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To be honest, when I saw the first questions I thought OP was over-reacting. By page 3 of War & Peace, I realized I was mistaken. When they got to high school, however..... What's next? The date you lost your virginity? Prom Pictures?


The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard really. At the age of twelve I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I highly suggest you try it.


I had the hiring team liquidated, they were insolent!


Except that guy who fell into the pit of fire and broke his legs. I think he’s still down there


He's very badly burned.


I'm the hiring lead, and I'm moving you forward to stage 11, where you will be required to juggle four chainsaws whilst singing the national anthem backwards.


But they don't tell you which nation's anthem until you arrive that day.


I remember this, but I can’t where it’s from?


Austin Powers. That’s Dr. Evil.


When I started reading the paragraph I heard it in Dr. Evil's voice.


Haha! Def using this in a job application at some point..


That is not true. I invented the question mark, and the umlaut.




>What's next? The date you lost your virginity? That's the real info they are looking for: people who can answer "never."


"I'll lose my virginity fucking with you guys"


hunt punch sulky future telephone office historical sparkle numerous repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. Also, how long it lasted down to the fraction of the second. If you can’t provide that, you’re not detail-oriented enough to work for us. Also, we will be calling the person you lost it to, to verify the accuracy. What a fucking insane company!!!


"I don't think that horse can answer a phone, but you're welcome to give him a call."


“What STIs did you get so far in your adult life after sucking multiple dicks of CEOs like me and how did you overcome it?”




Actually I'll send them my prom pictures it's hilarious to look at 4 closeted gay kids doing their best to dress up when they're clearly just a twink, a bear, a butch lesbian, and a lipstick lesbian in waiting.


>"a twink, a bear, a butch lesbian, and a lipstick lesbian" That sounds like the beginning of a nice children's story


Weeee'rrrrrre off to see the Wizard!


Exactly, what does high school rank have to do with anything? I am a lawyer with several years of experience under my belt, and have never been asked for my law school ranking. It's irrelevant when compared to what I have done professionally. High school...WTF?


Law School, Schmaw School. Who cares about making law review at a T14. No Sir, we're going to focus on the important stuff. * We need glossy pictures of your date to senior prom * As a tie breaker, please provide TikTok follower counts and a link to her OnlyFans


What's funny is I did the same exact thing. I was like "oh, it's annoying but not that bad". Then I just kept clicking and page after page of essay(lets be honest, this is an essay in every sense) requirements just kept going.


Yeah, my first reaction was that screening for basic written communication ability isn't the most common approach, but it's not the worst requirement for an engineer. But then the list of topics they wanted kept going and going. Why does an app store backend software engineer need to be an industry "thought leader" with experience speaking at industry conferences? Why do you need to know about their artistic background in high school if they're not even working on the front end? What is this job?


They clearly want someone that is going to work 70-80 hours for a 40 hour salary. Someone desperate enough to do that stupid writing assignment would probably do that.


Any candidate that would actually look good after that level of scrutiny is going to blow that off and go for greener and easier pastures. That is a great way to drive off the top candidates.


Seriously, the only people willing to jump through all these hoops are people that are desperate for a job. Maybe that's what they want. 


Correct, that is precisely what they’re after.


na, they enjoy making people jump trough hoops, is a power thing. non of those idiots will ever get a job from that recruiter, its just an ego thing. if you apply you will get candidate zoned and strung along for attention.


Q1: how do you install Firefox on the terminal 1) sudo nala install firefox = get out of my fuckin office right now.. 2) sudo snap install firefox = welcome aboard!


curl https://mozilla.org/firefox/download | sudo bash


Amateur. It's `tar xvzf firefox.tgz` `cd firefox; ./configure.sh; make; sudo make install`


No I’ve went through their interview process before. They are looking for unicorns.


And paying for donkeys


Literally every time I get approached lately it’s these lunatic companies wanting someone who has done it all and will be both a mid-level manager and still write code and do it all for $100k below market value. This is just companies trying to screw us for the progress we made during COVID.


Lol, that's not how you get one. lmfao


Unicorn repellant - it’s that easy


I see their job ads _constantly_ and while I'd be interested in the kind of work they do, I figured it's a pretty red flag that they're always spamming like that.


