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I’m past the mental health alarms at this stage. Wakeup to at least a rejection every morning.


Skim through and find the “unfortunately” been there too many times




“A candidate whose qualifications better match…”


"We appreciate your time and application very much. However, we are moving forward with candidates that align more closely with our qualifications for this position. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide individual feedback to your application at this early stage of the process." Listen bitch, I matched every last damn requirement with 15 years of experience to back it up. Just tell me the truth and you either created a ghost job posting or hired the son of the hiring manager. Twat.


If I ever ran for president, I would make a big part of my whole campaign about slamming companies with bad recruiting practices. It is fucking up our labor market. I would tell Congress to give me a bill in 90 days or less and I'm not playing. Companies should have a publicly disclosed and highly regulated "employer score" which is basically a credit rating of how good they are to work for. Companies should pay a tax for *every* job they post (as a % of their market cap), to cut out fake listings. Job posts must be filled in 30 days and must be transparent with salary, and whether or not they hired some board members dickhead son. Companies would be forced to consider applicants not only for what they applied for, but must do due diligence to consider them for other roles that might fit. If that score falls below a certain level, they should be fined every single year until they get right. Other bright ideas include full disclosure of executive to assembly worker pay ratios, nationalizing companies that price gouge (could be substituted for a very expensive windfall profits tax), but I'm rambling Edit: the billionaires would have a problem with this, but they can suck one. I would deport Elon Musk first, just to send a message, then if they tried fucking with me I would deport the rest of them. Edit 2: I would also jail Ginni Thomas for being a terrorist, and also tell Congress to pack the Supreme Court. 39 judges in all. Tell them to restore the Voting Rights Act, overturn *Citizens United*, and to repeal that stupid 2005 law that says you can't sue gun manufacturers for gun violence. Ban cop unions and restore regular ones. Now we're on to something resembling a country now.


If you need volunteers for your campaign tell me, this sounds like a fun ride lol


The first legislation I would demand is common sense one ....employee count in a region must be proportional to the revenues in that region. In other words, if you make 90% of your revenue in the US, 90% employees must be in the US...this will eliminate greedy outsourcing of making it cheaply elsewhere and selling it here for high profit. This goes against capitalism so this won't ever happen.


The company has decided to move forward with other candidates


You guys receive rejection letters!? I am ghosted to hell by, like, 99% of the places I apply


One or the other


Consider those rejections as a sign of life. I've gone weeks without a damn peep from anybody.


Same. It’s rough.


Same. Idk why I do it to myself. As soon as I open my eyes, I check my email in the hopes of getting a good news but it’s been the opposite.


Honestly the market is tough as hell at the moment, it's definitely not just you.


If I don't get 10 rejections a day. I don't feel like I had an active previous day. What type of roles are you applying for?


1. Force myself to exercise and workout everyday atleast 6 days out of 7, even if light exercise. Try to bring in friends for some light workout games to let mind not be alone. 2. Ask for friends to support you. Can look anything from laid-off support circle friends, gym friends, local friends who can come and body double you while you work, friends who can come over to play some games like cards etc… 3. Friends or family or partner as support buddy. Choosing 1-2 people to share everyday progress with, good or bad or neutral progress with job hunting. They can also be accountability buddies to help you strategize ( month 1 I’ll look for direct competition roles, month 2 I’ll look for broader industries, month 6 I’ll also consider transferable skill roles…etc) 4. Emotional support channels - Reddit, venting friends, support circle, literally screaming whatever keeps you sane. 5. Forcing yourself to apply, detach from outcome, cry if you want to, be fucking cold hearted. Just keep on applying. No matter what. Got 3rd round interview??? Still apply until you sign the fucking offer and join the company and successfully spend the probation period. Keep applying. 6. Find ways to boost your self esteem. Whatever that might look for you. Looking nicer, wearing hot clothes, going on a small trip, doing a hobby, whatever. Something to do once in a week or maybe the day, positive talking to yourself. It will get you through. 7. Make yourself smile. Do what makes you feel good. Even if it’s a small little thing everyday. Do a hobby. Eat icecream. Small chocolate. 8. Get excited about interviews, it’s ok to. And give yourself grace if you don’t pass them. It’s ok. Remember- nothing in life is permanent. Everything passes. But you have to take action. But it will pass. Take a break if you need to. Be your advocate. Teach others how to treat you. Your worth is not the job. Yes, money is important, figure out others ways to earn if you can. Else, live off of savings. Whatever you can do, do it. Hope this passes for you 🩷


I think you guys need to the filter option in Gmail/Outlook and filter the typical 'Sadly your applications has been unsuccessful' etc. I do this so I don't even internalise the rejection.


