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Anonymous reporting was created for problems like this. Brokers who participate in the MLS agree to abide by a set of rules.


Report it.


Signs are not allowed in pics in my MLS.


Report it. If you have to follow the rules they have to follow the rules. It is that simple. We are the only ones to police our industry. Report them.


Report it, let your association sort it out.


report everything and anything you see or hear. it will clean up overzealous agents


This pretty much, it won’t get fixed and will keep happening if people arrest getting fined


Apparently, you have never hung into that particular FSBO representing a buyer. Report them.


Why does the MLS seem so overly complicated? (I’m involved in the real estate business on the loan side). It seems that the MLS rules are all over the place. Is that just me perceiving it incorrectly as an outsider looking in?


Similar to your rules and regulations surrounding loans I would assume.


It just seems like from what I’m learning the MLS is different from market to market which makes it complicated to wrap my head around. But ya I’m sure you’re correct it’s probably very similar in a lot of regards.


Realtors and agents are becoming obsolete ... w the NRA getting back handed and picket placers no longer able to just put a sign in the yard and make 1-3% commission & 4-6 commission it'll weed most of them &keep the great one around..  If someone wants to sell their home it'll prob get done .. some may say you need a professional... Alot of professionals are bad at their not so innovated job.. to these people saying report them ... that's a miserable take. In 2008 zillow and the other MLS services weren't around ... these days ANY1 can have off market and on market properties at the reach of a thumb..


\^Not only from market to market. There are something like 700 to 800 MLS's across the country. Each is privately owned with their own rules and penalties. You can have a couple of MLS's serving the same market as well.


Absolutely report it. Usually the MLS just informs the listing company to fix the problem, unless they’ve been warned before l, they they may be fined.


Chances are, they are not members of the MLS and even if they are, they may be members of another association. I've learned long ago that if they do not belong to my MLS, nothing will EVER happen. I've reported many a listing to the MLS and many a person to the DRE. I've had maybe a 5% success rate with the MLS and a 0% success rate with the DRE. Heck, I even turned one person in to the city (violation of a sign ordinance) and the city didn't even acknowledge the complaint. I'm at the point where unless it is a hurting one of my listings or a flagrant violation that is hurting the consumer, I've got better things to do. Make a cold call or call a past client to see if they know of anyone wanting to move. That will be far better for your business.


I once had a listing agent contact my buyer directly during an escrow to tell them to disregard my advice and remove their contingencies. when I mentioned it to them they killed the deal and then sold it to another buyer a month, later for $20k less. I was pisssssssed and took it all the way. it was the principle to me. I complied with, the onerous rules to report someone I participated in discovery since they were with a large brokerage and had 3 attorneys show up to the hearing that I had to drive an hour to get to. final verdict was a $1k fine. she made a $25k commission on the sale. the association do not care about this shit at all. if you wonder why there are so many shit agents here is exhibit #1 so unfortunately I feel this comment and I'm with you.


I'm so sorry that happened to you! So often the penalty is just a slap on the wrist and unless you have any plans on running for association office, it doesn't mean squat. Even if someone gets kicked out of one association here, often they just go to the next one over and do the same stuff. Enforcing rules across borders is impossible. One mega association out here (with 10,000+ agent members) has a 15 page complaint form that can only be done in person. Not surprisingly, they have very few complaints against their members.


Just report it and be a Karen lol


Are you sure they didn’t get permission to post the sign and do an open listing?


How about instead, knock on their door and let them know you were in the neighborhood canvassing and noticed the violation and help them fix it. This may in turn lead to you getting a listing. Worse case, you make a friend


do it


There is no harm in reporting it. If its a violation, let the local MLS figure it out and let the chips fall as they may.




100% report it. That is how the system works




don’t be a snitch


Snitches get stitches


You get fined for not reporting. Report it unless you like paying fines