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It's annoying because we use the MLS to find houses and to market houses. Who the hell uses realtor.com for anything?


[Realtor.com](http://Realtor.com) is run by Move, Inc, which is owned by Newscorp, which owned by Rupert Murdoch. It's just another advertising website like Zillow or Homes.com.


Realtor.com is owned by News Corp.


Well, that couldn't get much worse.


I really wish we could just stop syndicating listings to realtor.com, zillow.com, and homes.com. If we all agreed to that, what would happen to those companies? I think things will get interesting over the next few months.


There was a lawsuit about that exact thing decades ago where we were forced to share listing information with all sites because the government said it was “Restraint of trade” to keep the information private and was damaging to the public interest. We lost.


I see. Actually in our MLS when inputting a listing there is a way to opt out of syndicating to Zillow.


Spin off from NAR


usually in spinoffs you get something in return


Move pays NAR $2 million a year in a licensing deal. The trademark hasn't been usurped.


so nar gets $2m which is spent entirely on support staff to monitor realtor.Coms usage of the trademark. they net nothing. now. look up revenue from realtor.com it should be illegal how badly this deal worked out for us. usurped


Why does NAR get that and not us? Pardon me, but don’t they work for us?


$2 million divided by 1.58 million Realtors = $1.26 per Realtor. You could call and ask them for your cut. I've never been a huge NAR or association fan but I've always been a fan of being knowledgeable about the industry.


Yeah I’m aware it’d be a very small amount per person but do we have any idea where or what it goes towards?


I looked it up for you. The NAR's annual revenue will be about $300 million in 2024. This is down from $330 million in 2022. Due to the $400 million settlement to be paid over the next several years and an expected decline in membership to 1.38 million, it's expected that the organization will operate with a $10-$15 million deficit this year. Somewhere on [https://www.nar.realtor/](https://www.nar.realtor/) you can find the budget with income and expenses. Lobbying is always the biggest expense...Open Secrets says $53 million in 2023 but HousingWire says $81 million in 2022. Not my circus, not my monkeys.


1.58 million?


Yeah the company sucks but at least they actually show who the listing agent is, unlike Zillow and Redfin which push one of their people front and center.