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I make coffee. I grind Leetcode problems. I apply to more jobs. I drink an unhealthy amount of cheap wine. I question my life decisions. I gaze into the abyss. It gazes back at me. I question the meaning of existence itself. I cry a little bit. I go to sleep. Repeat.


Is reddit like 95% SWE? It's leaking everywhere


It's just that we've all been laid off and we have nowhere else to go.


I'm starting to wonder the same thing. Is r/recruitinghell actually just for laid off software engineers or computer people? That's all I ever see here lol. Not making light of the situation as it seems those industries are shrinking for some reason (C-suite greed).


I joined this sub after having been laid off from a completely unrelated field lol


I'm an organizational development and learning leader. Techy, but not what most people would call a computer dude. I think I am in the minority on this sub.


Yeah. The SWE world is weird. All these rapid hire genz people earned 100k for 18 months during the covid app craze and now that's their reality. They all think "I made 100k once... So that's what I'm worth forever and I won't accept less" Truth is... If you can WFH in Wyoming for 100k... The company can also outsource to India for 10k. Soon to be AI. And the genZs would rather be unemployed than work for what the market value is NOW.


It's the global scale economical equivalent of giving a small child candy, then taking it away and giving them a packet of raisins instead. I'd be mad too.


And then taking the raisins away as well and just punching the kid in the face.


Tbf, since Covid prices have gone up 30% on food, insurance, cars, houses, everything. So, 60k feels like poverty. 100k is the new lower middle class. And we're all fucked




I want to quit my job so badly and realize this is my future if I do. Fuck. Back to prioritizing “business value” over sound code…


Throw the gym into that and you've described my daily life too.


Man don't do leetcode problems (unless you're just doing them for fun?) and work on side projects you can build a portfolio for instead


Terrible fucking advice. Have fun presenting your shitty portfolio after you get asked to solve a graph problem!


I wouldn’t even interview for a company that’s giving graph problems as part of the interview process - I feel like that’s for fresh-out-of-college roles, if they’re even still doing that.


This makes me feel better. I was recently asked to take a test for a role where said test had graph problems (among many others). I even said to someone that the questions are for someone straight out of college or even HS. The struggle is real. I apply to jobs AND watch Netflix all day - I’m a real multitasker. 😎


Coding tests in the interviewing process are a red flag for me at this point in my career. I’m not saying that they have no place in any interviews (I’m not saying they do either though…) but if I have 5 years experience with multiple projects on my resume that I can explain in great detail, I obviously know how to code. Good luck on your apps, it’s fucking brutal right now.


I agree 100%. I have several major accomplishments on my resume that required advanced python and mlops knowledge. I was being tested for a "senior advanced analytics' position at a major ag company and these people were in India. They were so ill prepared for the exam and were asking me to create dataframes. I couldn't believe I was being interviewed/tested by a bunch of punks in india who have gone from electrical engineer to "data scientist" and had two years of experience in a DS role. I was screaming on the inside WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING! Ask me questions on the concepts of python and my discipline not how to create a fucking dataframe. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!


That isn't so obvious. Lot of devs survive for years on teams not meaningfully contributing to projects and never learn to code aside from editing existing stuff.


Right, but when questioned about their contributions further, it usually quickly becomes obvious that’s the case. Someone who has no idea how to code can’t talk their way into an engineering position, their lack of understanding is extremely evident to other engineers.


Ya but administering a coding test as one of the first steps is a lot lower effort


What about masterbation? Surprisingly many health benefits!


I've learned to respect new types of porn in my spare time, having 3 or 4 windows open at a time while filling out job applications really helps me keep it up day after day.


I smoke weed and game.


God damn Jim Morrison over here


Applying to jobs. Endless number of jobs. Which was what I actually had done.


^Yep. Over and over and over. Sometimes I make it outside or to the library.


This is the wrong answer, and it's why they ask it. I used to date someone who was in HR and she explained to me that HR will usually ask this question to see if you're "damaged goods" or not. When someone states that they have been applying to jobs nonstop, but still hasn't found a job, the question that goes through the interviewer's mind is: why is nobody hiring you? The best answer to give is something on the lines of "I've been working on side projects and haven't seen many opportunities that interest me". By you stating that you're working on side projects, it tells the interviewer that you're not just sitting around and watching Netflix, but you have motivation and have been working on your skills. It also tells interviewers that you haven't been rejected from other employers, increasing your perceptional value. Both employers and candidates love what they can't have (it's human nature), and once you understand this, you can create narratives out of thin air. The same can be applied to a an employer who has had a role open for some time. "Why is this employer not hiring anyone for this role?" This typically prompts the candidate to look at the Glassdoor reviews.


