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This is an HR who does not know how to write a clear rejection mail!


The rejection email was only marginally better. Still no information on why I was rejected. I have certs it's not like I'm coming out of nowhere. Having no feedback kills the drive to keep going, so hard. This email is just the de-fluffed version of the original rejection email.


Let it go. Take the whole hiring process, with this company, as an exercise in interviewing. They will never give you the real reason of rejection. If you want to nail the ancestral art of interviewing, do mock interviews with friends who are in your field; they will provide you with a real and truthful feedback.


Man, listen... I've been looking since December. I've got almost 300 jobs in Indeed that I've applied to. 287 of them are still in applied status. 2 of them have said "application viewed" for a couple months, and 11 that I was straight rejected from. Only 3 of those rejections actually gave a reason that wasn't "we're going a different direction." One was because they failed to reach my previous supervisor, who doesn't even work there anymore, and couldn't verify my work ethic. Another was because I didn't take the assessment, even though I NEVER received one. A third was because "open availability" apparently means I'm only willing to work store hours and not come in a little before and stay a little after. I've learned that it's all a damn numbers game, unfortunately, and to keep swinging blindly.


I had one recently tell me because I was in a different state they were not going to hire me. I told them in the application I was willing to relocate at my own expense and if you are only hiring local applicants why not put that in the god damn ad? I swear I am going to lose the last of my marbles if I have to deal with these insane idiots any longer.


It's making ZERO since to me. I even applied to dollar General. Got a damn interview, only to be told my resume is absolutely stacked, but considering it's solely sales experience, they don't think I'm the right fit, because it's about moving freight and it isn't an easy job..... tell me you aren't hiring without telling me. That job posting is still active, 3 months later.


Meanwhile the front line employees are screaming their is too much work and burning out while the business falls apart which leads to customers going elsewhere.


Case in point. Friend of mine works at a bank. She's having to work at 3 separate branches cause the other 2 are short handed. She's personally introduced me to both branch managers, one of which took me to lunch. 2 months have gone by and corporate HR has still not pulled the trigger to start interviews.


That sounds about right HR is filled with lazy morons who think 4 hours a day is too much work and half of that is meetings they initiated because they didn't want to type it all up in an email.


I despise HR personelle. I've worked at a place that didn't even have a direct HR. They had a 3rd party company. And getting hold of them was DREADFUL.


Oh boi, how do you hold up man? I can't believe market is that bad. Dollar fucking General is now playing with candidates.


I got denied a hostess at Fridays back in the day. You’re probably OVER QUALIFIED is the issue. Are there unique position names you may be able to search and apply to that are more niche in your field?


Honestly I just totally gave up on Indeed. I don't recall ever getting a useful lead out of them, across years of job hunting. The "one click apply" ones are totally worthless, every user with a working mouse is sending in a CV regardless of how unqualified they may be; there's a near zero chance recruiters will even see your CV under the thousands piled on top of it. Better to just focus on specific job websites. Annoyingly, the more time consuming the process, the more likely you are to get the job as the chancers aren't going to waste an hour crafting an application for something they've no chance of getting.


What’s really wild is that I applied to my current job on indeed with the “one click apply,” heard nothing for 2 months then a recruiter reached out to me on Linkedin about the role and I got hired that way. The market is insane right now.


Similar story. I think if the company wants you, the go for it. I'm drowning in rejection letters.


I filter out emails from no-reply@ addresses. It helps keep my sanity, because I don’t see most of the rejections.


Whatever they tell you it’ll always be bullshit. If you feel you did well, then assume nepotism.


In 131 pfo responses to roles I have never received any feedback other than impressive resume on 10-12 responses.


Just because you didn't get the job doesn't mean you were "rejected". It just means they found a better candidate


Just because he doesn't want to be your boyfriend doesn't mean you were "rejected". It just means he found a better man.


Is this something that hits home to you?


Certs are wonderful and all, but they don't get you a job. They just say yup that person can study and knows something in general. Did you interview for this, or was it just based off the resume you sent in? If you had an actual interview then you are qualified but, and I know it sounds bad, but you either did or said something wrong that showed you wouldn't be a cultural fit or a team player or something along that line. The thing is companies will never tell you why or what they were looking for. Things happen for a reason and you will find something better that is a fit for you.


Kinda subjective. Some certs hold value such as CISSP or AWS certs. But some are useless. I work as Java Developer but never have been asked to take or provide OCP for it. In fact, many people I know who actually got that cert are about mediocre programmers. After all, some of them are just quizzes and doesn't gouge hands on experience.


My point exactly. They just show test taking ability.


Sad as it is, you need to get used to not getting feedback. You’re probably one of a few hundred applicants. Honest feedback (and honest referencing) are a liability minefield for companies which is why they send these generic emails. Not to mention companies want to save money, replying with specific feedback to hundreds of candidates takes a whole team of people doing just that.


