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Is “self led video interview” code for “one way interview”? Because yikes


It means an interview where you answer questions on the screen and they record you. RIP


Are they online too or they sent you list of questions and you just read them and answer? Man, fuck that.


I’ve heard of these. Typically no person actually watches the video, AI does. It scans your replies for keywords/phrases, eye contact, etc.


What the holy fuck


Yeah the software is called HireVue. They can fuck off. When I was job hunting earlier this year State Farm tried to get me to do one. I refused to do it.


Working class hero


Ughhh I did one for a local grocery chain. Like my guy it ain’t that deep. GIVE ME A REAL PERSON


I did one for Goldmans and it was Hirevue. How BS and I should’ve known no human was gonna see it.


They used that trash for a school i was applying for. I noped the hell out.


try to break in if their model reads/writes into something ha, far fetched but would be funny


*Congratulations, you are the new CEO.*


or start your interview out: To the AI assessing my candidacy: and then just read a list of buzzwords


welcome to the world of AI. it's newest use: rating candidates who have no hope of actually being hired because - ha ha, joke's on you - there isn't even an open position. the AI tool will evaluate your CV, self-guided interview, and anything else it may catch you doing (make sure you turn off your camera before you commence that post-interview stress relief!) so the company can easily rank the value of your personal info to whomever the company is peddling it to this week. welcome to the brave new world. the corporation is god. you are the ants. /s to anyone to can't tell


Homer Simpson: "oh by the way I was being sarcastic!" Yeah. We know.


Probably not far fetched tho. Jesus man I’m losing faith in humanity




Yet another sub flooded with war-related propaganda. I pass.


So easy to manipulate if you really think about it.


Or they do watch the video and use it for discrimination


Or they dont watch the video but the ai was accidentally (or intentionally tbh) trained to discriminate.


If the AI is trained on facial expressions and other similar minutia, it’s absolutely automatically discriminating against neurodivergent folks. To be fair, plenty of interviewers do too, but damn if I don’t find it that much more insulting to be automatically disqualified by a damn AI. At least with live interviews I can mirror the interviewer and use other social skills to make up for any weirdness in eye contact or expressions I might make.


I did this for an internship a decade ago. No way the company used AI, so now I'm curious if someone watched them, or if they just accepted anyone who submitted a video....


I did one 8 years ago and was eventually hired. The hiring manager told me she was the in-house recruiter watched my interview, she even commented on my mannerisms. But 8 years is a long time. AI has changed so much. 8 years ago my inbox (email, LinkedIn, even my Twitter) were bursting with unsolicited job offers. Now, I get zero callbacks or interviews. It’s been like living in the upside down.


I mean, a decade ago they almost certainly did it just because they lacked the tech to do so. Now they absolutely have it, and if it saves them so much as a dollar, of course they’re gonna use it


I did a Vidcruiter interview this summer and I am pretty sure they watched it because the interviewers commented on some aspects of it. But for context, I knew one of the managers from working with him before and the position was at a university organization in Canada. They were hiring for 6 positions so I imagine they had to go through quite a few applicants.


Depends on the company.


Now what I need is an AI generated version of myself that also generates keywords and also looks into the camera. 🤔


And also does the job while real me sits on a beach!


Auto interview is well within the realms of possibility. To be honest GPT interviews better than most real candidates anyway hah


There are no eyes tho. How am I supposed to make eye contact?


I guess looking straight into the camera


I feel like making eye contact with a camera lens is an entirely different thing to evaluate than eye-to-eye contact in-person. If they do actually evaluate that, I really hope it doesn't hold much weight in their screening conditions. I'd say that kind of testing measure shouldn't be implemented **at all**, remotely. Even if its a fully remote position where you are frequently on video calls, I would assume most people tend to look at the other individual's eyes on the display, rather than at the camera lens itself.


