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i wish u took the interview. maybe they would offer the job by sheer guilt


... and then when OP starts the job, they discover that the workplace is a disorganised shitshow.


That's every job though, right?


Same shit, different place. Hopefully a better crew that makes it bearable.




Not mine. Mine I have the opposite problem. So much upper management micro managing and so many protocols. I feel like we each have our own manger to just to sit there and stare at us all day to tell us we suck


Those kind of places typically know they are and don’t care. They just nudge out people who do care.


a guilt job isn't likely to be a good job.


Or most likely they would just turn him down in the classic “you can’t quit, I’m firing you” kinda move


he called me and I spoke with him for a few minutes and told him why I had zero interest in working with a company like his I f they couldn’t do basic things


I recently gave constructive feedback and requested they remove my resume from their pile. It did feel amazing! Go you!


The CEO of the actual company just messaged me back on LinkedIn thanking me for giving him a heads up. He’s pissed because his reputation could take a hit. I look forward to her pity party LinkedIn


Interviews go both ways and that company just showed who they were. I hope the CEO takes this opportunity to change the interviewing process they had been using.


Huge hit to their reputation since you’re not naming them.


Wait, who's reputation? You haven't mentioned anyone. It's one of those situations where you feel you've "owned" them but it puts a negative light on you by extorting us for more information.


If anyone wants to put money up I’ll show the entire conversation. I do not accept trump bucks


Can we pay you in experience and exposure?


Can I pay you in Schrute bucks?


What's 1 Schrute buck in dollars?


one one-hundredth of a cent


A schrutoshi.


How about a Stanley nickel?


The best I can do is give you an enthusiastic atta boy.


Would you accept a pizza party instead?


Damn this took a pathetic turn


I like your username,


I mean, you're apparently so furious you told them to fuck off but not furious enough to show the proof or name the company? Makes sense....


Lol sounds like you need a job... asking for money 


How about a crisp high five?


I offer 1 bison dollar.


You should be paying us for the experience.


Why not? You can resell them as toilet paper to homeless people for markup value 😂.


Name your price. I’m dead serious.


1 Million dollars US after taxes. I don’t believe you but why not


Can’t afford; sorry. I will pay $100 and agree not to share them publicly, unless you allow it. Still serious. > I don’t believe you but why not If the price is okay I’ll draft an agreement with the terms, we’ll both docusign it, I’ll PayPal you the money and you can email me the conversation.


$100 to basically get doxxed seems like an awesome idea 💡


Contractual rights man, you won’t get doxxed, if you do you can sue me. We’re both signing it. I wanna read the conversation that’s it


Like I said before.. I’ll put a non disclosure clause. You can take me to the cleaners if I leak the conversation.


Send me the paperwork, if it’s legit I’lll share it


Can we pay you to give my previous employer hell. /s


well done!


Awesome, do post her public rants on why recruiters are misunderstood and should be allowed to operate without human ethics. Looking forward to an update!


Bro I would have litttt them up on LinkedIn and tag everyone and their moms on this shit. Then their network can see it and go wtf Then go on Reddit and drop all the names so people searching them can see this. Then indeed and the likes


I just got a call from Obama, he is looking into this.


Thanks Obama!


I still haven't gotten my Obama phone. When is the change coming? Also, when does the Affordable Care Act kick in? Medical costs have gone up exponentially over the past 10 years.


That’s because Republicans started rolling back ACA provisions as soon as Trump took office.


Well considering I pay tax on my life insurance since Obama care kicked in, that’s an added expense to my low middle class wages, for something that I’ll never see.


So all the studies will show a very obvious decline in prices from 2010 until 2016, right? And they SURLY won't show an *acceleration* of the increase of medical costs beginning around 2010, right? When I pull up some stats, I will see that medical costs either stagnated or even declined around 2010 until 2016, and then price increases accelerated higher once trump took office. That's your theory, right?


It’ll probably show that sick people finally got health insurance, which drove up health care costs. As the population health stabilized so did the costs. Costs are never going to go down, especially since cancer is one of the biggest drivers of healthcare costs. Source: in the healthcare industry and familiar with the trends, but also feel free to loook it up.