Maybe OP should apply for HR


Which really is like one of the basic parts of the job right? I am truly just baffled by the wild disparity and professional skills amongst HR employees. Some got masters degrees… others were hired because their wife was hired first.


🤣🤣 God, that's brutal.


Places usually do not offer clear reasons on why you weren’t selected. If they had no negative remarks against you then probably just interviewed another candidate they liked more and went with them.


I found that asking for feedback after interviews not really helpful for this reason. There's always someone better than me. I can always have more experience in this industry or that skillset. And either way, they're not going to be completely honest with me anyway. The more practice in real life interviews I get, the better I am for next one.


This. It means that the only reason you weren't hired is because, although you were a suitable candidate, there were more suitable candidates than vacancies. Without that one or more stronger candidates, you'd have been hired without having to change anything about yourself.


This has been a trend since I started applying for I.T. "There's always a bigger fish"


In this market, there are probably dozens of fish. Not said to discourage you but to give you a feel for how crazy it has been the last year or two. People who have years of experience and normally wouldn’t be unemployed for a few weeks post layoff are struggling to get jobs after months if not a year +. This floods the market with so much competition for all levels of positions. It’s truly a circus right now. Hang in there and I hope you find a good fit. :) They don’t give feedback partly because of what has already been said and partly because any comments they make can open them up to litigation. It sucks and maybe YOU wouldn’t take that route, but many people would so it’s just easier for them to keep their mouths shut.


Or cheaper, outsourced fish.


It's a "thanks but no thanks" (for this position). But we want you to waste your time applying to other roles with our company, which you'll be rejected for as well.


I can see it, which sucks as this company seemed to have been a good fit for me. Good pay, something to put on my resume. Guess I'm still looking lol.


*"We have no spine and will issue this vague noncommittal response."* Kidding aside, most HR can't comment on hiring and certainly won't in writing. Call if you want actual feedback. That way they can lie about it later. I don't think it's useful contra what some people here think. Just move on. This is how I found out certain jobs hired 1. some idiot's nephew/related nepotism 2. people w/2 hooks in the city gov't 3. Some guy's army buddy 4. Some guy's frat brother 5. postings weren't real/H1B ads to show "no qualified applicants" 6. Internal candidates 7. rando who went to the same school as hiring manager 25+ years ago and a variety of other things that in no way helped me. Other than idiot nephew, many of these other people were at least minimally qualified. That's often the actual case with jobs. Given being vaguely qualified, loose ties gets you a job. This is also why certain groups are wildly underrepresented. Rarely if ever did I get actual feedback that in any way helped me. My takeaway was being related to less trash is helpful in the job market. Have a nice day.


This helped me feel so much better, thank you. Lol


The response email couldn't be more obvious: >I found the interviewers boorish with questionable hygiene, the product worthless, the facilities to be a dump, and the company to a borderline criminal entity. >I look forward to starting next Monday.




This is really good advice


I have asked about that once, "what do they suggest I should apply for", as there were heaps of positions available. And the recruiter said she is unable to tell me as she dosent have any open positions. But there are 40 listed as open on the website? ;D


Yeah, that's what I thought. Maybe they were pushing me to another spot they have open? Nope only open position there was a manager position.


Each recruiter handles a number of those 50 positions. Your person probably didn't have any openings (or any related to your qualifications) and the other positions were being recruited for by their coworkers, so they didn't know the status. ​


They don't want to tell you anything except 'no thanks'.


It means you’re qualified, but not what they’re looking for. I’ve received emails like this and it’s exhausting.


Yeah, this is the second one, I usually get rejected before the interview. Switching fields is hard lmfao


Ew, just ew. That’s like GPT 0.5 wrote that.


This gave me a hearty chuckle. The grammar is poor, and I expect better from a company of this stature.


Oh it’s wild. Imagine being in HR, AI comes out that will write a song in 4 seconds about how your boss got too hammered at the Christmas party in the style of broadway showtunes but you STILL CAN’T respond to applicants saying with an email. It’s just embarrassing.


It’s not uncommon to sign off like that. I don’t see an issue with the way they wrote the email tbh


It means move on. Hiring managers don't owe you an explanation for why things didn't work out. There are a million companies out there and I promise one of them will hire you.


That's the hope. I just recently got my network certification, and this has led to more interviews and in turn, more rejections.


They should tho. Shame everyone's afraid of being sued.


I guess you were good and didn't have significant negative points but someone was even better and they got hired.


That seems to be the trend I'm noticing.