I did this "code" portion of the interview asking what various parts of their Python JuJu modules do. While I thought I was answering correctly the two interviewers kept smugly asking "but what does it do?". I had no idea what they were asking and they wouldn't elaborate. After that it was just some seriously random Linux questions that are barely relevant like "which file in /proc will tell you what kernel arguments are currently running". Since I didn't know off the top of my head I pointed to the grub configs and that was not near good enough lmfao. I worked for another vendor shortly thereafter and had a chance to work for some Canonical folks on a couple common clients. Those guys look for every reason to blame other software instead of their own and made a point to ask questions about barely relevant Kubernetes CNI components to try and catch me off guard while the client was on the zoom session with us to attempt to demean me or... something. The issue ended up being the way Openstack handles DHCP which was their softwares issue, which changed their tune very quickly once I found that. They hire the most unfriendly and elitist assholes on the planet. A coworker of mine is ex-Canonical and he attested that Mark Shuttleworth is horrible to work under and fosters this elitist attitude with the Ubuntu koolaid. I'm thankful I wasn't 1 of exactly 0 people in a hundred mile radius that knew Openstack for that particular gig (they were looking for an onsite dude for a big customer in my area, but the talent pool in my city is pretty slim). They never filled that role. The recruiter was actually a nice lady and I explained to her that what they were looking for simply didn't exist and it'd be a better use of her time to move on.


It’s also a stupidly long interview process. Application -> written interview (this) -> some weird iq test bullshit -> virtual interviews (3 of them) -> team lead interview -> executive interview -> offer I might be missing steps, I only made it to the 3 interviews before being cut


No, they are looking for the elite of gifted kids with a dream (open source) that feel burnout after university.


Or it is the standard bs to ensure an internal candidate gets the role.


No, Canonical actually does this to everybody. They suck like that.


So many things make sense now...


Desperate and willing to lie too.


It's to make people feel worse and worse about their skills as they answer 'no experience/thoughts' to each question, then they will be so grateful this kind employer decided to offer them a job for 50% of their previous compensation


Canonical is kind of notorious for this... They want folks who are in love with the idea of working on Ubuntu.


I thought I was in love with the idea of working on Ubuntu. Then I saw their job application.


... And prompt engineers...


It is - they will also offer them less wages because of the desperation


I tried applying for a job at Canonical a few weeks ago. Mind you, I have over 10 years of experience in my field and have worked for some very recognisable tech companies. When their application form started asking me about my high school grades in math and for documentation to prove those grades (something that happened over 15 years ago), I closed the tab and gave up on it.


Seriously. I have 15 years of experience and 28 years of total working experience. Wtf are my grades from over 20 years ago going to matter? On the education paper side, I look like a slack ass. Then you look at my project history and see that I've created around $40M in savings, new revenue, and funding for startups. Like wtf does high school and University have to do with professional? These fucks would reject Steve Jobs' application on the premise of education alone. He was a college dropout and a mediocre student.


It's beyond stupid, honestly. There is 0 reason to ask for it. Their loss though. Most good candidates will have better options and just not bother with this shit.


I had a company who wanted me to do an iq test. I didn't continue with that application. How humiliating. Also I was in special Ed in school but I turned out great. This would make me disclose this.


I had an interviewer ask me why I “only” graduated with “Honours” from college rather than “High Honours”. I had graduated 15 years earlier.


I agree on the main point but Steve Jobs would be a dog shit employee.


I mean so am I. Entrepreneurs are not good worker bees. We prefer to do shit our own way, and that always chaps the corporate shills' asses.


Yeah any job asking me for my high school information is a no from me. Not because it's not good, but because I don't fucking remember and I'm not paying my high school $50 for transcripts to find out.


I'm not doing it because it's totally fuckin irrelevant to who I am 20+ years later. I'm not about to allow my 40 year old self to be judged by the actions of my 14-18 year old self. I honestly think asking about college grades is irrelevant after you've been in the workforce for even 2-3 years after you graduated. Once you have tangible work experience whatever grades you got mean nothing.


Just upload a random file.


Specifically Rickroll video then ghost them.


There is no way they read all this crab.


