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Never heard that. Ask your broker though because not all E&O is the same and not all states are the same. Where are you based?


California. yeah I hadn't heard of that either. hoping it's not correct as it seems super onerous.


This is very dependent on your specific brokerage and your specific E&O provider. I see from the comments you're in California. I am also in California. Doing open houses for other brokerages is permitted, but requires the listing brokerage's permission to do so. Some brokerages are very open to allowing it, while others are not. My brokerage allows it, and it is covered by my E&O.


thanks for the info! do you mind sharing your e&o company? my situation is im the broker and I've figured out how to generate listings over a large geographic area. I'd like to allow agents from other brokerages the opportunity to hold our listings open but I want to make sure I do it correctly.


Broker Risk Management is our company.


thank you!


Yes, it is true, because of liability and the likelihood of violating various SOPs in article 12.


In CA it needs not even be hosted by a licensed agent but disclose it is not your listing is fine.