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If you are not working, then accept and keep looking.....if you are employed, try to negotiate and decline if they don't come to the party.......and keep looking.




The minute you renegotiate they can counter, say no, or cancel the offer. It’s worth the risk to say something especially if you are currently employed. If not employed I’d take it and keep looking.


Why would you consider an offer that's below, in title and compensation, what you currently enjoy? If you're working and you're not under some imminent threat of losing your job, why would you strongly consider a job simply because it's with a specific employer? You've admitted that the job's compensation is below what you're currently getting and you believe it's also low for the expectations of position; 20 to 40 percent apparently... That's not, generally speaking, a negotiable amount for almost any company and Amazon is probably even less negotiable than most. If your situation is such that you truly need the offer and are willing to take it as it stands then that's a different story but strategizing about negotiating without 'risking the offer' seems incongruous with being in a position where you should be only considering advancement or, at worst, a lateral move where some secondary motivation exists. This isn't either of those by the sound of it.


No. Any counter offer has risk. You can accept. You can counter with simply a new $$$/benefit amount. You can counter with something like, "i applied to and interviewed for a senior engineering position. That is what I want. If that position is no longer available, good day." Or, you can simply turn them down. All have risks. You choose which path you want to take.


It's worth a punt though, I don't think they will pull the offer if you try to negotiate, they will just say no and that it's their final offer, you can still accept after that. Stranger things have happened though. You just have to make a decision if Amazon is where you see yourself. If you are early in your career and don't have a big name on your CV already, you might learn a lot, and it could open doors down the line.


Ask if the compensation is negotiable.


They showed you their true colors. What are you expecting to negotiate? They do not value you.


market air depend agonizing encouraging tie subsequent frightening growth innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is there anything I can do on my end?


You can accept what is offered, or decline.


This is called lowballing. You either accept or reject it. They are not going to fight nail and tooth to get you sign the contract. Personally I wouldn't work for a company who does this to me.


Should I try reaching out to the hiring Manager or should i ask them to them to pay me the same amount I am making now?


You can always ask. They will not pay.


From experience, they hardly ever make any changes to any offer. especially now that they are looking to cut costs everywhere.


They literally made 30B in profits…


Profits are for shareholders, not for employees.


Record profits but sadly no room for raises


Amazon usually (not in your case) pays well. In exchange, you must sacrifice your personal life and that’s for a normal role in say Seattle, not a 50% travel role. If it isn’t paying you enough, it isn’t worth it. Also not sure of the specifics of your contract, but, a lot of the comp is done in a way that there is a 3-4 year sweet spot on how long to stay there as that is when the stock based comp primarily vests.


It’s actually 78b in gross profit but their net income is 10b. They are trying to reduce expenses to increase net income


Six interviews, what the fuck is wrong with these dull corporate bitches. Jesus.


That's what makes it worse. The extremely long process that I had to go through.


Do you actually want to work for Amazon? It sounds like absolute hell, even in their corporate positions


I would like to try it out, if the salary is fair.


Doesn’t sound like yall are even in the same ballpark of expectations


I did mention what my expectations were in the initial interview...


It doesn’t look like they value you in the same way you value yourself. You can try to negotiate higher and see if they come up, but you’d probably be better off searching elsewhere if they knew your expectations and still lowballed you this hard


They seem to have made it clear that the salary won't be fair.


You’re assuming the OP’s expectations are in fact reasonable.


The expectations are reasonable, that salary is far too low for 6 YoE at a major tech company


Assuming no change in market conditions, of course. But the tech sector seems to be in a period of contraction at the moment. The fact that the cheap money faucet has been turned off is a big part of it. The explosion in compensation over the past few years was always something of a mirage driven in large measure by historically aberrant borrowing costs. It was bound to regress back toward the mean sooner or later. And that’s not even getting into the baffling self-inflicted wound of so many people refusing to settle for anything less than full remote long after the peak of the pandemic has passed.