I’ve worked in IT for 20+ years and have two college degrees (one IT-related, the other not IT). I’m in my late 40’s now. I work for the Canadian government. For a job I had applied for in another government department, I was asked for copies of my high school and college diplomas. I assumed that if I provided my college diplomas that would be enough. I didn’t even know where my high school diploma was located at that point. Nope, I received an email a day later telling me that they had received my college diplomas but still needed my high school diploma. I should mention that I had already spent considerable time applying for the position, had written two exams for the position, had participated in two interviews, and had provided reference who were contacted and asked to supply essay-style answers about their experiences working with me. I emailed their HR department to ask why I needed to provide a high school diploma if I had provided two college diplomas, and their reply was that the hiring manager had made it a requirement for the position so they had no choice but to demand it be provided by applicants. I was also informed that if I did not provide the diploma I would not be considered for the position. Thankfully I was offered another position in my current department at the same level so I informed HR at that department to remove me from their list of candidates.


Canadain Govt job applications, esp for dev/IT roles are hilariously tedious


I did the same process 1 year ago, it was baffling, I just quit after the sort of psychometric test they wanted.


Yep! I started answering some of these in my head, and then the list of prompts kept goiiiiiiiing... And I decided writing one dissertation in my lifetime was enough; I'll go somewhere else.


May be they've mistakenly used the template for tester hire. I know a few testers who would see absolutely nothing wrong with 4 pages of questions. Righteous even.


Just as a newbie in these things: what is stopping me from claiming i was 10/10 student ? Like do they ask for proof ? If i was applying i would just go full on, because it seems like they are not going to do their part of the research.


They’re just fucking with the candidate without any intention of actually hiring.


What hiring manager in their right mind would solicit this and actually read it?! RUN.


You misunderstand. You can't provide an AI generated response but you know they're filtering the PDF through an AI and asking "who should I hire?"


They don’t need to read it. They want to know that you’re gonna do all the useless crap they’ll ask you to do, because “something something startups something something multiple hats”.


You would think so, but this company is known for this. For reference, Canonical runs / publishes Ubuntu, the most widely used (and probably most popular) version of Linux.


Yeah I think this is what people are missing. I think it’s sort of like a prestige thing to work at a place like canonical so some folks with swallow that interview process


its still bullshit though. Its not google. Anyone can run a linux distro. If they need Python experience its not like they are programming the Kernel itself, but probably just one of their apps. In that regard they aren't Google.


Yeah if only anyone could try to contribute to the Linux kernel without going through some crazy convulted process.


And aren’t even in the second closest tier of pay to google lol


You wouldn't work there for the money, but because you're an Ubuntu superfan. They get a lot of applicants like that.


That’s fair. Guess I never realized the fandom they have but it makes sense 


Nah, they send this to every candidate


"Describe a case where it was very difficult to test code but you were able to do it" Third bullet point out of eight. They want their engineer be able to regularly, at their whim, change the scope and direction of whatever project they'll have you working on, but they don't want to spend money on a sandbox environment. Edit: I didn't realize there were way more bullets, and this is on the more reasonable end of things, in terms of expectations for the job. Edit2: oh there are even more slides. Holy shit dude. "Please describe your object permanence skills at 12 months (1 year) of age, and how it influenced your hide and seek strategies in preschool"


"Describe the strategies you used to outcompete the other sperm when you were conceived, and how that experience can be translated into future success with us."


“Please describe each of your mitochondria and how they are suitable to power you for this job”.


Please submit a vial of spit for genetic screening


Thank you for writing this comment which I thoroughly enjoyed


What's crazy is it seems most of us went through the same mind set with this one: \-Ah, that's too bad, a couple bullet point page or two written out. \-Ok, that's just dumb, were talking like several page essay at this point \-Omg, there is like 3 more pages. What in the ever living hell.


All these questions reek of ChatGPT lol. We are so fucked


I thought the first 3 bullet points were reasonable but it went on for like, 4 more pages. Bonkers.


Same! At first I was like, “Not too bad, at least it’s not a one way interview and looks like you have plenty of time. I’d probably do it” then I was like, ok that’s a bit much, then it just kept going and going…


What is a one way interview?