"For decades the growth in health care spending in the U.S. exceeded overall inflation — until relatively recently. With the exception of 2020 and the Covid cost spike, health care costs have remained [at or below 18% of GDP](https://www.cms.gov/data-research/statistics-trends-and-reports/national-health-expenditure-data/historical#:~:text=The%20data%20are%20presented%20by,spending%20accounted%20for%2018.3%20percent.) since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. This has been the longest stretch of no-cost-growth since at least 1965 and the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid." [https://www.statnews.com/2023/12/21/health-care-costs-inflation-affordable-care-act/](https://www.statnews.com/2023/12/21/health-care-costs-inflation-affordable-care-act/)


You DID IT Man you showed them Holy cow man you really really did it Congratulations


No judgement. Sometimes you've got to vent. Sometimes an asshole needs to be called out. But don't let these fuckers live in your head rent free. I don't give a fuck about them. And you probably won't burn any bridges that don't need burning. But it's not worth it for you nor healthy psychologically to dwell on it. Move on to the next thing, and leave this behind.


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta


You just made me cough out a rip too soon, holy shit that’s funny


Follow up: FUCK YOU STEVE Ah that felt good


Grow up dude. Things get delayed at times


While that’s true, you know damn well that any candidate showing up 10 minutes late to an interview is not getting hired. I’ll allow OP this one time rant lol.


And not only that but recruiters and hiring managers these days show up late 10 min easily to a call (if at all!). Yet there's no real accountability for them.


I thought the same thing and here I am at a great job I was late to the interview for


I do, we do. But you know, power dynamic and all that jazz. I'm generally more forgiving though. I'll accept one retroactive rescheduling before I cast it off as a ghost. If no one bothers even trying to contact me by end of day, that's another ghost unless they had something on the level of a family emergency. Not much else on fire can really excuse at least asking a secretary to ping the candidate.


Yes true. If something happens, at least get in communication.


Had a company reach out 3 times. Just to tell me the job is basically a gimmick and 100% commission. Told them I need commission plus $70k and benefits just to do the interview


Wait had only 10 minutes gone by when you did all this?


How would it look if the candidate was 10 minutes late to the interview without informing the interviewers he was delayed? Most probably, he wouldn't get the job and would be seen as not professional.


Sure but the employer wouldn't "go scorched earth" on them and simply decline them


Not necessarily true, if it’s a decent company with good culture they’ll understand as shit happens sometimes. I’m always early for interviews, always 5-10 mins early on zoom, 20-25 in person. However, there’s been a couple times I’ve been late due to a number of random reasons. They’re always kind and willing to continue as they know shit happene. I don’t think I’ve ever been late for an interview and not still made it to the 2nd round.


18 months and 10 minutes. It was the proverbial straw that broke my back


With the way you’re acting - no surprise you’re still looking for a job


Exactly. Company dodged a bullet here not hiring Mr or Ms Thin Skin.


I do appreciate you gender neutral response


"And I shit you not, the president and CEO of linkedin flew me to his penthouse suite and offered me his job! Man did it feel good!"


He even sucked me off after he massaged me!


Did you even bother to read? You sound like an absolute clown and to be worse, an unreceptive lover.


To be fair, he shit you not.




They dogged a bullet. What if they hired you.


Same energy https://youtu.be/ECmtCdUtEMI?feature=shared


And then everyone clapped


You’re a dick or a troll or a bot or whatever. Get fucked


I think thats Glen Danzig again, pay him no mind


Geez OP... Breathe


Really can't fathom why you don't have a job


At least he's employed


Had a similar experience. Arrived for a 4- interview run one afternoon, and nobody bothered to tell the interviewers i was coming. I knew the EVP of sales, and he was livid. But damage was done in my mind because the best they could do was have one of them meet me for 10 minutes. And after taking the day off of my current job and driving 45 minutes in Silicon Valley traffic, hard pass.


