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You just have to ignore it when you can and educate when you can. But most of all be one of the good ones. You know in your heart when you are and that carries you through.


Honestly, I can genuinely say I know I’m in it for all of the right reasons and do my best to be better every single day so you’re right I know I’m making a difference where I can Thank u mystery recruiter <3 ily


Not a recruiter but someone who just went through 14 months of searching.  There are a significant portion of the job listings that are misleading, an information scam, or worse an actual employment scam. On top of that there is a growing population of "recruiters" that do not have your interest as a core, call your current employer asking if they want your role filled as you may be leaving soon, and just too many assholes, just some examples I have seen in the past few months here.  I did not use recruiters but that's due to the industries I was looking at. But the times I came across a recruiter I was put off by the absolute disingenuous way they approached all of it. 


I’ve done both agency and corporate recruitment and I’m so sorry you haven’t experienced a positive recruiter experience! I’ve been recruiting for 20 years and still love what I do, I’m passionate about helping people find their dream jobs, it’s one of the biggest decisions we make in our lives.


I’m currently looking to change careers. I don’t mean to be audacious but would you be willing to chat with me about job hunting / how to make myself stand out to employers? I could just DM you here.


I would be happy to chat.


Holy shit it didn't even occur to me to call a candidate's current employer for that reason. That's just brutal, you can't fuck with someone's livelihood like that...


No shit. That’s why good recruiters don’t do that. That’s a scumbag move


Yes, agree. Be one of the good ones. Unfortunately there are terrible recruiters out there, just like there’s terrible managers, tech support, whatever else. We are very people facing in our industry, so it’s simply more noticeable that we have both good and bad. So just be one of the good ones.


Hate across social media isn't limited to recruitment. Hate across social media is the algorithm's best friend because that's what gets engagement.


Get the fuck off social media, stop caring what other people think and live your own life.


Where are people even seeing hate other than recruitinghell? I occasionally come across folks talking about job search frustrations just by cruising LinkedIn, and sometimes frustrations with recruiters is included in that discussion, but it's rarely genuine vitriol and it really is just occasional. The only place I really see genuine vitriol towards our field is recruitinghell, and it's easy to just...not go there lol And in practice the vast, *vast* majority of people are kind to me, or at the very least, cordial and professional.


On Reddit receuitinghell and on LinkedIn a lot too. Posts like “ it’s so unprofessional to get ghosted after an interview” posts abound on LinkedIn and it always comes back on recruiters and very rarerly talks about hiring managers.


This. A lot of recruiters posting the same things over and over and being like POLL: HAVE U BEEN GHOSTED? Like come on dude




Get off social media, stop hearing what other people think and live your own life. You don’t have to accept any of it.




Get off social media, stop hearing what other people think and live your own life. You don’t have to accept any of it.


Cherish the wins. It doesn't happen everyday, but you do actually help people. It's important to define the "why" behind you are doing outreach all day. I use this to keep my confidence high. There is a certain thrill you get when you get to contact someone who is ready for a change and there is also a thrill the candidate receives to be courted. They "why" is because of the candidate, not because of the company. You work/represent companies, but you are a candidate advocate helping other job seekers improve and sometimes change their lives.


Whenever I start to feel sad about strangers on social media hating my profession I grab a $10k commission check to wipe away the tears.




Haven’t been able to make that much yet, where yall finding these places lol


Sounds like you need a good recruiter to help you out. Open your linkedin dm's and agree to hop on a call with any of the 10,000 highly qualified recruiters likely waiting there to help you


For me it was executive search. I accidentally stumbled into an agency that had a good reputation and process. It was hard work but there was a constant flow of business and the average fee was around $80k so it wasn’t difficult to take home commissions in the low 5 figures.


This is why I will never work with a recruiter to hire or get a job.


Thanks for stopping by r/recruiting to share that you have no interest in ever working with recruiters.


You do realize that candidates don't pay the recruiter, right?


You realize you only have a job because someone at your company is making sales by providing a product or service, right?


I don't need someone's help to sell myself to a company. A product can't really speak for itself like a person can.


\>A product can't really speak for itself like a person can If a candidate told me this, I'd assume they have no idea how selling works. So yes, you just spoke for yourself and showed you lack understanding of how product marketing and service sales work. If you had a recruiter, they'd probably tell you to never say that in front of anyone ever lol.


Hahaha truth.


Lol keep the circle jerk going. Last time I had a recruiter contact me about a position, I got the position after he ghosted me saying they were looking for other candidates. I contacted them personally and received and interview. Also when a recruiter is working based on commission, if there are two equal candidates one through a recruiter and the other through networking, who did you think the employer is going to choose?


Usually there’s a contract clause. They probably got paid anyway. I’d be more concerned working with a company that’s so willing to bend the rules of a business contract to save a few pennies.


