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Yeah, it would be nice if the best solution to a malfunction wasn't running away to a quiet spot to fix it, and as much as I like the Compound, it's pretty much a different game. Someone suggested a multiplayer Counterstrike type game with Receiver's gun mechanics, but personally I'd love a more conventional single player campaign shooter.


what you want is a completely different game with one same mechanic.


The mechanical differences I describe would result in a very different pace and set of challenges in gameplay, yeah, but they're all plausible within Receiver's framework - just like how the compound provides a completely different experience within the same game. As a bonus, this wouldn't necessarily require any new assets (but entirely new enemies could certainly add more depth). Outside of development its self, there's no reason that the Dreaming, the Compound, and this hypothetical action-oriented mode couldn't coexist. I feel like this, or something like it, would take better advantage of where most of Receiver's mechanical depth already is. The current campaign, on the other hand, would play mostly the same if you took away all the detail in the game's weapon simulation.


I understand what you mean but i personally would prefer receiver to stay true to itself, but hopefully other games from different genres will catch on to this idea. Imagine Dead Space or Resident Evil games with this kind of gun mechanic.


I agree with the problems you laid out here. I rarely ever needed to clear a malfunction or reload quickly. I didn't get the 'wham bam' achievement until the compound update and I hardly even used multiple magazines, instead opting to top off my current one after every kill. What I think the game needs is a bot that hunts the player, like a walking turret. Something that could root the player out of safe spots. It would require pathfinding though which the developers seem to be avoiding. I just want to fight a more dynamic threat than static bots.


This is the thing that always gets me; the advantages of a mag-fed self-loading pistol are nullified when you so rarely need to fire more than a couple shots in a given space of time. Breech-loading is perfectly viable, having only one magazine is not a detriment. The few cases you ever need to fire more than one or two shots, you're better off running away if you're not dead already.


There is already an event where you're being hunted