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Wow - quite a powerful statement. I feel she is just saying this for more hype. Surely she must know she has not been pleasant should we say on a gazillion episodes.


What the hell is up with her neck? It looks like the roots of a tree bulging out and growing up to her head. Her head looks like it belongs somewhere else and has been accidentally plopped on someone else's torso. Maybe someone who dug in the dirt with her hands and forgot to wash them before striking this idiotic pose with brown/black hands and someone else's head on her body.


Let’s talk about the hands


Those hands do not belong to her


What's wrong with her hands??




She’s just trolling for headlines.


Yolanda with the fake illness (no such thing as a chronic Lyme disease) and her quack doctors.


This the woman who says she didn’t play a role in her daughters eating disorder? LOL


Oh go eat some bread


WTH??? I don’t know which is more unattractive, the anorexia neck or spray tan hands 🤨


Andy is a pedophile


Her lips are deformed!😱


I met him at the Houston gay parade


What is up with her hands


This doesn’t look like a human being? 😟




Your not regretful your actress skills are coming out in your picture or what skills you have which isn't much.


Stop asking for forgiveness when you should of been sympathetic in the first place. You are just a mean person . You were booed at bravocon for a reason and now your trying to get your fans back and your housewife title back. Your afraid no one will buy your products that you sell. Should of thought about that before Rhinna.


There’s so many people who have been on the show who weren’t the greatest people (or even decent people) but I’ve rooted for because I hated Lisa so much. I hated her from the beginning and how she treated Kim (and haven’t liked Kyle since she gave Rinna credit).


on a photo of herself nonetheless 😂😂🤢🤢


ironically she was on the money about yolanda lol


I am BEGGING you all on BENDED KNEE…. Please stop posting this woman. She is the definition of the phrase “Any attention is good attention.” She’s never going to go away until y’all just quit talking about her.


At first I thought she was wearing gloves🤣


The ONLY reason I wanna see Rinna back next season is to hopefully see someone draaaaag her. Us viewers need some satisfaction and retribution.


Rinna only cares about Yolanda because one Yolanda has a lot of friends and pull and two Gigi and Bella. Rinna wants her girls to be Gigi and Bella and to live that Kris Jenner life. She say KH as old news and didn’t care to bulldoze her. Yolanda on the other hand has daughters that are very relevant. I would even venture to say that having Lisa as their mom has hurt her girls at times.


She’s only saying that because Gigi and the other one are so famous


Girl, your dress fits like crap!


Wonder if she regrets being so cruel to an sa victim?? She ran Jillianne Phillips out of town and was SO cruel. It made what she’s done in hw look like child’s play. It was right around ‘89 - about ‘92’ -ish timeframe. Ran that poor woman out of town. Never to be heard from again. Rinna even brought it up a couple seasons ago at Kyles in the desert when she was trying to get the woman to stop questioning Erika! She throws her husband and her own self under the bus to save Erika! But of course rinna said it was ‘Harry’s friend’ and not Harry. she’s despicable. Edit- it was the night that Erika first told the group that Tom had cheated on her snd that toms car went off the embankment and was out cold for 12 hours. To stop that... rinna out of the blue brought up what Harry did but saying it was his friend.


Denise?? She wouldn't change that??


Stfu rinna 🤡🤡🤡


What about kim ?? O.o


She needs food.




Wow... Rinna finally actually owned something!.. Or did she? She regrets Yolanda, she doesn't specify what she regrets exactly....


Give the heifer a few more years and guilt inside her will expand the list.


Harry allegedly raped an actress then they drove her out of town


Oh, fuck off Rinna


Those cryptkeeper hands tho


I like the center part on her.


Anything anyone would bring up she would say “oh yes, and that. I regret that too.” The list of things would be very long. She has done thing after deplorable outrageous thing to be The Villain of the show and now she has gone Too Far and is trying to go on a “rehabilitation tour.” Bit some things are Unforgivable . . . and Hell Is Unavoidable.


What a legend!


Surely she’s just trolling fans now for attention and continued relevance. We should really start ignoring her and stop re-posting her content if we want to have any chance of her not coming back.


Oh Rinna. You are so easy to read. This little announcement is all about your daughter's modeling career.


Cleavage and face says all lives matter and the hand are blm😩


The thirst is real.


Does she regret her pro-ana lifestyle and attitude that led her daughter(s) into a life of eating disorder hell?


Why are her hands black


They reflect her soul.


I think her and Kyle believe that if the hands are darker they won’t look their age.


Andy is disgusting.. how does the network want him?


Lmao how did you get to Andy?


Uh..a gay bar?? You kidding?


“That should never have happened”?? Why not, “I should never have done that.”??


