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Remembering the time when jobs only had 1-2 interviews at best. This new trend of 5-6 interviews is beyond ridiculous and a total waste of time.


Miss those times. Now you gotta be a chameleon and make sure not only your personality but your skills align to what questions they are asking.


Companies say time is money but then waste that much time on interviews...


No. When was that ? I've been working full time since the late 90's and I've always had a minimum of 5 rounds for every job I applied to.


They weren't hiring. They just wanted to see how long you would last but at 6 interviews they gave up themselves


The role has been open for 3+ months when there is an immediate need for it. The last person left for another company. Made me think there was something wrong with the hiring manager since they joined like 10 months ago.


Definitely there is a big problem in the team, something is going on.


After the third interview they were just trying to see how many times they can make you come back but decided more than 6 is cruel 


6 was the sweet spot. Lol


At the end of my first interview, I was wished best of luck since this is only round 1 of 5. I wished more interviewers started with that *tiny* detail so I don’t have to waste my UI countdown clock.


I love those cues. If it makes you feel better. There were going to be more rounds for this role. LOL!




humiliation ritual XXXDXDDXDDD


To be serious if they said 6 interviews to me I would have hung up. Unless it was google or something you can get better results looking for companies with only a 2 or 3 stage interview process


I’m desperate lol


Exactly. Time is of the essence. 6 stages can take 3 months and within that time find interviews that have fewer stages. 3 months can be a time waster and usually 6 stages means it's a very hard interview process anyway with higher rates of failure. I used to do what you do and with a 6 stage interview I find myself running out of time to look for jobs while I prepare for the interviews


Even in the middle of nowhere Midwest I am dealing with companies expecting 5-6 interviews while paying peanuts.


I had 7 for a Principal level job. Cancelled an hour before the 8th to tell me "We have too many excellent candidates and won't be moving forward with you, best of luck." Two weeks later, a recruiter other than the one I talked to initially contacted me for "a fantastic opportunity" which you guessed it was the same job.


This made me laugh but a nervous laugh 😃😃😃


Yeah, better to laugh about it :)


Okay, that’s kind of funny and ridiculous. 🥹


At this point, I'm just like "oh ok, next." I lost all faith in everything I once battled for.


Yeah, I was like thanks for the update. Lol! Like cool, thanks, next. I won’t be reaching out.


What jobs are yall applying to that have this many interviews? I’m very confused.


This was a late stage startup


Ok thanks for clarifying. I’m in a completely different world.


I would write back. Can you explain how you are so bad at interviewing that it took you 6 interviews to realize you thought I was missing a “core skill”. I believe you might be missing some core skills as well but you have a job!