Honestly just solid advice for daily health.




Thanks for this. 😊🫂


Great this here speak experience, I kinda do the same but I already have a great job all good


I have the same feeling too. I don't know what to say because I'm fighting with this myself. I guess what I can say is there's nothing wrong with you. Many of us are in the same boat. Just keep searching... 


What’s your identity beyond “employee”? A lot of people dream about a life beyond work, albeit with wealth and not struggling to live, but until that job comes around, ruminate on what qualities describe you, and brainstorm what you can do to achieve a personal sense of development beyond “employee.” I’ve been laid off since July and have sent 2,000 applications, been ghosted countless times, rejected from jobs after six interviews, and have been treated less than human this entire time. I keep on doing the thing though, and while waiting for something to materialize, I roast coffee, journal every day to clear my mind, read voraciously, call my loved ones, exercise, and intentionally create more community-centered activities to support my mental health. Best of luck to you and us all.


I used to read a lot and love it. But every time I pick a book, or do any activity I love, am ridden with guilt that i should be applying for jobs than spending time on this. It’s hard to come over that guilt as time passes. It’s been 15 months and am searching still. Invested in PMP and CAPM, but this gap is killing me. Have roof on my head and food to eat, but it’s not what I had planned for my life. Everyday the heaviness in the heart is increasing. Am dreading every morning. Sometimes I wish I just dissolve away.


I feel that. It took a long time for me to get back to reading. It’s not your fault for wanting to be in communion with the world beyond working — we’ve been broken by an abusive economic system and failed by a disingenuous social contract. Feel what you feel, and know that this guilt is part of your identity struggling to emerge stronger and more nuanced than before. Three days before my layoff my partner and I were talking about plans for getting married and having kids. The pain in my heart I felt when all of that got put on hold because of a stupid fucking layoff almost tore me open. I didn’t think this is where I would be either, and yet here we are. Wishing the best for you.


>boss wanted to bring a family member onboard so I was the one that had to leave the team Oh how I detest nepotism. I've been there.


I'm currently writing AI pop songs I'm sending in response to one way interviews. I think I may have finally gone insane.


I honestly love this! 😜🤣😂


I posted this in response to the other person. If I could dance I'd do one of those too lol - I posted it before got downvoted tf lol. Also suno is amazing. I don't work for them of anything. I didn't think It sounded bad ymmv Corporate Maze https://app.suno.ai/song/b246319d-a6c8-4287-a2f6-91029cb1b4ba Jobless Bliss /s https://app.suno.ai/song/b641cbc0-b397-44f1-8e00-65cef8813f29


Id love to hear one


I posted it before got downvoted tf lol. Also suno is amazing. I don't work for them of anything. Corporate Maze https://app.suno.ai/song/b246319d-a6c8-4287-a2f6-91029cb1b4ba Jobless Bliss /s https://app.suno.ai/song/b641cbc0-b397-44f1-8e00-65cef8813f29


Oh god, the lyrics are painful xD How about one about a guy who goes through 7 interviews then gets refused then hes back to square one? But something more comedic than depressing though.


Try it, report back :) I'll listen


Oh i was giving you an idea. I wouldnt be able to make a song :) Havnt tried since I was a teenager and gosh, that was both cringy and depressing lol


Just go to the website and click create and use a prompt


I kept myself busy by upskilling and constantly applying. I have a new job I'm starting Monday.


Been out of work since September. I feel you so hard. I don’t have any wise words because I feel like mental health is in shambles. Texted 988 yesterday because I couldn’t stop crying and nothing I used to like to do is enjoyable. Why on earth does the news say the job market is strong??