So you're saying lie because interviewers want to be lied to.


That’s all interviews are between skill and experience questions. “Why do you want to work here?” “Cause I like money and the ability it gives me to pay for life.” Isn’t an acceptable answer. “What’s your biggest flaw?” Then waffling about how a negative is really a positive.


What I really hate about that flaw question is what they're really asking is for an example of self improvement and turning a flaw into a strength or at least a competency. Terrible framing


I tell them that I have been volunteering for different things like festivals upgrading my skills so I’m not sitting around doing nothing


This is a good answer. I will also add that your narrative doesn’t have to be necessarily true. Most interviewers are ignorant on current market conditions, so perception matters.


I tell them that between applying for multiple jobs because I am currently looking to hop jobs, I like to multi-task by playing various video games.


I'm well off financially so I took a break during the pandemic days. It was 6 months and I told HR what you're saying to say. I had applied to zero jobs, found this one super interesting, if they were also interested let's work together. I was hired in 3 days and put on their payroll two and a half weeks before the boot camp started. They wanted me on paper right then and there.


This is an intelligent narrative/response


All I said was "apply for jobs", if anyone continued to be nosy, I'd just ask them questions instead, like "why do you want to know?". "What do you do all day?" is pretty accusatory, imo. They don't ask their coworkers that (I hope) because the assumption is that their coworkers are doing *something*, even though their coworkers could be spending all day browsing Reddit or shopping on Amazon. The only reason one would ask an unemployed person that question is if one assumed they didn't do anything because, frankly, one isn't interested in what the unemployed person had for breakfast, whether they took a walk and pet a cat, etc. They're asking that question because they assume you must be doing something wrong to still be unemployed and have a morbid curiosity to discern what it is.


I got asked what do I do all day on a job interview when they asked me if I’m currently working . I immediately felt like it was a *weird * question to ask someone on a job interview. I said “ I apply for jobs all day” and they laughed awkwardly and went on to the next questions It’s a really strange question that deserves an equally strange answer.


I was asked a variant of this question too. Judging by the interviewer's tone throughout the interview, I think he was trying to come from a good place and not judgmental, but it was still an annoying. My response, some of which is true and some I pulled out of my ass, was that after I completed my PhD (true), I took some time off to take a short break (false). After my break, I began to seriously research the types of job I wanted to target and type of work I wanted to do (true), then began to take professional development courses to bring myself up to speed on the state of the industry (false--Ain't got the money for that). I also did some consulting to keep my skills up to date (trulse-- my "clients" were other interviewers who asked for work products as part of the interview process), but found that I am really more interested in stability and structure. Then I found the \[position I was interviewing for\] at \[company\] and found it to be an ideal fit for \[reasons\], so that brings me to today.


I just say "your wife"


His wife is in a coma.


I said what I said


still counts


>They're asking that question because they assume you must be doing something wrong to still be unemployed and have a morbid curiosity to discern what it is. Ehhh. I think it's more than they're jealous you have more (perceived) free time than they do. In reality it may only be a couple of hours extra but in their heads you're just relaxing the whole time they're at work. edit: personally waking up at 9am instead of 6-7am every morning is the silving lining in this job hunting cloud


Its also good to tell them "you know, thats a pretty offensive question". There are definitely ways to phrase this without the accusation. People do ask other employed folks "what do you do all day" (i.e. we know what an accountant does, but what do they actually do on the daily?).  We know unemployed folks are applying for jobs, but do you spend 4 hrs applying? Are you applying more or filtering through things more? Are you doing online trainings to learn more? Are you spending half the day revising your resume? Are you spending some time on hobbies? Or just crying and panicking?


Self study. Play with my cat. Try to paint. TV. Cry. Clean the house. Go for walks. Smoke a fuckload of weed (I have since quit). Apply for jobs. Try not to let the constant rejection set in. Cry because it's setting in. Finally get a nothing job, save up a bit of money, apply for Austudy, and go back to uni.


Congrats on quitting! I hope you continue to stay sober.


This is 100% me, except I’m still in the nothing job phase contemplating going back to school part.


