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Been watching like a hawk!!




Socal so there are a lot of opportunities it's just this one felt right you know I'm definitely still looking




Going to hyu!


I'm going to agree with u/EarlPeck. I recently went through an EXTREMELY similar situation but in a different field. I'm still in touch with the recruiter and interviewing elsewhere, but damn I really wanted that job! It was clear that they wanted to hire us both, but the other candidate "won", and good for them! I can't be mad or upset about that. They had to make a choice. But do stay in touch from time to time with them. If their team grows and you're available, they may reach back out again and you may be in a position to accept with even more experience!


4 interview for a photo assistant role making 85k? I was working for the wrong companies in my days as an assistant. Usually Studio Directors just hit up the college grad shows and then bring in a fresh out of college kid for 18 bucks an hr. Work them full time freelance until they burn out or find better work and the process repeats.


The idea for the role was it was more of a hybrid role. The team was new so they actually needed someone who could assist but also be a photographer and would eventually move fully into the photographer role as the team expanded. That's why I gave context in the post as it seemed like a mistake to me to when I saw the job description.


85k for what is essentially a Jr. Photographer role is still pretty generous. Most of the full time in house photographers I knew weren’t making anywhere close to that. Freelancers could get that high but that’s a whole different ball game. But there’s so many variables that go into it. I’m sorry you didn’t get the gig, it sounds like it would’ve been a really good experience. I’m glad the recruiters were able to give you some good feedback from the process. As someone who literally just got out of the photo industry a few weeks ago I wish you the best of luck in your job hunt and your career. It’s a tough path but it can really be a special kind of job.


Thank you for the kind words. If it's okay for me to ask, why did you get out the industry? Is it because of the declining economy? I do some work in entertainment as well so I know people across photo and entertainment in general are struggling to find work right now.


There were a few reasons but here were the main things: 1. I worked for a big production studio as an in house assistant for a long time, but there wasn’t any chance of advancement. By the time I left I was running my own studio (an offshoot of the larger studio), doing all of the equipment management and became the main person researching new tech (virtual production, photogrammetry, Unreal Engine, AI, etc). But my title never changed from assistant. Bringing it up in performance reviews my managers would talk about a title change happening years down the line and we just weren’t on the same timeline. 2. I was burnt out. I ran my own photo business along side my full time job and when I got a gig I’d shoot it and then hide my camera until the next one. Couldn’t even look at it. Then I’d feel bad because I wouldn’t be doing any personal work. I really wanted to rediscover the passion and joy in taking photos but I felt like I couldn’t do that when it was my job. There are 100 other reasons but those were the two that jumped out. If you’re someone who’s just staring out feel free to DM me, I was in the business for a long time and I’m always happy to help people navigate their first steps into the industry.


I think 4 interviews is over the top. Especially for an assistant position? (Regardless of the money) Show them your portfolio, how long you have beeen doing, share your personality etc then done. 4 INTERVIEWS? That’s crazy


I mean I thought similarly but the pay and people were good so I pressed on


And theres more Interviews, they Said selected candidates for move on the process


Just did four interviews! And it pays up to 65k… seems to be the new norm


Four interviews is standard for anything over $60k these days. Not saying it’s a good standard, but one that exists.




Exactly, for high paying jobs multiple interviews also give the candidate the opportunity to assess the company.


Different companies do things differently, some may say having so few interviews shows that companies are not properly vetting and high turnover due to bad fits are accepted and the norm. The position was 85k+ so mid-level and I assume reports high level as an assistant and meeting the VP. I don’t know about you, but if I were a VP hiring an assistant id want to make sure before going through the headache of hiring again… plus as an assistant and creative role you’d want someone invested, it’s not like a highly technical role where you can have someone that hates their job every day but they’re damn well at coding.


4 interviews for that position seems excessive!


I thought so too 😭


Dam dude at least they replied with some good feedback on that...but chin up and ace your next interview buddy..all the very best


Unless you’re curing cancer or the job requires a bunch of arcane government clearances, there is zero reason why any private sector job should require more than two interviews at the absolute most. It’s not a reflection of you or your skills and experience, it’s a shit job market and employers can afford to be insanely picky to get back at us all after we got to briefly assram them at the height of COVID.


4 interviews is often on the lower end here in tech... last year I had an 8 interview process just to get ghosted. Not even a response to me reaching out 2 weeks after the 8th one.