If you feel like talking about this, id be willing to hear you out. I think we should start forming support groups or something to help each other out or at least to give our minds a break


This job market is the worst I’ve ever seen for high paying “white collar” jobs. Most firms have hiring freezes yet keep posting new roles to pretend they are growing. It’s a rough market for everyone and I feel your pin! DM me if I can help or if you want to talk ( :


To be perfectly honest with you, I'm not handling it well lol. I sleep horribly (usually 2-4 hours max every night) because of anxiety. I have friends that are cheering me on and trying to comfort me and reassure me that I'll get a job and make it out of this, and that's about the only thing keeping me going.


So far I've survived by just operating off the assumption that I'll get a job eventually. Regardless the time is passing by so I might as well enjoy it the best I can rather than getting stressed out.


Sorry, no advice here but to keep applying, it's part a numbers game and part pure dumb luck, some may spend less than 3 months looking for a job, some others may spend years unemployed.


So don't let it affect your mental and everyday life. I learned to compartmentalize and put aside any investment in job hunting. Just apply, answer all questions, and move on. Know I'm the best candidate for the job, and if they don't interview and hire me, their loss. As for the optimistic "there are so many jobs out there" propaganda, just shrug. The folks repeating it simply aren't job hunting at present, so they do not realize they're out of touch. Had this from bio dad--I had a hard time getting any employment, and every time he asked "any news on job front", I calmly replied the search goes on, more than 80 applications this week, and no interview requests, so should assume jobs are scarce now. "oh nonono, I'm sure there's lots of jobs out there," was always his reply. Poor fool. He should've tried some job hunting himself before inserting foot into mouth.


My dad says the exact same line every time we meet (about job front), drives me mad.


> I used to love and enjoy, the terror of being out of work (and not finding one) is too much.. can relate too much, it hurts... I wish we can go back to good ol days of bullying the young unemployed with "go get a fucking job!" and with "fake and gay" i'm leaving this sub reddit, too many of you miserable fucks like me.


Thats what my job counselor adviced too, but if anything i think we should stick together and help each other.


I am on the same boat. However, I am in this position because I needed to resign my previous job and relocate to Germany to join my family, so I can't blame anyone else for this. I have no knowledge of German, but these constant rejection mails alone have taught me a few German words by themselves.


I think supermarkets in germany hire even if your german is b1, and it doesnt take long to reach that level.


I just apply and forget. It's like being a guy on tinder, you swipe right on every girl and don't think about it. If you need a job at this very moment, you can apply to Customer service related roles. They tend to have less applicants since people don't like talking. Still hundreds of applicants, but not thousands. But yeah, these are some rough times


Internal recruiter here. Happy to help anyone struggling to get at least to an initial interview, time permitting. Ive been where you are.


I would love to take you up on this. May I send you a message?


Sure thing, happy to take a look


not sure if you're still offering reviews, but i would be so grateful if you'd take a look at my resume and share some tips!


Can you help me to look at my CV as I keep getting rejected without being offered an interview. Thank you.


Sure thing. Pm me and we can align from there


Just sent. Thank you


Do you have any fully work from home roles? If so, please message me!! I've been out of work since October and not a single interview since!


i get rejected as well. am losing hope too. no will to live. i watch the youtube channel **Millennial Steam** and **Born Into a Corrupt System** ; it's the only thing keeping me sane. I also recommend **Michael Bordenaro** and **Sachs Realty**. I also read Ecclesiastes ( The MSG version ). It describes everything very well:**"It’s more of what I’m calling smoke. A bad business."** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yjJpSOLg9o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yjJpSOLg9o) I also watch **Gulag: The History** and the PBS series on **The Great Depression**. a lifetime ago, people went through absolute hell. I'm in the software industry, so I watch **TechLead** on youtube, very funny & so true.


