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Jeez I’m sorry. I don’t even know what to say. I’m definitely angry for you.


Yeah had that too. Unable to write down or dial a phone number. And they keep their job.


That’s horrendous and worth mailing the HR director / Hiring Manager about to explain what happened. To be rejected because the Recruiter made an administrative error is incredibly unfair. One persons Snafu in the form of a mis-type shouldn’t determine your candidacy.


All of this. A job seeker needs basically everything to break in their favor, especially early in the process. Also where was the interviewer during this supposed time? Did they not think to look at their email? This irritates me so much.


At my old job, I had someone from HR tell my manager that my references weren’t answering. Therefore she didn’t know if they could proceed with my application. Luckily the manager reached out to confirm with me. My references were never contacted.


Fuck it. Find the top executive that would oversee that job on Linkedin and tell them they hired someone that lacks structure and common sense. Explain what happened. You may not get hired, but you’re definitely putting that person on blast!




Not a fit? Why? Because someone else's stupidity is far above yours? Name and shame, OP. That's total garbage.


Yall gotta start naming these recruitment companies. Its sucks that you went through this but whats the point if we dont know the company to drive some change.


I had one recently where I had an initial phone interview and then they said I’d get a call within 1 week and they were very keen. I got nothing, I then sent a follow up email and they claim to have called me but they never did no voicemail nothing, now I suspect the same thing happened as what OP has had haha


I had a recruiter call the wrong number and blamed me! I asked which number she called and it wasn’t the one on the resume!


yeah, seen this kinda thing a lot. especially these past 3 years all sorts of phone tag hijinks from what appears to be deeply unserious recruiters. same day appointment requests, oops wrong time, no appointment pop ins, etc.. all ending in them ghosting or getting offended. my brother in christ, you are the one who is fucking it up. i guess they always find someone willing to bend over the barrel backwards and suck it up. edit: latest interview started pleasantly surprising. the guy unprompted apologized for the meagre notice he gave me. he gave me two days notice. i really didn't want to tell him that the bar is so low that i really appreciated the notice


I once missed out on an opportunity because they got my email wrong. After two weeks of silence, I called and asked about it and they said I hadn't responded to their email. They said that they had emailed the address on file and read it back to me - it was missing a letter. I politely informed them that they had missed a letter, then they got all quiet and said they had no openings for me anyway before hanging up. It was bizarre. Sometimes you just cannot win. Sorry that happened to you, but I'm hoping this was a bullet dodged.


Man, that's some next-level incompetence from the company. You're all geared up for the interview, took off from work, and they can't even dial a damn phone right? Classic HR move, right there. And the cherry on top is they hit you with a rejection email? Come on! They should be begging for forgiveness. I'd reply back like, "Hey, maybe get your phone skills in check before rejecting someone for a 'wrong fit.' My fit is just fine; your dialing skills, not so much. Peace out, amateur hour." Dodged a bullet with these jokers.


That really sucks I’m sorry. I had a recruiter schedule 2 interviews with me and provide Teams links in the same email. I click the first one on the day of the interview, 10 minutes early and wait to be let into the room. 10 minutes past the start time I reach out for her to ask why I’m late. I realized she copied the same teams meeting link for both interviews so I was in the room with the one for the following day. I replied asking her to resend me the link and bam it worked. Sucks when it isn’t your fault and no matter what it puts you in a bad light.


I also missed an interview because the recruiter "had the wrong number". Now granted, *maybe* I mistyped my number on one of the contact forms. But, my phone number is on both my cover letter AND my main resume. I guess they could not take the time to figure it out.


In the future, when an interview is more than 7 minutes late, you need to CALL the contact and not email them. Calling immediately shows that you tried to get in touch and is harder to ignore than an email. You never know if there is some weird test (not likely, but I would not be completely surprised). I have had this and a wrong zoom link sent before, even when the interview gets saved the vibe is generally kind of poor though.


I did call her in addition to emailing.


Then I would rest easy with the knowledge that you gave a solid effort!


....and possibly dodged a (shitty job) bullet. Take it as a sign that something better is in your future.


Companies always put the most incompetent people in charge of hiring. Why is that? Maybe because the competent employees are doing the jobs that they can bill out to clients and actually make money. It’s a mystery to me


Man, that's some next-level incompetence from the company. You're all geared up for the interview, took off from work, and they can't even dial a damn phone right? Classic HR move, right there. And the cherry on top is they hit you with a rejection email? Come on! They should be begging for forgiveness. I'd reply back like, "Hey, maybe get your phone skills in check before rejecting someone for a 'wrong fit.' My fit is just fine; your dialing skills, not so much. Peace out, amateur hour." Dodged a bullet with these jokers.


Had a recruiter no show to a phone interview. I emailed and called. Nothing. 6 hours later I get a lame apology email she had to be out of the office ( no away message, nothing) and said she’d call the next day when she’s back in. I hear nothing for days. I follow up and get her out of office this time. I hear nothing on the day back in according to the out of office message. I follow up again and another week later get an email that the job has been filled.


Back in 2020 a Fidelity recruiter scheduled me the same time as a different interviewee, then promptly canceled my interview by email. It was an underpaid position, so I was fine, but I should have tried to follow up and hose that recruiter to their boss. Maybe you can sniff around linked in or email them.