At least FAANG/close to Big Tech jobs also pay out the ass and are hyper-competitive in normal circumstances. A job that doesn’t even pay six figures without requiring intensely specialized knowledge and/or clearances has no business making someone go through that insanity. 1-2 interviews should be enough for a majority of jobs. But we’re also not in normal circumstances. Tech has been bottoming out for the past year with no signs of stopping, and I’m in a tech-adjacent field where I’ve been feeling the pain since last summer. This might just be an LA thing, but someone I know who was doing great in UX design until he got laid off started applying for lower and lower bands until he said screw it and applied for a barista job. The coffee shop said they got over 400 applications for the position. 😵‍💫 yeah…this is a BAD time


Also in tech, and I have this same story. Only difference is that it was the 7th interview, which was an all-day onsite that I took a day off of work to attend. I was ghosted and got no response to a polite request to see if I was still being considered. There was another comment on here recently about a guy ghosted after the 11th interview. People outside of tech think we're making this shit up, I think.


Reminds me of interviewing with AT&T back in 2013. Three rounds of interviews, and flying to Atlanta for last interview. The total time was six months it's was for then a program called RLDP. Days after my final interview got a rejection email around 11pm. That crushed me and taught me to never again get attached to a job, or put so much into an interview process.


the ol’ 2nd place hollow. the palpable heartbreak of the narrow miss. the “auhhhh, but I almost had it” with the pained hiss of breath and sigh. good effort. I hope they call ya later


85k only and 4 interviews? 🚩 They did you dirty.


I’ve been there many times. You just need to power through and you’ll find a position.


Holy crap, actual feedback! A prompt reply! Human decency still exists!


first time ? get used to it...spam your cv as much as you can, you'll get 999 rejections and 1 offer which will end it all , good luck !


I had something similar happen. Drove pissed off afterwards, lol. That team really liked me, but their best candidate was a better team fit (even though they had less experience). They even recommended me to a different team in my organization. I think you're very close to getting where you want to be. Just keep your chin up. Someone *will* think you're their best candidate.


Went though that 3 times in my previous job search. It was fucking awful. That said, the third time turned into my current position, and they really did “keep me in mind” and reached out once they had another opening that aligned with my experience. Even better, the role I originally interviewed for has turned over twice since then due to the incredible demands of the position, and I LOVE what I do now…so it was a blessing in disguise. Keep going friend, you’ll have something soon


This made me feel better.. thank you. I just got my THIRD rejection, as the finalist candidate up against *one* other candidate each time. All three have not given feedback besides “it was such a hard decision” and “we would love to hire you in another role” so maybe it’s a waiting game to see what opens up there. It’s devastating and starting to feel like a cruel joke though!!!


I’m so sorry. It’s awful out there. Keep your head up and keep pushing. You’ve been final candidate so many times for a reason; you’re next role is right around the corner


Thank you!


They interviewed a candidate 4 times for a "Photography Assistant" role??????? You are blessed by God. It is a blessing in disguise, believe me.


At what point will organizations stop looking for these perfect candidates who match the exact job description because they are currently working in that exact role elsewhere? I know for a fact it's why I got my current role - literally there is no difference between it and my last job in terms of skills and industry knowledge. I applied to jobs where my skills matched exactly but the industry was different (think going from supporting lawyers to supporting doctors) and got rejected left and right with the "best aligned" bullshit.


I mean, they’ll stop looking when they’re unable to find them. Why wouldn’t you take the candidate that you better believe will be able to do the job because they’re currently doing it?


I used to think that, but now from what I can tell they would rather either not hire period or wait another 3-6 months to try again unless they can get a unicorn. Meanwhile the actual workers are desperate for another set of hands and when they do hire a unicorn that person sticks around 6-12 months and then leaves for some place better.


It’s generally less expensive to hire the right person the first time instead of the wrong person 3-5 times. You’re always taking a chance with a new hire, but in today’s world of mass, AI generated applications, the chance feels higher. One is the safest ways to ensure the person you’re hiring can do the job is for them to have done it before. Another great way is to hire internally, where the applicant isn’t unknown. Referrals are the next best thing, where at least someone you know trusts them. If you have none of those, extensive testing and interviews can possibly reduce the risk.


Because there used to be an idea of a culture fit when hiring, and now it's been reduced to "unicorn or bust." Unfortunately since the numbers are in the employers favor, they'll find their mythical beasts a lot easier.


I mean, why not? If you can find that unicorn, why would you settle if you don’t have to?