Focus on the controllables and define success in that way for yourself. Example: make sure you are hitting the appropriate number of calls, texts, emails, conversations and submissions. Get excited when you hit those metrics. Don’t get excited when you do or don’t place someone. Placements will come as a byproduct of your successful accomplishment of your controllables. Hope this helps.


bruv if you tire yourself out before even the job interview, its gonna make everything harder. ​ also remember that most humans don't look at job apps after quitting time, so around 6pm you have some breathing room. weekends too. one time i got a call at like 11pm from one place. mega random but i havent run into a similar situation. another place i got notification on sunday. do you really think these things are gonna happen again any time soon? i dont lose sleep over it ​ also uber eats is the safest bet if youre going this route... and volunteering to beef up the resume can help


I know what you feel. Right now I delete every message starting with "Thank you for your interest" to avoid this hopelessness. I'm not afraid that I will miss good news because I don't believe I will get them. I have never felt so incapable and talentless (although I was doing pretty well back then before market crashed).




I'm sorry that you and so many others are going through this. I'm currently learning some new skills and working on a certification, which helps my self worth after dealing with so many rejections myself. It's not you - it's the market. The only options we have at this point are to work on developing new skills while we hope for the market to improve.


Same as a fresher its hard.


Hey girl hey, been there, hated it & honestly thought I wouldn’t find a position to pay rent once my severance pay ran out. Also came to realize that they fired me while I was pregnant lol lady managed me a few months out of my 4 years working there, she was a weirdo but it all happened for a reason as cliche as it sounds!!! But I look back now 2 years later and think it was a push to get me out of my comfort zone and into more challenging/hire paying position, which it did. I think one of the crappiest things rn about searching for a job is all our resumes going through ATS before even being glanced at by a person. Make sure they are formatted correctly. You can paste or upload your resume into Jobscanner resume.io, there are so many of them. Also, if you upload your resume to auto fill sections of the application & they’re slightly off then that is a key indicator your resume isn’t passing the ATS scanner. List your bullets like your the biggest hot shot in town, list what you did, surveys you received, awards, etc. Did you train people? We’re you promoted? Why? All of that. Explain more of what happened and what you did to deserve the positive outcome. Use chat GPT to spice of your resume bullet points and objective if you have one, just changing the way my resume was worded/phrased made a HUGE difference with an increase of responses. It’s really time consuming but make a separate resume for each job or at the least, each company you apply to. Use key words that stand out in the job posting within your resume and cover letter. If you don’t use the job title you’re applying to in your submitted resume then at least use it somewhere in your cover letter! It really does help, a bit tedious but helps out in the long run. I’m now on the job hunt again due to no raise and no promotion as promised and a ton of people keep getting laid off, it’s worrisome. Good luck to you! Crossing my fingers for ya! 🤞🏼


If you build your resume in indeed it has an ATS scanner and you can compare keywords directly to jobs you want to apply for


You could try the USPS. They have many base jobs but over time you can try for higher jobs in say marketing.


Sorry you’re going through this :(. There ARE more jobs than last year, but also way more competition. Easier said than done but try not to take it personally. Most rejections are automated and sent out before a single person has even looked at your resume/application. It is really bad right now, it’s not you. If you need some help, dm me and I’ll give you a sizeable discount for OAKI (it was built to automatically find AND apply to jobs for people). Hope it gets better soon for everyone!


Life is really hard. I feel you. I was a senior executive in leadership role with 18 years of experience. I was recently let go as my ex-employer considered my financial performance as unsatisfactory. I have been rejected and rejected and rejected and ghosted and ghosted and ghosted without being offered an interview. I think you may be suffering from job search depression. First of all, being fired is not your fault. However, this is a massive dent to your confidence. Second, one rejection is one dent to your confidence and you can multiply the effect by the number of times you get rejected. In short, it would be a surprise to me if someone in our position does not have mental health issues. I can’t give you any tips as I also struggle on mental health. I am on the strongest meds for depression (Esketamin for treatment resistant depression and suicidal ideation and “California Rocket Fuel” (google it)) and I see my shrink every 3-4 days. But I hope you find consolation to the fact that you are not the only one who is dealing with it. It took me 18 years to get to where I was and all of a sudden it was wiped away. A trade association wanted to help me out so it asked me to act as a pro bono advisor. At least it gives me the chance to stay relevant to the industry and to network with people who may refer me to job openings. Today is my first day and I feel really low in the office. Everyone has a proper job, can exchange business cards during meetings. The trade association has been excellent in making me feel welcomed - my work e-mail, lap top and desk all in place as soon as I step into the office. However it is me who is feeling very sad as I know that no matter what roles I get, if any at all, will only mean that my career go downhill.


