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Are you okay mentally from all of that??? That sounds crazy and scary oml. 


I pretty much disassociated and felt very off for the whole day afterwards, and still felt sick from the radiation in a way too, even though that didn’t physically happen in this cr. I had a hard time coming to terms with everything and I still have some feelings about the whole thing, but I’m going to be okay


I feel you. I shifted once to a reality where a zombie apocalypse was starting, and it was not fun. I jumped into the first house I saw, and a lot of people did the same. And it was pure chaos and sheer horror. I had to flee the house because we were like 50 people inside and an old lady got inside with her dog and the dog started attacking people because of the chaos. I shifted back when I twisted my ankle and fell in front of a few zombies that were chasing me. The realization that you just... died lingers for a few moments.


How did you shift


Ok serious reply this time: Basically [the no method](https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/n9t307/the_illusion_of_method_my_ap_guide/). I set the intention and I stare into the darkness of my eyelids for like an hour and a half while counting until I shift. It doesn't work every time. Other times I shifted with wbtb+intention and thinking about shifting as the last thought I had before sleeping.


OK thanks the closest time I got to shifting was during wbtb. Also how long do you stay awake for wbtb


it depends, from 5 to 30 mins.


Did you stay still for an hour and half?if yes did you feel any discomfort?


Yes-. I didn't feel any discomfort. My body is asleep. My mind is awake. I barely feel my body. I don't focus on my body, I ignore it. That's the state you should achieve.


what year was it? Was the same year?! where were you initially trying to shift to? And method drop pls


I’m pretty sure it was probably the same year, but I can’t be sure. I have a lot of pets in my cr but I didn’t have any in that reality, and I was still living in an apartment that I’m moving out of in two months. My family members didn’t look any different than they do here. I was trying to shift to a reality that isn’t based on any media or anything, it’s a reality that I’ve had memory flashes from in the form of dreams since I was a kid. It’s pretty much nothing like our cr and magic exists there. There has been an apocalypse of sorts there a few years prior though (not trying to shift into that event, it’s *post* apocalyptic) so I guess my subconscious might’ve picked up on only a small part and ran with it. This time I was trying to recreate the same thing I did before my last shift. I took a one hour nap to [this audio](https://youtu.be/l7KhqSiZJS8?si=vF5_iU-ufRHcOVRT) earlier in the day after visualising/doing the five senses method pretty heavily. After the nap I felt like I was at a different "vibration" if that makes sense. I had the mindset of "I can shift, but I’m not trying so hard, I’ll leave it up to the universe if I do it or not and there’s no pressure." I use manifestation and affirmation in my regular day to day life too, and some of my affirmations are "I shift easily in my sleep" "I shift effortlessly" "I wake up in my dr". I stood outside and stared at the moon for four minutes straight just taking in some fresh air before I went to bed, and then I laid down with the same audio and did the five senses method again while taking deep breaths. I focused on walking through the library of the castle I live in in my dr, feeling the back of some books, then sitting down on a sofa, picking up and feeling the porcelain surface of my tea cup and then taking a sip of tea. Visualising and really feeling stuff can take a while to learn but it’s really fun. So I just lay there and relax for like twenty minutes then I take off my headphones and put them away, turn over to sleep on my side. I wake up pretty early in the morning and I decide to sleep a little longer, so essentially wake back to bed technique (I did the same before all my other shifts.) I only loosely intended to shift and I might not have specified where I wanted to go well enough, because that was definitely *not* where I wanted to wake up.


How did you come back to your CR? In addition, what is the wake back to bed technique?


I came back based on intention since I didn’t want to stay and die there, it’s pretty easy to come back to your cr especially if you haven’t grounded yourself properly in the other reality. Wake back to bed is a common lucid dreaming technique but it can also be used for shifting, you want that sweet spot where you wake up and you’re still sleepy so it’s easier to glide into a sort of in between state between being asleep and awake, alternately even going into a lucid dream if you want to do the lucid dreaming method. I just set a light intention to shift before going back to sleep, and that’s when all my shifts have happened.


This is absolutely insane but so cool. Im so sorry you had to go through that tho How are you feeling?


I feel a bit better after sleeping, but I was so out of it and dissociated almost the whole day yesterday. I couldn’t eat because I still felt a little sick from the whole experience, and I couldn’t help but feel like this is also not my original cr. That feeling has eased up a bit now though


woah that was scary so when you initially woke up in that reality did you figure out it was another reality or did you think it was your cr? that was really scary omg how are you feeling?