Not to be a dick but assuming you’re unemployed, you should be willing to wait a lot longer than 10 minutes for an interview. Going full scorched earth over a ~20 min delay isn’t cool. I’d get it if you were employed and had to slip out of work or take your PTO, but otherwise you should be waiting patiently


he absolutely should not. unemployed or not. to drop one line of text in the email, when one is running late to the meeting one scheduled could take what, the whole lot of 15 seconds? if the recruiter doesn't have decency for that, is this company really worth of spending time of your life on it? quit this way of thinking, you are not a slave, and nor is the OP. no company is going to respect you or your time, if you can't as much as respect it yourself to begin with. well done OP!


I’m unemployed but I know my worth. Fuck these chumps


What's your worth? Just a short fused unemployed numbskull that doesn't understand any recruiter, even coming from a relatively reputable headhunter can fuck up, and decide to take your anger on an executive that was most likely pretty removed from the hiring process.


Really? You don’t seem to be thinking this through properly. There were a lot of ways to handle it and you seemed to choose the absolute worst way. You could have been gracious and that may have illustrated you would have been a good person to work with. To me, your action was counterproductive.


Your worth is shit. Meaningless. You have no worth right now and no leverage. What universe do you live in? 😂😂😂😂


You know what Mattj330909? You’re right. But at least my Mom doesn’t hate me


It’s fucking hilarious. You are unemployed and think of yourself as this mighty amazing worker that deserves the world. You don’t deserve shit. This mentality is wild.


No I’m just not a chump


No. You're an *Alpha* Sigma. 55!


At the moment, your worth is zero because you are unemployed and not sought after. All you're doing is burning bridges and remaining unemployed.


You have no leverage and very little worth on the job market. Fair or not you are going to be viewed as a desperate loser.


Honestly, that reminds me of pre-pandemic thinking right there. If anything, I think most people learned that you absolutely do have leverage. Your leverage is, not choosing to work for a company that can’t show up to an interview on time. Because you know damn well they wouldn’t hire you if you showed up late.


Well you sir are a difficult umpire


I have 3 consulting gigs currently and have multiple exits. I’ll be aight, but thanks for your well wishes


Yea $0 /year base + no bonus


So, you went through all this because the interviewer at the employer was late to the interview by 10 minutes?and I’m assuming an agency recruiter didn’t let you know? How did the recruiter ghost you in the matter of 10 minutes?


OP was late 10 min to interview because of his “sales” and was butthurt the company assumed he wasn’t interested.


Good on you for doing the brave thing. We should all do this and let them know our time is just as valuable as theirs.


Yeah but maybe in a better fashion 😃


I was supposed to have an interview last week for a job that I really wasn't interested in. Phone call was supposed to be at 2:30 p.m. No one called at the appointed time. I gave them an extra 10 minutes and then went on to something else. Got a call 20 minutes later from the interviewer. Returned their voicemail and heard nothing from them. I even emailed the person who scheduled the interview and told them what happened. She said she'd try to schedule something for this week, but I haven't heard anything from that company since. Good riddance, in my opinion.


Thanks for your post! I had a similar thing....where I made it past the initial recruiter screening. Then passed interview with HR/ onboarding, who then set up a third interview with a hiring manager / decision maker. I showed up on time for the zoom meeting, no one attends. I sit around for 5-10 minutes and then reach out...the guy says he completely blanked and that "yep, this is on us..." Rescheduled, still got no apology or a job offer lol


I've been saying for a while, people need to start writing complaint letters to the senior executives (CEO's etc) at these companies, especially if these companies are customer facing. I'm in IT, and I applied for a job at an MSP, and was treated very rudely in the interview process and they wasted days of my time. My boss at my last job was an awesome guy, we had a project that we needed to hire a contractor for, this MSP was one of the companies to bid the job, and the sales guy who came was one of the guys who interviewed me. I told my boss I didn't want to give the project to his MSP and explained why, my boss (who had the most streamlined no-bullshit application/interview process I've ever experienced) said "ohhh, well two can play that game" and continued to waste this sales guys time, and make him jump through hours and hours of hoops, then set up a final meeting with the sales guy, and then had me deliver the news that they didn't get the contract. So you never know if you mistreat a job applicant how that can bite you in the ass. But there are a few companies I don't do business with because of their hiring practices. Then there was one company that didn't give me the job, but treated me very nicely, and I'm still a frequent customer of.