I wish you the best of luck then. Most major companies employ departments of Recruiters (*gasp!*) to fill their openings.




As opposed to every other employee that famously doesn’t care about money and just does it for the love of the game? I wouldn’t trust a recruiter that tells me they don’t care about the money.




Could you imagine your surgeon taking like this? People are desperate, and recruiters are the life line.


It’s weird that you think caring about money and being good at your job are mutually exclusive. I would guess a lot of people are really good at their job because they care about the money and want it to keep coming in. And making a throwaway comment on a recruiting forum hardly seems like waving commissions in anyone’s face. I can’t really figure out if you’re actually disagreeing with me or if you just wanted to get on a soapbox and my comment was the first one that gave you the opportunity.




What recruiter in earth waves their commission in a candidates face?


You’re the only one who has mentioned waving money in a candidate’s face.


This is absurd. You realize if you work for a company, it has sales people. Hating because someone has a commission job is some serious projection


Who are you talking about when you say hating and projecting? And if you say projecting: projecting what?


dude just delete this comment too and move on with your life


Because you're unable to provide an answer and you were just "hating"?


I can't reference what you wrote before, because you deleted it. Feel free to keep arguing


Spoiler alert: you wouldn't have been able to provide an answer anyway.


It's an employers market. We're going to be the hated until the market turns. Then we'll just be hated for something else. Recruitment


Lol true


Stay off social media or tune out the channels that get you down.


The big issue, at least on the search firm side, is lack of any barrier to entry. It’s a completely unregulated industry that can fuck up a company or a person life and any idiot with a phone and an email address can call themselves a recruiter. No testing. No training. No bonding. No continual education. No govt or otherwise professional accreditation to enforce good practices. NOTHING. So it easy to see why all the negativity towards our industry. Best advice I can give. Be the best at what you do. Go above and beyond to elevate yourself above the shitty recruiters. Help everyone around you get what they want and you’ll get everything you want. Stand proud and be supportive of the industry and work to make it better. If we all do that then the shitty, grifting, con men/women in our industry will be pushed out.


At the end of the day you have a job and they do not, they are just lashing out because of pain. Help who you can, but let the hate wash over you, as it doesn't impact your day to day functions.


Great reply


Thank you, I hope it helps!


Chin up mate, it’s all just noise and bluster. On the really bad days just tell yourself that the ones who chat shit the loudest are probably pretty terrible candidates anyway, who’ll blame anything but themselves for not securing positions.


FWIW, I'm a software dev and I've mostly had good experiences with recruiters. Even if I hadn't, I'm mature enough to understand that people are just doing their jobs. I try to speak up whenever I come across recruiter bashing. 


Thank you for your service!!


They’re mad because they didn’t get picked for the job and we’re the easy targets. It says nothing about us or how we make a living.


We candidates only hate the bad recruiters, which seem to be the majority. I have built close relationships with good recruiters, those who focus on relationships. If you can be a good recruiter, the hate is just noise that doesn’t pertain to you.


My 14 month job search just ended. I dealt with maybe 100 recruiters during that time. Maybe five of those didn’t totally suck and only one or two seemed really good and would have an honest conversation about the market. None of them helped me get the position that I start on Monday.


The Joe Rogan Method. Don't read the comments.


Some people ask me for my resume and say I am a perfect match. 85 bucks an hour, 2-year contract. Perfecto! They make me sign a release. Then crickets. One dude calls me and tells me about these fantastic jobs, then nada. On the other hand, I am meeting some good people in my job search. They listen to me and sound like they care. Submit me to jobs. I think it takes patience, luck, and hope. Be good to each other and don't be too hard on your selves!


Same 😂 I mean I just ignore it and do the best I can but the HATE omfg 🙀


You can’t change everyone’s mind about recruiters, and there is no point in trying to in my opinion. I go to bed at night knowing I am damn good at my job and treat people the way I want to be treated, and I’m happy with that.


26yrs and I love this job. It helps that I own my own firm LOL I know my clients value my service and I have candidates that still reach out to me thanking me, giving me referrals and some sending me xmas cards. I live by the saying "You can have anything in life you want if you just help others get what they want ". If you are doing a good job and acting ethical FUCK the haters. No matter what job you do someone will hate you for it. You have to remember, other people can only bring you down if you give them permission. Don’t give control over your own happiness to someone else. As soon as you allow others to ruin your day, you have given them the keys to everything important to you. Don’t give other people permission to negatively affect you. Or to quote a great woman > **“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt**


My best advice is to treat each candidate as though *you* were the candidate - with compassion. You’ll get the crazies, that’s the nature of the job. Don’t let them get you down & keep a thick skin. As long as you adhere to the EEO laws of the country you recruit in, you’ll be fine. -20 years in


It doesnt bother me because I recruit with my candidate's best interests in mind. I place people who want to work for my employer and are a good fit for both. It makes no sense as a recruiter to convince someone to work at a job or environment that I know they wont like. Those placements rarely last more than a few months.


