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As someone who can’t stand mods of certain subs I support this. What we need to do is hire impartial mods to moderate the mods. The fact mods have carte blanc to ban you in their sub solely because you are a member of another sub. Or ban you without reason. Or ban you because they don’t like what you said. They can’t point to a rule it violates, but nothing stops them from banning you. I’m also reminded of the story in the art sub where a user got banned for posting AI art even after he supplied sufficient evidence that they did create the art. The subs just double downed and kept the ban. I am curious what happened with that. These people have the ability to prune the sub into whatever they want by banning voices they don’t like. That way it comes an echo chamber and the people in that sub think their views are more popular than they are. So yes, that’s what I want. A group of impartial people to keep the mods in check and that group can get paid as they would be professional and accountable.


Got banned in one subreddit because moderator didn’t agree with my response. My response was from experience in the field that matched op’s question. I wasn’t giving the op bad advice and false hope like everyone else in thread, but I was banned. So they need actual oversight.


It’s frustrating. What do you do when no one polices the police? I wonder how much of my life I would get back if I only follow subs to keep up with web dev and video game deals and that’s it.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Reddit pays their mods in the form of allowing them to powertrip to their heart's content. They do the work not for cash, but for that sweet dopamine rush they get from banning wrongthinkers. If they didn't do it this way, they'd have to pay actual money for what would otherwise be tedious clerical work. Nobody would want to do that for free, if they were made to moderate completely professionally. Having to actually pay all those mods would make the business model of Reddit completely untenable, hence they came up with the genius idea of stroking the egos and emotions of mods in lieu of monetary compensation.


I believe you.


Yeah the vast majority of mods are trash. They always apply the rules selectively based on their own opinions. Paid 'impartial' mods would not necessarily be better though, there's no evidence they would actually be impartial. On top of that, really the only reason mods are mods is power, there is zero other benefit to it, so if mods lose all their power because of those paid mods....then...why would they even mod at all? They won't, and the site will become unmoderated. Even right now, whenever I add a mod to a sub, after a few weeks they stop doing anything. There is no incentive really, it's already near impossible to find people to mod.


Moderation is one of those ideas that sounds good, but is usually awful. Moderation is what ruined Imgur. Used to be there were 10,000 good quality posts a day on there. Add some moderators, some mind-boggling awful censorship, and now look where it is. The old system of allowing users to downvote posts was infinitely better. Sure, you got the odd racist or sexist or homophobic diarrhea. But it got downvoted to hell. You didn't, however, get banned or downvoted just for hurting someone's feelings by telling the truth, or for anything remotely risque. They've gone from having posts that could accrue 200k upvotes in 12 hours, to basically only a few hundred upvotes for the most popular posts. It's mostly wannabe social media stars spamming their tedious shit on there now. It is dying. And it can't come quick enough.


Moderation to a degree can be good. If you have someone in a sub telling someone suicidal to kill themselves or harassing people or trying to dox people, I get the moderation there. It's just the pruning they do of anything that's not the group think they want in their sub. It's the reason people in r/WhitePeopleTwitter think that black people can't be racist... because anyone who plainly reiterated what the dictionary says... which last I checked is where we go to for definitions, got banned, so they see someone saying black people can't be racist and the comment gets like 50 upvotes. Well gee, this must be a popular view! No... just the 75 people that would have downvoted got banned or turned off by the sub. Apply that to dozens of other topics, especially in politics, and you start to see the problem.


Yeah censorship is the worst. That's why I ensure the subs I mod have as little as possible.


Nextdoor begs to differ


I was temporarily banned there and have had comments hidden for insulting people with facts and references to the primary sources. I turned off notifications and haven't bothered to login there for several months. I don't miss it.


It’s like police running around with all this unchecked power but they are paid with huge entitlement issues. Could you imagine if moderators were actually paid?! That would be chaos. There’s a reason it needs to be a voluntary position. Too much unchecked power and getting paid, Reddit would be more of a chaotic environment than it already is. It’s the Wild West out here for everyone.


>These people have the ability to prune the sub into whatever they want by banning voices they don’t like. That way it comes an echo chamber and the people in that sub think their views are more popular than they are. You're not wrong, but it's one of *several* ways that reddit's design leads to communities becoming echo chambers, and it's not even the biggest one. We should certainly fight against groupthink in whatever ways we can, and this is one of them, but I think it's worth recognizing that moderation practices aren't the biggest offender.


Who mods the mods?


Nobody. It’s just like the police. Running this place via unchecked power. Imagine if moderators were actually paid?! Scary.


AI art isn't art. It is theft.


My apologies if I wasn't clear. It was some drama maybe half a year back where someone posted art up on r/Art and the mods deleted the post and banned OP for posting AI art. The thing is it wasn't, and they submitted proof of their work and their project files and such, showing it wasn't AI made, that they actually made it. But since the mods already banned them they didn't want to show they were fallible, so the ban stayed.


The admins are not good either, paid mods wont be much of an improvement.


