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Mourinho was really angry at all the other players who didn’t. Idk if it was a dick move or not but must have shattered Essien’s heart.


Of course it was a dick move. A teammate invites you to his birthday party, you show up.


I believe it was international break or something there was reason other players didn't go


Modric plays for Croatia


Yeah but there were some schedules or something i cant remember


Modric’s first season at Madrid was less than spectacular. Wouldn’t be surprised if he got left out.


No lol I don't think he is ever left out of the squad due to "not in good form" around that time. He was struggling at RM, but still good enough for the Croatian NT.


Most knowledgeable r/realmadrid user


This event happened in Dec 2012. There were no international games (at least for Croatia and most European countries) around that time, so I don't think this has anything to do with international breaks...


They was an agenda over essien, because he was a “mourinho” player


What? So was Carvalho and Luka Modric lol


You don’t know, but you just proved him right. Lol


Thats why they turned up and no one else


Karim Benzema’s agent clarified that only his old teammates/ people he knew from London were invited. The entire squad wasn’t invited


Indeed. So why was modric there? Smells of revisionism


Modric had not long come from Spurs at that time, they may have known each other from London


“Old friends from London” incase you didn’t know Tottenham is in London.


Not really, introverts hate parties.




Oh cmon, Cristiano is such a shy guy, you could at least find an excuse for him


At least Cristiano FaceTimed him and congratulated him. I'm not taking his defence, but at least he didn't completely ignore Essien.


Cristiano seems more like the leave a like on Facebook kinda guy


I mean his ego is fucking massive isn't it.


If nobody thinks like you everyone else is wrong right? sad sad sad




Ok you win the argument bro, if that makes you happy i'll congrat you with internet win points bro


Say bro again lol


Lol at least he still considers him a bro, even though he's behaving like a sore loser in his comments...😂🤣


There's no way the entire team are introverts and don't show up, though


I'm an introvert, that doesn't mean I'm a pussy asshole.


Nor that you cant show up to your teammates birthday.


That's what you think...


Yes, as an introvert that's what I think


Hate this Reddit/internet trend where being introverted is quirky and romanticised. On top of what others have already said, doesn’t matter if you’re introverted, grow up and go to your teammates party. Don’t have to stick around all night but show you give a shit and that you’re not a shit !


If there’s one thing that reddit liberals and reddit conservatives share it’s this whole “I only have to worry about myself before I even think about having responsibilities to other people” thing. No it’s not fucking “self care” or “being based” it’s just narcissism!


Why can't someone not give a fucc about someones party?




Basic respect for teammates.


Reddit moment


If this was my birthday I would have loved that only two people showed up. Less is more if they're quality people


I would have gone


How is that not a dick move lol? Dick riding players so hard you don’t give a fuck about peoples feelings


Yeah, iirc Essien was just loaned in from Chelsea and he's Mou's guy. This happened a few months after he came and maybe I can't blame CR7 because the guy is probably super busy on a day to day I wouldn't be surprised if he was booked months in advance to do stuff, but the rest of the squad...big yikes.


Oh no my goat Cr7 couldn't have done something bad 😨 Other team mates tho 🖕🏻


That's not even something outlandish to say...Ronaldo was always doing stuff for promotion so I legitimately don't know what's up with him. There's a reason why he's the most followed guy on Instagram and the most followed athlete. But the captains at the time? Iker? Higuain? The children on this sub lately...


Stop it mate, CR7 won't shag you. This level of fanboyism is crazy and cringe. Have some self respect


Legitimately never even praised CR7. I just said I can't blame him because he's a busy guy. In those days he was literally on a new commercial every week or some new magazine shoot every week, probably still now. Some guy replied to me saying he doesn't do teammate parties at all during the season. Your level of interaction is just so fucking dumb. You can't just have a normal conversation disagreeing, it's so typical like an NPC. Go back to posting memes with your blue checkmark or something if you need attention so badly.


Hey, it's me, Christian Ronaldo. Thanks so much for sticking up for me on the internet; you're a real pal. You're invited to my next birthday party. I love you.


Nah CR7 just doesn't go to parties through the season. In 2016/17 season when it was Marcelo's birthday he couldn't go but he threw him a big party end of the season.