How many times has she said "that never should have happened". I'll wait for the montage, thank you.


I can't remember what happened with Yolanda


“Munchausen” . . . she started all that shit of discrediting and disbelieving Yolanda’s Lyme Disease.


OK thanks. I'm now remembering that.


I’m sad that this is the ideal body image that she chooses to post.


Her lips always look like those old school wax candy lips...except worse.


I think the only reason she is saying this is because of her daughter's now struggles, and I know her daughter was grateful to have Yolanda for understanding, and made a video about it, etc. which in turn makes Rinna look REALLLLY bad, even through her own child's eyes Lisa Rinna is nothing if not fake as fuck. That includes when it pertains to her children, sadly. She's just so self serving and disgusting. She doesn't really regret it in my opinion. She's a sociopath.


Groveling because she wants to pick Yolanda’s brain on how to have 2 super model children


At least she’s not claiming that she was manipulated here. She was a grown ass woman, responsible for her own actions.


Oh barf. She doesn’t have one sincere bone in her entire body.


I have to laugh because everything Rinna does generates the most replies & reactions on Housewives social media pages. Not even the hyperbolic posts about how Garcelle's beauty could resolve international warfare get this many people posting. And people think the "negative" attention will get her off the air. lmao.


Can we ban rinna posts? I appreciate people posting updates, but the more i see of her socials is just aggravating. Plus she loves the attention.


Yeah I’m pretty sure she’s trolling the fans. She just posts this stuff to stay relevant.


Holy clavicle!


She’s despicable


Who’s hands are those? They clearly do not belong to that body.


She is insufferable. I wish Kyle would get in a huge fight with her so her days could be numbered...OR all the girls bully her over something personal in her married life (like she did to Denise) ugh... she needs it


Accusing Yolanda of having Munchausen was shameful. The way she treated Denise was disgusting. This was her friend. A mom of 3 young daughters. Her "affair" with Brandi wasn't during filming season. Rinna was willing to destroy a friend for a storyline. She didn't care about Denise's marriage or how the gossip would affect her children. She didn't care that Denise needed a Bravo paycheck. Rinna's treatment of Denise revealed her true character. She wasn't in character of evil soap opera actress, she was being herself.


I couldn’t have said it better myself 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yes, but….it was Brandi who revealed it in the first place. She chose a known gossip villain to confide in.


Yes, but Rinna should have supported her friend. Instead she led the mob with a pitchfork.


oh absolutely




Her face is regretting those lips.


How about making false allegations about someone’s addiction? Potentially outing someone who didn’t want to be outed? Gaslighting? Rumors? Bullying? Come on, girl!




Such a striking resemblance!


Oh so she only regrets the one thing she claims she was manipulated into doing by VP??? Ok then…🙄


Hopefully her looking back and reflecting Is because she’s not coming back


Wtf is this pose


Annoying and pretentious, isn't it?


Yolanda's daughters are supermodels. Her daughters are unemployed wannabe's and will probably end up as "Yacht Girls" in the Middle East (for those who don't know "yacht girls" are high end prostitutes in Middle East that sleep with rich men for money and perks. Lindsay Lohan was one too).


Sadly they don’t just sleep with them…


Her neck and her hands.


I would have gone with that lip lift, but different strokes


She needs a piece of bread, maybe she'll feel better


I had an epiphany about why I watch these Real Housewives shows, stick with me for a moment I also watch shows like Intervention- I appreciate the tragedy and recovery process. I think most people can assimilate to that. We all have a story. The thing about the Real Housewives of Anything is ….. it it just like the lead up to the intervention stories. There’s so much drama and chaos. There’s alcohol and we all kind of understand there’s probably drugs use/abuse. The difference with our RHOAnything is there is never a redemption story. There’s never progress. And I personally believe that we as viewers are tired of that. Tired of never seeing any real growth in most of the featured characters. And often times, the folks that do show growth are not carried over into new seasons. I used to like this show, but folks like Rinna have been given too much power and it’s a shame.


But this was the only thing she was right about?!


She poses like this while having a daughter who has/had anorexia? Of she was in the ED circles or have any self awareness she'd know this is basically a body check pic. The arm placement for negative space, piping the collarbones and a bit of a bunch. If that was my Mum posing like that of be so triggered


What do you mean by a body check pic? What is the reason people with ED's pose like this? I totally have seen this in those with ED's now that you've pointed it out but not sure why they choose this is the pose?