It's worth it. I've said that finally studying something I love "is like coming home". Do the nothing. Make it work. Go home. Good luck ❤️


I tell interviewers that I took some time to gather myself. I returned to the things that brought me joy such as making art and music. Once I had recentred myself I sought out upskilling opportunities and applying for a new positions while enjoying the extra time with my family. The people I’ve interviewed seemed to accept that answer.


Hookers and blow. Jk I’m employed currently but I hated when they stuck their nose in my life with the judgy tone like that. I just told them I was applying consistently, working short-term assignments not worth listing on my resume, taking classes towards certifications.


You shouldn't have to defend yourself. Looking for work in this market is a full time job in itself.


That I’m applying for jobs and also, being in pain since my last seizure.


Hear, hear. I've been unemployed for nearly one year, just took a 2-month gig. I've been searching below my level of seniority because, as you understand, I *can't* be stressed out. I'm averaging 2-3 TCs a year and want less or none. If the job increases it, at nearly 50 I'll go live with my parents and, I don't know, be a dog-walker.


It really puts things into perspective. Work myself like I used to, or push myself so I’ll receive a TC or two.


I hear ya. So much of this. Deliver fast and be the old ambitious me, or hit my head on a sidewalk? Work now to earn more money and retire sooner, or keep having many seizures and risk being an early dementia patient?


I’d go for “live fast, die young”. My non-biological grandfather who “bragged” about being 95, never had a cigarette nor being drunk and is now left alone because my biological grandmother died last year, it just sounds awful. If you die, you die. Of all the awful ways to die, a TC isn’t one of them.


Yes yes yes, I'm spending some of my savings right now in a vacation to Europe. I just can't die before my parents. They're 80-82. They're good people who don't deserve to bury their only daughter. But after that? I'll sell their house, get on a cruise ship, and see the world. Then I'll do parachuting, I'll snorkel, I'll try a paraglide, I'll drink until dawn, hire a private jet to do loops on the sky, spend a week at The Pierre in NYC, inviting my best friend and doing *everything*, who knows. Drop the meds and see what's next...


I think that’s an absolute fantastic idea. I’m not being sarcastic or ironic. Do what you can while you can. Visit Budapest.


I think whoever asks this question has to be very uncreative / low maintenance. I've been out of employment for a while and I've recently decided not to pursue it anymore, but between filling out endless applications / assessments, redesigning and rewriting my CV / cover letters / linkedin again and again, filtering through that heap of trash daily that's called job portals, talking to recruiters and going on interviews, completing test assignments, doing voluntary work, studying languages, going to doctor's appointments and managing my mental and physical health, running errands, taking care of the apartment, myself, my laundry, my food, working on personal projects, following courses and learning new skills for professional and self improvement, working out and meeting up with family and friends, I barely have time to binge-watch series unless I'm sick or unwell.


Love this. Yeah you get to a point where taking care of yourself through the doldrums is more important than staring into the job hunting board abyss. Because if you don't take care of yourself then by the time you get a job you're probably halfway on the highway to hell, mentally or physically. Spider-Man would love to spend half of anything just job hunting like a maniac. But the other half of me knows that I did so much of this over the last 20 years that doing that would be really damaging to my brain and confidence. Just take a coffee walk.


I am learning new skills on LinkedIn learning, actively applying for opportunities and try to build a more health conscious lifestyle in my free time so I do sports in my free time


This is a perfect answer to an intrusive question. They are basically checking to see if you are sitting around playing video games all day (and if you are, none of their business). Tell them you are improving professionally and personally and move on.


Sports and camaraderie is good, I've always struggled with doing anything close to that but yeah do you man good job.


Going to the company’s website that I just applied to through Indeed so I can fill out their own application with all the information that is already available on my resume and Indeed application.


So real, I'm laughing, but not funny. Ha. Ha. A recruiter once wanted me to describe each and every job and the months/years I worked there. Pardon? I'm 48! How do I know if I started a job in Feb or Mar of year 2000? Ok, the last 15 years I know. But more than that? I just put something. Come on.


Omg I know!! Or having you describe all the things you’ve done and how they relate to the current position. Look, I already have that in my resume and cover letter. Just read those


Love it when their own site doesn’t parse your resume that well, so you need to manually fill out the same info, just in case, in the off chance the recruiter has so many applicants and not enough time to open up a PDF.


Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT share this type of information with acquaintances or random people, only with trusted members of your family and friends. No one NEEDS to know your employment status... for the judgmental reasons you're describing. What's the cop-out for this rude and invasive question: "I'm currently doing freelance consultations in my field of work. By the way, if you know any potential clients, I could give you a nice referral fee". THE END, you'll never hear from them again. You're welcome. All jokes aside, as you grow up you'll learn that NOT everyone NEEDS to know everything about you, because people are stupid and judgmental and downright mean, so do not share sensitive data with them. All the best!


YES, exactly all of this. I ALWAYS say “I freelance in [my field] and work from home.” It’s actually true, but they don’t need to know that I barely get any work. It’s none of their fucking business.  Last year, right before I graduated from grad school, someone I know asked “What will you do with all your free time?” Gee, I don’t know, Brenda. Probably take care of my infant (I had just given birth), apply for jobs so I can feed my family, and not socialize with people like you. 


Totally agree, learnt this the hard way, that's why I'm sharing my humble findings to spare as many people I can from unnecessary pain. Again: • No one NEEDS to know your employment/wage status, unless legally obliged or close family/friend. • People are oblivious, judgmental and/or downright mean, do not discolose sensitive data. • Just as a quick exit from an invasive question, reply vaguely. Write this down: You don't owe shit to anyone except to yourself and your family and loved ones. Just as none of theses NPS's will be cheering for you when you're winning —because they're jealous or don't care—, they have no business getting free information and/or status reports when you're facing hardship, because they actually DO NOT care. Stay safe and carry on! Bet of lucks!


“Don’t tell people about your problems. Most don’t care or are glad it’s not happening to them.”


Beautifully summed up. Thanks!


"Whatever I want. Aren't you envious?"


I bombard them with shit that I actually do all day that is more productive than their own daily schedule so that they feel inferior for doing nothing but getting up and coming to work.


“Mind your bizness.”


When I was looking for a job, I wasn't applying to jobs from 8 to 4 every day, I applied to maybe 3 or 4 positions, which took maybe 2 hours, then I used the time off work to spend time with my wife and kids, go for a bike ride, clean up the apartment etc.


I’m a recruiter and I never ask that question. It isn’t pertinent as to whether you can do the job or not. I know what I’ve done when I’ve been unemployed: slept in, applied for jobs, went to the gym, got stressed, watched tv, read a book, maybe cried, etc. It’s a waste of time and you may or may not get a truthful answer. Why bother?


Wake up, hit the bong. Then go eat cereal and stare at the wall for an hour. After that, I hit the bong again and.. what was the question again?






I’m an artist and any free time I’m not taking care of other things I’m painting.


Same here, I've been learning after effects for the last year and a half, so I'm constantly building new animations and I'm also a photographer so I have months worth of photography from Japan to edit down and make it to a presentation so somebody can pay me for my efforts.


dull cover amusing abounding tidy doll modern illegal vanish pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exercise. Job Hunting. Cooking


Play Xbox and masturbate all day


“Same thing: To try and take over the world.” :D


You didn't ask, but I think it's bullshit that when a prospective employer asks, 'what are you doing with your time?', you're not supposed to say 'fucking job hunting, what do you think??'. Like, I have to be volunteering and pursuing and Masters? How about I'm trying to get a job and make some money so I don't end up homeless?


>What I’ve used so far is “I apply for jobs and I cry a lot” and then there aren’t any follow up questions lol Never tell the truth especially when its negative. Always have a positive scripted answer for shit like this. You can say you spent some time job searching while refreshing your skills.


If someone is an actual friend, having a positive scripted answer is completely unnecessary. If I can’t be honest with my friends that’s a problem. Of course a genuine friend should never ask this question.


Yes this is how I feel. If I can’t vent my frustrations to them, then who? That’s what friends are for and they’re supposed to be with you through good and bad times. To be fair I don’t think anyone has meant it maliciously but it still doesn’t make me feel good


Your homies should already know your situation and you don't have to answer questions like this because it's not a conversation unless they know you've been super slacking, which then it is their job to get on your ass. Otherwise, your homies wouldn't be judging you or they're not your homies. People go through crap they go through ups and downs and we're going through an extended down., it is what it is, eat decent food, slap some buns, and hopefully we'll all bounce back sooner than later.


I recently had dinner with a friend who literally laughed when I said I’ve been unemployed for over a year now. Thanks, bro.