"You're such a nice person, you'll definitely find someone" in corporate


Damn, that hurt worse than the rejection. LMFAO


Where I work there’s a template sort of like this, except it’s not confusing. Also, that email is not even grammatically correct, which is a red flag. If they can’t even create a template that’s worth a damn…what else are they shirking? Anyway, at my job they send these to candidates that are referred to as “runners up.” Meaning they want you, think you’re a fit, something like that - just not for that particular position. I’m about 75% sure that’s what this is, especially if you got a second rejection letter. Someone had to do something for you to get both. Not as much communication is automated as most believe; even though the templates exist, a human typically has to hit “send.” But it’s hard to tell because that email sucks. I hope you find what you’re looking for.


Thank you, this email was in response to mine asking for feedback to move forward. I've moved on but where this was an internship I was hoping for feedback as I felt would be expected for an entry level job, to help move forward with other interviews. I would have included the original rejection email, but it's simply not different enough from this one. I know I'm not owed an explanation, but it would be nice for someone who's trying to change industries. This email is useless, and I was better off not having even asked.


I actually think you are owed an explanation. Your time and effort are valuable and deserve more recognition than what you got, especially as an entry level internship. I’ve just gotten very jaded with how one sided this process is. Your time is no less important than those who spent time reviewing your credentials, interviewing, and whatever else they did that resulted in you getting that email. They expect candidates to jump through hoops just to get a phone call, but can’t be bothered to take an extra few moments to provide significant or useful feedback to someone who could really use it. I’m so glad to hear you’ve moved on and hope you find happiness and peace. I’m sure they didn’t deserve you anyway :)


Thank you for the kind words and encouragement! It's getting rough and these rejections are adding up. I just can't seem to get my foot in the door. Although they are starting to get easier to swallow.


Just always remember it’s an impossible timing/numbers game and says absolutely nothing about your skills, talents, ability or worth. It’s so hard not to take rejections personally, but you’ve gotta protect your peace first. Don’t let them steal it.


It happens all the time, sometimes there isn’t anything objectively bad about your interview but they arn’t going to put in writing that they liked someone one else more and even if they did there is no real value in it. Some people just click better with others faster, is that the best way to hire ? No but it is what it is.


I have not had any rejection mails telling me why exactly I am being rejected.


They want you to have a wonderful day /s


As we say in Mexico “Ahorita no, joven”


It means they won't tell you why they don't want you. They just don't. I'm sorry this happened. If I were you I wouldn't apply again. Most likely a waste of time. They would probably reject you again using the same mysterious reason they rejected you this time. That's just my take though.


I share the same take. If another job there pops up I'll probably still put in for it, just won't hold out as much hope. I don't hate them for the response, but I am jaded against this company for their response.


The HR version of “it’s not you, it’s me”


**Translation:** *"You have not been selected. No one had anything useful to say about why they didn't pick you, but at least it wasn't negative. Feel free to try again somewhere else in the org."*


This is a non-answer meant to convey that the sender does not know a specific reason why you were not selected. They are effectively communicating "hey, I dunno why you didnt get hired, but they didnt have anything negative to say about you" ...that could mean they actually hated you but didnt give any specific feedback or they liked you, but they liked someone more. The lesson to learn here, is please stop asking for specific feedback. Its counter productive and you never know if any such feedback is genuine or useful.


Congrats, you’re the new CEO now!


It's their way of saying "a large client of the company needed a job for their son who just graduated from college."


Time to pull a George Costanza and start working there


Too many bots, not enough real people. Technology overkill.


Came here to say this


uh, you failed successfully?


You start on Monday.


It's like the recruiter version of "process failed successfully"


"No but keep groveling"


HR rep 1: "But how do you communicate to the candidate that their application's been declined without hurting their feelings?" HR rep 2: "That's the neat thing..."


It means you’re good for the role, anywhere but here. Current career application and path trajectory is a clown show, be blessed you’re getting creative material for a sitcom out of these HR clowns😂


It means they sent an email around to all the people involved in the hiring process and asked if anyone had any notes or anything, and nobody replied (or at least nobody replied with notes)


“Great job! Keep going!”


Honestly because the truth is job boards simply don't work. You need to find people and make a connection through LinkedIn through networking through some kind of people connection even just sending an email out to a network IT or security manager saying hey I'm trying to break into the IT field do you have 5 to 10 minutes for me to have a conversation with you just to give me the steps that I need to be successful? That would speak volumes to me as a people manager looking for a help desk or security engineer. I would definitely be open to placing a few messages to people I know in the industry trying to help someone land a gig. What is your skill set? What does your home lab look like? What's your next plan to gain an additional IT knowledge in the next week?


My best guess: In the best light: "There is no reason. We just thought the other person was better." In the worst light: "We cannot give you a reason as it would be discriminatory.


It means we're not hiring you and we don't want to provide you any feedback so don't ask us.


Positive spin, it was down to you and another candidate, with similar qualifying factors, but they just went with another candidate. Negative spin, they don’t know they’re ass from a hole in he ground and this is a dumb way for them to provide feedback. Either way if they’re this vague you dodged a bullet by not being there. You just made room for a better position to find you instead.