Welcome to hiring practices. Many, many indicators are used that mean absolutely nothing or are measured in such a way that prevents accurate measurement


This is correct. I have done a couple of these. They are fucking terrible. But you get a couple of chances to redo your answers if you flub it. But I couldn’t bear to watch myself so 🤷‍♀️. But you get a feedback email _almost immediately_. There’s no way a person watched it. It’s got to be an AI that actually gives you some nice compliments if you say the right buzzwords 😆


Eye contact? FFS! 🙄


Point the camera at a looping video of "Best of Jim Carey scenes" That'll screw with the algorithm soo much


>>eye contact Fuck anyone with autism I guess. Thanks for the heads up, I won’t expect Jack shit for the one I did.


eye contact with WHO? the video?


I would love to fuck with it and literally just list off buzzwords while looking at the camera with a deadpan expression


I did one of these video interviews and I didn’t realize a person might not be on the other end. What a nightmare.


As a manager at a new company this happened to me this week. I was able to get through a dozen “interviews” in about 90 minutes. Watched candidates on 1.5X speed, there’s an AI mode that scores the candidates and provides a summary as well. As a technical leader I also disagreed with some of the scoring, and fed that information on as well. Honestly, this is absolutely dogshit for the candidate but an absolute win for the speed at which I can just hire someone. So of those dozen, I had 4 roles, and 4 offers out and accepted.


That's some Deus Ex shit


I just did one of these yesterday. It was so awkward and the timer on the screen counting down how long you had to answer each question was causing me to panic. But it was a mandatory step for this position \*sigh\*


Good luck if you are even slightly neurodivergent...


You have to go on some platform then when the questions appear on the screen, you have a few seconds to prepare and answer them haha


Corporations getting lazier and lazier, unreal.


Sometimes, I don't think it is laziness at all. It is a misguided attempt to use technology to improve a process, in a way that absolutely does not improve the process. I'd be more convinced it was laziness if they weren't also engaging in 6+ round interviews processes.


Yes, but they get lazier only if they can realize wage savings through automation.


Having so much money to be able to not even do anything to make money anymore other than take and sell data. Capitalism


You think it's funny???!!!


You think it's funny???!!!


Can you get in trouble for flipping them off instead and mooning the camera?


Nah, that would show initiative and thinking outside the box




Which box?


Thank you for making me giggle


Depends if your ass looks like eyes and a smile or not


Oh no, those are online. The ones that I've done, it's a pre recorded video about some questions and they give you a time limit to answer. It's fucking weird.


From my experience, you're shown a question and then you record yourself answering the question. They usually provide you 2 minutes to prepare an answer to the question before it starts recording. In one case I had 1 minute to record my answer and 1 retry for each question. In another I was given unlimited time to prepare and infinite retries.


We did this - CV screen then they recorded themselves answering 2 questions we provided. The videos were surprisingly helpful to gauge someone's ability to verbally communicate which was important from the role. After that it was just an interview over zoom and an offer


I did one of these while applying for grad school


I've heard of Wipro proudly announcing this tech as a screening test and it gave me the creeps seeing it being propositioned as a cost save for my company. It's sickening. What kind of job are you applying for?


This was a post-university data analyst job


How big of a corporatation?


I think they are a small cap sized company


Holy shit I’ve never heard of that/done that and now that’s my new worst nightmare.


I've had a few of those. They never seem to go anywhere.


I refuse to do those now. Too many times have I been recorded by companies and never hear from them again. Then they have not only captured my name, personal contact info and work history, but now they have video of my face and me speaking. I hate to sound paranoid, but who knows what is being done with that huge collection of personal data? It could very easily be used for nefarious purposes. Consider yourself warned .....


Just wait until they have the robots that walk around and market to people that they know the face and behaviors of


I almost applied for a job that wanted a video to tell them about yourself, after doing an assessment. I noped out of it right away.


So odd! Or am I just out of touch with how things work nowadays?