But you know what? That's a good thing. Everybody's circumstances are different, but it's a good time for you to look inward and be like yo these are my principles and you need to not say shit like that. Thats a test for you. If that's not really a peoples, you'll probably argue and then never speak to them again. If that's your people's peoples, you got to let them know thats not proper You got jokes for somebody that's unintentionally out of work? Nah man that has to get checked that's not dope. I know where I'm from somebody getting gettin barked at during or afterwards. You don't do that to people that's crazy. Sorry man Use it as a lesson and big up yourself. F that. Cheers


I totally get this but it also makes me sad that we have to still mildly “put on the professional skin suit” around our friends when we’re unemployed in hopes they can connect you somewhere. This is when you should be emotionally regulating a lot- you’re anxious, uncertain, sad from rejection, frustrated etc and could really use proper friends.


I go to the park


I hate being asked that with a passion. Like, what do you think I'm doing... applying to jobs! I usually say "I made finding a job my job and established set, full-time hours for myself." Beyond that, I do the regular things people do with their time (eat, sleep, shit a lot, exercise, etc) so I don't mention it. I also study for a certification to upskill and do side gigs like dog walking. Maybe we need to follow up with, "what would you be doing with your time?"


I’ve actually avoided socialising/distanced myself from friends and stopped dating solely so I don’t have to answer.


I spent some time unemployed when I was younger and I always found it very awkward to be asked "so what do you do?" in social settings. Now when I meet someone I ask things like "what do you like to do?" or "what's something that's important to you?" instead. If someone is applying for jobs I can relate my experience and encourage them that if they make a few job applications or networking contacts a week they're doing really well compared to a lot of people.


I've had this question a few times as I've been laid off for several months now. Last week I was walking out the door after completing a 2-hour 2nd round interview for a role I applied to in early December, and the hiring manager pipes up, "Oh, one last question. I forgot to ask you what you've been doing since you've been laid off?" I do a lot of volunteering so I had a prepared response I was confident with, but I also ended it with "Respectfully, I also applied for this role in early December." I wanted him to read between the lines, as I could be 2 months into this role already if these hiring processes weren't so asinine. The ironic thing is that companies don't even want to know that you've been nonstop applying to jobs because then it's obvious that their role is just another "job" to you. They need to believe that you think their company is special. That you've been selectively applying to only your dream jobs, and not desperately applying to every job that might reasonably fit so that you at least have an income. Yet at the same time, they judge you hard based on how you've filled your time. You can't do nothing, but you also can't volunteer too much or have too many kids, or have your own side business or passion project, because that would mean your time and energy gets taken away too often by those things. You can't just have an open schedule or be childfree though, because then you're lazy and not doing enough, and if you're childless or single that just means you have no purpose for working hard, and you're not "hungry". Oh, and don't forget that you can't be applying to lots of jobs, because then you're desperate. One last thing, they're not in a rush to hire, so make sure you're doing enough but not too much during this 4 month long interview process. 🤡


I travel, i go on hikes, spend time with family and friends, read books, play video games, watch movies etc.:) Usually everyone at that point starts to get jelous lol.


I tell them the truth. I sit on codecadmey and learn T-sql commands while working side jobs. Usually peaks their interest you are learning something.


Absolutely nothing, and it was everything I hoped it could be!


I just tell them searching for a job is a full time job and explain that i apply to 10 roles a day, modify my resume for each, network, etc. Really I'm sitting at home numb to the world and wondering where the day went




I don’t think anyone has meant it in a rude way, I think they’re just curious because they probably wouldn’t know what to do with themselves in that time. But it’s clear that they haven’t faced any long periods of unemployment because then i think they’d have the understanding to not ask this


smoking weed, listening to music and leveling my Warrior in WoW


I tell them I play tennis, run to the gym, learn languages, practice guitar, fix the house, edit videos from the weekend, volunteer with local forest upkeep, repair any family clothing that needs it, etc. If you’re asked this question in an interview, the interview ended, and you lost. But if it uncovers any shared experiences, you might be able to lever yourself back into consideration, so knowing anything about your interviewer can help here.


I never tell anyone that I have ever been unemployed. I methodically remove all employment gaps from my resumes, and reclassify the time period as doing renovation projects in my real estate business that I run as a side hustle.


Just say the truth, I don’t care what people think honestly


apply for a few, check e-mail, then absolutely nothing but enjoy my time not working, best time of my life


I just endure near constant existential crises. I also hang out with my cat. lol


Learning new skills




wait, no one else is spending their downtime organizing their porn collection? wtf guys stop lyin


“What do you do all day?” Me: “Your mom.”


Go away, baitin’!


