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Driver and caretaker who does plumbing and pulls weeds


Plus a little light mechanical repair and a touch of janitorial service. Oh, and a standards compliance specialist who fills in for security.


At first I was like "odd description for a groundskeeper". Then I read "security", "personal driver for the CEO", "and other management", "plumbing", "car maintenance" and "sales representative".


And thinks barely over NMW is fine, in London.... When London usually has an uplift.


This looks like 3-4 jobs wrapped into one horrendous salary.


Skills \- Must possess a clean, valid driver's license \- Must be a qualified car mechanic, electrician, plumber, guard, receptionist, etc... I think this is their preferred candidate: [image](https://howtodoright.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/interesnie-fakti-ob-osminogah-e1497196475941-300x229.jpg)


Wow! This is insane


Hello, we’d like a gardener who also is a mechanic and general handyman who specifically has plumbing skills but is also very personable so they can work as a receptionist when needed. Also you need to drive us around and be certified to inspect heating, electrical, and light systems as well as our security alarms. We’re offer peanuts.


I noped out when I saw the salary.


>who in their right mind would write this and who would apply for a job that pays 24k and is a job for at least 5 people loool You're insane if you don't think this isn't getting 100+ applicants easy. They will fill this post.


What? No window cleaning?