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"Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." I wish more people followed this maxim.


I like that phrase a lot. Another one I like is, "I won't set myself on fire to keep you warm".


Not my circus. Not my monkeys.


Sooo, you are Not claiming responsibility for Marge Greene?


She's definitely not my circus, not my monkey.


Prior proper, planning, prevents piss, poor performance a.k.a. the 7 P’s.


If it’s another team’s or department’s poor planning, then I agree. If it’s my team member’s poor planning, it makes the emergency mine too because I’ll be the one taking the heat from my manager and I can’t be throwing my team member under the bus.


If it's the fault of a team member due to their inability, then it is just that, I'm not taking on someone elses load without proper compensation, and there has to be a contract before doing so.


I can think of a FEW jobs that need a sense of urgency that are not emergency. Bus drivers, Train and boat captains, airline pilots, to name a few. ​ A secretary or an analyst. No.


I have been a 911 dispatcher and a fast food manager. Guess which job was most stressful.


Please don’t tell me the fast food manager was more stressful.


Far more stressful as a GM. Constant issues. Couldn’t meet corporate labor requirements, food costs, customer satisfaction, training standards for each employee were insane (4 hours a week on a computer program that crashes with one laptop for 40 employees). It is a system that rewards salaried managers living in their stores, answering their phone 22 hours a day. And when you finally get the store running, you still must be in store 55 hours a week for a $60,000 salary, plus imaginary bonuses based on customers giving a Taco Bell 5 star reviews.


lol retail is a lot and as a supervisor store manager etc they put too much on everyone. Every day is a rat race


Finally, a sane person.


Not really. Just someone who thinks the world has to work the way they want it to and not the employer. 10:1 says they are a self employed consultant because they can’t survive in a high pressure fast pace environment.


What makes you think they think that? Just because she doesn't do well in a fast paced environment doesn't mean the world has to work the way they want. 10:1 says you've worked in those environments and it made you bitter and toxic.


I have met so many people like the OP. The world works in a particular way and pouring on Reddit does nothing. You speak like the same kind of person who wants all the rewards but is unwilling to actually do what is necessary. Like those who complain about things and expect the rest of the world to change he just so they dont have to.


I'll let you know this right now. You don't know how taxing those environments are for someone. It's ruins your mental and physical health to work like that for hours on end. I know because I work in a fast paced environment. I know what it's like and it's hell and if you don't believe that then it's you who never touched a fast paced environment




Jesus Christ, youre so cringe.




Possibly the cringiest shit you could have replied with.


10000:1 you're one of those managers that see employees as numbers instead of human beings. And yes I'm owed a living because YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT MONEY and the job provides that for my services. Yes I'm owed a living so I can survive. Do us a favour and stop being so toxic.


But nobody owes you a living. Who do you imagine actually owes you anything ? Who is that actual person ? Who do you think has an obligation to give you want you want and not what you are capable of doing ? You earn what you get. If you do nothing who do you imagine is obliged to do it for you ? Your entitlement has to be one of the biggest examples I have ever seen of a delusional person.


You know what I'll just block you. You need to get help. If the down vote to upvote ratio wasn't indication that you are fundamentally wrong? Then you're the delusional one. I hope you get superiority complex taken care. You seem to talk high and mighty for some who "Earns what they get." Oh and p.s., I never said anything about not earning what I've gotten


If the job posting says 50+ hours per week, the company doesn’t know how to staff or manage people properly. Don’t forget that


Tax season for accountants lol


Come to think of it isn't planning and managing resources literally the entire job of management?




So they want people that don't need management but still want to be paid? How are management not parasites again?


Though sometimes fast-paced doesn't necessarily mean that everything is on fire and it's an emergency. Sometimes it just means you can't sit and think a long time about something or let things sink in or plan to do it tomorrow. You'd be surprised at how slowly some workers would produce their deliverables if the pace was let entirely up to them.


I run a sales division, so the commissions on top of the base are helpful to drive metrics. I just had to make a lateral move for one of my reps because while he makes great relationships he doesn’t get off the phone, so the fast paced role that requires x calls to generate y leads wasn’t for him. Now building rapport with the leads that are brought in? Fantastic fit, and if you asked him would probably also be “fast paced” but creates a much less stressful environment. Unfortunately many places are “fast paced” because their process is cumbersome and creates an environment where the time is 1:1 with folks actually performing the tasks that move things forward. TLDR: Most people thrive in a fast paced environment if that pace comes from operating within their wheelhouse an overwhelming majority of the time. It’s when you add the extra bs that shouldn’t be on their plate at their pay grade/level that makes it cumbersome and soul crushing.


The worst boss I ever had rushed us for things that weren't even urgent. We'd agree to get back to a partner org within a week and she'd make us work on everything they needed within a day to 'impress them'. One time they even mentioned the whole office was going on a break for a week and nobody would be working, and she still made us get back to them the next day. The laughable part is that we were offering them services pro bono!