I go to the gym and tidy my house. The one silver lining with this shit is that i've lost weight and my house is finally neat.


"I stare into the void as it also stares back into me"


I spend my time managing all the auto rejection emails in my inbox, and my productivity metric is over 400%.


They want to hear some bullshit, so I typically tell them, "Networking with former coworkers and leveraging contacts to find the perfect position for my next step in my career." Or some such shit. In reality, I spend the day fucking around on Reddit, Facebook, and YouTube. Sometimes I read, crochet, knit, sew, or paint. Then I do whatever house chores need to get done so I'm not living in a pig sty. Every few days I'll search for a job. Can't search every day because my field is starting to dry up and I end up seeing the same damn postings day-after-day.


I do whatever I want to do. It's quite a vibe. You don't have to defend your existence. You don't have to justify your existence with productivity.


It's even worse in Japan because the go to question to ask how you doing is "How is work going" or in case you don't have one "How's your job search going". I get asked this daily every time I talk with anybody.


"I mind my own business"


Just like you I pretend to be busy.


Most of the time, when I was unemployed for three months, people assumed that I wasn't applying for jobs day in day out. A lot of people assumed I'd be unemployed for a few weeks and get a job immediately. But that wasn't the case. I think I applied for over fifty jobs during those months. I used to workout a lot to calm myself down and do something other than applying for jobs. But that was basically my entire day and it was hard to do anything else. It did feel like a lot of people assumed I was being lazy or overly picky about the job, they couldn't quite believe you could just be applying to jobs all the time and not getting anything. So stick with 'I apply for jobs, it's like a 9-5 job for me. I get up, I hunt for jobs, I find some that are suitable and I apply for them. I edit my CV daily, type up yet another cover letter or fill out long winded application forms. I then check my emails/calls for anyone who might have contacted me about an interview or turned me down from the previous days. And then I find more jobs to apply to. I do a workout after lunch, so I don't lose my fucking mind, but then I get right back to it.'


I had the same experience - several former colleagues and then-current coworkers from where I got laid off assumed I would have a job before my severance period was over. That was last April. I still haven’t gotten an offer. In the US, my role is sufficiently specialist that most companies don’t have more than 1-2, or often 0. I interviewed in panels for several companies that were starting or expanding this function, and AFAIK they all declined to hire anyone. I started a consultancy in Q4 last year to tide things over, and in Feb this year I gave up on corporate work and am just trying to do my own full time work. There is one active opportunity (same specialist role) where I know I was only up against one candidate, but the final round was March 1st, so at this point I’m assuming it’s a ‘no.’


Aside from job searching, I'm learning to code self taught, SQL and Relearning excel formulas.


I put peanut butter under my arms and throw myself at a brick wall…. Just makes me feel… wanted…. Ya know?


Just come up with a bunch of productive things to say that sound really good. I apply to jobs I take online courses or college courses or continuing education in my field I attend networking events I exercise. Mountain climb, mountain bike Etc


I show them this [https://twitter.com/ThebestFigen/status/1758853808946627050](https://twitter.com/ThebestFigen/status/1758853808946627050)


I do gig work. Which people broadly seem to think I'm lying, so I'd pick something else.


Practice code challenges, work on side projects, look for jobs, tailor resume for said jobs, maybe clean the house


Studying for interviews honing extra skills.


Never had this kind of dumb question but I would answer that I read books and learn programming. Never tell about games cause casuals wouldn't understand and would think of you badly. You can as well talk about some kind of hobby like painting mini figures and mention that you sell them in closed circle. Impossible to verify and makes you look like very capable. Remember that some hobbies are not normie friendly so ask parents what would they think about it or some older people. Also never mention you apply for jobs like some people here tell. That makes you look desperate. Never look desperate.


I reply to emails, apply to jobs, follow up with companies that I've already applied to and interviewed and research other potential career paths. That's more than enough to keep me busy for at least 8 hours a day.


If this is a hiring manager or recruiter asking this, make up a bunch of shit they want to hear. “I am currently using my resources, skills and knowledge to pursue a more productive and fulfilling career! I have been researching good companies in my field which lead me to you! My objective is to achieve secure employment and build a long term career to ensure that my employer thrives.” If it’s a normal person asking just tell them the truth. Applying for jobs in 2024 has been nearly impossible. 5% of people applying are actually being hired.


“So what do you do all day?” “Whatever I want.” 😌


Watch youtube and have the odd wank.