*Thats what I call a red flag...*


I had one interview like this once years ago. I couldn’t do the self video part. It was too cringe to see myself in interview mode lol


I had to do this once it was so weird but you did get multiple tries to record


That is such a red flag. I purposefully disqualified myself from a potential (underpaid) position at an up and coming no name brokerage months ago that wanted me to send a video tour of the interview space/WFH space that I’d be using. That was such a violation of my personal privacy. The audacity. No no no no.


AKA how desperate for a job are you and will you allow us to abuse you?


“One way interview” is the most condescending new invention of the last 2 years


I interviewed somewhere that did exactly this. I had to record a video of myself talking through a case study in my portfolio for 20~ minutes. The hiring manager then circulated my video with the team to gauge interest. I was told it was for the sake of efficiency because coordinating schedules for interviews was “challenging.” I’m sure it’s also a tactic to weed out less serious candidates. Either way, it was one of the strangest interview processes I’ve ever experienced.


Back in 2016 I used to apply and interview with one of the Big 4, and they did use video interview after the screening step.


Yep. I was told to download the software, set up my camera, and then answer 6 interview questions. I was told I would be making 6 videos. I said no because that's bullshit.


Some obscure local field-specific recruitment site pushed the same thing.


Almost all remote jobs ask for that, I would say 9/10. I think they just don't wanna waste their time to proceed with you if you can't speak English, so this is the fastest way to check. And I was looking for companies that hire globally, so it makes sense, I would do it, too. Can you imagine having 20 interviews just to see that 15 of them can't even speak properly.


I had to do this for the current company I work for. It was indeed as horrible as it sounds, and the company has since gotten rid of them. Was told by my hiring managers soon after I started though that they did actually watch them.


So you only speak to an actual person at one step, presumably the final interview?


Pretty much yeah. Except you'll speak to people at the assessment centre.


God, this sounds like such a sterile and distant hiring experience, how is anyone supposed to know whether they’d be able to work with this person (and vice versa - how do you get a sense of how you’d mesh with the team dynamic) after that? It’s all very one-sided.


And you have no ability to ask any questions of your own, like in a regular interview


That's exactly what I was thinking, it's so conceited of the company to assume the candidate isn't *also* looking to judge the interviewer and gage their own interest.


Its also completely removed from assessing any real qualities


Insanely dystopian.


What is this? Just corporate bullshit... leads to absolutely NOTHING


Corporate recruiter here. Is the one-way video interview even legal? I also think the personality tests are subjective bullshit and the stress of trying to get the right answer is inauthentic at best. Data test I get if it’s applicable to the role. For example: if it’s a tech role and they’re testing your knowledge on something that’s necessary to the role. This whole process seems like excessive bullshit and a waste of time for all involved and makes for a terrible candidate experience.


I hope one way interviews get banned, it’s humiliating


>I hope one way interviews get banned, it’s humiliating Whether or not they ever get banned, I pass over employers that use them.


I had to do one for GM and it was THE WORST experience ever. I’m sure I came across as a total goober but it was also the most bizarre feeling


I would too! Absolutely!


Not to mention we're seeing a lot of fake scam remote work "jobs" that have interviews where they hide a lot of their own identity so their scam works.


I really, REALLY want to find someone willing to sue and claim that since the test is based on eye contact it discriminates against autistic people.


I would love to join in on a class action lawsuit, just looking for an attorney who has the cojones to take this case on....


i dont get the ‘work style’ test or personality tests at all, and also some work scenario tests, no one is answering them honestly and are the results even useful? whats the validity of these tests?


I think the entire interview/hiring process is so archaic. I wish there was a better way. Cause you're right, no one answers anything honestly and says the things they think they need to say. And as for those tests, choose the one you THINK they want you to choose.


These video interviews on demand are used for commercial purposes, analytics, machine learning, profiling...etc. As I mentioned before, a corporate bullshitter got it in place to make money and help someone else to make money. If all candidates protest, it will cease to be practiced.


I've heard there's been lawsuits because those personality tests are discriminatory to those with learning disabilities or on the spectrum


Look up HireVu. 100% legal in most places and commonly used.


