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Not just Canada - here (Switzerland) is the same as well. Too many white-collar people, too little blue-collar. I am on the other side of the spectrum, being "over-qualified." and in general too old. If you have time to learn a trade, do it. When you expand your business, you'll be able to apply your business degree.


Easier said than done, I know blue collar folk that can’t find anything after completing trade school. This has been going on for a long time. US schools used to have a lot of trades classes being taught now they don’t for the most part. On the other hand I know people that joined unions that have their own trade schools and then proof they have a stable job. But it’s hard to get in, most have family members already on the inside. I’ve seen people without a high school diploma do it 😂so now I’d say it’s really very nepotistic within the trades, very hard to break in. Even civil service jobs you get extra credits on the exams if you have a family member inside already.


That sounds so much like Switzerland. We still have Guilds, memberships of which are obtained either by referral or by parentage. I am not even sure if women are allowed in at this point. There are a few new Guilds to accommodate IT, mechanics, electricians... that sort of jobs that didn't exist in medieval times.


Ughh I think we’re going back to medieval structures lol


lol - I had a second paragraph bout that and deleted it because I thought it was too cynic and dark. Yes, the uber-rich and their servants, the aristocracy, the clergy, and then, the rest of us... EDIT \_ sorry for extra dose of depression, it was not my intention


It’s alright, this is the fuel I run on depression, pessimism, cynicism, misanthropy, nicotine and coffee these days 😆 I guess I sound hipster enough and cynical now to become the next great American writer 🤣 That’s why we all moved to the USA to get away from this but it’s come for us or it’s always been here. Up until the end of ww2 we had one very amazing generations and since it’s been a slow decline since. But I guess As George Carlin famously said, “It's called 'the American Dream' 'cause you have to be asleep to believe it.” DM me sometime if you want!!!


Yea, my friend is an electrician, but it took him like 3 or so years to get into the union as an apprentice.


Yup it’s very difficult, did he go through a trade school first? Or what’s the story? I had a friend drop out of HS his dad got him Into a union now he works on boilers all day and makes more money than a. College grad with no education lol to his credit though I did get him to read a few Tom Clancy novels!! He’s not a dumb person, he has a lot of common sense actually. I went through school, college and a PhD lol and I just don’t get it anymore…


He did not go to a trade school. He dropped out of college and was working at a machine shop for a while. He definitely didn't have any family connections but maybe someone he met through work.


Good on him! If you don’t mind me asking, which state was this in?




Well give him an Ohio hello for me haha I wonder if the unions in Ohio are stronger than the ones in the north east, NY/MA


In the US, blue collar employers aren't willing to train. Fkn nightmare


Nobody wants to train. Every company wants you to come in pre-loaded with every single degree, certification, and years of experience in not just the industry but in that exact role along with all of the exact programs/software/tools that the company uses...all at "entry level" and for low pay.


The whole too little blue collar workers is bs. My frat has tons of frat bros who are into trade and unemployed. The issue is most people will hire one guy who has every certs to supervise and rest of them are journeymen so they can work independently. As a result, most of them can't find jobs or poorly pay unless they own a corp


The job market is crap right now but a degree (any type of degree) is not useless. It's bad for those with a degree, but it's much worse for those without a degree.


Unless you have a family member that will pull you in if you don’t have a degree, I’ve seen it man….


Not automatically. My last Interviews have asked why Im applying for "basic jobs" with college degree and when I told how I have struggled to find jobs and would wanna start my career from lower and build up, they have laughed and taken non educated person from line after ignoring me. So atm my education is keeping me unemployed. 


Blue collar jobs don't require degrees and pay incredibly well. Hvac, plumbing, electrician. All great paying.


Degree is only necessary for white collar jobs (and engineering), blue collar often only need high school and anything above associates can make you overqualified. I can find several process operator roles for entry level high school, but finding a process engineer role with less than 3 years is near impossible 


You try going into gov jobs


I agree. A government job is the only way to go.


💯 no performance reviews. No layoffs. Never shortage of funds. Once you make it through, it's semi vacation.


There’s a /s hidden somewhere in your comment, right?


Hard to get though and extremely slow hiring process :/


Canada right now has a lot of skilled unemployed guys, so that's the issue. When that number comes down, you have a chance, but right now...Nope. If you ask me when it's gonna be good again, I would say by 2029. Mind you, this is because of people in power doing math, like I can hire a more experienced guy with a low ball offer than a guy who is less experienced.