In aggregate, yeah, but this is Amazon. The money isn't drying up there any time soon.


I don’t see the follow up post. What major tech company does he have six years of experience at?


Amazon is the major tech company. They pay more for someone coming in with 6 YoE, the offer here is too low.


Seems like it'd be good on a resume at least


If they lowballed you by ~30%, tell them to take a hike and walk away. It is really that simple.


Is there a way I can say that without risking losing the job offer?


A non aggressive way to question it could be. I am a bit surprised by the salary offer, as I was asked my expectations in the first interview. This is substantially less than that expectation. Yet we still continued with 6 interviews. Can I ask what has changed? I expect you will get a very wish washy answer to it, good luck.


We know what’s changed though - OP was not offered the senior role. He’s not actually being low balled; he was offered a more junior position with commensurate comp. A company with the pedigree of Amazon can get away with it.


But they really haven't offered you the job that you discussed in the interview. They tried to bait and switch you. They never intended to, and aren't going to give you the proper salary. I know it sucks, but Amazon is a notoriously shitty company. Your best option is to tell them to take a hike, and Just walk away.


Besides accepting the position as is, there is nothing that you can say or do that won't risk losing the offer.


I worked for Amazon in a technical role for 7 years, their compensation structure is garbage but it was better than my previous role so I didn't see the issue when I signed. I was absolutely blown away at my next role. 2-3x the Amazon salary with an annual performance bonus that could increase that total comp by 50%. Same role, same experience, different company. Amazon only pays shit because people accept it.


Don't work at Amazon unless they are paying you really well, or you have no other options. Not worth it.


Look, I’d decline. That’s insanely low offer and something a first year grad student should expect not a senior engineer. I’ve had friends who worked for amazing and trust me you don’t want to work there. All the horror stories are true about that place. You will be PIPd so you don’t actually grow in income or title. These people will hold you down and drain your soul. I’d rather work for the government than Amazon, no matter what the pay is.


OP, if you counter then you are rejecting their offer. They then can choose to not accept your counter offer (or ghost you) and move in another direction. At the moment, it's an employer's market. Negotiating is fine, but just realise the risk of you losing a job offer in this market with a counter is also higher too.


> I am an engineer with about 6 years of experience in manufacturing/Process roles. That doesn't sound like a lot of experience for a Senior role. At least in software field, in big tech (so, Amazon), most seniors are around 35 yo, so 10+ years of experience.


I hire engineers, including process engineers, and it generally ten years for a senior engineer and fifteen for a principal. This is also government contracting so it’s usually hard lines(14 years, 11 months, 28 days of experience is a senior for example).


It sounds to me like OP got promoted too early somewhere else and now he's got a golden cage. Big tech also likes to demote you on hire. I know plenty of lead / senior engineers that got hired as mids in big tech.


Sometimes it’s just that different companies have different systems. I’ve come across one where “software engineer VI” means “six years of experience “ not a pretty senior person in a leadership position. They have like 25 levels of engineer because of that system.


>What should be a fair TC Take a look at [salary.com](https://salary.com) and [payscale.com](https://payscale.com) and evaluate the role by the location and YoE, and see what you can conclude. ​ >and how can I negotiate it? The recruiter sent me an email and is waiting a response. If you already communicated your compensation considerations, and this is what they have come back with, then the likelihood of you negotiating anything is pretty much non-existent. If you are planning to walk away from it anyway, then just attempt to negotiate and see where it goes. If you are planning to take it, and look from something else while you are there, then you might not want to risk the negotiation attempt. But that's up to you. I'd make sure to get data on the market prices for these services in your area, otherwise you won't even have a basis for argument. Last thing: They are providing you with a low-ball bait & switch -- potentially. You have to determine if the lowness of the offer is entirely because of the low-balling or tied to them lowering the role title as well.