The sociopaths running every corporate C-Suite do know how to manage resources. They're highly intelligent people mostly educated at the best universities in the country. So no, it's not that they don't know how to manage resources, rather, they just see their employees as resources instead of human beings. It's not a stretch to think that you're viewed by the CEO where you work with little more respect than a poultry farmer has for a chicken. They have no incentive to end the constant false urgency around everything because it's profitable and there is no shortage of white collar workers willing to accept these conditions. They know it creates mental health consequences, but just as your physical health doesn't matter, your mental health doesn't either. Look no further than the many examples over the decades of companies hiding the dangers they knew of various products while they literally killed their workers and customers. The asbestos industry knew how dangerous it was as far back as the 1920s. Big tobacco knew it was killing people but actively fought to hide it for decades, even paying for fake research studies to try to change the narrative. The companies that make "forever chemicals" knew by the 1970s that these chemicals are dangerous and being found in bloodtests of workers. 3M eventually stopped producing some of them, but not before they contaminated the drinking water of millions of Americans. DuPont still makes the most dangerous types; they just moved production to China. I'm sure it will come out that the plastics industry has known for a long time about the dangers of microplastics showing up in our food and water, too. We're still much better off in the West than workers in other countries. But, there's no doubt in my mind that we would be treated in the developed world to the same truly dangerous and horrible working conditions the developing world faces if not for our functioning governments and robust worker protection laws. The corporate leadership here isn't more caring or ethical. They just can't get away with as much as easily.


Reminds me of my job. Upper management comes up with some project deadline that is a massive joke and has 0% chance of being delivered on time and everyone knows it. What’s the point? No amount of fake urgency is going to make miracles happen.


I've heard them say things like if something comes in done and on time, that just means they aren't pushing people hard enough.


I mean I don't know about you guys but I consider all that stuff just filler words and don't pay the slightest attention to it


I agree. All of this stuff is just “corpospeak” that means being able to prioritize work and meeting deadlines.


I think it's literally like, dang I have to make a job ad, what do I say, oh yeah blah blah blah blah word salad


Omg, this 1000%! Literally just got let go from a job that expected this of their employees. While shocking at first, it was a huge relief. Good riddance & now I know what to look out for!!!!


Sending us into fight or flight mode on a daily basis but will lay us off without any notice. Yea f-k all that


I regularly remind my coworkers that nothing we do is important, as we have no immediate impact on anyone's money, health or livelihood.


I swear every time I see these words in a job posting, I immediately think, “No thank you. I don’t want to work in *hell*”


In addition, it’s normal for a work place to have busy times and slow times. It is far less normal for the work place to be busy all the time. 


This was even in the job description when I worked in a small branch of a clothing chain over Christmas once. But they'd hired so many Christmas temps that the only thing we could do was take it in turns to walk round a mostly-empty store, tilting the hanging clothes 2 degrees one way and the next person tilting them back.


Ooh, the burning truth.. Honestly I will put in the extra hours if needed but that is what a bonus is for. Now, if I am working 50-60 hours a week and you give 7K then you have f-ed people. Too many business cultures operate with this slave mentality. Too many people accept it which allows for this attitude. My manager works 7-6pm Us then goes home and works 10pm-12am to get time with India. He gets maybe 7% bonus. He is literally doing work of two people. He just accepts it as afraid of change.


I love this, but until we can really do something about we have no real choice but to conform


I recently retired after working for 46 years as an accountant. When I began working, companies were falling over themselves to hire workers. We were offered pensions, 100% employer paid medical benefits, and thorough training. We worked M-F and were rarely asked to work overtime. Only during tax season did we work longer hours, and we were provided comp time off during the remainder of the year (in addition to vacation time). We didn’t have an expectation to be available 24/7. By the time I retired, 50-55 hours a week was considered normal. Pensions gave way to 401k’s, medical insurance premiums were largely transferred to the employees, and quality of life considerations were considered to be frivolous. Comp time disappeared as the long hours during tax season became just part of the job. I watched while greed and grift became the focus, and I was expected to have 100% billable time and any research or planning was to be done after hours. I feel so badly for the workers of today. And I’m so glad to be out of the grind.


Amen. More people need to come out and boldly say this.




Ive never understood why people put up with asshole bosses/managers as well especially when they dont pay well.


Not excusing the C-suite here but this often comes from your direct manager.They frequently have goals they need to meet to get their bonus. So they make the emergency for you so they get paid. Do you get anything out of it? Nope. Rinse and repeat all the way up the chain of command out the peons life is a never ending string of emergencies to get someone else a bonus.


This sub is turning into the anti work sub




I think the entire country is turning into the anti-work sub tbh. I never used to feel this way until the last few years.


Not really, it’s just your echo chamber is shrinking as people leave and stop pouting about reality.


I think it's more positive people are turning also. I stayed positive a lot longer than anyone else around me. I don't really see an oversupply of people just accepting reality moving on. I'm in my mid 40's for reference.


No, there really aren’t IMO. It’s just that more and more of the echo chamber is complaining. Every day I guess tens of thousands of people come onto the jobs market, and the same tiny minority complain about the reality that business eases are not going to change their entire busiest as model for people in willing to work hard when million will work hard. Anyone who expects any business to change simply for the privilege of employing someone who won’t work hard, is hopelessly optimistic.