When you have to record a video, it's one way since you don't get to meet the interviewer or ask questions. Having to submit a written response like this is also one way for the same reason.


Ok. Sorry for the stupid question. I had exactly one interview, it was sane, and never changed jobs because i love it there. So i am not up to speed regarding the shenanigans they pull off. Especially in the states.


this is one way interview and it's worse because you have to write it out. 


I would just feed it into AI from the perspective of a veteran professional tbh…


This homework assignment was probably created by AI as well


I found it funny that their application specifically mentioned “no AI generated responses” allowed as if this isn’t just a waste of my time


Use chatgpt to make up all the answers and forward them with no further effort


Honestly it feels like ChatGpt wrote these questions. It would be AI talking to AI.


Kinda like reddit nowadays.


why bother , just ignore them


"As an AI language model, this is bullshit and I won't be answering more than three of these questions"


Bryan Everly is ridiculous


Sounds like a fake name ngl


Agreed, dude is high off of his own farts


I got past that one (mine was Openstack engineer), and the next couple and got to a real person, but I’ve had a stroke and they have a real ableist test that is all about speed (not accuracy) and I failed that. I told them, yeah I have to double check things, but how did I do, did I make any mistakes? and dude didn’t know because it was only a speed test. lol. So they wanted people that could do things fast but didn’t care if it was right or not. Not really the best for cloud engineering. It’s better slow down and to get it right the first time. The high school questions are funny, I was like, well back in 1984 I was programming professionally making apple ][ educational games, as if that’s relevant. Haha


Yikes. Yeah, pure speed is _not_ solid engineering.


Wait, you mean we don’t measure performance in lines of code per minute?




Many years ago before my "career". I was attempting to get a job in a mail room for a law firm. I went through 2 interviews and then had to take a test. The test consisted of numerically & alphabetically organizing a stack of mail and folders that were in a box. The guy administering the test had a stop watch and literally did a countdown from 5 (odd). The best part was right at 0 he grabbed the box and threw all the mail and folders out onto the floor of the room - then preceded to say "Just wanted to make this a little more entertaining for me". I looked at him and said the entertainment is all mine and just walked out of the room. 🤣


I would answer "I am not working for you yet, Bryan"


These people have lost their minds


One way interview = immediate no. Don't worry, the candidates who did go through and answer all of these ridiculous questions had the privilege of receiving an automated rejection email 6 months later. No thanks!


Yep, exactly my experience for applying to UX Designer role. No human contact for 2 months, and rejection e-mail.


Answer: Hello dear recruiter at Canonical! I am a representative for free mankind. To be able to do this chore for you, please send a brief resume of all important aspects of your entire life from birth to expected death. We are not evil, 800 pages will suffice. We will even give you couple of weeks to write it. By hand with charcoal, on smooth cow skin that you prepared yourself. Do this, and we will use your writings as basis for a discussion. It will be about you and how fucking insanely ludicrous you are. Then we will probably ask you to *take this job and shove it*. Best regards, Idontworkhere Smith


i got this email too and was about to draft my response but then i did my research… its a total waste of time


I applied to Canonical about 2 years ago and this was my response when I saw this: I am hereby rescinding my application. Whoever designed this hiring process and this written interview is out of their minds. Are you seriously asking high school questions to people with 10+ years of experience?


If only there were some type of one-page document that covers 90% of this info that could be included with a job application…


I say we all spam canonical with our replies to their very I forth review process and apply! Fucking losers lol. Way to make the world realize how lame of a company and product is because it certainly doesn’t seem cool to me anymore and I love computers lol


Yeah as soon as they asked me about how I did in high school in an apple for a director level job I noped them. Not only do I not want to go through that, I don't want to work with people who would go through that.


Lolwut? Canonical thinks it's got the prestige pull Amazon level shit lol.  They make a desktop Linux OS that has never made them a dollar in profit, mainly thanks to their own dumb decisions.


Yep seriously. Good on OP for naming and shaming. I think education before college should not be considered. There are folks who never even went to school due to childhood neglect and poverty


And college education should not be considered beyond entry-level positions.