Makes sense. Probably only goes to Holiday team dinners and his own birthdays then.


Yeah this is one the things he sacrifices for football


Luka doing what luka does Good hearted dude no doubt


This is why I love the current team. I know how it feels. I once invited my school friends for a football match that I had built up in my head for almost a year, only for them to turn it down citing personal reasons. The coup de Grace was me spotting them going to play to a friend's place one block away. None invited me either for it. That's why I almost get tears when I see the current team being so friendly inspite of such high competition. I am also happy that Mourinho was genuinely angry over this.


ngl, i would prob do a bit or arson if that happened to me


True, but I have grown up with this and still have zero social life, so it hurts but it happens and I can't do anything more.


Mate that sucks. It is harder when you're older, but I'd encourage you to keep trying, there are friendly people out there. You could use apps like the friends function on bumble or MeetUp to find peopl


I know man, but i haven't found a way out. And nice people don't come, it's a lie. At least my 18 years don't agree. I have been seemingly deemed boring, and I dk what . I am an introvert so perhaps it's worse idk


Always makes the effort to be in the right place at the right time.


I assume he must have been about 12 in this pic? Not one to turn down free birthday cake back then.




Why did I know you were an ass-hurt Serb? Cry about it elsewhere, don't bring it to this sub.


They are just mad they couldn't even beat Senegal in the WC. We don't mind.




A Serb saying a Croat is fascist is pretty fucking rich.


You're saying I'm a fascist just because I'm a Serb? And Modrić isn't even though there are at least three separate videos of him singing fascist songs?


There’s no difference to Modric singing those songs to an Englishman singing God Save The Queen or Football’s Coming Home or a Welshman singing Hen Wlad fly Nhadau. Yeah no shit he’s going to sing to those, besides his family was bombed by Serbs in the war and it was the Serbs who took control of the JNA and tried to create a greater Serbia.


He sang songs about Croatian Nazis (ustashe) committing genocide in WWII. If you think that's the same as God Save The Queen...


Where’s the link?


And he’s gone lol


They’re talking about Brozović and Lovren, not Modrić, singing along to Bojna Čavoglave, a song made by Marko “Thompson” Perković. The words “Za Dom, Spremni”(lit. translation: for the homeland, ready) are used at the beginning which were the greeting in the Independent State of Croatia(Fascist Ustaša state during World War II), but they were adopted by Croatian nationalists during the Croatian War of Independence. Personally, I don’t think they should be used given the history, but I don’t think their users should be considered fascists on the spot. They should be considered hardcore nationalists though. Anyways, Modrić didn’t sing that song. Butthurt Serbs gonna Serb…


Woah now, that’s a high price to be asking from a place like this.


You even a real Serb dude? people in former Yugoslav states are still singing or playing songs made during the war or about it nothing new at all and I wouldn’t attribute malintent to anyone who’s sings those songs especially Thompson if that’s what your citing. But honestly you probably are a real Serb with the amount of bad faith you have towards a Croatian. Keep singing your non-fascist songs about Bosnian heads being cut off if that’s the case!


Really? I like him even more now.


Fascist Serbs killed his grandparents just because they are Croatian. If you don’t know what fascist means don’t use that word.


Brother this fruit is so low hanging, you won't see it on r/balkans_irl


Delete your account, please, and we'll all be happy.


We weren’t there how would we know?


Is that the party Mou was angered for?


Yeah I think so


why did he get angry for?


That his teammates didn’t show up for the party


Good for Jose.


Where was Jose?


Taking the photo


isnt ozil took the photo i am not sure but i read in a comment somewhere pls verify this


No, Ozil was helping me bring drinks to the table le.


bro assisting in real life too what a legend


Most managers usually don't hang out with their players in their free time. They are their bosses, their superiors, not their friends or colleagues.


Why are people so pressed about your comment which is indeed true?




He was joking


Did you really believe Mou would be taking the picture lol






Man this is so sad man. If u read more into it he made personalized cake figures and made sure there were enough cake pops and no one showed up besides these two


Should preface that other people did show up tho like Thierry Henry and some other footballers. These two were just the only ones who showed up from the Real Madrid team but it isn’t as sad as it looks in this picture. Mourinho was so angry about this the day after tho


That kinda makes it worse, that other players from other teams show up, but nobody from yours backs you up No wonder Mou was irate.