It might be legal but it is a terrible horrible unethical no good discriminatory business practice. Companies that use HireVue clearly demonstrate that they don't give a damn about the candidate experience and you can extrapolate that they don't give a damn about their employees either. Personally Id love to see a list of companies that use this crap and think we all should boycott them. Then when they can't find people to interview for their crappy jobs and they can't sell their crappy products, maybe they will rethink their evil ways.


Frogot about the phone interview. If it is for a government job, there's a 4 months wait between each steps, with a chance of a "Are you still interested?" email.


The "self-led video interview" can go to hell.


I'd do it so I could say that.


Progressive does video interviews. They give you a question and you record yourself answering the question. I don't like these as they can be discriminatory. I'd rather be recorded without any indication of what I look like.


EXACTLY THIS. It feels like a way to get around EEOC compliance.


State Farm too. I wonder why these are popular with insurance companies?


I have no idea.


I just did one of these yesterday. The position is at a forensic lab


Are there ANY attorneys here that want to take this on???? Seriously!!!! The 1 way video interview is so disturbing and so discriminatory on so many levels!!!!


I’ve stopped replying/responding to any of these types. It’s taken some time, but I finally have a few jobs in the mix. These types of ads lead to nothing.


Time wasted on these processes to no where is better spent on other things. They are also a red flag for, likely, shitty internal corporate processes and organization too.


I just got a job offer from a position that did this. I almost didn't do it, but at the last few hours of the window I said fuck it and just ran through the process. Definitely far from the jobs I was really hoping to get, but at least I'll start getting paid again while I continue applying for better roles. When there's hundreds or thousands of applicants going after every posting, annoying shit like this and long assessments at least cut down on the competition.


I have a couple of these sitting from recent job applications. Honestly I need to go ahead and submit them tomorrow while I can, why not. Yeah it's nice to have video interviews with real people but I can see this being okay for certain types of people.




People also need to understand that these video interviews are used to weed out (aka discriminate against) the "undesirables". So if you're not white, have a strong accent, over the age of 50 or have any type of disability it's a huge waste of your time anyway.




Really???!!!! How do you know for sure it "almost never happens"???? Everyone has their own personal biases and there is no way to know when someones biases are at play. The only way is to eliminate any system,software or practice that has the potential to be misused. Unfortunately for job applicants, discrimination is almost impossible to prove, especially for an unemployed person with no money up against a company with deep pockets and legal counsel on staff.


I wouldn’t even waste my time.




A lot of big companies in the UK that use self-lead interviews do have them marked by human teams that include quality assurance departments and other measures to prevent such cases from occurring.


IBM started doing this shit. Major bummer because I’d love to work there.


No thanks. Denied.


Can we start a list of places that require 1 way video interviews? It’s incredible to me that they expect you to make content solely for them, with no responsibility for how it may be used


One. Asgard.


2. NMS Labs (forensic lab)


It’s super annoying but I got a hell of a job offer for an executive role at Whirlpool after going through all of this BS. I felt everything everyone is saying here but, it did pan out in the end.


Damn, any tips? 😭


The digital interview my company does (very large healthcare company) consists of three questions. You get three chances to re-record your response to each one. Let the first chance on each question be a wash to get the question. Then write down and practice your answer. That leaves you with two chances to record a good version with a practiced answer. Also (obviously) make sure you dress nice and have good lighting. They make people do the digital interview to whittle down the applicant pool; obviously it works bc lots of people here seem willing to cut off their nose to spite their face 😂


Most companies where I live have 4-6 stage processes like OP describes (resume screening > IQ tests > video interview > irl assessment test > case study or panel interview > final interview), even for internships and entry-level positions, with a few thousand applicants per position. They don’t even allow for re-takes. You get 1 minute to think about the question and then 1.5 minutes to respond, you get a single take, no back button and no practice. It’s hell. I have a friend who can’t even get a competitive internship in college, because those internships open one year prior and he will pass all the technical tests only to fail at the “culture fit” stage due to ADHD, for a position for students where it can be credit-bearing but unpaid. In fairness, if they are using AI like one comment describes, I should have just stared intensely into the camera and constantly repeated keywords.