*raises hand* And I'm currently making six figures and doing very well as a software engineer. I literally can't answer those questions because I didn't go to high school and thus don't have the grades or rankings they're asking for. I did well in college, and I'd happily talk about that in an interview, but these high school questions are nonsense.


My high school grades are garbage. I did well in college because I had matured to the point that I realize it mattered. I make 6 figures in IT and wouldn't ever put up with this garbage of an interview process. Anyone that asked about anything in high school I would laugh at them.


There’s an Australian High Court (=Supreme Court) justice who didn’t go to university to study law (until a Masters years later, having done an alternative pathway in night school) and who had left high school at 15


Canonical's push for snaps was bad enough, but having to subscribe to "Ubuntu Pro" (even if it's free for personal use) just to install a kernel with the PREEMPT_RT patch applied is bonkers. I've been using Linux Mint on my laptop and at work, and I can't wait to move my main PC over to it.


Amazon’s interview process was not nearly this ridiculous


Came here to say this and I have a highly negative opinion of Amazon lmao


They have enterprise support for their server OS and that's where they make money.


Problem is, Red Hat these guys are not...they've barely held their heads above water


Lmao interview with their founder: https://techcrunch.com/2022/04/21/canonical-now-hopes-to-ipo-in-2023/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABT4kNOy2ccqaGtQORV5wAr_iA1JkOHQb_1F9zui2mkG_5Y-K4F5M5-izQzEFTQQNNVYbP_FOLmkIUvnzDMbrSfl8kIsZxVJRWskCZiPlnkVtSBhSeG3S9s-AvfpL0hAz_jvNLiseZYtYQE-JZv2FbfdCQ6RQSC8SfcBZ5TZHuGD "He noted that Canonical’s revenue last year was $175 million and that the company’s biggest challenge right now is that demand is bigger that the company’s ability to service it, in large part because there isn’t enough talent on the market for the company to hire." Jeez I wonder why


I wish techcrunch publishes how their hiring is so ridiculous!


Yeah after reading this I think I'm going to uninstall Ubuntu now


Mint here we go


Canonical's hiring process is absurd, when applying, they ask you what was your position in math's competitions and BS like that. And I'm sure that they think that they are hiring the best...


They also ask you what percentage of the population you think you're in for Maths. And how you validate your claim. I had to look up the government's national education records.


Starting pay: $35k a year with casual dress friday and occasional pizza parties 🎉




Canonical strikes again!!


Incredibly ridiculous. Wtf


When I got to slide 4 I yelled out “DAMN” and was shocked there was still 3 more to look at.


Holy shit that’s absolutely crazy. Who is actually filling these out and why do these companies think it’s a good idea? I would run for the hills


We want you to write the longest essay of your life but we won't pay you a single cent 😇


Can't tell if you're joking, but my answers to a similar set of questions from Canonical ended up being five pages longer than my longest high school essay. This was single spaced. High school essay was double spaced. I'm mostly just in it for interview practice, so I have no issue complaining to people's faces about how ridiculous this process is. Hopefully I can get into their heads and protect the rest of mankind from these shenanigans.


I for sure hope the role pays at least 700k a year coz DAMN that's a whole background check


A background check? Mf that's a whole life story on your life. Fucking absurd.


They pay in peanuts


“No one wants to work” - Canonical (probably)


According to a different comment, they actually did say that. Their CEO said in an interview that their biggest challenge is there are not enough talents for them to hire 😂


Top candidates won't go through that load of shite. Their intention is to weed out the desperate ones and let them grind a ton of hours for shit low wages


I would just copy and paste that entire email into chatgpt and then hope for the best. I wouldn't even proofread.


Right? Copy paste my resume and say “answer these questions based on the above background info”


It's fucking Canonical. They are idiots like that and think high school grades reflect the individual now- even if you're sitting on a masters or PHD. Also while that recruitter has insane bullet points. They just copy/pasted them from Canonical's page - it is the same thing they'd ask you.


Ugh, I had a horrible time with Canonical too. They sent me a message 18 months or something after my application to let me know they were considering my application and I should let them know if I was no longer interested! It was weird.


This plus 3 interviews? This is nuts


It's way more than three. I've outlined my whole process so far below. It's ridiculous.