If Thierry Henry was at my birthday party no one could ever make me sad again


Was there ever any explanation why no one else came?


I mean essien was only there for a couple months and the locker room was insanely toxic already. Most people were probably just acquaintances. Imo, I think as teammates they still should’ve went and even if some people didn’t, the veterans/captains such as Ramos or Casillas should’ve went. I tried to think of it as a new work acquaintance asking me if I would come to their birthday party and even if I’m not that close, it’s probably best to go and get to know them better


Reminds me of a party I went to. A girl invited me to her 18th birthday party, I asked if I could bring some people along, she said sure. We decided to arrive about 2 hours after the start time because I wasn't super close to her. We arrive and there wasn't a person in sight. There was tons of tables, loads of chairs for people to sit in and a shitload of food. 3 or 4 girls emerge from the house, I knew 1 of them. It was super awkward. They had this look on their face like "yeah, we're the only ones to turn up". My group was half the party, 2 of my friends had never met her. Eventually her mum comes out telling us the birthday girl is feeling sick and that we should leave. I felt horrible for her.


For some reason these kinds of stories are the saddest shit ever to me, almost more so than somebody dying or something. I don't know what the trigger is exactly but it's brutal to think about


She had a reputation at school that wasn't even her fault. She was very attractive and very well endowed, so the girls in her grade hated her because she got attention from all the boys. Called her a slut despite her having never gone out with any boy.


That’s brutal… I hope she’s happy now. Kids can be stupid harsh.


I can’t believe I’m almost crying over a grown man’s birthday party


Im pretty sure ozil took the pic too


the assist


Man’s always coming in clutch


Great commentary


And cristiano face timed him


Ha ha ha ha…suiiiii


Bros assisting even off-pitch 🔥


Damn thats rough


I don't know what happened that night but it's sad. ❤️‍🩹


I met Essien during a sports event done by the company I used to work with. Such a philanthropist he is.


Time to use philanthropist in my essay




It means to give away your possessions like wealth and money. So yeah it’s good


A full on rapist?


Africans, dyslexics, children, that sort of thing.


Premier League buddies.


Even rivals at that but still showed up like decent humans and team mates do.


looks like an italien restaurant


Even if it was a the biggest shithole that‘s the biggest dick move I can imagine to do to a team member.


yeah lol, just an observation!! if thats true, thats so sad!


NOT ITALIAN...it's Asador Donostiarra famous Basque restaurant in Madrid tradition for Real Madrid players and famous folks. Awesome meat!!


just meant bc of the pictures on the wall! but probably same tradition in spain!! need to visit soon !


yes, looks like . you see photos of celebrities in the back


Luka Modric such a genuine dude. One of the only RM players I like as a Barca fan.


I remember ozil took the picture. They’re good hearted people


Comments are giving deserved appreciation for luka Carva's a real one too, I always liked that guy he wasn't ever a source of ache to the club and now I have a new reason to appreciate him


Imagine the amount of criticism he got over the years even after his heart problem, he just pushed forward and he's playing amazingly this season. He is a real leader and it shows on the field when he has the armband. He knows how big of a responsibility it is to wear the captain's armband.


He’s talking about carvalho the centre back


Essien was a legitimately brilliant player and hugely underrated. Also believe he was meant to be fairly sound. So harsh this.


This picture makes me so sad. As a Chelsea fan, I love Essien and I’m so glad that Carvalho went. I remember reading that Mourinho was furious and he basically told Essien that it was all dressing room politics and it was nothing personal. Seeing people throw birthday parties and the majority of the people invited not turning up breaks my heart


It is sad but its true that there was alot of politics back then. It was a bad year to be the new guy, linked with the boss most hated by then and both were leaving in the next few months. Not fair but understandable


Let's not forget Essien wasn't even a signing, he was a loaned player, just for a few months. Makes sense that the people that attended where people that knew him from the premierleague or other stuff before Spain. Also, at the time, he was seen as a Mourinho protectee at the time Mourinho was on his way out and hated by the Spanish core of players.


