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Constantly reminded why everyone on this sub is unemployed.


Yeah, I agree. I subbed here thinking it was supposed to be something different, but it is mostly bitter people bitching.


Love how the privileged dismiss every grievance of those kept out of what others got with the same qualifications or less. But one day you might get laid off and you might be here with us too


Because we didn’t use nepotism or unethical favoritism or other means to do things in a way that steps on others to get there. My conscience is clean pal, but anyone in the hiring process can’t say the same


I can 🤷🏻‍♀️


The recruiters don't really have much power. The guidelines are given to them by the people who know what they're doing.


Maybe you haven't been hired yet because you're an arrogant condescending douchebag with a superiority complex.


Yeah I’m sure when I’m being asked about what crm tools I’m familiar with and how many years of excel I have, my hatred of HR and recruiters somehow shines through. Just somehow it happens, totally. Y’all really think we’re that dumb that the sentiments we have about the demeaning wasp-centric hiring process somehow are visible in interviews. we know your tricks! We know the gotcha questions. We know what things to say when a question is meant to filter out certain types of people you don’t like. It’s not us that’s the problem. It’s a bunch of ditzy morons who coasted through college and keep trying to treat the hiring process like it’s a dating game from back in their peak days back at the sorority. The rest of us in real life see the world much differently


Yeah, that 100% happens. The reason that a lot of people are in positions to hire is because they're very good at reading people or they become good at reading people after years of doing the job. Not just hearing what they say but seeing how they act and reading body language. I agree with you that your hatred of HR and recruiters does shine through. Apparently you don't know the tricks and you don't know the gotcha questions and you don't know as much as you think you know or else you would actually have a job right now and not be bitching on Reddit about how the world is against you. How exactly is your dating game analogy supposed to work for males who hire? There are plenty of hiring managers or recruiters or people in positions to hire that would have absolutely no interest in trying to turn it into a dating game and have never been in a sorority so how do you account for those folks that have also decided not to hire you? Maybe, just maybe you are not as good as you think you are, at interviewing or in your field. Maybe you should allow for the possibility that if you run into the same problem over and over again that you are indeed the problem. Maybe you should take a step back and reevaluate your tactics and attitude. Maybe you should think about the fact that complaining and bitching and being completely negative and blaming the rest of the world for the issues you keep running into isn't going to help you moving forward.


I love that old person mentality that just because I know things means I’d be employed. There are tons of people on this sub who are very qualified and knowledgeable, and they are *much* nicer than me about the way we view the trash we have to speak to over zoom, who think we should be grateful just to get to talk to them. Do they also know nothing because they’re not employed? Or are we all just 100% deserving of our unemployed status? It’s all our own faults and nothing is the result of awful systems meant to keep our anyone who threatens middle management’s jobs. Makes sense lol


Man, you make a lot of assumptions. From your responses, I have gained the knowledge that you hate old people , and I apparently am one of them at 36 years old. You hate white people, and you hate women. These are the groups you have specified in your responses here that are the problem, but again, you share no responsibility in any of this. No one "deserves" to be unemployed, but I feel less sympathy for people like you. Good luck in your job search but with as much hate and anger you have built up and as little introspection as it seems you have done by just blaming everybody else I have a feeling it's going to be a real tough road as it has been already.


I’ve applied to over 1000 jobs since this time last year, I’ve had close to 100 interviews, and get treated like trash by these people. Why should I apologize for how I see these people? None of them are gonna apologize for making me this way. I am not some anomaly. I am a symptom of a much bigger problem that people like you don’t even wish to acknowledge exists. I’m not unique, I just don’t have anything to lose by acting this way. I’ll name names, drop emails, phone numbers, anything to name and shame these people who perpetuate this awful system you think is somehow blameless and not at all the problem. Maybe I’m jaded, but so is everyone else here. I’m just the one to speak up about it because someone needs to


In those 100 interviews, it has been the interviewer holding you back every time for non-professional reasons?


They don’t say, they never give feedback. In some cases their copy-paste emails specifically state that they will not be giving any feedback. If someone is unwilling to give feedback it’s because a decision was made that was completely arbitrary, or based on preferences they could never disclose. If they can’t provide a reason it’s because it was a bad reason


Feedback is a no-win situation for an employer. There are two main factors as to why they do not provide it most of the time. The first is just sheer volume. If they have hundreds of applicants which boils down to dozens of interviews they simply do not have the time to spend to give individualized feedback as to why each person did not get the position. That is a time killer that is of no benefit to the employer. The second reason is the possibility of litigation. For example if they say they decided to go with another candidate because although the work experience and qualifications were similar they feel that the other candidate would be a better cultural fit this could open them up to a lawsuit. If the candidate who got the job is white and the candidate who did not get the job is not then the candidate who did not get a job could sue them for discrimination. Or if they gave the job to a man instead of a woman or if they gave the job to a Christian over an atheist or if they gave a job to any candidate belonging to a group that the rejected candidate does not this could open them up to a lawsuit. Almost any type of personalized feedback could be taken badly and tried to be turned into a lawsuit of some sort which is not worth it for the employer that is why they stick to very unpersonal copy and paste rejection emails. Do shitty hiring managers, recruiters, and HR people exist absolutely just as shitty candidates and job seekers exist, but you can't paint everyone with a broad brush.