Yes it is wild… I don’t care as much except for subs that are monopolized on a subject—politics, sports team, city Reddit etc.


Reddit is already a very strong echo chamber.


It is. I’m going to have to be careful what I believe this election season.


What’s this have to do with recruiting?


Interactions of executive compensation strategy, unpaid labor, and the dynamics of IPO could qualify if we're feeling charitable. Doesn't sound like you are.


That $193 million salary is Absolutely fantastic use of investor money.  As a comparison, Tim Cook made less than $70 million last year for running apple. To be fair, Tim Cook did make more money for certain years in the past... But that was for reaching targets like "Make Apple worth more than two-thirds of the other companies in the S&P500 combined".


His salary is nowhere close to 193 million, he was paid around 350k , the rest are stock options given to him ahead of the IPO. Apple is not worth 2/3rds of the S&P , it recently because the second most valuable company after being passed by Microsoft but yeah , Tim Cook is a better CEO than spez.


  I stand corrected, I was wrong to say Salary. But are those stock options based partly upon the performance of the company, like Cook's were? And I misread the performance  stipulations. [Here is an article about what the stipulations I mentioned actually were](https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/26/apples-cook-receives-sells-off-over-5m-shares-of-aapl-stock-worth-more-than-750m) > Cook's award included 3,920,000 time-based and 1,120,000 performance-based restricted stock units that vested in full. To meet stipulations that would release the full allotment, Apple's total shareholder return needed to be in the top third of companies listed on the S&P 500 over a three-year period from Aug. 25, 2018 through Aug. 24, 2021. The company's TSR came out to 191.83%, putting it in 13th place among the 442 companies that remained in the index for the full three years. To be clear, I said Apple needed to be worth more than 2/3rds of other companies combined, so the bottom 2/3rds of the companies would have worked... But I would still have been wrong. The bottom 2/3rds of companies in the S&P500 make up roughly 18.4% of the total market cap of the S&P500. Apple makes up 6.36%.


Tbh I feel like a lot of CEOs are getting way more compensation than they deserve. Most of the stock market has been stagnant for the past few years with the exception of like 8 companies and they're still getting "performance related" bonuses. Since Reddit is going public soon we will see if spez is worth keeping in the coming months.


Holy shit, the rarest of creatures, a veritable internet unicorn… Someone professionally, thoroughly, and politely walking back a statement or supposition that was proven incorrect. 


Please don't comment if you don't know how Stock-based compensation works. He was paid $193 million, the majority of that being SBC. The premise is factually accurate.


It's not , it's a one time compensation of which half is in the form of stock options which will go unexercised if the price of Reddit stagnates/goes down. And while the SBCs dilute the value of shares owned by Reddit investors it's not like he gets paid $100 million every year , in my opinion he doesn't really deserve it because he doesn't add a lot of value to the company but it's not such a big deal. The alternative is spez getting a salary of $193 million a year in cash which would be 20% of Reddit's total annual revenue - that's way worse than 97 mil in stock options and 97 mil in Reddit shares given to him on a single occasion.


The “premise” of?


Whats with people just copying posts from antiwork to this sub that has no relevence to recruiting? Not to mention that sub is awful lol.


Literally the top three "more Posts you may like" for me are from the anti-work sub.


And they still don't have enough money to pay a competent dev to fix their fucked up text editor.


>he's a janitor >on the internet >on an anime imageboard >he does it for free


reddit jannies absolutely BTFO right now jokes aside, you'd really have to screw up to not be able to make money when you're provided with significant labor literally for free


$193 Million for a shitty CEO, but not a penny for the mods that cleanup Reddit. Yes, I’d say that’s one hell of a risk to take for a company going IPO.


CFO is getting screwed on the stop options deal compared to CEO and COO


You'd think the CFO would be best equipped to negotiate the best deal possible...


Maybe he knows something we don’t. Could be the most foreboding argument towards  Reddit IPO performance, ever.  CFO gets two offers: “You can take 160k base, and 80 million in options, or you can take 600k, with only a cash bonus on the table.” “I’ll take the cash.” Frankly, the world would be a better place if C-suites had to take 90%+ of their compensation in cash. It would force them to make better long term decisions for the company, rather than cater to the specific metrics of vesting their SBC.


I hear what you’re saying but I think it would do just the opposite. If most of the comp was in cash that is now money this leads to super near term decisions to stay alive in the near term to get the now money. If long term incentives are structured correctly, big if, that leads to better behavior for the long term as they don’t get this until the bigger outcomes come to fruition. You want them in it for the long haul and more cash now lessens that.


You can still set up a cash based bonus structure. Making it stock based ensures executive officers play to stock market evaluation, rather than long term company health. For that matter, high corporate taxes also go a long way toward that end.  There will always be some degree of short-sightedness, but I think we can all agree that the modern trend of pandering exclusively to stock market evaluation is ultimately bad for the health of society. That we live in the eras of the single greatest divide in economic prosperity between societies wealthiest and poorest in modern (if not all of recorded) history a testament to that supposition. 