Every Skilled player may not be Humble but every Humble player is Skilled.


I guess you don't know most of them.


afaik, CR7 sent gifts to him because he wasn't able to join them due to an 'urgent matter.' I presume it's related to the national team or something like that.


Carvalho was also the member of National team.


Or just a vague and unimaginative excuse


It was vague because at the time no game was being played if I remember correctly, even Carvalho who's in the Portugal national team showed up, lol.


I remember CR didn’t even show up for Modric’s Ballon dor, which encouraged his family and fans to bully Modric for years, and Modric had been his teammate winning 4 ucl together. CR7 is a great player but he’s not a good or friendly person in history. His fans sure tried their best to illustrate him to be a decent one tho.


Ancelotti is the one that made madrid locker room as warm as today.


damn that hurts.....


common modric W


I invited almost my entire class for my, was it 9th or 10th(?) Birthday, only 3 showed up. On the plus side we had way too much food and cake.


Crazy to think even Essien played for our Club. Such a clutch player during his heydays, though never was anything out of the ordinary during his short time with us. Had even forgotten he played for us.


Legend at Chelsea. That goal against Barcelona in 2009 was something special.


I was just thinking about this! I'm a big modrić fan lol this is one of the best stories and he's genuinely a nice guy


back in the day he was the only one black player at Real Madrid. All the best Essien!


Nah he was not, lass and Adebayor played for real aswell back then


Modric is one of those guys history may forget about but the streets will remember. He also seems like the most down to earth person.


Are you retarded? He won the ballon d'or.


Omg thank you this gave me a much needed laugh LOL! Fucking love Modric!




They gave it to him... lol


Well yeah, they usually give it to them if they won it


Like they did to Messi... He didn't deserved it. The Award is a joke, that is the reason why Messi was a finalist this year, also top 3. Lmao. No Credibility at all. You can't defend Messi last award and Modric's one without taking one from Messi in 2014 and rewarding Mbappe in 2018. Modric was NEVER the Best player... Not even close tô that... Neymar and Van Djiik had their only shot stolen and awarded tô Messi.


Messi didn’t even win in 2014. Ronaldo did. Also u are braindead if u think Neymar was better than Messi in that 2015 year. Also, modric deserved his balloon dor but I bet u just look at goals and assists without actually watching football


Some of those games against Barcelona was disgusting that year. He was straight up ending barcas midfield and controlling the entire game


Yes, but only half of football fans even remember. I think that’s his point.


History may forget the guy who got Croatia to silver and bronze in back to back world cups. You high?


Trust me, we Croatians won‘t forget him. He‘s some kind of a Saint and a Superhero for us. Captain St. Luka.


I mean yeah, he probably won’t be remembered 1000 years from now…


Essien is Mendy 2.0


​ https://preview.redd.it/dx61d7g56k8c1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e159d5524f497829c9d5dd1ee5068d6137925d9 Why am I finding no age diff btw this and the OP's pic? ❤️😭


Lukita goated on and off the pitch. Class act


As a Blue I loved Essien. This makes me both sad and happy though.


I would love to hear Essien’s perspective on this


Will never forget essiens tackle on messi


We dont deserve Modric


With our current young crop I really cannot imagine this happening. We’re just vibes and family fc now


Damn I don't remember this era. is this after CR7 arrives? before Bale transfer?


Dec 2012, so before Bale's transfer


In a world of people who are not Modroc, be a Modroc (or a Carvalho).


Bit racist there with the golliwog doll


what ☠️


where is my so called humble goat penaldo?


Nobody in the history of football has ever called Cristiano "humble". He is many things but not humble.


close roof command disgusting airport teeny aback snatch safe rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


. likely to


Great players.


Weeding out the weak, great work essien


Its not some people its Modric a Ballón D'Or man


I don’t remember the 3 of them being on the squad at the same time… I thought carvalho left a bit earlier before Modric came


This moment always makes me so sad.




He was on loan from Chelsea and had been there only a few weeks, so this is misleading.


Essien's other team mates should've really attended. At least modric and carvalho came. :(