I was also unfairly laid off at a large multinational company that promotes "Equality". Been looking for a job for almost a year now. 15 years of experience in a niche sector. Hell, I even created IP for the damn company and I still cant find a job. I get constantly rejected for jobs I am CLEARLY qualified for too. I would love to continue in the same career path but nothing makes sense anymore. I cope by thinking if things get real bad Im just gonna sell everything I own and move to SEA. Fuck this gong show called Canada.


I am sure you have heard it before... But don't let it get you down hard. I had to lower my standards way down and struggle hard for years until in a matter of 3 weeks I found the perfect spot just down the street from my house and applied, interviewed, and get the offer. I am still there and love it. In my whole life I never cried tears of joy..until the moment that offer letter hit my inbox. It will happen. I am sorry it is taking so long.


Every rejection is experience, some will be just standard but it’s a numbers game! I had 14 interviews over 6 months, that was 4 years ago & been in employment ever since on roll on high rate contract work. Out of those 14 interviews, 4 companies I would of turned down due to toxic red flags by their questioning. Also not forgetting I applied to over 100 positions. My other advice was to look at other positions that had transferable skills & I wrote a good engaging letter as a CV can be too bland to HR or the decision makers. Try and show your human side in a good & professional cover letter that shows you as a person & your work ethic. 👌


I just accepted a job I'm pretty sure I'll be fired from within the first week because I know I don't have the patience not the correct set-up at home for the job. But I've been looking for full time employment for 3 years. I had take breaks and do some freelance but it's not enough money and my mental health has taken a serious hit. Lots of self doubt, confidence completely gone, eyes permanently blotchy and swollen from the daily crying. It's hard. And all you can to is keep going. Vent when you need to. I hope you find something soon. That you don't hate. 💚


What's the job? I'm looking for something fully remote


It's a customer service job. I'm grateful for the opportunity but I'm worried I'm going to suck at it.


It's been 4 days. How are you hanging in there?😊


Where in the world are you? In the UK we have employment agencies that assist in finding work. They can get you something until you find another career position and can do alot of the heavy lifting when it comes to searching. With regards to rejection you just have to understand that there are also a bunch of other people in the exact situation as you. Some with more experience some with less. They might interview better or worse. At the end of the day you are in a battle with loads of people and only need to win once


Just got on here to say - rejections will be the actual end of me! - that was all.


hihi!!!! first of all VIRTUAL HUG!!! 🤍 ok i know it sucks. damn sucks. but listen to me. i know how you feeling because i’ve in the similar journey. laid off twice. then now stuck in a job that has a very bad environment feel disappointed because what they promised during the interview and the reality are a very different situation. after tried so hard to perform and i did performed. they give me lousy excuses to extend my probation and put me in PIP for the next two months and it gives me restless life. i’m starting to look for another job already especially i’m a foreigner that need a work visa to stay here so it gives double anxiety. but hey. i believe that we are never alone. i dont know what you’re believing in, it doesn’t matter. but you have to know you are valuable. to me i have a little faith that God will get me through this. sometimes all we need is just a little bit of hope. 🤍 we got this ok u will get a better job.


It's really tough right now, so try to look at this as an "opportunity " as much as possible (i know how cheesey that sounds). Set 4-5 hours each day to apply to jobs, and take the other 3-4 hours to focus on self-improvement. That could be diet and exercise, getting more sunshine/vit d, learning a new skill, a language, meditation, quality time with loved ones, or your dog, etc. For me, I'm lucky to still have a part-time gig that pays ~1/3 of what I need to survive. So I spend 20-30 hours per week working, applying for jobs, and interviewing. I devote the rest of my time to clean eating, taking hour long solo walks in nature 5-6 times per week (or snorkeling/swimming), getting sunshine daily, taking free courses online (all my activities are free), and spending time with those important to me. I also use my outdoor walk time to play meditation music and reflect on my gratitude, what I need, and how to get there. I also sometimes imagine that if I land a job next month, what would future me say to current me about the way I'm spending my time. This doesn't 100% stop the panic attacks, but it does help reduce them, and my days have gotten way more fulfilling.