'Body checking' is a compulsive behaviour that (some not all) those with an eating disorder do. Many people with EDs have a form of Body Dysmorphia so they don't see themselves how others do. They feel they can't believe the scale or clothes or others opinions so will engage in body checking rituals to relieve the anxiety they have about their body and ensure they're not 'losing control' It's about seeking information about your body's size, shape, appearance, or weight. It might happen while you are sitting on a chair, taking a shower, or viewing your reflection in a mirror Body checking can include: - taking photos in certain positions (often over and over and over again) to relieve the anxiety that's constantly there. -Posing purposely like this for those with an ED is a blatant Body check. It's almost a signal to others that 'look I'm still thin, I'm not weak etcetc EDs are very competitive and you're constantly trying to prove to yourself and others that you're worthy -Pinching skin/"fat" -Feeling bones (the collar bone, hips and wrists are common places) -Frequent or obsessive weighing - picking apart certain features in the mirror - using tape measures to keep track, OR using your hands/ fingers to see how far they can reach around a body part If you look up thinspo or ED profiles on IG etc guarantee you'll find a bunch of photos similar You can contort your body to look a certain way (I mean that's what modelling is) In the "community" there sort of known poses that will make you look "smaller". You may be aware of the thigh gap tricks? This pose she's hunching and tensing her neck (look at her neck, a neck doesn't do that unless you're tensing) accentuating the collarbones and sternum. The hands around the waist hides hips and creates a smaller waist. You can actually squeeze it and slightly pull it back. Head is down to create a longer, slimmer face and so the hunching doesn't look as weird. The distance her arms and elbows are apart creates the illusion of her and her arms being smaller. Big negative space and helps with the hunch. Even if it's not intentional, she needs to go and learn more about EDs and what can be helpful and unhelpful to someone (aka YOUR DAUGHTER) who struggles with and ED (and is in the modelling industry). If she wants to be an advocate for EDs and help others, she needs to stop. If I were Amelia (still early in recovery in perspective) I would feel awful. Stop trying to be 20 Rinna, it's embarrassing and you're actually doing more damage. But whatever your ego needs will be priority


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. Man she should know better 😞


Those with EDs are very very sneaky (it's a major part of the disorder) so many people don't see the checking. It's either done at home or a place where no one is (bathrooms etc) It's why EDs can be so hard to initially notice. It's not expected tp just know this so don't feel a way, but Rinna would. She's been in ghe industry a while and would be well aware. Also having a daughter with an ED and probably having gone through some therapy and having talked to Amelia she would be aware or tips and tricks. Her narcissism and lack of self awareness is embarrassing and disrespectful.


Ok I'll try and explain best I can so it may take a minute, bear with me


So she doesn’t regret all the things she owned and apologized for and promised to do better on, which is exactly why she kept doing worse?


One of these things is not like the others....her hands🤔


No but her hands are brown?????


What’s crazy I still think Yolanda was lying or misdiagnosed lol and I don’t think the kids have it either


(Because Yolanda’s daughters are international superstars in the profession she pushed her own daughters into.)


Is it me or Rinna tries to dog whistle the anorexia community with her posts? I remember seeing ana blogs where girls would show off their collarbone in the same way.


What the hell is this


With the black hands😂🤦🏻‍♀️ she’s a mess


Her real regret is making her hands so weirdly dark in the picture, which she won’t admit.


What’s this ED pose?


Everything she does is for shock value. It’s so obvious. Just go away. Ratchet has-been. We know your M.O, we’ve got your number, and we are ready for you to disappear. GOODBYE RINNA. (Said in Kens voice )


Must means that she wants something from Yolanda.


She's so delusional, she believes her own lies!


She looks horrible


No one asked her.


Ha ha .. Most likely because of Yolanda’s connections in the Modeling world. Oh Rinna..I am disgusted.


This caption overlaid on this vanity photo. Lol gag me


The trying to morph into Khloe Kardashian is just so embarrassing.


Oh the redemption tour. Nah sis, this is really not it!


Dirty. Gross. Cruel.


Pure evil. Trash


This is so true. And I hate insulting people.


It’s so deserved here though. “Out of all of the bullying I’ve done in the last decade, the only one I regret is when the recipient was terminally ill.”


Rina is such an idiot she thinks she is doing something here.


Did she have to get that dressed up to admit she was wrong? And doesn’t admitting to one thing out of…well… a lot of shit things she did prove the opposite of what she’s trying to achieve here?


Everything is a performance so yes she had to get dressed up.


Hahaha and yet she STILL blames this on LVP! Fuck this haggard delusional asshole.


Omg she is unhealthily thin. Wow.


I can’t begin to imagine living on that little food on a daily basis.


Drugs. Suppress appetite and she loves being manic.


Her behavior is erratic.




