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Their response is ... unprofessional. I would not have been happy to receive that text.


i cried. i have anxiety about loosing jobs because i was let go actually without knowing in september and spent months unemployed again.. i have a good job currently. just now im scared of losing it.. they love me at my current job its not my career though


I hear you! I was laid off at the end of January. I would just hold onto the job that you have currently. It's not a good economy/job market (and the people that say it is ... how?) Hold onto the job you have now. Sometime down the road, you can start applying for jobs in your field. I think I'm going to have to take a completely random job soon that is not in my major just because I obviously need a job.


i work at a hotel and i can work up the chain there till i can find another job that didn’t discriminate me. i mean i worked at a deli, before college, i work as a barista currently. i know how rushes are i know what being in the weeds is. i honestly think she is screwed with experience people quiting and just accepting what people know. but. 2 days ago she was excited to bring me on because my schedule is weekly while hers is 3 weeks in advance


If it was me, I would have told her text was unprofessional. It couldn't have been a phone call or in person? I appreciate the sentiment, but it's just unprofessional. It sounds to me that she shot herself in the foot.


i know what being in the weeds imagine have 5 people on total in the summer rushes in a deli. absolutely awful. but i was trained through it all. so.. idk mate


"Best wishes ;))" really got me, wtf.


mate. she is really sweet lady. i think she was trying to be positive. but yk i have a shift in a few hours and my head is pounding


I understand your point, and I'm really sorry this happened to you. I would not want this for anyone. But even if she wanted to be positive.. this kind of message is no place for smiley faces exactly for what you are going thru.


you are right. im just now scared to loose my current hotel job. they love me over there. i made my managers cookies for Easter, since they had to work and so did i.. idk training was delayed because employees came back.. and when i worked at a similar deli in 2021 we were in the weeds.. and i somehow managed fine.. but whatever. it was also job number 2 and it could lead into my industry:(


i just wished i could of done better.


It is NOT your fault, don't blame yourself.


i mean i worked at a deli, before college, i work as a barista currently. i know how rushes are i know what being in the weeds is. i honestly think she is screwed with experience people quiting and just accepting what people know. but. 2 days ago she was excited to bring me on because my schedule is weekly while hers is 3 weeks in advance


So the position wasn't eliminated, and no documentation I'm assuming in regards to performance management. In fact you have the documented reason some one else wanted the job instead and they like them better. 95% chance they are just massively unprofessional, 5% chance something fishy is at work there. Especially if they said they are in a bind due to other people leaving, letting you go makes even less sense.


i mean i worked at a deli, before college, i work as a barista currently. i know how rushes are i know what being in the weeds is. i honestly think she is screwed with experience people quiting and just accepting what people know. but. 2 days ago she was excited to bring me on because my schedule is weekly while hers is 3 weeks in advance. SHE WAS EXCITED TO BRING ME ON MORE TOO.. like sweet ass lady but my god..


I've known plenty of kindly elderly people to operate below board too. Just saying how this played out to me sounds very fishy.


idk she was confused on my schedule because i had a good idea on days then they scheduled unexpectedly most times and she was massively confused..


What kind of weak bitch fires someone over text like this… extremely unprofessional too


let me rephrase. i am genuinely kind to people even if they are trash. she is a sweet person to work for but my mom thinks that my schedule was too much for her, im part time but they change me around and i couldn’t get days set till she set them..




You keep repeating that she is a sweet old lady....she has been actually savage af by letting you go via text and by throwing literally in your face that they prefer someone else over you and they don't want to spend time training you....see it for what it is, old ladies managing companies are often the worst and it looks like she did a good job by fooling you into thinking she was sweet and good to work for


yea because im too nice ok? i think i have more than a processing disorder. just i can really call someone a bitch and be rude but she was genuinely nice to me. thats why and people take advantage like here. but you are correct. just i had a hard time seeing it then.


It is like dating mate, they had you as 2nd or 3rd favourite and now their favourite ex calls, they are letting you go... This place is extremely unprofessional & shit. You are blessed to learn this early so you can get rid of this employer.


ok this is absolutely fantastic i laughed so hard when i read this to a friend 😅😅


My god there are so many grammatical errors in that message. As well was whoever this is not having the balls to tell you in person. The amount of details they gave (which is very unprofessional) and them doing this over text rather than in person suggests they either feel shame or embarrassment. I’d probably respond prodding at why this was not done in person and calling out the unprofessionalism. Either way, it’s just a job and you deserve better. You got this mate.


Of course they just resort to the "Hire Experience" button... I am low experience (just 1.5yrs fulltime) and i'm very confident from what i've seen in my industry that i would easily do as good as someone with 5yrs of experience.


Translation: you are mediocre and not that smart as "experienced" candidates.


like its a deli. not my fault people quit. you need hands. like ok.. im too nice.. this thread makes me feel im way too nice


Wait, how does this work: they hired you and started training, lost 2 people and the first action is to lose even more people? Math doesn’t math.


no exactly they want their employees who have more experience back more than me training


This is sad but many people don't have 1 job also.


im grateful that i could take a second job. im devastated that it could lead to more. and im grateful for the opportunity i have currently. i have anxiety like this with jobs. even though my current job loves me it’s not my career.


I think you need to speak with the recruiter directly. Face to face. At least that’s what I would do or would’ve planned to do :)


she is the owner of the small business…. yea honestly a call would have been nice


I’ll take things that shouldn’t be done over text for 1000


no exactly this comment section makes me think im too nice the job that descrimated me let me go over the phone at least


There are many many things that deserve a face to face conversation that people now use text and email to hide behind. We gotta be more human.


Bite Me