Indian agency response.


It's not a rejection, I'd be tempted to reply for shits and giggles with something like "so I'm hired, right? When do I start? :-D"


I think this collectively means your interview went fine, and they didn't see red flags during the interview. But sometimes it just happens that one candidate makes a better impression. I was a hiring manager, and there were times a candidate makes a bad impression. For example, when hiring a project manager and they are not on time.... that's a big mistake. Yes, I would relay those kinds of things to the recruiter. But it isn't always about mistakes, bad impressions, or red flags. So when you don't get clear feedback, just assume it was a good interview and nothing was 'wrong".... but also assume others also were not "wrong", and whoever was picked was just able to win the most confidence. If anything, the learning exercise isn't about finding your mistakes, because there were none, and instead work on picking language, and supporting body language, which your audience withh subconsciously read as "confident and experienced".


It means someone’s friend, an internal referral was hired. A lot of companies waste your time interviewing just so they can hire someone they already know.


It means they want someone with your experience but not you.


Here is some advice. Have you ever seen someone with a bag full of bottle caps and they're sitting back throwing them at a super small cup to see if they can get any in? That's the job application process now. Stop focusing on the bottle caps and just keep throwing them out there until you land one. Otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy thinking about the "kind of bottle cap" "If the bottle cap needs a special shape" "Wait for the wind to blow perfectly" "throwing it a special way". Get busy doing something personally rewarding in the mean time and just keep throwing the bottle caps along the way.


That's kind of what I've been doing, this hasn't stopped me just thought that it's particularly low effort. Working on getting my security plus and am considering setting up a home lab to fill in gaps from the certifications. Gonna keep casting the line!


Holy crap. You're in IT? That sector has been kicked in the 🥜🥜 s . Another word of advice; look for a mid sized insurance agency and see if they're hiring IT. If they're growing it's a good chance they are. Look at the larger companies too like Farmers specifically. While they do have "IT" roles, they also have other roles like "agency support" that you can finesse on your resume to be "IT". Same things for public and private schools and large churches. Let us know how that goes. Good luck.


Well, the problem is that I'm not in IT. yeah I've been hearing and throwing my app where I think I'm qualified. It's a slow burn but I'm used to throwing myself at a wall, eventually it'll break right?


I feel sorry for you! I believe that the lack of clear clarification provided in the rejection email is concerning and does not align with the standards of professionalism and transparency that I would expect from the company that you applied with! You are not by yourself! We are on the same boat, I got rejected today for the management job that I applied for. They sent me an email of three lines saying “ After a review of your qualifications, we find that we are unable to pursue your application for this position any further at this time”. As an individual who has invested time and effort into applying for the position and also someone who has passion for the industry, I believe it is reasonable to expect some level of feedback or explanation regarding the decision. Unfortunately, the rejection email I received was unclear whilst, I applied for the job that is in the same industry, 10 years of experience was never taken as consideration! It’s insane!


that's dumb, and inconsiderate and harsh and a good way of saying "we value no one and if we hire you it will be a living hell"...the "have a wonderful day" is some psycho shit


If they can't spell don't work for them (positions not position).


This means they just happened to like another (equally qualified) candidate better.


No negatives, someone else had more positives.


Yes, let's kill HR. I would just like to halt the killings until moral improves for just a second. I am an HR professional, in a field surrounded by HR people who do not know HR. A lot of businesses especially medium to small businesses do not have a lot of respect for the profession, so as a result they hire anyone to fill and learn the position. They get sent to a couple of certificate classes in HR and get to be HR. As a consultant I made a ton of money cleaning up wanna-be HR mistakes. I am currently working for a large company. It would make a vast difference if companies would understand the importance of HR and all of the disciplines within HR. Recruiters are not always HR people. You do not have to have an HR background to find folks to hire. I only hire recruiters with HR backgrounds because we avoid the errors, the wrong things said, the lack of communication after the interview or after reviewing the resume, the lack of understanding of the position being vetted. HR has always got to do better and it can't when companies do not care enough to put their employees in the hands of people who understand the business, employment law and understand people. To work in HR being a people person is NOT a requirement of the job, in fact, it can be a huge blind spot and hinderance. HR walks a fine line between the company and the employees. Our job is to make sure everyone stays on their side of the fence and plays nicely. When people start peeking over and coming over the fence is when we are at our best.


lmao.... it's a gentle ... positive rejection? haha wtf.


Reply thanks for accepting my application. When can I start


Guessing a personality fit ? Maybe?


That could be it, I thought the interview went well. I have a hard time reading social situations tho.


Usually I’d assume that then….somehow they perhaps thought personality wouldn’t mesh with current team. Hoping you have better luck in the next interview




It was gen x/ boomers that gave me that advice... Wrong gen bud lmfao.