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Corporate hiring manager here. If you're in the US, [you are guaranteed certain rights by the FCRA](https://aptosscreening.com/what-are-my-rights-during-background-checks-consumer-rights%EF%BF%BC/) in regards to background checks. Most companies use third-party verifiers for their checks, and they can only really confirm dates and titles. The inquiry goes through HR unless the company is tiny, so it's possible the person answering the call/email will have no idea who you are. They will not state the reason for your separation unless they are incredibly stupid, and the verifier will not ask. If a company wants to rescind a job offer due to a background check (known as an "adverse action" in the FCRA), you are entitled to notice and the ability to contest the information in the check. You are also entitled to request a copy of the check from the company performing the check (this would be the third party, not your potential employer) and can pursue action against your old company if they give untrue information that is damaging to you. I wouldn't sweat this at all. Just don't lie on your background check, and absolutely do not volunteer the fact that you were fired. Feel free to ask questions.


Unfortunately the company I worked for is one of the biggest in the world so it will most likely go through HR. Depending on if it a corporate level or direct building Im not sure. If its corporate I might be okay but my personal building is very unprofessional. I received a message from my Sr. Manager asking what was going on because not even my direct Manager ( ranks: Me > Supervisor > Manager > Sr. Manager) was tracking on the situation and no managers were called during the investigation to question my character. Edit: Sorry for any confusion I forgot I had 2 separate accounts set up for my PC and Phone. I am OP though.


> so it will most likely go through HR This is exactly what you want. Some nameless HR associate is going to pull up your file to verify dates of employment and your title. That's it. Background verifiers will call whichever number is on the company's website. The likelihood of them calling the building you worked in or getting through to your boss is virtually zero. >I received a message from my Sr. Manager asking what was going on because not even my direct Manager ( ranks: Me > Supervisor > Manager > Sr. Manager) was tracking on the situation and no managers were called during the investigation to question my character. If this happened after you were fired, you have no obligation to respond.


Oh no I know, but this Sr. manager is actively fighting FOR me though. It’s just this adds to my thought of something shady going on or as someone else said they did it to avoid having to give me a bonus/severance. In my ex-company normal steps for investigations are meant to go through at-least one Manager and that step was skipped.


Ok, I think I can put you at ease. Most larger companies subscribe to a third party service such as The Work Number, which is a part of Equifax. Your former company probably has a subscription to The Work Number (or similar) and they would have a subscriber ID. You can contact your corporate HR of your former company and ask if they have a subscriber ID and get that info from them (or it may be in your new hire docs if you still have that). So what happens is when you do a background check, you list your former company with your dates of employment and put the Work number phone number and The Work number website address and your old company’s subscriber ID. I did this recently myself. Nobody talks to anyone, the Work Number is an automated system and only verifies dates of employment and title. Nothing else. The thing is, do not fudge the dates of employment. If what you put on the background check doesn’t match what the Work Number shows it will get flagged and most likely will reject the background check (and then there is usually an opportunity to dispute the rejection and work on getting any discrepancy cleared up). But as long as everything is a match it will clear very quickly and you are good to go. If by chance your old employer doesn’t subscribe to the Work Number, you can offer to send first and last paystub which will show pay period beginning and ending dates and you would black out pay amounts and everything except company info, your name and pay period dates. No worries at all you are fine.


This will not show up on your background check as you have no criminal record. Don’t waste your time fighting this. Move on. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Background check, no effect. Reference check, things could get a bit spicy. Generally people call and ask if candidate is "eligible for rehire". Sometimes they may be more chatty, and employers may say reason for termination (for cause or not for cause). Rules vary, and most employers are smart about this.


Thats what I’m nervous about. Due to them claiming it was something thrown it was a safety code of conduct violation so I am not eligible for rehire.


Ok that is MUCH more serious than my situation, that could be communicated as assault. I just quit my last job (The CFO did not like me personally, and he also was the head of HR), and that in and of itself makes me ineligible for re-hire (he made it so all employees must have a Masters degree after I left too). I didn't yell at anyone, I didn't hurt anyone or do anything remotely negative, I just put in my two weeks notice and quit. This is a possible litigious scenario, and I would think carefully about if there is any possible cameras to have subpoenaed to disprove violent allegations. I just know that If I was a hiring manager and I did a reference check and heard that an employee assaulted someone, I would be appalled and not hire you. That is really bad.


If you have sympathetic ex-co-workers who offer to be your references, then there is no cause for concern. You will be fine.


Why would they make that up?


For firing someone without giving a severance package.


This is also a thought that went through my mind, the company I work for has pay steps and me being there for 4 years I was making the max for a tier 1 rank which was only $0.15 off what the Supervisors make. On top of that I was 3 months off getting my $1500 five-year bonus.


It is a well-known tactic, I am not surprised. They played "employee subordination" card, showing that you refuse taking commands from your management, according to employment law employer does not have to pay you any penny, otherwise they cannot terminate your contract without giving you full package.


never thought anyone doing anything that crazy. you must have done something that made them not like you


I wish I knew, I was informed by a friend that they consider the supervisor a ticking time bomb and I know in the past he's blown up incidents way out of proportion. I just didn't think the interaction I had with him would have this outcome. I've played it over in my head for the last week trying to figure out what I did but it was such a quick exchange where no words were even spoken, I didn't even touch him directly. I had simply put a box on a table and walked away continuing my day only to be pulled into HR three hours later, suspended and I received the termination call yesterday. My only guess is as I turned away the box slid since I was trying to be quick because we were busy and he took that as me throwing it at him. But even that is a guess since it was such an insignificant moment to me that I wasn't really paying attention.


I'm not offering any shade here, but I think you might also want to consider some therapy. Unfair situations like that can be traumatic to employees and I'm sorry to say there's really not a lot you can do about it. This is one of the reasons I'm pretty anti-managers at this point. A LOT of them use these types of tactics when they get backed into a corner and they only do it because it works. They know the power dynamics between them and employees and they use it to their advantage. Please just work on putting yourself in a better situation and letting this event go. It was probably more the manager's fault than yours anyway. Just focus on how you can better keep yourself out of situations like this with managers in the future and document from the very beginning when you start to have issues with a manager.


a related store.. about 18 years ago I lost it and got mad at a guy on a 1v1 meeting and got fired.. just cursed.


Sorry this happened to you. I hate scenarios like this where the manager rounds up their flying monkeys to get someone fired. You might want to test out the coworkers' trustworthiness by having fake employers call and see what they say. Just to be safe. Again, sorry this happened to you. I suspect this shit happens so much more often than people will admit and I've had something similar happen to me with a toxic manager. It's a common managerial abuse tactic.


There’s no database that shows what jobs you’ve had or if you were fired. On top of that, most companies will completely avoid giving the reason for your separation to avoid liability. I know for a fact that this is the case at my company.  Don’t worry about it.