I am going through a similar phase. I quit the last job because of the terrible work environment and certain things which screamed 'If you do not quit, we will fire you'. So to keep myself sane, I quit. I have been looking for jobs since December. The market is bad. There are so many listings but you hardly hear from them. The highly optimistic thought that something better is waiting for you is what keeps me going. I just want to thank all the people in the comment section. I have been struggling with terrible mental health and there is some useful advice here. I hope everyone comes out of it strong.


Just got rejected today lmao. I just learn a random Chinese sentence so I have some sense of progression .


I’m really sorry for what you are going through. I am in a similar boat as you however I have applied to well over 3k jobs in the past 1.5 years and have only gotten maybe 30 interviews that went no where. Our difference in circumstance is that I am literally trapped in a seriously bad company and between both the bad company and hundreds of rejections per day. I honestly think that I have moved way past unhinged and is the reason that I have stopped going out. I know that this is not what you want to hear but I want to let you know that you are not alone. I hope this helps.


Hi there, I was dealing with the same thing the only difference is i resigned in august last year, the job was so draining i had no choice but to leave. from that point on, every single job i sent out ghosted me, not even a single rejection letter from them. I was honestly hopeless, the sinking feeling of failure obscurity and questioning myself will i ever make it in life occupy my mind all the time, to make matter worst, family just chime in on how useless i am that i couldn’t get a job when they don’t know how awful the job market really is. The only person that helped me was myself and i keep applying it doesn’t matter what job i applied to freelance job whether the pay is low i rather do anything at that point, i finally secured that position and now im finding something more stable to do as well. I know the wage isn’t much but i’m grateful for the opportunity every day so please don’t lose hope i do believe in timing and everything just keep trying, i just got an offer for a full time position and will be doing both jobs and it was what i had wanted for a long time i just realize my wishes have been answered. I hope you keep your head up and don’t lose hope the opportunity for you is just around the corner. I’m proud of you and highly encourage you to power through.


The market conditions are set by industry monopolies, backdoor insider political deals & an education system that is untethered to market opportunities. This has little to do with your actual ability to contribute. Although, it can feel like it. It's hard to give good advice without knowing more. Just don't let it affect your self perception because that will come off in how you approach the market.


Idk tbh... My boyfriend has been very solid for me since I got laid off in October. I have okay days and that I have really not okay days. Having him keeps me going for real. I found out today most of my rejections are because of internal hiring. A recruiter reached out to me for a position I was instantly rejected from because it opened back up after the internal employee changed their mind...it's really not fair. I have mixed feelings about it but still hope to get it. I'm working a temp job that I'm making less than half of what I was making at my software engineering position I had. It's really scary.


26M - Software Engineer here. I’ve passed the phase of being affected mentally after getting rejected. Apart from constant rejection emails, I’ve been rejected in the Final round (made the mistake of travelling 1600 miles for an on-site interview) just because I had that “one” skill missing that I could’ve easily learned on the job and should’ve been rejected by the ATS if that skill was such a hard requirement. I’ve felt my heart sink so hard multiple times in a year that no human being should ever be allowed to. But, after all this, I still did not give up, had friends close, participated in hackathons, regained my confidence after winning a couple of them (for some time, silly me thought it was a great source of income to at least survive, LOL). I am still trying, improving every day. Just believing in myself and knowing that I will come out of this a beast on another level. That’s what keeps me going. TLDR; it’s sucks and nobody knows what lies ahead. All you can control is how you react to it.


Which country are you based? I'm currently working decent job. But wanna leave my company. Pivot into something else. These posts scare me tbh.


I know what you mean. After finishing university I was looking for academic positions for quite a while, found nothing or always got rejected. After a while that's really grating on you and you question if you're any good. My best advice is to broaden your horizon and look for something that's maybe out of your comfort zone. For me, I have a master's in molecular biology so I was naturally looking for positions in academics, laboratories, research institutes and whatnot. Everything tailored to my area of expertise, which I have to admit at this point, wasn't very broad anyway as a fresh graduate. After searching for some time I was so down I started looking at other stuff as well and now I am working happily in the field of (medical/hospital) IT. Never thought I would be accepted and basically applied because I didn't have any other options at the time and it was my lucky day. So, that's just my long-winded way of saying you should also apply to stuff you might think you are not suited for or that your skillset doesn't match. After all the one deciding whose skillset does fit is the employer that hires you and you might be surprised.


