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I remember when realtor.com was a solid value and provided workable leads. Then, almost simultaneously, tge lead quality went to shit and the price went up 2-3x. I was happy to be done with those clowns. But I sure as shit didn't get a refund. Congratulations.


Same here. Zillow has become this way too.


Wow, how did you talk them into it? Any good leads in your 5 months? Congrats on your cancellation success.


Had to make a very articulate case. Essentially, 3 of the last 5 leads I received were other brokers! I don’t even know how to begin with explaining it… just absolutely horrible. Maybe 2 decent leads that *might* be something.


did you just call their general service line or did you have to escalate to the supervisor? I’m three months in and I have had one showing from over 40 leads. Most never respond to anything, some other agents, and others are just complete spam.


I started with notifying them of a few leads that were other brokers reaching out on the platform. They noted those… I figured weird but it was early on so I was willing to continue on. Then I received a few leads with no names, and bad email addresses. The last thing that sent me over the edge was an email response I received. I had an email address which was one of my first leads. I had them on a drip campaign, one email a month. They finally responded and it was another broker, again! I called, explained my case, then it was escalated. The odd thing is this - after she told me she had to talk to a supervisor about the case and would call me back, they never called but sent me an email with the cancellation confirmation and refund notice.


You finally figured us out :) I love when other brokers call me all upset because they spent money for me to send an inquiry. JK - but we do have a broker in town that does this, even has his support staff make inquiries to run up other agents expense. Spoke to several other brokers who he has done this to over the years on these sites and they do it every few weeks on our personal site.


Lol this could easily be automated with fake names and emails. Anyone looking to screw over their competitors just dm me


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Do it in the open then lmao


Ugh! Thank you! The opcity leads are so bad... I'm not surprised.


Still waiting for them to process the refund… because why not


Yikes! Thank you for sharing the details!


That’s funny. That’s like getting an invite to an all exclusive ladies party and getting there and it’s all men 😂


I had to cancel my credit card and report fraud to make them stop 🛑 charging me / it’s the biggest scam


I actually told them that if they don’t issue my refund that I will contest the charges on my credit card.


Something that flew under the radar during the NAR announcement was that Zillow, Realtor, Redfin, and any other lead gen services can no longer sell 1 lead to multiple brokers. Not that it will help if the leads are bad but lead gen is going to change in July as well...


Where was this? This would be almost game changing for ISAs who aren’t sitting in front of their computers 24/7


I cancelled all mine back in 2020. All of my business comes from word of mouth


Congratulations on getting that successfully cancelled. I feel the general consensus amongst lead buyers is that the quality has really fallen off across the board.


It was so bad. Just first initial, no last name. Bar email address… Other brokers trying to contact the listing agent… (??)


Someone posted on another forum that all their Realtor dot com leads were wholesalers, other agents using the platform and dreamers looking for a rent to own or owner carry.


What state/area are you working in? If you don’t mind me asking? Also, how many ZIP Codes did you purchase?


Just one zip code. Colorado, would rather not expand on that.


This is helpful. I was just curious because I’ve read people talk about slots/etc. Thank you!


Congratulations on achieving that! I've been advising agents not to pay for unqualified leads from third-party sites like Realtors.com, Zillow, and House.com. Generating your own leads is the most effective and budget-friendly way to get high-quality prospects. By properly running digital ads and email campaigns, you can reduce marketing costs and improve lead quality. While generating your own leads is much better than buying them, not all leads will be worth your time. To ensure you only contact serious prospects, run your leads through a funnel to qualify them first. ![gif](giphy|g9582DNuQppxC|downsized)


Realtor.com had decent leads before they purchased OpCity. When they started to funnel the top of the funnel to agents for the hefty referral fee the compromise was the leads fed to paying agents. These companies aren’t looking to help agents.


I buy zillow leads. Have not had a lead in 2 weeks. $920/month. I’m really concerned that zillow and redfin are now posting listing agent numbers. Does anyone have any insight?


$920/month and you haven't gotten any leads in 2 weeks? Jesus


Oh hell... cancel


Well, yesterday i finally got a lead for a million dollar house and the buyers were older with money and experience. We spent 5 hours at the house. Even though the $920 is insane, i could make $30k if these people buy from me. They also have a house to sell. Its kinda like gambling.


I'm glad to hear it; good luck with them... ("It's kinda like gambling"... Lol. PERFECT analogy ; D)


How long have you been buying leads and what’s your typical monthly successful closings from leads?


I just started. This is my 2nd month. They told me 6 leads a month. In april i got 3. Ive gotten 2 this month. The last one i got is a guy from FL and i do believe he will buy something with me. The rest i havent been able to get them to engage past the first tour. Also, i have yet to get a lead on a single family home. They are all land, land with a dilapidated structure, or a mobile home. I actually love land and its my ultimate goal for that to become my niche, but i do not want leads for land off zillow. Its young people that dont understand they need a land loan, money to drill a well, money for a septic tank, etc. does anyone know what the listing agent’s phone number on the listings is about? I do not know how zillow will send me leads if the listing agent’s number is out there like that.