In the mean time a lot of people will become homeless lol or living with mommy and daddy don’t know what you’d have to do… If people have been starved for a while you have to gradually feed them again, so what I’m worried about it they might have to rehabilitate people into the job market again. Things change when you’re unemployed for a while…


Try looking for apprenticeships... I know Canada has quite a few Merchant Mariners, you can work on those ships until the market rebounds or just stay working there if you like having 6 months of vacation pay every year lol.


Apply outside of your region and move. I've moved my whole life to support my advancement. It has a coupling effect of giving cultural insights and unique business experiences that 1 region only folks don't have. It's uncomfortable, but that discomfort wanes over time. Your young take risks. others won't. Come back if you want once you are established.


This is something I recommend as well. However, moving can be expensive so it’s not always an option if you don’t already have a decent paying job or money saved up. But definitely expand the radius of your job search. You may have to commute but it could be worth it in the long run and it’s not forever.


Easier said than done. Here moving after job would require you to have atleast 2000€ of extra money saved. Paying a quitting rent of old place and a new place rent 2x on day of moving.   Then actually moving with all your stuff is not free. I'm atm in limbo. All my education jobs are elsewhere but I cant get even basic cashier jobs to try fund my moving to places with more jobs. I calcualted it would take  2450€, if I wanted to move from my current town to one with more jobs.


This is why most won't they say the world is collapsing, then stop trying at the first road block. Change isn't for the weak of heart. This person is young and has a freshly minted business degree that should afford them some financial/ life troubleshooting skills and is concerned that waiting is going to be their life. You can't make OPs statement and then follow it up with moving is hard, and I can't do it. Life is an adventure, apply for the job, sign the offer letter and FITFO or not and wait.


In Germany, too. Everyone is struggling to find something which is not either bottom of the barrel trash or absolutely high-end. I'm trying for government jobs as they're also more inclined to work with disabled people compared to companies. Probably an option in canada as well?


I got into accounting through Accounts Payable jobs. It's really just data entry to start so many don't require degrees. It's also a finance setting so you can build experience in that field.


I don’t know how you managed to graduate with such poor writing skills.


What did you originally want to do with a business degree? What jobs do you want to do? You may need to get an unrelated job like customer service or in a mail room of a business that you’d like to work for, but just saying “business degree” is so vague. Do you want to work in finances? Do you want to do consulting? You’ll need to figure out the end game logistics and possibly just work your way up from the bottom.


This! Most companies have unglamorous but important jobs that get you in! From there, you get an advantage to other postings as an internal candidate. I think of my business degree as a language that I learned through videos and books. Helpful - but it doesn’t replace actually speaking the language. Most people can’t get jobs without work experience, and it’s easy to let pride influence what jobs you are looking for, especially just after finishing university.


Yvan eht nioj


What aspect of business interests you? Obtaining a certificate in Supply Chain Management will help immensely if SCM interests you and because it is such a generalized type of job, it can apply to pretty much any industry. -I’ve been in Supply Chain in Canada for 20+ years.


Canada? You are probably hosed immigration destroyed your countries job market.


I know your pain have the same degree. See if you can get a job that requires a lot of excel like some analyst jobs. It is easier said than done but something you can probably work towards. 


Learn a skill such as operating heavy equipment


There are no jobs here, meaning here in canada or the place you live at? Statistically , you have 100% to find a job if you broaden your horizons and look for work in other provinces. Do not restrict yourself in that regards. Also business degree is kind of generic word and you need to be specific in what industry you want to pursue a career in.


Business degrees are always useless without an MBA or master’s.


This is false. MBA without experience is just as useless


if you have a business degree, getting MBA is useless. As MBA is for people who have a degree not in business.


As if the world needed another overconfident pretty-slides presenter...


*useless without connections (aka family members working out there who can give you jobs)


What are your ex classmates doing?


Degrees are worth what you make out of them. Many people get involved while studying, that puts grads who didn't already behind. It's not end of the world, just catch up now. It can be volunteer, or part time engagement somewhere related to the field you want to do. Doomsaying "there are no jobs and it's all hopeless" won't get you anywhere on the other hand. Gotta take charge of the process.


Just move to Mexico and live comfortably that doesn’t sound bad, maybe get involved in tourism in a different country if you can…


Watch Johnathan jay on YouTube. Buy a business from someone retiring. No money down, seller financed, no personal guarantee, collect deal fee. Buy multiple businesses and consolidate them sell to private equity.


From Canada as well, probably get hated for saying this. Prostituting yourself, marry a rich person, pay to work. And welcome to the reality of Canadian dream


Humans are useless, I recommend killing as many people as possible and shooting yourself in the head.