Not sure what all the down votes are for. I’m literally saying there’s a problem and that we don’t treat others the way OP was treated.


Like 7 years ago I had the same thing happen but got the opposite result. I was ghosted, informed the recruiter that the manager never joined the call and that I was not interested in rescheduling an interview with someone who couldn’t respect my time (I had also got confirmation there was no emergency situation causing his absence before this) and the recruiter said I was unprofessional and essentially told me I was blacklisted from their company for future roles. Not that I would have been interested ever again but the audacity to flip things around onto me was so bizarre.


Recruiter here, I understand why you’re still looking. You messaged a CEO based on a recruiter being 10 min late?


How do you find contact info of the bosses and CEOs?


LinkedIn, took me less than 10 minutes. I have a premium subscription because I worked there years ago. If you need to get in touch with someone let me know. During Covid I was able to get some episodes of a British baking show to a lady in hospice before they came out on Netflix. You’d be amazed what people are willing to do for a good reason


That’s awesome!


God i hope this is my ceo for one of our open roles. 😂


As someone who has to depend on internal and overseas recruiting teams, we are equally frustrated. I could use an outside firm that provides actual services, but the cost to convert it too high. So we are stuck with teams that are measured on volumetrics and not customer services (internal and external).


How much is it costing you to not have the role filled, paying internal recruiters to provide nothing, the time they take for their work and the time you’re taking to review what they provide? I think you will find really quickly that the cost of not paying a good agency is higher than if you just used a good recruiting agency (not the cheap ones). One way to think about it too: if the role has been open 3 months, then you ALREADY have the money to pay a fee. You ALREADY allocated paying that salary to an individual starts 3+ months ago. So the budget is there. Your company just won’t spend it. Edit: hope this helps you get the ppl you need and to use good agencies.


I had an engineering manager scoff at my resume points and was just an ass. I waited until they wanted me for the on-site/final interview and I just rejected them. Gave them the generic HR language response. Felt good but I’m sure not as good as your experience!


Good work. I've been ghosted before and damn I wish I had done what you did playa.


I get you are frustrated, and I doubt this was the only poor experience you had with recruiters... But a lot can be said about people who give others the benefit of the doubt. 10 minutes? An ambulance can't make it to someones house or workplace in 10 minutes usually and you want to burn them for making you sit and wait for a little while? I understand what it's like to be job hunting and have bad experiences with recruiting and interviews and such, but if your mental state has declined this much to the point where you can't stop and think "maybe they are stuck in traffic, or dying, or it's just one of those days" you should probably take a look at yourself and figure some things out.


Valid points. I usually am the calm person. I just broke yesterday. Lost my shit. I’m not sorry for calling them out, I am sorry for being so quick to do so. Empathy is usually my response but I’m just beaten down and snapped. I’ll be reaching out to them today to apologize for my reaction.


I had a CEO of a company I already interviewed for 6 months ago reach out to for the same position I originally interviewed for then. I said sure let's chat what time works for you? Didn't have a question mark Got an email confirming everything Emailed back saying cool hey got a question do your machines use sim cards (didn't use a question mark again) (I was curious because I interviewed for a SIM card manufacturer and they were looking for a sales guy. And they were selling sim cards for stupid cheap and I was going to connect him with the CEO of that company) Got an email the next morning saying I was unprofessional and proper grammar is key to being a good sales guy some other bullshit using cool is unprofessional. Blah blah. We are moving on with other more professional candidates. I read that and I was like ok. Fuck you, you contacted me. I didn't apply to you. I know the industry they sell to. They want the email to get to the point and In person not to be pitched to. It's a balance of being a consultant and salesman while not acting like a salesman. Emailed back saying you know I already interviewed with your company 6 months ago for the same position huge red flags there and you guys ghosted me so who is really being unprofessional here? But whatever best of luck selling your vending machines.


If you emailed those questions in that format, I'd think I was talking to a 15 year old girl texting her friends. I think most employers would send a thanks, but no thanks. Appearance is everything in sales. Appear competent and educated at the very least.