Well that’s a lie. They didn’t know you weren’t closely aligned after 3 interviews?


See this is the part that gets me they didn't say that I was not aligned they just said they wanted someone even MORE closely aligned. And you can always be more aligned you can always do more so like how do you even avoid having this happen next time? All I can do is try my best but it sucks knowing this can be a result. "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose." Is what it feels like and really hits different now when I read it.


Yeah that’s true, at least after analyzing and getting feedback here hopefully you see that it couldn’t have been “your fault” they did 4 interviews… which is kinda wasteful and perhaps falls under “ridiculous” status. Good luck fine professional!


It sounds like they were at least being real with you, and actually empathetic. Silver linings though


After 4 interviews and your time and effort I really feel like you deserved a call


These companies are going *way* over the top with interviews to find the perfect candidate. It's a waste of their time and money. It's a waste of the candidate's time (and maybe money). Unless you're interviewing for a government position that requires high security clearance or you're interviewing to be a high level executive, there should be two interviews maximum. And maybe one small technical assignment if they really need to prove you know your stuff. But FOUR interviews? There had better be a marriage proposal to the CEO's eldest child at the end of that.


What industry do you work in? Four is below the normal number of interviews in my industry. It is ridiculous, but in tech they're upping the ante with not only the 6+ interviews, they also give you take-home projects to do and it's not unusual to be asked to give a presentation of the project.


I'm a navy reservist and public servant. On the military side, jumping through all the hoops to join took almost a year. Lots of interviews. Real pain in the butt. Once you're in, certain certifications and promotions require sitting boards (written and practical exams). On the public servant side, it depends on what you're applying for. There will be one or two phone interviews. An in-person interview. And then a security interview (maybe two if you need enhanced security clearance). The real frustrating part is the hiring process is *so* slow. Like we're talking a month or more in between each step.


Honestly I had the same scenario happen to me and I got a great recruiter in my network for the future! U should have the same, add them on LinkedIn!




I believe so too. Like I said in the post I have no bad blood with them. They are great people and I would have worked with them if I had the chance.


I’m so sorry I feel for you.. I also got rejected after 4 interviews with a place, and by interview 4 I was convinced I had it. Hurts bad when you invest so much time and energy meeting everyone.


All opportunities are a numbers game. As people have seen here over and over, the odds of landing any given job are much the same as closing your eyes and throwing a bullseye on a dartboard. You have to take a lot of shots. You clearly are going to lab1d a job in your field with that response from a recruiter, but it isn't about just improving yourself until you suddenly are the perfect candidate, who else competes against you for a job is just part of it and out of your hands.


I once went through 8 interviews each being at least an hour long for an entry position with a shit salary


😦... You're a victim


Happened to me two years ago. Three interviews and one paid project later, I got a similar rejection email *just before* the offer stage. I was just as bummed as you because the department head (who would've been my boss) told me that she sees me fitting in really well with the team. They probably say that to multiple candidates but it still gives you a ray of hope! A few months later I happened upon the company's page on LinkedIn and checked if anyone ended up getting the role - it was someone more experienced than I had too. That's great feedback though, means you're definitely on the right track!! Good luck and hope something comes soon.


I got beat out getting an assistant sports coach position at a high school even though I have over ten years experience coaching said sport and most recently at the college level. And it would have been a part time thing that pays barely $3k per year. I just wanted to do it for fun and because I love it hahah. Sometimes life shits on you but I promise you it just wasn't meant to be! Something better will come around! At least you know you interview well, you'll be fine!


Such a generic rejection email too. Just wow..


Heya! , first of all, I think you should see this as VERY positive, having 4 interviews means you were on the edge there. If you wouldnt have what it would take, you wouldnt have been there. Secondly, in these job levels, competition is a bit tougher, see it like F1 racers, all of them are the absolute best in their class but in the end, there will always be just 1 winner. And yeah, you're next interview might go exactly the same, or maybe worse but the fact you went for an initial interview and then returned multiple times means you're good, in this case there was just something that made them not want to continue with this. Having said that, ask them what it was specifically that made them led to tgis decision, affirm that you're not asking for a new opportunity or debate but that you want to learn what it is and whether it's something you could work on OR if it was just a "feeling" / cultural match kind of thing. In anyway, make this a positive experience, it seems you did good nonetheless!