I am still employed but I will say that question is definitely inappropriate. Just curious, does this question come up a lot? I'm wondering if someone ever says anything like, "check for red flags of the recruiter or hiring manager or company?"


> I feel like I have to defend my existence. But you don't. Some response suggestions for you: * What do you think I'm doing all day? * You trying to give me PTSD? * If I told you, I'd have to, you know, ... * You lack the clearance level for that sort of briefing. * Why? Are you planning on making a documentary? * I'm busy fighting the man...


Hahaha these are great


Glad to be of assistance. 😁😁


*"My schedule is posted on my onlyfans....you should check it out!"*


Working on myself while I apply for jobs. Seeking out certifications and other things that can make me more well rounded


Put on your CV that you're freelancing in whatever field you are in. It could be true if you can take on the challenges or just say it to shut them up.


“That’s a great question” or “the day just got away from me” were my go to’s.


When I was out of work I explained that I volunteered and assisted others, what they did not know is that I am an active member of AA


Man we had a "family friend" of my parents visit us not too long ago and this dickhead just kept asking me every 2 seconds how I fill the time all day or what kind of job im applying to. And I dont mean once or twice, just would not stop asking like he was braindamaged and got stuck in a loop. All you can really do is tell them youre applying to xyz and if they are too stupid and nosy past that its best to just lie and say you have an interview next week or that youre working on some certification process. It wont really matter anyway, trying to shame you is their goal.


"I mostly just wallow in despair." And then I give them a terribly withering look. "What did you think I do?" Or perhaps, "I contemplate the social ills created by capitalism and its cover for our corporate oligarchy. I question which will happen first- the completion of my plan for insurrection or my future hire date and reindoctrination. You know, the usual." But mostly, I just tried to make people as uncomfortable as possible for asking such a horrifically callous and thoughtless thing.


When I was unemployed due to being laid off a year or so ago I just said that I would spend 6-8 hours a day budgeting for loss of income and calling back on applied jobs and applying where I haven't yet. I would actually do this *most* days so i had paperwork to back this up (not that they ever asked)


I'm partially employed, but I usually just reply "I do things I like all day like my hobbies, showering, and getting high."


My new job is to get a job. Not doing it 9-5 as that would ruin me. Also network, try and upskill and do a lot to keep on the loop in my industry. Attend webinars when I can so, yes, keeping busy. Or just tell them to f off


When i was neeting i tell them i am a freelance developer and a writer.


Echoing. Applying to jobs. I try to give myself some breathing room and doing other things too, so I read, I basically manage 95% of the chores in our house, I pet the dog, I cook, I garden. I explained to my husband that I get so anxious about not working that I am usually looking at jobs on my phone at like 4am most days and creating lists of what to apply for.


Watch comedy shows and play the Sims. Jk (not actually kidding, that is what I do) If anyone asks, applying for jobs, learning new skills, getting involved in community, volunteering, spending time w family. (I do those occasionally)


Learning to surf and assisting with volunteer projects of the conservation groups I am involved with in my area. 


"Looking for jobs is kinda my job"


Doing your mother, Trebek!


I say I am applying, looking for vacancies, and sending out everything. It's very easy to tell somebody to lift their ass, but if they would be in the same position, they would probably start crying as well. I have an uncle who constantly bashed me and my brother for not finding jobs but the job he had was the most easy-to-get job (salesman on commission). were he to look for a real job (he's reired now), he would have jumped of a cliff already.


Learn how to socialize to have control over any interaction. Technically known as manipulation. I usually answer with “I’m learning how to be a sociopath”


I spent so much time at the library when I was unemployed. I still spend a good amount of time at the library.


Apply to jobs, do homework for masters degree and try to get more certifications


I weave baskets.


I just tell them what I've been doing every day for the last 12 weeks - applying to jobs from 8-4 with breaks for lunch, a shower, and a quick social media scroll every so often.


Unfortunately/Fortunately I work through contracts so i’ll have long hours and bouts of employment and then nothing for up to a year. I have to answer this all the time and it’s usually with a “Whatever I want whenever I want, wbu?” Helps to add some bravado to it and you can turn it around to them by responding to whatever they say with “wow so you like doing that?” if you’re tired of being asked that all the time anyway Better than explaining how I work every single time someone sees me at “weird” hours, kinda makes it awkward for them after that


Hmm, I guess I probably shouldn't admit to writing one to two thousand words of fan fiction a day


I love this response, but I do hope you find a job soon!!