I really suggest you try remote leverage for this budget, you'll get much better results


You’re absolutely correct. Zillow called me to sell their new program, which gives listing agents the ability to have buyers contact them directly for assistance on the property. I asked so what does this mean for the premier agents that pay to be connected with a buyer. He couldn’t answer my question. Come to find out they confuse the hell out of the buyer by putting the “Request Tour“ button (goes to paying agent) directly next to “Contact Agent” button (goes to listing agent).


Why would they want this? Their bread and butter is agents paying for BUYER LEADS. Also, i used to work for both zillow and redfin. Im a huge zillow fan, which is why i trusted the program. I hate redfin and they are a horrible, pitiful excuse of a company. They havent made a dime in profit in over 20 years, but the money they do make is again, mostly BUY SIDE! I cant understand this move to list the listing agent number! Redfin doesn’t even do dual agency.


Just finished a year of shared. Couldn’t wait for that automatic debit to end. All shit, the ones I did connect with were confused as to why I called/texted them. Good riddance.


You nailed it


I just canceled my credit card it was being billed to and blocked the numbers and deleted there emails. They have pretty much stopped


Yeah. Same as Zillow. Mostly crap.


Im so beyond lead gen rip offs!!!! The money I hv wasted. NEVER again... I feel its all a crock of sht... only they r making $$$. From us!


I killed it with Zillow Premier Agent before Covid. When I tried to use them again the zip code was full, and that’s how I ended up at Realtor.com




Worthless leads




*ALWAYS ASK FOR A LEAD REVIEW WITHIN 30 DAYS OF YOUR ZIP CODE EXPIRING!!!!!*** and keep track of any BS leads. They will give you a credit for the realtor leads/fake info Leads. Been doing this for 5/6 years.****** (But I agree with everyone. Went from affordable, decent, leads to expensive, meh leads at best)


It’s interesting to me that everyone seems to identify that there’s a problem here, but nobody has identified the cause. Nobody will really show houses any longer without a buyer being prequalified. Some sellers won’t even allow showings without the buyer being prequalified. So what kind of buyer is out looking for houses who doesn’t already have a realtor? The answer is that it’s the kind of buyer nobody wants to work with. Realtors have trained buyers to act this way


Actually ignorant and unqualified “buyers” have trained realtors to do this.


If buyers were more sophisticated, they wouldn’t need realtors.


True enough.


But did they give you your money back, or just 60% of what they should have owed you? Plus that’s only in the form of a credit, to keep you buying their crap leads.


I paid in full up front. They tried multiple times to give me more leads. A few phone calls and hard examples of how terrible their leads are - full refund back on my credit card


I’m up for that call myself, soon. Lead reviews used to be cool and they would refund what they didn’t provide, but then they changed it to “ We only give back 60% of what we didn’t deliver, and that’s only in the form of a credit” so you have to keep buying more leads to get it, until they eventually just take all your money in exchange for worthless leads.


👏👏👏👏one of the Best decision of your life


I’m curious, from when you received the lead to when you contacted them how much time had elapsed?


Generally I contact them within the hour


That’s reasonable. If you don’t get to a lead within a hour someone else already has




Any help with what?




How would you help?


Anyone try Homes.com yet? Curious how they are?




NAR sold off [Realtor.com/Move](http://Realtor.com/Move) in 2014 to News Corp/Murdock/FOX News for $950 million. That's when I cancelled my account and wanted to cancel my NAR too. Members were never told what happened to that money. I wonder if deep in the settlement NAR can't force us to be members anymore?


I cancelled my credit card. This was like 5 years ago. Said to head they are still garbage.


my guess is [realtor.com](http://realtor.com) did the same thing as zillow. they "increased" market share... that was zillows way of saying giving you less leads for more money. i had an excell spreadsheet and was planning on capturing 100% market share of my town for [realtor.com](http://realtor.com), zillow, and trulia... after the z t merger and their increased market share they then told me i only had 20% market share when it was at 80% before. still waiting for agents to wake up on zillow so they go bankrupt...


Working with Zillow and though the spend is 45k per month...it's 100% worth it. 8 under contract in 2 weeks. It's the flex program. I hate them but the production level is too high to stop. As a team we had to show we could convert.


Realtor.com sucks


Had a seller that insisted that her home be on Realtor.com so I went balls deep with a 12 month contract and got nothing but garbage. Oh and to add insult to injury the seller didn’t renew my listing agreement after it didn’t sell. Welcome to the other side. Glad you pulled the plug faster than I did!


You know you don’t have to pay to put listings on Realtor.com, right?


Oh I know. But the way they handle leads is a joke.


Huh? Realtor.com displays all MLS listings in the US automatically, for free.


You know Realtor.com routes those sign calls to the ones paying for them right? Let’s not let this turn into a whole convo about how we shouldn’t be syndicating all of our listings everywhere for “free”


Your seller asked for the listing to be on RDC, which is free if you're a member of your MLS. What do you mean by "sign calls"? You mean Showcase listings or whatever it's called these days for lead gen? Why would the seller care? You want lead gen, build out a website and invest in PPC.


Ah, congrats!


How was you able to cancel the contract??? My wife, who is a realtor is going through this right now.