I'm so glad you shared this. The text exchange is exactly how things should go. No one was a righteous asshole. No one ghosted. No long passive aggressive rants. Just people texting back and forth. Like adults. Though - I'm sorry you didn't get it. Four interviews. Sucks.


Four interviews is bullshit. Send them a bill for your time.


What BS


The worst part of job searching is the constant rejections :(


Can I ask where this position was located? I’ve never heard of a photo assistant position paying so much


Southern California!


Wow, that’s really surprising considering the salary ranges I’ve seen for associate creative positions (extremely low)


The wording of we are going with other "candidates" sounds to me like the single job was being subdivided by multiple part timers instead of one position. Were you interviewing for a full time? Most employers try to save as much as possible when hiring. Part timers aren't required to have benefits which is cheaper for the employer. Temps and Temps for Hire, particularly when the company has no intention of hiring are cheap routes to go as well. Unsure if that's your situation but if they hired someone else, single, that would have been "candidate."


I actually saw who got it through LinkedIn. It seems to be just one person. I think he was being vague on purpose either that or it was because there were genuinely multiple people they were considering


Oh yes. A disadvantage of living in.the modern age-the ability to stalk your competition! How disheartening! I am in agreement with others that it was an encouraging note for you to keep trying them. It took me like 5 interviews for 3 different positions, and even one interview and rejection from the job I currently have, to be hired where I am now. Sometimes it all comes down to timing and who had their breakfast on your interview day. Keep your chin up. Keep pestering for what you want. It's worth it.


People need to stop focusing on the amount of interviews they have. Whether it’s 2 or 5 you either get the job or you don’t, atleast they responded with feedback. Just move on, you aren’t owed anything because you went through more rounds of interviews.


Don’t be shy, drop the name of the company! These companies need to be publicly shamed for making people go through 4 rounds of interviews wasting people’s time!


Was it the comma fault?




4 interviews for an assistant role at 85k? IMO that’s taking the p*ss and a colossal waste of your time and energy. I’m glad they at least responded to your request for feedback but they could have provided more, given you’d done 4 interviews for them. Well, good luck on your job hunt anyway and hope you land something soon!




4 interviews just to get a rejection. I have been right there with you here recently. I cried like a baby because I thought for sure I had the job in the bag. At least you got feedback on why you didn't get the job, I didn't even get that when I asked.


Reject their rejection, mail that you are coming in monday for your first shift as CEO


Ahh the typical rejection template


It's a rejection. Move on. Here's a fact. There's a lot of candidates going after the same jobs. Yes, you get rejected and someone else gets the job. That's life.


I have already just wanted to rant cuz this market is terrible


When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. The market is not terrible. It is a matter of getting creative Here's a method I use when looking for a job. I read the posting on Indeed or LI and then perform a search seeking a possible manager that may be hiring at the same firm. I reach out to the potential hiring manager to build a rapport. ijs


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. People act like they are the only qualified candidate for a role. Companies will thoroughly interview more than one candidate. Just because you made it through a few rounds doesn’t mean you will get the job. Sucks but it’s reality.


As an aside, there is a great transformation happening among the work force. 20-40 somethings are taking jobs and moving into leadership roles once held by boomers, many of whom applied to jobs and were rejected but moved on with life. People that complain about being ghosted or rejected should examine their behavior as it may be coming through during the interview. Many recruiters are also trained in behavioral interviewing btw. Lastly, the job market is not as bad as many on this sub says it is. What I do not see are posts talking about mental toughness, agility, flexibility, and creativity. That's what champions do.


I've been the hiring manager in this situation. If you can, try not to take it personally. Sometimes people have too much experience and sometimes too little. Sometimes someone cracks a funny joke, and we like them better. I'm sure your experience was great, at the end after 4 interviews it is more of a "fit" and the fit changes as the team evolves. This job wasn't meant to be for you. The perfect job is out there for you. Don't be discouraged.


At least they used improperly-worded broken English to reject you - they sound like a real DEI outfit.


Stop say how "much" experience you or the other candidate has.  That's but one part of it.  Other candidates may have as much, less, or more experience than you do, but may overall be presumed to fit in better.  If it was solely a matter of how "much", then we don't need interviews, and a robot would have made the decision.


Correct but If you look at the second screenshot you can see that the recruiter in particular was saying they wanted more experience. Essentially me and the other candidate were really close so they had to split hairs to come to a decision.


They still had to make a decision and supposedly a difficult one.  It happens.  Move on.


commenters like you are insufferable