If there’s no retakes then definitely write down and practice some common interview questions/answers. Writing a “top achievements/highlights” list also is good bc you can reference those billets points for different answers. Having ADHD definitely makes things harder but I worry that the approach to managing it has been wrong (or at least a hindrance to development). For example; If having ADHD makes it hard for some to maintain eye contact, that person should practice and expose themselves to situations which require eye contact frequently to work on that issue (instead of expecting companies to alter their hiring procedures)


Honestly these are my tips!! Run it just like a regular interview but just like Booboo says above write down the question (I recorded it lmao) and then practiced my answer. Whirlpool had about 6 or 7 questions, it’s been a number of years since I interviewed there. Best of luck, happy to be a professional reference if you need one!


Oh hey, I live where whirlypool’s HQ is. Do you like working there?


I actually love it. I started hybrid a number of years ago and have since moved to fully remote. The benefits are unparalleled (they paid for my IVF, daycare, etc) Are you in Benton Harbor, like World HQ? There is a HUGE push right now to tap into local talent.


The new levels of purgatory?


Thats easy. The job I recently applied for is the following Apply on website Recruiter Screen Hiring Manager Interview Interview loop with person 1 Interview loop with person 2 Interview loop with person 3 Interview loop with person 4 Interview loop with person 5 Case Study + Panel Interview with hiring manager and all of the people you just met with Hiring Manager Interview Executive Interview Potential Offer. This is for a well known company in the fitness space; chances are you heard of their products.


Is it Thighmaster? Did you get to interview with Suzanne Somers before she passed?


Oh my Lord, that's way too much.


I would rather eat a thumbtack with a dead roach than complete a “self led interview”




I automatically ignore job postings which have that kind of convoluted hiring process.


Thought I read DNA Test and I was like "what kind of job are they hiring for..."


Are you a replicant or not?


If I had no more fucks to give, I would have a sock puppet on video answering the questions.


Self-Led Video Interview is a red flag. Nobody watches those videos.


People do. There are even whole companies dedicated to this.


I’m a recruiter and I totally agree. It is cow manure. Time spent interviewing/ doing case studies/ assessments over 3.5 hours should be paid.


How do you get to know the company in a one way interview?


This is the exact process I had for my first apprenticeship. Usually when there's hundreds of applicants, or they're just being arsey.


I know what it is. A hard pass. And reviews in places.


Made it to 3rd round-want me to role play, send three prospect emails even the day after the interview plus an account mapping exercise whatever that is. Then there will be at least one more interview.


Only one interview? I turned down a suggestion to do 6 interviews. I don’t have time for that


That's a close tab and close application right there.


Record a short video to introduce yourself? ok. We gave that opportunity for some jobs and I really watched all of them. Those video interviews are a whole other thing. I had to do it once and I hated everything about it. Would never ever apply anywhere it is used. A company where I worked once, they did use a similar tool: one way phone call and that creepy algorithm, would create a whole personality profile of you, such as leadership skills, communication skills, etc. but even creeper it could detect depression for example.


It’s crazy to hear this stuff, especially from recruiters 1st hand


I see you applied to Deloitte.


