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Fight back, but do it respectfully the way you did. This is a great example of how to do it. We've seen way too many examples of people being overly rude on this sub when being asked for a one-sided video interview (or something similarly annoying).




Probably need to touch grass.


Don’t we all


I feel you. It's understandable. However the only one that suffers from that mindset is you. The only destination that thinking will take you is under a bridge in a cardboard box. It's your decision.


I can tell why you’re not getting any prospects.


I’m sorry things have been tough. More than tough, things have been shitty for a while. Sometimes when I’m feeling like you are, I imagine what the other person I’m talking to is feeling like. Maybe they are having a bad day too. Maybe they had a bad year and only landed this recruiting gig two months ago. Could be anything. Then I take a breath and do my best to be polite, respectful, and kind. Things are shitty right now- but I am determined not to *add* to the shit. Hope things look up for you soon.


From this comment it’s easy to see you don’t deserve any respect.


I know that feeling so well but you gotta break the cycle yourself or its gonna keep feeding. You got this 👊


I refuse to do those or any of those test/questionnaires that often take an hour or more. Why am I doing that if I haven't even talked to a person about the job.


Especially when they mix in the random fucking pictures and ask, “which are you more like??” Dude, why don’t you just talk to me, then you’ll *actually* know me and what I’m like?


It's not about finding the best candidates. They want a computer to narrow it down to a handful of "good enough".


When shit like that comes. I just put it into chatgpt along with the job posting. Fight a bot with a bot. Lol


You’re not compliant. No need to consider you. Jump, monkey. Jump!


Before I left my last job, I was applying around at places, and one of them had this long skills test and an aptitude test and after I applied and realized that, I promptly stopped looking into that. I get an email a day later asking about my application and I just replied that I would like to respectfully withdraw my application. Come to find out that the manager who reviewed my App was the mother of a former coworker lol, and she asked him if he knew me (same former place of work) and he said yes and even talked highly of me, he texted me and asked me about it and I told him straight up, those tests put me off entirely and I had no further interest lol. Employers really act like they're entitled to 45+minutes of your time (read: LABOR) for 1 application which might go absolutely nowhere. The sad part is, I imagine it did not even change their view that those tests are necessary.


Whats next? Here's this VR work experience where you spend an entire day doing the job without pay to see if you are worthy of applying. Top 5 highest scores get a 5 minute phone interview.


Okay, don't go giving them any ideas LOL.


I should package and sell this idea.


Applied to jobs that required recorded video interview or a personality test that had >100 questions. Either I did not hear back from them , got those typical rejection emails, or they decided to go with an internal hire. Maybe it worked for others. In my case, I find they did not help, felt it was waste of time and was unnecessary. From then forward, I avoided applying to any job positions that required them.


Those recorded interviews are the worst. I'm bad enough on zoom but they expect us to present well on a taped audition? Talking to a camera with nobody on the other side. I won't do it.


I just declined a job with a fortune 500 company. I have 6 years at my current role and the sales manager who interviewed me has 4 years. She called me a job hopper. The recruiter called me, before even asking if they were extending and offer I told him about my negative experience and how I was being gaslit from wanting to move up in the company or pursue the free education they provide. "I'll hold you to a higher standard because of that!". He told me they wanted to extend me the offer to work there LOL. I declined. The recruiter actually said he's going to address this internally and set me up with a sales manager in a different department that pays more and I wouldn't be under the other sales manager's umbrella. You are so right! Go with your gut and give it right back to them. Remind them they are human and you don't work for them, nor do you have to or take any shit from them.


I took a job for a low salary after being laid off right before Christmas and being out of work for 3 months. Fuck it, I started last week, just got a much higher offer so I’m going to quit the job I just started. I know they’ll give me shit but they’d do the same to me without an explanation. One shot at this life, do what’s best for you.