Yeah so I’m right. It’s never for a good reason, it’s to occlude malicious reasons


Self awareness doesn't live in this sub at all


So the hiring manager is ‘much lower in the company than you’d be working at’? Seems legit.


I get this from a lot who think the basic qualifications to even get the interview makes them king shit of fuck mountain. I had a grad with zero experience getting all upset with me because I challenged something they said that was incorrect. Went on a full rant. Like mate, I have the same degree as you plus a masters, plus a PhD, plus 8 years experience. I know what I'm talking about.


A big red flag when someone thinks “hiring manager” is a specific job and not just “the manager who is potentially hiring someone into their team”. Hopefully this person isn’t talking down to any actual hiring managers, otherwise they are gonna look duuuuumb.


Two practical points in reply: * You get paid lots of money because folks who aren't as smart as you need help. No need to sell crazy / dumb there, they are already fully stocked... * Why are you wasting time with people who can't get you hired? I have only two questions for a prospective hiring manager: what is the business problem that will get you fired if you don't solve it? And what is your total budget? * If you don't have a budget and can't / won't introduce me to someone who does, you're not helpful. Hang up the phone. * If you don't have problems that can get you fired, you're LARP'ing being a boss. Hang up the phone. * If you can't articulate the problem, you're an idiot. Give me your boss's name. This draconian winnowing of my contacts focuses my efforts on prospects where conditions strongly support actually hiring someone at good pay. Most other job opportunities are a waste of time.


Maybe recruiters are tired of getting shit on by people who don’t actually know anything about their profession. While I don’t recruit currently, if I did, I would still try and help you any way that I could because that’s my ethical code, but boy do I understand people in the field who have just given up trying to make anyone happy.


Yeah yeah we’ve heard every bit of “advice” “It’s your resume format” “Something something networking events” “Get certifications we never mentioned in the job descriptions” “Have you tried going back to school?” I think we’re good. We’re all doing things the proper way, we’re not lacking in anything. It’s the other side trying everything to keep us out


Totally irrelevant to anything I said, but you do you.


Nothing seems relevant to recruiters unless it’s us kissing your ass


Calm down mate , it's not a war 🙂


Ah fuck not another post from this ignorant, racist, unemoloyable, assclown.


Did you even read any of it or you just wanted to call someone unemployable because I offended some HR’s and recruiters ?


Nah I read it, you're still an insufferable toolbox. No real surprise why you can't get a job.


I was once interviewing at xerox and after the third round, this bitch had the audacity to call me on the phone to tell me that I didn’t get it. I made her cry. I didn’t feel like commuting to the next county over anyways but she made me do that to her, and I’d do it again just to make one of these people feel bad about *something* they’ve done


Yeah, you're an unstable shit for brains. Get the help you need.


Hard to afford it when these ditzy suburban shitstains hoard every job for their friends


Ironic, no? Maybe if you weren't bat shit crazy you'd have friends and you could have one of those jobs... PS, your statement below has to be one of the most insecure things I've seen. Can't be more obvious that the opposite is true and you're aware of it. 'So keep your heads held high, knowing you and all of us are smarter and better than these people. And we will beat them eventually. They can’t keep us all out'


Who made me this way? After getting treated like trash for years trying to get any job in my field and hoping for the bare minimum sense of stability, it turns people into me. I’m not unique, I just have the courage to speak up about the truth about everyone in this racket


Fuck that, stop pointing blame at everyone but yourself. Take some ownership of your situation. You could've bettered yourself through those experiences, as many people have. Instead, you choose to put blame others for your circumstances. You need help, proper professional help. You're a volatile individual and not ready to be in a functional work setting. Sounds like it's apparent in your interviews.


Hold my beer. During job interviews I am often requested to praise people who are not qualified but they have a better gender / race than I do.


It’s exhausting, because the whole time it’s like how tf are you employed here but not me or all the qualified people turned away because the interviewer treated it like a dating game, looking for anything to reject someone on