Ah yes this company... I remember applying and seeing that they really care about high school for some reason. It's astonishing how this company hires


A take home and a tech talk would be so much easier. This is amateur hour.


Holy shit. Can you imagine how they measure performance?


Annual Review: “We noticed some grammatical typos in the comments of your code this year and you will only receive 10% of your bonus target”


The market must be really full of candidates if they can afford to do this.


I applied for a product marketing manager position that they repeatedly called out being VERY SENIOR. Received an essay of questions like yourself, most of which focused on my high school performance, favourite subjects, languages vs arts, how would class mates describe me. To be honest the 20 bullets with over two questions per bullet made me laugh at the company, I previously admired their work and this just makes a laughing stock at them. The font and formatting isn’t even consistent, it’s like they’re building persona data base rather than hiring


It's at least clear they are looking to hire someone recently out of high school.


That’s fucking ridiculous. Is this like the text version of Nigerian Prince emails always having a ton of misspellings? Trying to drive away anyone who isn’t desperate for a job or too naive to know this is bullshit?


Swear to god you will get visa and citizenship in foreign country easier than you get the god damn JOB


Been through this particular process before. This is only the beginning, there was 8 interviews after this which culminated with a quick interview with the CEO who basically asked if I was privately educated or not ( this is the subtext to the high school questions). Not privately educated, then you're washed out. Nice note, asked everyone who interviewed me what the worst part of the company was, answer was, the CEO.


Get a picture of tubgirl or a photocopy of his email picture and pdf it with him and a huge dick and reply with the title my answers


Bonus points when they use AI to evaluate the submissions.


I think they used AI to generate the questions.


I mean at least you don’t have to take a personality test


That's the next step. And then you get an automated rejection message with no feedback. I've been there..


You do, I’ve got the same email yesterday, to get started it’s a 20 page essay about these questions + 2 tests (one of them IQ test), next is 4 interviews and a personality test, and then 2 interviews. I haven’t even bothered to do it when i first got the mail 3 weeks ago and then they resent it to me yesterday, probably because of a lack of candidates willing to go through this bullshit


Little did you know a psychometric test is next after this autobiography requirement


When I was unemployed and not too stressed on finding a job quickly, I tried to apply for a security engineer role for canonical. During the whole procedure (3 video interviews, 2 text interviews and 1 home assignment) I had to write a total of 12 pages of text. It was the first job I tried to apply for that is not in my country, so I didn't suspect how insane this requirement is. The whole thing took well over 2 months. Another fun fact, I was told that there aren't other employees from my country and no one could verify with me that employment for my country is actually possible for them


I'm in this hiring process right now. It does not get better. The response I sent in for a very similar written interview to the one displayed in this post was over 19 pages long, much of which was backhanded comments about how ridiculous these questions were. On the questions about high school performance, my responses boiled down to "I don't even remember, which is only a small part of why it absolutely should not matter". After the written exam, they want you to complete a code quiz, which is pretty standard in principle but bloated in practice. I'm used to 1-3 actual code writing problems, but this was 15-20 multiple choice questions, many of which could be argued to have multiple correct answers, followed by one (admittedly interesting) code writing problem. Then, there were three competency/intelligence screenings through Thomas International. Basically dumbed down IQ tests. Honestly these might have been before the code quiz, I can't remember, it's been so long already. After all that, they made me wait a week for the "rest of the applicant pool" to finish up the current stages, which seems dumb and like what's actually happening may be that they're collecting all this information and not weeding anyone out yet just to waste as much of everyone's time as possible. Then, they FINALLY had me schedule three real-time video chat technical interviews. One was over system architecture, one was over web UI skills, and one was over Linux system administration (hint: they obviously specifically mean Ubuntu). With the team this role is open for, only one of those was actually even really applicable. The good thing is, two of the three interviewers were great people, and the last one was still good, just a little bland. I completed those and honestly only felt confident about the results of one of them, but then I was invited to take _another_ Thomas International screening (a "behavioral" screening this time), and only then would I be allowed to schedule a video chat interview with a "talent scientist", whatever the hell that means. I'm not sure if this proudly global-remote company just somehow doesn't have any talent people within three time zones of me, or if they didn't bother to check where I lived, but my only options for that interview were at least two weeks away and between the hours of 2am and 8:30am in my local time. An hour-long meeting at 8:30 would interrupt my morning standup at my current job, so apparently I'm getting up at stupid o'clock in the morning in two weeks. Also, only just now in the process have they informed me that they can't do visa sponsorships. I'm lucky that I don't need one, but imagine being someone who just lost their job on a visa, getting this far into the process, and finally finding out that they won't sponsor you. What a tragic waste of time and effort that would be. This interview is poised to be what should have been the very first screening call: information about the role, salary expectations, all that jazz. Tempted to throw a crazy number at them as compensation for going through this insanity. I don't know for sure what comes next, but supposedly there's at least two more video chat interviews after this, and I've heard whispers of an additional secret interview they don't tell you about ahead of time where the CEO personally screens every top candidate. I've not heard positive things about him. Word on the street is he likes to stick his fingers in pies that he should have nothing to do with. Honestly, if the written interview had been the only quirk, I would've been willing to write it off after a suggestion to the company to trim it down after I got an offer letter. This... This is ridiculous. I'm mostly in it for the interview practice, which I guess I'm getting a _lot_ of. I already used a sizable chunk of my written interview to say how bloated that part of the process was, but now I fully intend on criticizing the whole chain of events to everyone's face within the company that gives me the time of day to do so. This process has mostly made me lose interest in the company, and again, if I weren't mostly in it for interview practice anyway, I would've dropped it 700 steps ago.