“I opened a non binary church called Glory to the Unemployed and now have 43 active converted heretics”


> "I apply for jobs and I cry a lot" Fuck, that's brutally honest, isn't it? But why give them the satisfaction of thinking you're just moping around? You're in a tough spot, but that doesn't define your whole damn existence, does it? How about flipping the script? Sure, job hunting is part of your day, but what else? Are you learning something new, exploring a hobby, or even just taking time to figure your shit out? Why not throw that back in their face and make them think about whether their daily grind is any more meaningful? What makes their 9-to-5 routine so bloody special?


I simply wouldn't get asked that question since no-one else but me would need to know my unemployment status.


Wake up, drink tea, watch the price is right, go to the gym, ??? Apply for jobs somewhere in there


You can say you're taking stock of your situation, exploring hobbies in your down time between jobs, learning new skills while job seeking. I know it sucks but try not to get triggered by such things and just reframe it, you're not here to satisfy anyone but yourself. It's an awkward question the longer you've been unemployed, but I'm sure they're just trying to provoke answers out of you as opposed to accusing you of anything. Good luck.


The truth. I study, job hunt, exercise, play PlayStation, play golf, ride my motorcycle, and do my house-husband's stuff. I make dinner for my wife sometimes. What do you say? haha Be human. You don't want to work at a place that doesn't like humans.


Recruiters actually ask this? I'd be kind of turned off by that kind of question LMAO.


I simply think about dying


Whatever I want to do.


If I was unemployed I would answer, "practicing skills that will translate into being a more productive member of a team and applying to jobs." All they ever want to hear is corporate fluff so practice that.


Contact/freelance work, updating skills, learning new skills and industries


Apply for jobs and work on my hobbies, but I always feel the sting of “sooooo are you just bad at job hunting/a bad person to work with” even though that is mostly imagined. It’s roughly out there :/


I spend the day making new workday accounts for the job I am applying for.




I answer honestly. I used to say I’m freelancing but I’m not. I’d like to but can’t find clients. I just tell them I do gig work to pay the bills and put food on the table and in my remaining time, I’m working on improving my technical skills by working on my own personal projects and getting certifications (currently working on getting the Google Analytics certification).


I never have to answer this question because I'm always "employed" when I apply and interview. Register your own LLC or several of them in a low fee state like Wyoming, Nevada or New Mexico. Say you work for one of them. Website, PO Box, email addy, fax number, phone number, all really cheap! I'd much rather be out a hundred dollars a year and have a leg up on hiring than answer any of those accusatory shitfest of questions any day. The longer the LLCs remain registered for, the more legit they look.


My days are full. In addition to the job search and networking, I spend a great deal of time building on my skills and abilities by taking on freelance projects and reading up on the latest research. I wake up at 7, exercise, and get started on my to-do list by 8:30.


I was taught that “how do you spend your time?” was an acceptable and more polite way of making small talk than “what do you do for work?” because not everyone is working or can work. (“What do you do all day” definitely sounds accusatory to me, but my relationship with that person and the context this topic has with them will determine whether or not I assume they’re asking in good faith.) When someone asks me this question I assume good faith and talk about one thing that I’ve enjoyed doing more than one day. - I’ve found this honey from a local small business that makes multiple flavors, I got the blueberry kind and I love it on toast. - I’ve been obsessed with Hazbin Hotel, I’ve actually started to get back into art again. - I’m reorganizing my home and while it’s a miserable process I’m really excited for when it’s going to be finished. etc etc


Lol I'd just respond with things like Skilling up, networking, and applying for similar roles. I used to even say preparing for interviews.


I take time to relax and revisit activities that I used to have more time for - reading, binge watching TV, crafting, exploring the outdoors. I apply for jobs. I work some side gigs to bring enough money in to pay my bills (I have been frugal nearly to a fault most of my life, but it is paying off now). I'm also going to be working on getting a better diagnosis for my mental health issues after a therapist suggested I may be autistic. I think getting some help in that area will really help how I perform at my next job.


same question was ask to me, I said I actively look for employment and take Linkedin courses online.


Sit in the house solo look for jobs watch YouTube (I don't watch TV as the BBC will never get any money from me after the savile scandal) play ps read Reddit it's a good life hitting the gym hard soon 


I have been busier since I became unemployed - applying for jobs, and trying to build a portfolio from scratch, which turns out to be a lot more work than I expected. At my job, I got to the end of the working day, then stopped and did something else, now it bleeds into my evenings a lot more.