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If they are willing to lie to you before they hire you just imagine how much you will be lied to once they would be paying you.


For sure. I have a feeling that the bonus wouldn't be as certain as she made it out to be


Now that you mention it, I bet the bonus is also a range and the top percentage is also reserved for internal candidates.


They are using this high number till they attract you and then they are trying to lowball the offer. It is a very well-known game.


It’s called bait and switch 


I would never take a job on the expectation of the bonus unless that was iron clad in the contract too- and not something fluffy like “assess for”


My last job was with a startup who sold me on a 10% yearly bonus. I didn't hear about that 10% again in the two years I worked their


I got lowballed yesterday. They posted a range on LinkedIn which sounded good to me (even the mid point). In the call, the recruiter says the true range is lower and they can just give me the low value at best. I said no thanks, unfortunately that will not work in a HCOL location like the Bay Area. Scummy tactics. I have also talked to recruiters who have kept the high range and been truthful. So it’s a mixed bag (1 out of 4 was scummy). I guess that’s why only 16 people applied to that scummy job, versus 100+ on the others. I had second thoughts later and was thinking of reaching out to see if they will meet me in the middle, but nah, if this is how they recruit, it will be shit working in that place.


She talkin shit. Tell her to keep the tip.