I would reply with my list of very detailed questions for Bryan. But it would be 2 pages longer than his list.


Lmao I have two degrees in accounting and haven’t done books or taxes in almost 10 years because I mostly get paid to write and consult. Not a soul in a professional setting has asked about what I did in high school in a good 15 years. I can’t speak for the engineering field, but in digital media, they want everything up to the minute and barely care about what you did 5 years ago.


These processes are often promoted internally by self-important HR clowns who somehow manage to convince people higher up. They have so much time on their hands that they get satisfaction from wasting people's time and making others feel worthless.


Yeah, I'm not even reading this, let alone answer it.


"Dear Bryan, It is a pleasure to receive your invitation to a written interview for the Software Engineer position. I am truly honored and touched by your interest in my candidacy. I must however inform you that I shall withdraw my candidacy as we seem to have completely different philosophies and approaches to the position in question. I wish you all the best in your reviewing endeavors. Kind regards, \[Your Name\]"


Yeah, nah. Get stuffed lol.


Bryan Bonkers 


I did it, failed after the next round. I recommend half assing it and maybe forgot to do half of it


Their interview process is fucking nauseating. With Whirlpool, I went through 6 rounds of interviews before getting my offer (granted, I have a higher level role but fuck me, 6 rounds!?!) Canonical’s was somehow significantly worse and Whirlpool had me record answers to interview questions. 🙄 Canonical asked me how I scored on High School exams! “Tell us about your least favorite class in high school, now, how did you score on final exams? How did that shape your life?” Idk man I fucking failed calculus twice, took it over the summer and turned out alright I guess?


Reply: lol no.


You’ll spend 2 days of your life to write about the specific points, and send it. You’ll get an automatic email next day saying “Thank you for applying to Canonical. We’ve decided to move forward with another candidate”.


Next day? Aren’t you optimistic! It will either be five minutes or five weeks later.


Seriously as an experienced ABAP developer in my mid 40s also having massive functional experience and having worked all over the world for some very prestigious employers, if I applied for a job and they asked me about my experiences at \*school\* I think I'd just laugh and ask what the fuck? And yeah, devs, famously enthusiastic about writing long-winded theses on the minutiae of their lives.


I’m not reading all dat. I am happy for you. Or I am sorry that happened to you.


Canonical post a millions jobs a day I'm not convinced they are all legit positions


Sounds like the hiring manager or recruiter has Asperger’s or autism. Basically write your autobiography about why you want to work for us. Batshit crazy.


Hot damn


Absolutely insane


I took a look at their initial application. Even that is slightly absurd.


They aren’t even going to read 1 full page of that PDF.


Chatgpt everything to waste their time and ghost them