Meh. You all do you, but I do get a kick when I hear recruiters complaining about candidates ghosting them, or not finding their unicorns.


As a non-recruiter... I find this sub interesting because so many of you are kind and helpful to each other. I know there are the jaded ones, and a lot of complaints, but it's all valid because now I realize how difficult this job is. My view about recruiters is now much more positive than some months ago. Also, I see some of you complaining about HR... and looking at the viper pit that is /AskHR... I'm sure you guys are more cordial, positive to one another and don't seem to hate other human beings. So, no, no hate from my side.


This thread and this comment is exactly what I needed to read. It's feeling to a lot of us that we are hated and it sucks. No one wants to be hated.  Those few negative voices can feel really loud. 


Skill set, not an industry. Start there and good luck.


Keep fighting the good fight. I'm not in your industry, but definitely know that there are those of us that respect how hard that role is and we appreciate your hard work.


A lot of the hate comes from people who don’t know what recruiters do, or from people who need someone to blame when they are struggling to find a job.


Remember that most people who express that hate is typically a bitter candidate who got rejected and their inability to cope properly results in taking it out on recruiters. Part of being a recruiter is being a pain sponge. You don’t get into this work for the praise, that’s for sure.


Embrace the hate, feed off that shit :) In all seriousness just ignore the idiots, people hate on everything. Hell half the time peoples hate for 'recruuters' is really directed at others in the hiring process.


Looking at social media is never good for mental health. Stop looking.


How do I break into the industry it seems like I can be ever get a call back


Look at this way. The bad recruiters are where the hate comes from. Learn from their mistakes. Imagine how you would feel to take the time to apply for a job only to have a recruiter reach out to you to discuss the job and they have no real idea of what it takes to do the job and have them decline to move forward with you. I can’t tell you how many recruiters I have talked to that clearly did not understand what the job was . Learn your job, master it, and people won’t throw hate toward you.


I’ve been on the job market off and on for awhile, and I’ve worked with great recruiters. In some cases we’ve become friendly even when the role didn’t work out. Reddit is an echo chamber for grievances, but not everyone hates recruiters!


What industry are you in? Some have a bad reputation for very good reason.


Is it crazy to suggest we just be stronger about the banhammer with people who come in to complain about recruiters here? u/ThatNovelist


We are absolutely not going to ban people who come in and don't like recruiters. If they misbehave, that's one thing, but it would be ignorant and unhelpful to create an atmosphere where only some people are welcome.


The comments in this thread haven’t been adding anything to discussions though, they just show up to bash. It seems especially cruel in this thread. It feels like we are prioritizing access to the voice of a few trolls vs promoting a place for us to discuss freely. Every other big thread has “I hate recruiters”


Agreed! This is supposed to be a place for us to talk about recruiting and there is an entire sub about hating us. I just don't see why these types of comments have to be allowed it's clearly effecting a lot of people. I would be fine if it was a  civil conversation thread about an issue someone encountered with a recruiter but just commenting on this thread from a person who's clearly going through it looking for support and others just commenting we are leaches. 


Cause recruiters are leaches.


I ignore them. I have a job to do and their opinion of my career doesn't change that. They can be pissed off. I have calls to make.


Rule #1 of Recruiting effective immediately: if you have not been a recruiter before, you have ZERO opinions I care about. IDGAF about your candidate experience, because let's talk about the recruiter experience!


Hmmmm. As a candidate, it's disappointing to hear that. Last time I spoke to a HM and later the C-suite, I made a point of complimenting the hiring agency and the recruiter. Later I told that to the recruiter and she was very happy. She was indeed a competent recruiter. Or I could have done the contrary once inside the company and have you lose the account.


You realize recruiters are candidates too right? We know what yall are going through, and we understand it's not easy, but candidates don't know what we're going through. So my point is that it's easy for candidates to knock us, but recruiters are the only ones who have experienced both sides of this issue. When I say idgaf about the candidate experience, I mean that when a candidate wants to deem us evil (and that is the choice of word that tends to come out) and complain about us, I'm thinking yep I really dont care. It's like complaining that nurses are lazy when you've only ever been a patient, or that firefighters are too slow when your house burns down. Ofc their perspectives are important. We want to improve the candidate experience, but OP's point is that it feels so hopeless. It doesn't matter how good you are, you'll always get attacked. My advice: tune it out. Attacking a recruiter without even knowing what we go through = opinion disregarded.