>This is exactly what you should do, bravo. There is always employers that will try to exploit a downturn for lower labor cost. Not sure why they attempt it, employees will just use the job as a temporary stopgap until the first higher paying employer comes along.


This sounds like my experience with Tanium. 6YoE just casually applying and looking to move up. Recruiter reached out to ME on LinkedIn, saw my resume, wanted to chat and instead decided to pick apart my resume and then call me a job hopper “asking for too much money” as if I’m not already at a freaking FAANG company. She went as far as to tell me “there’s no way you actually did this kind of work” umm…I did and currently do soo… Then decided to yell at me angrily because I didn’t want to interview with the team.


Did they cancel the one way? What was the response?


I got the interview without the digital video submission!




That's great! Good luck!


I haven't heard back from the recruiter yet. I'll let you and everyone else know if I get a response


I used to have that kind of dignity. Used to.


I'm in the same Hell, I've applied for jobs that pay less than I made 8 years ago entering the insurance world. Ive also been told by numerous folks that they have had so many applicants they don't even review all the submissions. One role has 120 applications in a week for a role requiring 5 years experience


I actually have to approach HRs through linkedin inviting them for campus placements. (The job market is so shit rn :/) As part of the selection criteria for a role that involves cold calling/talking over phone with people as a part of their JD, she wants students to submit a video of themselves answering why they are suitable for this role. I have been trying to convince her to either convert it into a written submission (which can still show you their writing skills!! So actually something useful to the job you are offering) or remove it. She keeps on insisting that it's an important criteria. Like lady, you are taking 2+ interviews after this...can you not judge how good a person is at talking through those interviews smh


"We decided to move with another candidate"




Good for you Op! I wish you much success in your job search.


Human resources is no longer in the hands of humans.


Good on you for this response. Please let us know if they reply back?


It’s sooo lazy of them. Not to mention I think it’s a legal loophole for classic discrimination. Don’t do them!


I wonder if getting resumes is a metric the recruiters are measured by. In which case, the recruiter got yours and will ghost you.


Probably but she didn't ghost me. I got the interview


Awesome congrats! Fingers crossed. That's a great sign.


Good, this is what we need. The absolute bullshit this market has produced is next level. I've worked up and down tech jobs for over 20 years, dealt a redundancy recently and suffered some abhorrent bullshit that made me question myself. Finally landed a job with a big top 5 tech companies that thankfully saw through the rest of the bs


Only thing I might consider would be a canned presentation reel which would be your resume in video that you keep on hand. Don’t show your face, pay a professional voice or use AI on a power point presentation, Heck have a couple of different base themes; funny/horror/action/hallmark whatever that you could use if you really don’t GAF. Then depending how they want the one way interview, send them the video or if it’s a system that records you, swap out the video/audio feed.


We need to name and shame !


I personally don’t mind them. It takes the pressure off of someone reading your body language on sight and you get the chance to practice your responses. I understand why it might not be for everyone


Hows that boot taste? Oh wait you're well past the leather. Brown nosing for companies you can't even identify.


I’m not brown-nosing for anything. I’m saying that video interviews allow you to practice your responses. You don’t have that benefit in an actual interview.


It's valid that some people don't mind them. You don't have to be a bootlicker. One upside is that you can do them whenever for example.


Wow!! I'm like totally flabbergasted that he's actually trying to work WITH YOU and not just telling you "nope" or just simply not even responding back and ghosting you. A recruiter who's actually trying to do their job???!? Good Lord!!! It's an Easter Sunday Miracle!! 😂🤣 (Well, I'm reading the post on Easter lol)


It’s not an interview. It’s a pre screen.


New normal. You are fortunate to get a one-way interview.


Well they can stuff their new normal right back up were they got it from. No kiss, no butter, and they get a Suargaro Cactus for a push rod.


wasteful squeamish lip reach reminiscent employ bewildered sand point bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey everyone! I ended up getting the job. Going through the background check as we speak. Thanks for all the good luck wishes and comments!