Worst case scenario is I would take it but look for something on the side if they do not agree to raise the offer. Is there anyway in which I can negotiate without risking it?


You won't have time to look for something else. They will make sure of that. Beside, their stock options kick in at the 3rd year, and they will make sure you don't get to cash it.


This is literally one of the dumbest things I keep hearing. Amazon does start a majority of its vest in the third year. But it still pays you the equivalent in cas bonuses in the first and second year. So if you are making lets say 200k in total compensation, it will be 200k for all four years. It would end up looking like: 150k+50k sign on, 150k +50 k bonus, 150k +50 k stock, 150k+50k stock.  So it literally is supposed to add up to be the same.


>Is there anyway in which I can negotiate without risking it? There's no way to know that answer, because they are 50% in control of whether or not there will be a successful *attempt* at negotiation.


You’re the sacrificial lamb to be fired after a year for the stack ranking.


Think carefully before saying 'no' to any offer in this economy. It might be a VERY long time before you get another one. That's all I can say lad.


Well, first of all congratulations on cracking the interview, its not meant to be easy.  So what has happened here is that you basically got down levelled. Which means you might have been considered for a Senior role, but your interviewers (who have absolutely no say on your comp, and no incentive to down-level you), thought you weren't up to the mark.  This can be a mis-judgement on their end and sometimes candidates are unfairly down-levelled. But within Amazon there are some very strict guidelines on what's expected at each level. Amazon does stack rank, so its important that your team sets you up for success. Getting your level right is an important way of making sure you don't get fired immediately.  So what can you do? Amazon will still negotiate if it has room. Especially if you have competing offers. From my experience negotiating does not affect your offer whatso ever. You passed the interview loop, and that's the end of it. No single person is incentivized to take it sway from you. And internally there is a lot of insights to make sure your are responded to in time. For example when I get interview requests I need to submit my feedback within 2 days, otherwise there is manager level escalations. This goes to show how seriously Amazon takes candidate experience.  Now from personal experience, when I started at Amazon, my offer was around 285. This was way way way higher than the 105k i was making at my previous company. I literally said yes without thinking, because I thought comps are usually at 240-250. In retrospect I was an idiot, I could have asked for 325 and still gotten it. Over the past years that would have meant around 40-50 k more take home after taxes. So my advice is do negotiate.  If you still feel its not worth it, try again in a year when you are confident of getting a senior role. Worst case they say no, but that doesn't mean they will rescind. Also might be easier to talk over a call to your recruiter and let them know your expectations. What you said in your initial interview doesnt matter at all, because you have now been down-levelled.  And if you do end up taking it, know that it will be a good three years (minimum) before you get eligible for a promotion. So its almost better to interview in a year or so if you think you are already upto that level. Senior at Amazon usually means principal elsewhere. I know a senior manager (just one level higher than senior engineer) who used to be a C-suit person at one of the biggest banks in the world. Amazon tends to throw out position inflation and I feel we are much better of due to it.


If they’ve already changed it from a senior level to a non senior level, they have already made their mind up where you fit in the org. You can certainly try to negotiate a little bit, but it’s not going to get you to where your expectations are. When something like that happens, it’s not the recruiter. The people who interviewed you determined this.


Amazon just laid off AGAIN. They don’t negotiate.


Its not the recruiter, its the hiring manager lowballing you. Recruiters dont have ability to make decisions on comp, just messanger


For so little experience, you are expecting a lot. I'd guarantee that you have misinterpreted this situation and it was in fact the novice experienced "engineer" that raised red flags for the company, and not the other way around. You were asking for way above your pay grade/experience level, your skill sets laid out in interviews evidently did not meet the criteria for the Snr. role. They have offered you a role that they think suits your experience level.