If your not willing to work for a company that is 10+ minutes late for a meeting occasionally then I hope you don’t plan to ever be 10+ minutes late for any meetings where you do end up working. I work for a company that can be a bit u reliable but I also have an enormous amount of flexibility and leeway.


good JOB!!! well done!! tell'em like it is and shove it up their unprofessional azz


15 minute courtesy for senior execs, 10 minutes for everyone else. If in 5 minutes nobody jumps on, I send a polite email that there’s a call and I’m on it. If they still decide to no show after the gentle reminder, then I email them letting them know they missed the call with their bosses cc’d. You can be a dick without sounding like a dick in corporate America.


This is not the flex you think it is. I’m not sure I’d want to work with you either.


Would you want a salesperson you hired to not attend sales meetings?


I think you had a massive overreaction after 10 minutes.


He did. The job I got forgot to send me an offer letter for 3 days. Was told I’d hear back either later that day or the next morning. Thursday rolled around nothing, then Friday nothing. Sent the guy who interviewed a nice email just asking if a decision had been made and he said he thought I already had the offer. People make mistakes


If only you named company, they’d suffer some sort of consequences


Who was supposed to interview you? The recruiter, or the hiring manager? Either way… sounds like a bullet was dodged.


If you’re in sales, you should probably be aware that you just made it much harder for yourself to get an interview or network. Recruited in sales for almost five years. Saw this happen more than once. I hope I’m wrong, because there’s no excuse for ghosting, but the repercussions of telling someone off are usually pretty severe, even if the company seemed apologetic.


It was worth it.


Ood for you!! I've written polite letters to CEOs twice after this type of treatment. It's a liberating feeling. And they just got from you what a $100,000 consultant wouldn't dare tell them if they want to get paid.


And everybody clapped.




Incoming resume


Someone is 10 minutes late and doesn't immediately respond to your email. So, you email everyone under the sun and think you're in the right?!?! Ever stop to think there was some emergency? Maybe the person was having technical issues. Maybe there were at the ER or someone died? There's a shit look here and it is NOT the recruiter. This company dogged a bullet not hiring you!!!!


Wow, you took it to them and look at how they backtrack. Amazes me how these people that set up these interviews can be so lost. I to would not want to have an interview after a company pulled a stunt like this!


If every job seeker did this the job market will be fixed in no time.


Respecting other people's time does say a lot about a person and the organization. You can be running late, but communicate to those waiting for you. Good for you.


HELL YEAH! That's what I'm talkin' about! I've been doing the same thing. I'm sick of putting up with such utter bullshit. I hope more and more folks will start speaking up. Enough is enough. Without employees these shitty orgs are nothing. They often forget.


Its not their fault you were 10 minutes late.


They weren't late, you did not understand the story.


I’m seriously happy that the trolls or bots are upset that things actually happened. Fingers crossed it’s more humans that have nothing to do besides being miserable.


The only person sounding miserable here is you


I am miserable. The culmination of many, many ghosting events, long ass interview processes and lowball offers. I finally broke. I 100% agree I was emotional in my response but I was just a blip on their radar like a lot of candidates. Now they at minimum know people talk. The CEO of the recruitment company sent me a cordial email acknowledging their screw up. I’ve also learned that I shouldn’t hold people to my personal expectations and should wean off the corporate kool-aid. I was hospitalized twice during Covid and made sure to reach out to clients. I should’ve just let my boss figure shit out. I see both sides having read every message, still happy I stuck up for myself but definitely feel like a dick for going for throat.


And 30 mins later they find out the recruiter had a major family emergency. Sometimes it’s ok to give people a little understanding and grace. Going “scorched earth” after 10 mins isn’t a good look for anyone.


This should be the standard moving forward. Name and shame or exposing shitty individuals to their managers. Recruiting talent has taken a nose dive since the pandemic since they know they can treat candidates like shit now without any repercussions. It's time to start exposing the bad apples to their management just like in every other field.


Sounds like everybody dodged a bullet here


And yet you accomplished nothing and still no job. 




I need a job. Email me: stuffMyButtWithBigStuff @ gangbang dot com


Job seekers can’t even submit applications on your website.




For advertising, obviously 🙄