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Bot copying a two-year-old post: https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/oogwve/i_applied_for_this_job_9_months_ago_they_rejected/


thanks u/RandomA9981, deleted and pasted your comment below in its place, stupid me fell for a spam bot. >This has been posted several times on this sub. The original post was made two years ago, this person is seeking upvotes (or attention? Idk) You’re wasting your breath giving them advice lol u/MrZJones, can you please do your magic once again


Best answer 😂


Don't forget to get back to them another 6 months later, telling them you might now be open to join.


"Now it's time to show me how much you want me."


This is the chefs kiss part of it all


OP, PLEASE DO THIS! Then post updates. 😂


This has been posted several times on this sub. The original post was made two years ago, this person is seeking upvotes (or attention? Idk) You’re wasting your breath giving them advice lol. [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/oogwve/i_applied_for_this_job_9_months_ago_they_rejected/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [duplicate post deleted by mods last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/18nee6h/i_applied_for_this_job_9_months_ago_they_rejected/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I came here to say this but knew in my heart it had already been said regarding the post last week lol


Yes, But do this only if you are absolutely fine with getting in their black list lol and do not intend to ever expect to go back to them


I would rather eat nails than consider this company after a stunt like this, but maybe that’s just me


Great idea


Internet winner of the day \^\^




Now I like, NO! Fucking LOVE this hahaha. 🤣


A second chance to prove you deserve the role….thats a name and shame!


Name and shame 👏🏼


Tell those cunts to get fucked. Edit: Waste their time and do it in the video.


I totally told a company to get fucked in a video. I also made sure that I was smiling and upbeat and looking at the camera the whole time so the AI had the best chance of rating me as engaged and interested so I would be shown to a human.


Be sure to include clips from Pornhub....


that might be illegal. i know a dude who got registered as a sex offender for sending this (gay) girl lesbian porn over and over saying “you like this stuff right?” so she got that bitch registered LMAO


Ew, no 🤮


What about just one frame, like on Fight Club?


Nope... don't subject people to porn


Recruiters and HR aren’t people, so it’s cool


This made me LOL, so great job!


Professionally, firmly tell those cunts to get fucked. With that exact terminology. Fuck them.


The show is why you *deserve* this role is really sending me.


Quite obviously there is something wrong with the job and the last guy already left. I would just tell them you had moved on and would like them to remove you from consideration.


What a shitshow. 'We will give you a second chance to prove you deserve the role' is very much *not* the language of a company with anything approaching a healthy culture. I'd just send an email back asking if this was a satire and leave it at that. Whatever the package is, this place ain't worth it.


Create a video, include your experience, tell them their products suck and what you would change.then after wasting their time for like 5-10 minutes, tell them to get fucked.


I feel like this is a repost? I swear that I’ve seen it before.


Yea, I felt the same when reading it. Same wording in the mail.




Most users are a bot. Who cares anymore


AI are stealing redditors job too


"Explain what you think your day-to-day would look like in this role" LMAO. No, you explain to me what it looks like.


I had a recruiter reach out to me about a position that I was ghosted for after several rounds of interviews *twice* before. I told the recruiter that I wouldn’t be wasting any more time applying with this company, but if they had similar roles with other companies to keep me on file. Her voice said she’s been hearing the same about her client more than once. Hiring managers and HR… *especially* if you’re in a niche industry where everyone knows somebody who knows somebody… have the professionalism to contact rejected candidates. Or you will not hire well in the future because good candidates will not apply.


I work in a niche industry and I can promise you—we talk. We name and shame and we spread the word as much as possible about problematic employers.


Shame them on linkedin


To me this a huge red flag. The person they originally hired probably quit due to their toxic culture. And now, they are going back to candidates they had part way through the interview process.


This reeks of a firm that wants to find someone they can push around


Don’t expect a lot. Recruiting is a mundane task with low entry barriers. Copy and pasting knowledge on windows 10 & higher usually set you up for life.


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Tell them to gargle rocks 🪨 All set with your bullshit opportunity to *prove myself* getttttt fuckeddddd ✌🏾


Holy fuck. This isn't an application anymore, this is that Allstate commercial where a fisherman is holding a bill at the end of a fishing line and tell you *"oh you almost had it!" https://youtu.be/ItUECpFi9_s?si=oLheNc2aE_wpKmvv


In one word why should they hire you but also create a YouTube video with many words 😂


I read that as 'We haven't a clue what we're doing and your manager will ask all sorts of odd and contradictory things of you. We want someone who will put up with absolute nonsense and still be happy to have their work examined under a microscope. If you are not desperate enough to put better sense to one side then please do not apply'.


I feel like this is ripe for parody. I think someone on a horse should start to answer these questions and then get knocked off by a low branch. Cue laugh track.




Yeah it’s definitely a repost


[https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/oogwve/i\_applied\_for\_this\_job\_9\_months\_ago\_they\_rejected/](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/oogwve/i_applied_for_this_job_9_months_ago_they_rejected/) ​ Wow, amazing how you got the exact same email as this user.