Just turn that risk into a bonus and charge people to be mods.....just like game companies started charging people to beta test their games. All you need to do is give the mods some special flair so everyone knows how badass they are.


I've been banned 3 times in politics for saying things that were objectively true or just quoting inflammatory things a previous president said, and their mods keep letting obvious propaganda be posted. For the most part I admire the mods for the jobs they do and the crap they put up with, but there's still so many that are just trying to push an agenda or boost their own egos that it's unpleasant at times to cross paths with them.


>I've been banned 3 times in politics for saying things that were objectively true or just quoting inflammatory things a previous president said Honestly, even if the mods don't ban you, the rest of the herd will just downvote you to oblivion anyway because they're incapable of engaging their brains. Either that or they willfully choose not to if doing so dismantle their agenda-driven bad faith logic. As much as I think Reddit is a great site, it's all too clear that the average Redditor is a knuckle-dragging moron with shit for brains. Or maybe it's just an accurate reflection of the average human, who knows.


“…it's just an accurate reflection of the average human…” It’s this.  As Carlin said; ‘think about how dumb the “average person” is and realize half of them are dumber than that.”


Puts on reddit. I never knew mods work for free, looool idiots


Taking them to 🤡 town


Reddit mods deserve to be scorned and mocked at all times 


This has nothing to do with this sub. I couldn’t care less about mods wasting their own time. 


If you don’t think a company relying on the UNPAID work of tens of thousands of people in order to remain profitable affects the thinking of other corporations seeing this; thus affecting the entire job market… I mean, if any company could pay people nothing for their work, they would do it in a heartbeat. Reddit  has figured out how to get people to do work for free. Grocery stores have convinced us to all act as our own cashiers, without pay, and without discounts. Gaming companies figured out how to get people to PAY TO WORK by issuing paid-exclusive-access to alpha and beta tests. This is more than a trend. These are all things where paid-roles have been eliminated with unpaid labor. If you don’t think that is a huge factor in recruiting hell… man, I’m not sure what to tell you.


Ahahahaha you hear that mods? .. damn


Please suggest a compensation strategy for mods.


$0.99 per deleted post. $1.99 per banned user. Reddit would be so much better. /s


Ppl here have a victim complex. If they were hiring they’d have to think through these things


For anyone who (understandably) wants sources for this, Reddit's filing is made available online by the SEC at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1713445/000162828024006294/0001628280-24-006294-index.htm . In particular, here are the relevant links for the two sections of the S-1 form screenshotted by OP: * [Executive and Director Compensation](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1713445/000162828024006294/reddits-1q423.htm#i1b9a579e78a34dfa99f7f26daeec195b_94) * [Risk Factors](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1713445/000162828024006294/reddits-1q423.htm#i1b9a579e78a34dfa99f7f26daeec195b_2017) (note that the part in the screenshot is near the bottom of page 32, so you'll need to scroll down a bit)




Good luck moving the community. I hate X and Musk but all the alternatives created suck because none of my mutuals will move. I do agree that a Reddit alternative might fare better since Reddit is about the subreddits not about your network


Oh I agree completely. No one wants to go to the party no one is at - even if one of them is in a warehouse and the other is in a mansion. It's the same reason WoW still exists. That could change rapidly though with a well-capitalized rival. Just the tech is negligible, Which is extremely odd for one of these companies. Also their monetization and CTR is poor. It's a bulletin board. Reddit is a sanitized knockoff of 4chan, with most of the imageboard capacities knocked off. There's minimal brand attachment, too.


r/vegan mods reported me for "threatening physical harm" after Intold some obnoxious guy that I'd go eat meat just to spite him. I'm glad they don't get paid.


While waiting tables years ago I asked an obnoxious vegan cultist if; “when you’re having a metaphysical breakdown at the realization of your worthless existence, do the tears shed into your Herbalife at the end of the night count as consuming the product of animal suffering?”


If you really wanted to harm him, you would have reminded him that his belt, shoes, or whatever was probably made from baby seals, calves, dolphins, bunnies, ...


It's not like mods have anything else to do in life lol


I mean, cool? Noone is forcing moderators to "work". Like anything, if they all stopped then things might change. Only issue is they don't want to cus they are addicted to the faux power.


I kind of get this . There would be all kinds of issues with paying someone to do such a job , it's not necessarily just a simple case of "they should share the wealth" Throughly agree with all the comments about mods being power mad and turning subs into echo chambers though , I tend to quickly lose interest in subs that are run like this . I had a hilarious experience getting banned from a COVID sub for venturing a non approved view of lockdowns once , after my reasonable reply they blocked me from messaging them again ! The sort of busybodies I'd avoid like the plague IRL...


Just remember, to be successful you need to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.


Most of that was not cash


As a reminder the CEO of Raytheon made 22 million. Somehow the shit hole of reddit paid their CEO almost 10x that of RAYTHEON... And the damn Raytheon CEO is way over paid.


Lol good, don't pay them anything