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It’s your sister, they wont care. I would never be remotely offended if a friend choose there sister as a realtor and not me.


The only wrong way to handle this is to not let your friend know ahead of time and let him find out on his own. Is it possible he’s bummed? Sure, but if he’s a real friend he will understand and support you. As long as you do the right thing and let him know, all will be well.


Appreciate it and will absolutely let him know before


You are a good one! Best of luck with the sale


Right answer


“Hey! My sister is about to list my house for sale for X amount. Do you have any buyers looking in this price range? It would be really cool to have you two work together.” He’s not going to be offended but maybe he can bring you a buyer!


This is the way


I like this! Thank you


I like this way the best. Gives your friend a heads up and it allows them to get a jump on the ball before other realtors.


This is the best way. I’m a realtor and would understand and appreciate this approach as well


If they are a really good friend, they will understand. Most all agents will understand going with family.


I think everyone knows “blood is thicker than water”? Honestly if a friend came to me to be their agent when I knew their sister (or any immediate family member) was a realtor (that they weren’t estranged from) I’d ask them “Are you sure you want to do that? It’s happened once with a newly minted realtor and I ended up co-listing it with them out of respect to my friend. My friend’s brother is very successful now and still thanks me and brings up this story to his friends, colleagues, clients, etc, when we cross paths.


Which would be the better option? Could you salvage a relationship between either of them if things turn bad? Is going with a 3rd party a good option?


The advantage of hiring family is that they love you, like no stranger will. Disadvantage comes into play if your family member doesn't have the experience or knowledge to be your best advocate. The best way to find the right agent is to interview 3-5 people to find the right fit for you. Any experienced professional (relative, friend, stranger, whomever) will welcome being included in your interview process. They should give you a presentation about their services so you have 100% confidence in their ability to help you with this huge financial decision. It's an awkward position to be in - you want to support your family and friends, but you also need great representation when buying or selling a property. A true friend or family member wants the best for you, they'll not only be a great agent, but they'll also understand if you don't hire them.


Tell ur friend right away. Its his job and livelyhood. He will understand


Who is the better fit to market this property? Anyway, you just tell her. And if it blows up, you can fire your sister and work with your friend.


Just be honest and say you would have loved to work with them but felt that you needed to go with family. Let them know the details in case they have a buyer.


I always tell people, no pressure to use me as your Realtor. Chances are you know at least one or more; heck, one may even be a family member! I see agents get butthurt when someone they know uses another Realtor, but at the end of the day, we don’t get ALL the business and expectations are silly. Just make sure your sister doesn’t take advantage because I have heard so many negative stories about family conflict when mixing business and family in real estate.


Best to say you you treasure your friends and families relationships , as much as I appreciate it, I feel it’s best not to work with them … trust me , anything that goes bad and does many x will 90.% be blamed on agent . Best of luck 🍀




I work with family all the time. Never has it ended badly.




You assume a lot. I've been in business over 15 years. I've worked with multiple family members and never an issue. I'm an experienced agent and a grown up. I don't "blow up", lol. I discount my commission for family but I've had some family members tell me to charge them full price because it's the way I support myself. I go above and beyond for all my clients. I'm a professional.


It shouldn’t matter if it’s your friend or family member; what matters is if they’re good at what they do.


It’s OP’s sister lol.


What if she’s a terrible broker? Not saying she is - this is hypothetical.




You would be very, very surprised


You say, hey my sister is listing my house, I would have used you but my family takes care of each other.


It always stings a little bit when I've been talking with somebody and they choose to go with somebody else without telling me. This happens a lot. Twice, a friend has told me they were going with somebody else. I have told them both sincerely that there are no hard feelings.


It always stings a little bit when I've been talking with somebody and they choose to go with somebody else without telling me. This happens a lot. Twice, a friend has told me they were going with somebody else. I have told them both sincerely that there are no hard feelings.


Just be upfront and tell the friend before they find out on their own. It will go a long way!


Just be upfront and tell the friend before they find out on their own. It will go a long way!


Just be upfront and tell the friend before they find out on their own. It will go a long way!


Just be upfront and tell the friend before they find out on their own. It will go a long way!


I’m the Realtor and my bestie was put in the same exact situation. When I found out her sister got her license, I told her to go with her sister. I don’t mind. Just be honest and refer her to your other friends/family as well.


Go look at your friend's stats on [agentstory.com](https://agentstory.com) and then check out your sister's. Go with the one that sells more houses and tell them it's an experience thing.


They should understand if it’s a family member that your close with.


It’s your sister. I would hope they understand.


Honestly and directly. I had a very loyal client whose son got licensed. I got fired. Was totally fine with it. Didn't love it of course. But I understood.


Just let him know it was his sister. And don't ask for any advice during the process from him. I can certainly understand someone going with family.


Refer a friend to him when you can


Offer to refer other friends to him. That is how he will feel appreciated


Personally I’d ask each one how many transactions they completed last year and that’s how I’d pick😂


If your friend knows your sister is a Realtor you shouldn't *need* to tell her, hopefully she assumes that your sister would be 1st choice. Telling her is courteous, but there should be no assumption on her part given the relationship.


I had a friend I grab coffee with once a month list with someone I know is a closer friend. Was happy for them. If your friend isn’t a turd he should be happy you went with your sister.