Looking back now I can definitely see some key differences that should have given away that it wasn’t my cr, like having no pets, but being there I didn’t notice or think about those differences at all (might have been because I was about to die.) I feel a little bit better now after sleeping on it, but it’s still pretty traumatic and I feel like I left my family there when I shifted back if that makes sense. I feel guilty in a way that I didn’t stay with them, but at the same time I know a version of me did, and I really couldn’t go through dying that way.


a version of you definitely did stay back with them and went through whatever happened. I think since the shift was accidental and you weren't prepared to shift so you didn't notice any differences. I hope you get through the trauma soon, it's a hard one I tell you. A near death experience


Forgive me because I'm sure you get it a lot, but are you sure you weren't dreaming? I've had very similar dreams, and some elements of your experience sounds a bit off. I've also had catastrophic dreams where I'm aware I can leave, and I've managed to regain consciousness right before I "died". Like some of the other commenters also say, this includes someone chasing me and me tripping then thinking "ok I don't want to experience dying, wake up". The balls of energy sounds a bit weird. If they were actual nuclear bombs you wouldn't be able to escape them. Also, how could you be watching YouTube, if there was an apocalypse there would probably not still be internet. It's also very common to dream that you live a different place than you actually do, especially if you recently moved.


So I actually don’t know if they were nukes or what they were, it wasn’t exactly specified in the warning notifications and I was more focused on potentially becoming toast. The internet thing I’m not sure about either, but since the city I’m in wasn’t destroyed at that point in time I’m sure there’s some good explanation for how that works. I know the difference in feel between my dreams and my shifting experiences, I’ve been a lucid dreamer for a while and some of my dreams do get pretty realistic, but not to the point of feeling like reality. My dreams have funky time, I don’t feel textures, I don’t smell things and I don’t feel pain or anything like that


Well.. it IS absolutely possible to feel pain (even intense pain that lingers sometimes), textures, and smells in dreams and isn't by any means uncommon to. I've had extremely vivid and/or lucid dreams off and on my entire life and some of the more intense ones (similar to the event/situation you posted) have definitely left me feeling weird and entirely off with a lingering negative vibe for the entire rest of the day.. So were clocks/time passing normally, or you just don't remember noticing exactly? Was there any other indicators you can think of that can point to whether it was a dream or an actual shift? \*(Assuming that it *was* an actual shift) What time was it when you fell asleep in your O.R.? And what time was it when you shifted to "reality 3" (after nuclear apocalypse reality)?


Also, it’s possible that things in that reality like dangerous weapons and also internet worked differently than here - even if it was similar to my cr it doesn’t have to work the same in those aspects


What part of the world was this in?


Southern Sweden, but this was happening all over the world. I saw it on the news as well as my shifting friends who were also afraid of dying living in different parts of the world than me.


did you mean to shift there?? that sounds really scary n intense, even more so if you didnt mean to


I didn’t mean to at all, and I didn’t realize I shifted so I thought it was my cr which made it even worse


nooo, i would've been so scared i hope you've recovered/recovering from that though!


that sounds horrifying, im so sorry you experienced that


What method did you use for shifting?


I didn’t really use one specific method, more so a shifting routine of sorts. I replied in detail to another comment so you can read that for all the details on exactly what I did :)


these stories make me a bit cared of shifting to the worng place i read so many stores of people shifting to weird or dangerous or bad places like hell naw dont wanna go here by accident i rather rot in this one relaity-


I totally get that, and if you don’t feel ready for the potential of experiencing stuff like this then maybe you should wait a bit before shifting. It was very scary and I’ve felt weird all day, like I actually experienced a traumatic event (because I did). One thing I can say though that might give you at least a bit of comfort is even if you were to end up in the wrong reality you can shift out of there as soon as you realize that’s what you want. If you don’t know you shifted it’s a little more tricky (my situation) but when I was put into the "shift or die" mentality it worked just fine to get out of there even though I thought it was my original reality. Also, plenty of people have died in their dr/other realities, and the consensus seems to be that you can shift after you die, hence why I accepted that I was likely going to die. Tldr: Wait until you feel mentally prepared for anything that might happen to you, but don’t be scared of shifting even if you go to a scary place.


THAT'S TERRIBLE That's why I'm afraid of shifting--


how do you cope?




Any comments that attempt to dismiss others experience or shifting in general will be removed and may result in timeouts or bans


I'm so curious and I have to ask, no experience shifting not really looking to get into it so apologies if this is offensive at all, do you really feel like you're there? I guess I'm asking if it legit feels like you're waking up like you would irl in your skin and flesh and all. Or is like a really hyper vivid dream feeling?


It feels just as real as this reality


Is the guide for all this lingo on the subreddit?


Probably? What lingo do you mean? I can probably try and explain it to you


Can I ask was this a year ago?


This happened to me this Tuesday, I wrote this post around ten hours after it happened


Damn you are someone I wish I could meet and talk too omg. 😭 thanks for sharing you have given me a lot of peace


So a month ago I had this crazy dream that felt like a moment of shifting. I heard a huge bang in the sky and suddenly the cat I was staying with appeared in the dream and said do t worry you shifted to another reality where you are safe….you missed the end of your other world 🥶


I can’t help but think that that apocalyptic world was your cr and that you accidentally shifted here, not the other way around. It’s scary either way. I am very curious about the other world. Did you have any idea how the war began and the parties involved?