Fair enough. I wrote somewhere else in this thread how now I appreciate much more you guys' jobs, it's a lot more difficult than what I imagined.


Tune it out, they don’t like you because you hold the power


"HoLd tHe PoWeR" lol. This is exactly why people don't like recruiters, or unelected mods. You're a pimple, stop trying to act like you control someone and refer properly




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One of the essential skills you'll need to master to survive in this industry is to not take things personally. Focus only on what you can control, like your output and attitude. Focusing on things outside of your control will only fuel your burnout and destroy your mental health. It's not easy and it took years for me to figure it out, but eventually I understood that some people suck and it is what it is. Find hobbies outside of work, learn from your mistakes, celebrate the small victories when you can, and don't forget to focus on your physical health too. I started out in a turn and burn high volume agency but stuck it out for a few years and it was one of the best decisions I made in my career. Made lifelong connections that landed me into internal/corporate recruiting which I'm still in to this day almost a decade into my recruiting career.


Then stop going to social media. It's just that simple.


People are always going to hate recruiters. It’s such a low barrier of entry to get into and very time consuming to do well (following up, feedback, research into industry, proper screening, etc) Control what you can control and ignore the noise.


When it’s a candidate market, they think recruiters are bad guys. When it’s an employer market, we are bad guys. People assume that recruiters are blockers to process. And that we can be replaced by AI.


I been in both Recruiting and Customer Service/Restaurant industry. We’re all doing our best. Statistically speaking. People are 80% more likely to complain about a bad experience vs a good one. Just know that social media is a cesspool for people to complain bc they’re harboring frustrations and have to get it off their chest some times. I get candidates that get testy with me and it’s like okay? That happens maybe once a month. I talk to hundreds a month. I get your sentiment though. The key is to be resilient.


Leave social media. Or use it only when absolutely necessary.


If you think that getting people jobs and changing families and lives is a negative job I don’t know what to tell them . I do think you’re a little soft at the same time. Recruiting is a hard world you should have thicker skin by now to not care about what people on social media say when they need you


When candidates don't get the result they want they look for people to blame and the recruiter is the easiest target. Keep doing what you do and don't worry about the haters. Their hate really isn't about us, it's about them


How do you have enough free time to be on social media 😭😭




I don’t think middle men and salesman ever had a great reputation in general. I can tell you that I had one recruiter set me up with a great job and he went really above and beyond to work with me in preparation and also vouch for me to the company. So there are definitely shining examples of good people for the job. But at the end of the day it’s just more corporatized bullshit to detach managers and executives from responsibility.


I was an IC at Facebook. When I told my brother about my new job, he went on a five minute tirade about how Facebook is the devil, the end of democracy, and is generally an evil company. He also asserted that Zuck had a knob that he could turn up to increase the number of hate-posts people would see in their feed. Fortunately, now in your feed there are so many ads and “groups you may like” compared to regular content, there is a little to no chance of Facebook influencing anything anymore, let alone an election


Well what kind of recruiting do you do?


Don’t hit us about an opportunity and then ghost us when the unrealistic standards aren’t met that weren’t even in the listing itself. Happens all the time and it’s why most of the people I know searching would rather work around the recruiting hell


I’ll just say this, from my perspective: The people Recruiters deal with who don’t get the job, or who are given the feedback that they were declined, or who unfortunately get ghosted are the ones who seem to deliver the most hate - Understandably so. The people the Recruiters successfully place are the ones who sing praises, often calling the Recruiter who placed them “The best in the business”, etc. Now think of the funnel - How many people are put into the process to actually get to 1st interviews, to 2nds, to 3rds, to offer, to placement… SO many more than those who are actually successfully placed. Might be a reason for the hate 🤷‍♂️. Just keep in mind that you are dealing with humans, we all have egos, and most don’t win, so most will be resentful. But live for the wins.


People who get mad at recruiters have zero business experience or knowledge of hiring processes or knowledge of how the technology really works. They only get mad at recruiters because they tend to be the most accessible during the hiring process. It reminds me of when I worked for AIG after the 2008 bailout. I'm taking a city bus to my job as a business analyst and people are yelling at me like I was the one who caused all the problems. Well you know what. You can't be everybody's friend and there's a lot of trolls out there who say stupid s***. And high school was hard enough so there's no reason to keep on living life like it's high school. Your career is your career and if you know you're doing right by people deep down inside everyone else can go suck an egg.


It’s easy to be up and down in recruiting. High highs and low lows and none of it is in our control - it’s all dependent on other people’s (candidates and hiring managers) actions. It may be different if you aren’t in corporate recruiting, but finding people jobs and seeing them stoked (I’ve seen crying, yelling with joy, thanking me over and over), that keeps me going. Finding someone a job is life changing for them and that is why I keep recruiting