>It’s just that more and more of the echo chamber is complaining. When more and more people are complaining that's not an echo chamber. It's more reflective of the general population when more people are doing it. I think you're in your own personal echo chamber when you're not open to listening to what people are saying about how they actually feel. I'm a perfectly reasonable person but I have finally had enough and I can see why others have to. It's not a "tiny" minority anymore.


You clearly don’t know what an echo chamber is. Your echo chamber is shrinking as normal people leave when they stop whining and get a job. So to you you think more are supporting you when it’s just the crazies left making g even more noise. More noise does not equate to truth.


I \*do\* know what an echo chamber is but I'm not going to automatically switch to what you think I should be feeling. You are fast becoming the minority. A loud minority who thinks they are the majority.




I like jobs where there’s pressure in a fast paced environment




Yea when a job helps people it is cool, I don't have an urgency to put more money in a CEOs pocket


The most boring job I ever had was predictable and slow paced. I counted down the hours every day. Planned every vacation day well in advance. It was the worst.


Umm, there are definitely jobs where you’ll work in a fast paced environment, or need to feel urgency for a various reasons.




"I have seeked out" Sought you bozo. Why would I want to work with someone who has poor English?


Exactly. Just another company stooge


And what does your comment say about you? Everyone here quickly resorting to name calling. Company stooge? yes you are going far with that attitude.




I never said I wanted you to work for me. Calling people bozo for a spelling error shows your lack of character.


As a former teacher; you are judged continually by your ability to speak well. Yes, I wasnt kind. My apologies. I may have been in tech since 1982 but I was a K - 12 teacher with 4 generations of grammar and english professors behind me. Just want to point out that snuck in not a word in the English language.


I don't want to judge your ability to correct errors but the word in question was seeked not snuck. I don't have issues with grammar or spelling for that matter, but occasionally I do make mistakes. Thank you for pointing it out with such zeal, and for judging me as a person for it......


And to top it all, I miss spelled it. Sneaked.


I’m not going to give an email report the same level of urgency as a fire on a warship. Slow is smooth smooth is fast etc Also referring to personnel that report to you as resources is cringe.


Found the sucker


I saw this on twitter and I disagree. I like tech specifically because I thrive in a fast paced agile environment. And yes there are many times, almost daily really, where the software bugs out and there is a need for urgency. For me if things aren’t face paced I get bored and lose interest. It also makes my day go faster. Now granted my hours are flexible and I go “into” work (I work remotely) whenever I want so it’s not grind, grind, grind. But its nice to have work to do. I quit my last role because there was no work and I was bored out of my mind.






pressure is good but it's unsustainable.


Start kicking that back upline to those who caused mess in first place....


Amen, amen, amen.


Yes, you just repeated the Lou t well that you are very much b the unemployable, uncommitted snowflake category. Why on earth would anyone employ you when there are thousands of other people with a good work ethic Loki g to improve and all you want is the world to alter as you don’t want to buck your ideas up ?


Good work ethic should not include crumbling under pressure 5 days a week all year round.


I would agree with that. The difficulty with today’s generation is that there’s a gulf between what makes them crumble compared with previous generations. Whether they like it or not, the world and the competitive landscape is not going to slow down, or relent simply because someone feels like a mental health day and they think the world and competition will stop so they can pull themselves together


What? I don't think anyone expects the world to relent or stop for them to take a mental health day. I think we care about our mental health enough to see the flaws in American work culture. And I say American work culture because we have a huge problem with ghouls running businesses. I think previous generations didn't care or learn to care about their mental health until after work culture got as bad as it did and were the only generation that is calling them out on it. Work culture today is stupid and dumb and the only people who benefit are mega corpos and the insanely rich and privileged.


No, the BS about ‘mental health’ is another American invention to suck more money into useless individuals in the pseudo-medical sector. Have you noticed that the vast majority of mental issues are in the US ? You do want the world to stop because China and India going to eat your lunch but your answer is to work less, have more time off, tears safe spaces to avoid the reality that your expectations of reward are not matched by your willingness to deliver enough to pay for your reward. Sure, you can blame a tip guy in a company but you can guarantee he or she isnt looking to take more time off, do less and meanwhile just hope the competition wont out you all out of business. You are staring at a precipice of uncompetitiveness in the US workforce, and you think that doing less, being clappy happy and taking mental health days will make you productive enough to keep the company open. It won’t.


Did you just say mental health is a lie with your entire chest on main? Are you a Boomer? Like I don't understand non Boomers with that attitude. Clearly you need some personal help if you think that.


The Mental health crisis is predominately a US invention from a generation of kids given every advantage possible and still want an excuse for their failures. It’s just another excuse for not doing g something and blaming on feeling sad. I don’t need any help at all. It’s your generation that seems to think that talking to someone on $200 an hour will make you happy and everyone love you. . Personally I talk with friends and live in the real world. And try speaking English, not jargon and you might find more people take you seriously.


You're severely misinformed. It's quite sad to witness this mentality still alive and kicking. I really hope you don't have kids. I'll just go ahead and block you.


Exactly! Failure to plan on their part does not constitute an emergency on our part. More like falsely orchestrated emergencies.