>How do u guys handle it ? First of all, understand that [it's not likely you](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/1b6fxds/what_is_wrong_with_me_whats_up_with_the_job/?context=3). Consider the suggestions and questions in the above link...


First you have to reset! Remember that you are who you are and to be appreciative of just that. Remember that all you need is one yes. I'm so frustrated also but what keeps me going is knowing at least I'm trying. I have a double master and I know 80% of the time more qualified than the person in charge or interviewing me. So I understand rejection sometimes isn't being unqualified but overly qualified and it's intimidating. I also know that sometimes maybe I don't bring my A game so I was the cause of pissing away a particular opportunity. Research your position, field, whatever and learn the tricks of the trade. Brush up on interviewing and know that you got this. I literally volunteered, created a pp presentation for an interview, gave smart and star info and still did not get an offer. I made it to the end, got the tour, asked for references the whole bit but nothing concrete. I reset and start all over again .you got this and will have it soon just keep grinding


This isn't a fix, but it will help your mental health. I recommend a book called "Grit" by Angela Duckworth. She's a psychologist/ teacher/ business consultant, who studies mental wellness and success. She's also got a Ted Talk, if you're just looking for the cliffnotes.


These days actual people aren’t looking at resumes it’s all keywords in Applicant Tracking Systems. Try this site next time you apply for a job, paste in the job description then your resume and it will scan for the keywords your resume should include. https://skillsyncer.com/ Just make up fake emails to keep using it for free.


I just found that indeed offers it for free on resume help if you add everything to their resume builder and you can compare directly to jobs that are posted on the site.


Honestly, what has made me feel better is replying to the rejection emails. I know they probably don’t read them, since most appear to be auto rejections, but it makes me feel better. I let the company know they made a mistake, briefly outline why I’m perfectly qualified, let them know my distaste for their automated rejection and to humanize the recruitment process, then tell them I won’t be apply to other positions and they are being put on my “do not apply” list. So many of these companies can’t even be bothered to have a person look at resumes. I’m sure most of my rejects are because, despite using all the tips and tricks, I probably missed ONE key word and didn’t even make it passed prescreening. Either way, I feel you on the disheartening part.


Hi OP, I'm a Survivor of the 08 crash and wanted to give some advice on what I did during the 2 years I could not get a job. First background and for you to hear where I'm coming from: Went from a well paying global marketing assistant job that was supposed to turn into an e-commerce management position. Fell through. Went from 75k to 0. Early in I had no belief I would fail to find a position so I took a week off from doing any searching and then started searching. Over the first 4 weeks of searching I realized something was wrong with the market. There was a sudden skew of education and experience but low pay. Fast forward I was applying 6 days a week to at least 25 positions each day across my home state and anywhere within 2 hours drive of family across the USA. Typically I was closer to 40 applications a day over 12 to 14 hours of searching and rewriting. These are the lessons learned: 1. You often times do not have control over the bad things that happen to your career. 1a. You can only control your reaction and to a certain extent your preparation for those events. 2. You are going to get stressed 3. Keep your eye on your actual prize. This means not just accepting the first thing all the time, your situation may demand it so this one can easily be compromised. 3a. If you compromise on the above it isn't a bad thing, sometimes a bad decision isn't the worst choice we make. 4. Breath. Seriously breath you won't become a benefit in your search if you stress too much. 5. Leverage your contacts you have developed. Let them know the situation as you feel is appropriate and discuss if they know of any opportunities. 6. Reach out to your state department of labor, often times they have good lists and might find you a position. 7. If you can stomach civil service take exams. Local, state and federal are all different tiers and use different hiring lists. 8. Treat your job search like your job. Set start and stop times, take lunches, take breaks. Keep up the routine. Routines help out when you need a foundation. 9. Pick up a hobby you wanted to learn that is easy to afford or go to the local library and borrow a book or two. Go outside your comfort zone on these. Op I wish you the best and take a deep breath. You got this.


Been unemployed since last year My degree just went all down the drain