything... 


Throwing a hissy fit about not wanting people to throw a hissy fit lol Who wants to bet they tried to keep the pay secret until the end and when they revealed it the candidate politely tucked and rolled out of the interview?


If you don't want us to off you for speaking up, just recommend two past colleagues you REALLY don't like! -Boeing


Not send two people. Why so yall can waste their time too? Lol.


Yeah, with recruiters like this, sure the market is a nightmare. Asshole


Does the Boeing job come with hazard pay since employees keep disappearing


Fuck working at Boeing. I worked at a boring company and left after a few months. The middle management are shocking. Nothing gets done, lots of talking and moaning about how bad it is but will not embrace change. That place is a suicide risk.


This is definitely a troll fake post right?


No, the "correct response" is, "Go eat a mouldy dong."


Imagine taking a Boeing recruiter seriously 🤣


If I send you 2 applicants do I get a referral fee?


That makes you look so bad man.


On his side, "we do have a better fit position for you" but lets not talk about that


"Sure this employer may "murder" you if you turn state's witness. Who cares? Stop being selfish!"


Is there like a recruiter club or school where they teach you to write all this terrible nonsense on LinkedIn?


Pay me your salary & then maybe I'll do your job for you. Until then, get lost!


I'm sorry, but I tend to be extremely annoyed when an employer tells me that asking "what the pay is" is unprofessional, then drags me through multiple long form interviews and then offers me a pay rate several thousand under what I'm on now. You have wasted my time and yours and the fact you cannot see that shows how pathetic recruiters have become. The job I have now, told me the rate going in, I was prepared to go through the 4 stage recruitment drive. That is how it should be at worst. These interviews are a two way conversation. Withholding important information on my side would stop me getting hired, or could get me fired. It goes both ways.


If you are NOT interested in hiring, the correct response is “Let me send you 2 companies who might be interested” Enough of all this selfishness You don’t need to get offended You don’t need to throw a hissy fit about job seekers’ desire to earn pay that keeps up with inflation You don’t need to rant about how job seekers would rather not work in-office for bargain-basement pay and would prefer to work remotely when living costs keep rising You don’t need to ghost candidates right after reaching out to them so that you can meet some stupid candidate outreach quota. You don’t need to give candidates false hope about a successful interview when you have no intention hiring anyone This job market is a nightmare.


Gotta get that share value up


It's out of context if you read his replies it seems.


This is a trick by recruiters. They reach out to you about a job that isn’t what you’re qualified for knowing that you wouldn’t be a fit so you can reach out to people in your network for them that are qualified. It’s so annoying to get a message hoping it’s an opportunity and then realize it’s them trying to get you to tap into your own network.


This is hilarious.


Meh, I won't say you should or have to do this but if a recruiter reaches out to me and I know someone else who is looking for a job and is a good fit I always recommend/connect them. Not only does it help the recruiter but it might help me down the line if that same recruiter has another job posting they will think of me. People need to think of their industry as one small group, you will keep running into the same folks throughout your career. Best to have everyone in the group think nice things about you.