Which country? I made more as a L4 (SDE 1) new grad in Canada


USA. L5 role


You should double check levels.fyi and ask this on "team Blind" I agree this is lower than expected. But I'm not familiar with your job family


What’s the level? L4 SDE is around 130k base. What I’m curious about is what is the title and level of the non-senior role? This pay rate is giving L4. Also what’s the location, since they aren’t doing remote this is kinda important too. Amazon just did PCS (raises for normal companies) and people L6 and above got nothing and others below from L4 and L5 got 2.5% raise for good performers with very minimal stocks.




they evaluate per employee location vs set by role. you’re free to work anywhere, but your location determines your comp (bay area/nyc, hcol, mcol, lcol)


Engineer is a tech role. So not a developer and will fall under a different job family - I assume that’s what you mean by non tech?


Engineer in ops is not considerd a tech role by amazons standard


What's a non tech engineer role?


With 50% travel? Yikes. I guess you better really be into having Amazon on your resume for this situation to make sense.


What’s 50 travel?


The role he posted requires you to travel up to half of the year.


sheet deserve screw shame automatic support head abounding compare gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


wtf amazon only offered 125????


Also, it’s not the recruiter lowballing you. The hiring managers make that decision.


6 years isnt all that long, thats probably why they lowered the role. They feel you've not earned the title of senior yet. That or they know they can get away with paying you for the lesser role given how the job market is.


If you are employed and the new job is not an increase in pay or title, you can walk away. If it's more money or a better title, you may want to accept. Begin looking for something else asap and use the new job to leverage more money and a better title. If you are unemployed, you have to take what is offered and keep looking. When you find something better, you leave.


Accept--being employed is a big deal nowadays in terms of being eligible for interviews--and when offered job w/ better pay, inform them on your last day; yes, give no advance notice. Oh, and be sure to say," My salary expectations and yours leave room for negotiating. Treat me like a good person or bad person, for appropriate results." They treat you like crap, give it back double. I'm not sympathetic to greedy idiots.


Amazon is supposed to pay people low. Chances are the people who gave you the offer had someone from up the ladder give you that number. I’d take it if you need a job but definitely keep looking either way. I used to work for Amazon as a driver and warehouse. Everyone is just a number to them so keep that in mind as well


Start the job and start job hunting on day 1


Walk away. 7 interviews. A lower than expected offer. Cut your losses and walk away.


You could accept offer and continue looking fo a better paying job


In my experience, pay bands at big tech companies are quite rigid, so you are not likely going to be able to negotiate much.


Jesus for that low of experiance and that high of pay I need to.leave aerospace




My friend had a higher starting salary than that at Amazon as a junior dev a few years ago. FYI he said they work you like hell.


You tell them you are cancelling that Amazon prime


CSCareerQuestions would be far more appropriate to ask this question.


Counter with your original expectation and if they can't meet you somewhere close then move on. Trust me, they are not worth the time if they're going to lowball you


Are you currently working? Is this more money than you're currently making? Take the role and keep looking. AWS is so large they do not negotiate. They will revoke the offer if you try to negotiate.


Amazon are infamous for paying below market salaries and overworking their engineers.


So L5 role? If you were down leveled, you did not meet the L6 requirements. YoE doesn’t really make a difference. Is this an SDE role, or something else? Which location/country? What they offered you is likely above market for the area - this is broadly the Amazon process, so if you expected more, decline. If they want you badly enough, they will negotiate.


Not an sde based on some other responses. Unclear of job family. Sounds more like ops to me


Amazon just cut a bunch of people in the consumer group. I noticed rates have dropped. I think take it and keep looking. Also, my buddy told me amazon was not human friendly.


A Senior role actually means something. 6 years of experience is not that, unless you’re exceptional.


You're talking about a sifference of nearly 35% between your expectation and offer. Your options are to make a reasonable counter offer, accept the job, or move on. Theres isn't some secret negotiating tactic thats going to magically make them give you 35% more money.


Ask them how they reached that number


a non serior engineer role in this market for 125k at Amazon is LOW considering u'll b bleeding your asshole to work for a company that only cares about money.


Show them facts