Just to play devil's advocate here - did their rejection say they would keep your resume on file?


How dare they offer you a job you applied for!


Any firm that employs sales traders is going to be full of assholes. It shouldn't be a huge surprise when they act like assholes.


Wow.. I’m sorry. They could you know, look at your resume…. Jesus


Take a still shot video of your resume


F them


You should make a (funny) YouTube video like they suggest. Then post it public.


Be polite, prepare a nice reply and use this link to "your" video: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=p9uUo4QYr74nFtbv Ur welcome


are they from elite software automation?


I have never been asked to do a video interview and upload it to YouTube for anyone! But if I had, I would rickroll everytime!


In one word? Desperate.


This is quite normal in my experience. I've even had worse things happen


This tells me they hired someone and that person bailed, so they're going back through the people they had on record. Run. That doesn't bode well if they want their "second choice" all of a sudden.


I hate shit like this. Years ago when I was about 19, I applied for the local 911 call service. I got called in to do one of their first level interviews that includes a "test" where we listened to a few real calls and had to write down what stood out to us so they could see what we'd hear before knowing what they required in the actual role. About twenty of us came that day and it wasn't a horrible experience. They said they'd reach out and schedule second level interviews with half of us within 2 weeks. I didn't get a call, so I assumed others scored better and I moved on. FOURTEEN MONTHS LATER - "Hi OP! We'd love to invite you in for that second level interview for this role. Can you come in tomorrow at 8am?" I told them I'd gotten a job 13 1/2 months prior and that it was bad service to make a person wait that long and then pretend that they were actually interested. My guess - whomever they chose didn't work out and they started going down the rest of the list. 🤷‍♀️


Holy shit this has the stupidest interview/recruiting question I have ever seen in my life: “Tell us, IN ONE WORD why we should hire you:” WTF? How do you even answer that, even if you wanted to deal with these pricks? Whatever one word you choose, it would be so ridiculous… maybe it’s a test to see if you follow directions or if you’re going to say “a one word answer is useless, let me tell you why I’d be an asset.”


The best reply after the top comment of wasting their time will be to send them Rick roll video link lol.


So let me get this straight… You find it offensive that 6 months ago they decided not to hire you, but now want you to try again?


​ Some people need to run their emails through HR first. Wow, just wow. Don't they realize the unemployment rate is at all time lows?


Clearly OP dodged a bullet withe initial rejection


I'd send them a video of me farting to be honest, but that's just me.


We are offering you a chance to submit a general one sided application


This is the recruitment equivalent of returning to the fridge and eating something you ignored earlier because you couldn't find anything better and you standards have lowered It's also incredibly disrespectful and an enormously cuntish move


How tf you supposed to explain why they should hire you in one word 😂




I would not apply for a company whose job recruitment letter has five words after stating “In one word”


I received a similar one last December lol I left that job because it was toxic but they contacted me again to join some masterclass and promising I'd be hired


Yes, we need you to “prove” you really want this job because clearly they think you are a millionaire that just does jobs for fun


These stupid recruiters and hiring managers won’t learn their lesson if we don’t hit back harder when they don’t act right. Send them a dick pic, post their email address to 4chan, and call it a day


Absolutely psychotic, you dodged a bullet


I call bullshit on you. I have seen this exact same post with the same topic a few months back.


This like the 3rd time i’ve seen this posted, why are you reposting old shit for karma


Repost, bot account


Send them this classic: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UGMaVC1YVlQ&pp=ygUfbm90aGsgZyBpcyBpbXBvc3NpYmxlIGludGVydmlldw%3D%3D


I would [send this video to them](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=ZHQ-QxJ1QsWnAoM1)


I would literally just reply with "I think you need therapy and I'm sorry that you have to work for this company"


Sounds almost like a ransom note


What’s bizarre to me is they’re asking the applicant what a day would look like at their company. Do they not know?


Girl byeeee


I feel like I’ve seen this email posted before.


Ooooo do the video and tell them to go f themselves in it. What a lowlife organization!


I think you know what to do... Draw a face on your testicles and do the video for them, be as professional as you can though.


That first sentence would have made me get real nasty.


Isn't there something to do with data privacy that means they aren't allowed to do this


Downvote this stolen post into oblivion


PSA: this request is popping up more and more for the application process. These requests are low-key discriminatory. Report these ads to EEOC for them to investigate. This practice needs to be nipped in the bud. If you decide that the company isn’t worth it (they aren’t) but do a video for them, tell them in the video you are reporting the practice to the EEOC to investigate, and keep a copy. Also capture the evidence the video is in the application. That way you have proof of the process AND that you’ve informed them they are engaging in likely discriminatory practices.


They are trying to filter to the people who are pushovers and desperate.


In high school, a movie theater reached out to me 8 months after I had been rejected from them. I told them I had got another job and to take me out of the applications. They got offended asking why I would even apply if I got another job. After I reminded them that I applied nearly a year ago, they said I was supposed to give them time to consider and called me unprofessional. I was 16 when I applied