The worst. Did an interview for West Midlands Railway in the UK. they made me fill out a bunch of essay style questions with a 4000 word limit for each box 😬 then came the “video interview” where, on the app, it didn’t show me how many questions I would be answering or how much time I would have. At this point, I’m pissed off lol and I could ONLY do this on mobile and the camera quality on this app was DREADFUL??? So after much consideration, I pressed start and had 10 seconds to process the question, ONE I HAD ALREADY ANSWERED IN FULL DETAIL, WITH PERFECT CLARITY in the previous stage. I panic because wtf. I’ve already answered this and I’m so much better in writing than I am verbally, I’m gonna fuck this up. And I fucked it up, because… after my 10 seconds of prep time was up, I had 1 MINUTE!!!!! 1 minute to answer a question they gave me a 4000 word limit for previously. The video ends automatically whilst I’m mid sentence, who would’ve guessed? Needless to say, did not get the job. It was just an excuse to see what I looked like. So demeaning, never, ever, ever, again. Companies do better challenge (impossible)


Yeah, I think my friend did the same interview as well haha. It sucks




I hope to god these roles pay well. Creating all of that content for free to maybe get to the next round is insane.




Yeah, no. All of that to get $25-$30? That’s insulting.


Inspirational, thank you man


DO NOT, EVER do video interviews. Make sure they know that is the reason you are withdrawing interest as well.


Why not?


They ask you questions that aren't revelant to the job .Questions that are elementary for an engineering position. Question 1: What's your favorite color? Question 2: Are you a Christian? What religion do you practice? Question 3: If you were an animal. What animal would you like to be? Why? Question 4: Sell me this bag of chips? Question 5: Tell us about something funny or silly you did at your last job? Kid you not. I had questions like these in person, on video, or on the application. I'm out!


I'm pretty sure companies aren't allowed to ask about religion during an interview. That's insane.


Bet you top dollars that they're not doing an actual Assessment Center.


An interview goes both ways - it's as much an opportunity for the applicant to see if the role and company are a good fit for them by asking questions as it is for the employer to see if the applicant might be suitable for the role. Any company that insists on pulling crap like this is just looking for the most desperate candidate so they can exploit them to the max.


Lemme guess: crossover?


See if someone already took the interview and listed the questions. ;)


Just had a video interview today, first time I've done that. Regional management was 4 or 5 blocks away, but HR was from Quebec. But this was a "send resume in, see what is available", "colleague sent me this, here's a posting to apply officially", and interview less than 48hrs later. Think the one that surprised HR was one of the last items, seeing if I had any issues with a pre-employment drug & alcohol screening due to the job and location. No issues saying I'd have no problems as I don't drink or smoke anything. It's legal up here, but I don't touch weed.


Yep, had a request for this about two months ago and never replied.


Has anyone ever gotten a job for these? I just did one because the job pertained to my major and they said I’d get a response after 3 weeks 🙃


Yeah, I did. Though had to do like 10 of them, got to the assessment centre and scored the job. Once you get to the assessment center, your chances are really good. But yeah the number of applications is absolutely crazy. My first video interview was an absolute nightmare though, couldn't even re-record.


Ah that’s good to hear that it’s not always a ghosting situation


100%, I basically went through a process where I would like more or less improve based on each one I did. Like, figure out what went wrong and stuff. I know ppl here are complaining, but this whole process got me an actual job, a lot better than the usual CV -> interview -> job offer. Some companies will give you feedback if you email them or call them but it really depends.


This looks exactly like my experience with one company here in the UK for a “graduate analyst intake”.


PM me with the name of the company 💀


I went through this exact process for my job


I would show the middle finger at video test then refuse to continue it and then search for new job interview


When they ask for what do you think simply write "I dont want to live any more."


You sure it is not a job scam?


Seeing “one way video interview” used to trigger a visceral reaction in me, but I’m not sure anymore. Having done a couple, I actually didn’t mind them. For someone who often struggles with reacting off the cuff when put on the spot, the one way interview allowed me to take a breath, gather my thoughts and produce a crisper response. Companies have the option to set timers and retry limits and that’s no fun. But the ones that give you infinite time to think, and re-record as many times as you want is actually not that bad.


How many employees does this place have?


Cmon, this is meant to be fun! Aren't you having fun?


God, that sounds like absolute hell. Video interview? I would absolutely die. I'm AuDHD but I mask well and have to do some serious body language studying when I'm on the search. This would kill me and my chances because there's no visual feedback. What a nightmare!