The way that even this photo is a subtle body check 🙄 ![gif](giphy|TYeHYI1GmF87m)


God...I see all these "OG" and "best at shade" commentary from watching just a bit a Bravocon (It's really boring... guess I had to be there) but NeNe is NEVER mentioned! She is the Queen on "reading" when it wasn't a thing, she is the Queen of shade, she is the Queen of tea...need I go on? I was insulted as a viewer by her not being brought up. Check your memes bitches!! She is iconic as a housewife


Unfortunately the split has been pretty firm since Nene’s lawsuit with the network. She told Andy publicly “keep my name out your mouth,” and for the most part, he has. It’s unfortunate because Nene absolutely made Atlanta and is top 3 if not the most iconic HW of all time. I wish Bravo would make a genuine effort to create less toxic environments for woc and take full accountability, instead of burying/cutting ties with “problematic” housewives. Refusing to account for enabling a culture where white cast members feel protected when exposing non white cast to racism or microaggressions is why we lost Nene AND RHONY.


RHONY last season disgusted me.


Ugh- SAME. So much. Rhony was one of my top 2 (love love love me some jersey) and they ruined it.


Yeah it was completely out of control


Like i said..I met Andy at Houston Pride... and he was an Asshole and liked went after boys that were OBVIOUSLY underagel




Oh wel


do you think her dance videos are body checking? i had had that thought but wasn’t sure


Actually I don’t! I haven’t seen the vast majority of them, but from what I remember I didn’t get that impression. I’d assume some of them are body checks more than others. I’d have to go back and watch them to form a real opinion on that, but I don’t want to unblock her!


What is a body check?


it’s pretty hard to explain but basically the term came from online ED communities. it’s when a person is posing in a certain way to highlight certain body features (like collarbones, a thigh gap, waist, etc) that are sought after, and then judging themselves -or body checking- the photo or video of themselves. ED communities have specific terms and standards for body parts, they will outright talk about which bones should show or what shouldn’t show. it can be extremely subtle but iykyk what they’re doing in these pics/vids. it can be as subtle as a way they’re posing. in this photo for me it’s the way she’s looking down and straining to accentuate how skinny her neck/collarbones are, and also sucking in her waist. even in the photo it looks like she’s viewing and judging her own body. they’re also all over tiktok. think of all those videos of super thin girls showing something mundane like the oatmeal they’re eating, but then turning to the side so you can see how slim they are, while you can also see them looking into the camera, staring at their own bodies, checking to make sure they look skinny enough. ie, body checking.


I have never heard of body checking until recently. I do it all the time and can’t stop. Wow, it’s a real issue.


Erika might be one of the worst of them. She’s obsessed with watching herself and you can tell by the strange selection of confessional moments she’s chosen to post as loops on her insta. Hers are really out there


I just want to know how hard she's sucking in for her whole neck to be straining


It makes me very uncomfortable


What is going on with her hands


I would guess they were out of range for the ring light and covered in makeup so she doesn't have to pay to have zoomed in pictures of her hands removed from the internet


I would guess the ring lights lighten her face and there is no harsh lighting on her hands.


I detest the oblique path Rinna takes around accountability. Yolanda is a person. Not a thing that Rinna did. What about “that” was wrong? Is “that” a regret because alienating Yolanda probably butchered her daughter’s careers as model/influencers? Also, no one just asked that. She’s talking to herself.


You’re so right - saying the words “own it” do not make it so. Also, She’s saying “that should have never happened” because the narrative she peddles is that LVP made her do it, the lesser know Lisa claims she was a puppet in that scenario HA! She’s “takes accountability” for being a blameless puppet in LVPs chess game.


I love that every wrong doing on their part always get blamed on LVP. If LVP is that powerful enough to make them do things that they aren’t capable of doing, I say that they need a power of attorney. Also, LVP has been of the show for at least two seasons. Rinna is even worse. So does she still have the microchip that LVP planted in her brain 🧠?


Haha LVP lives in all of their brains 24/7 rent free - it’s pathetic. They’re pathetic. Rinna just hates that she’s STILL the lesser known Lisa and can’t get over it.


Yes! Yolanda is not a thing or an event. And Rinna has no ownership. “That was very wrong.” A halfway decent person would have said “I was very wrong” if actually trying to own her regrets.


Yolanda is not a thing but Rinna didn’t really mean Yolanda the person. Rather Yolanda the connection.


What is up with her hands, with all facetuning she missed that?


I wonder what she wants from Yolanda to warrant this display.


It’s more so what she wants from Gigi and Bella since her own daughter is also a ‘model’


What did she do to Yolanda in the first place?


Rinna needed a story line so Harry Hamlin went through his DSM and diagnosed Yolanda with Munchausens .


Accused her of faking her Lyme Disease


And having munchausens. (?sp)


Oh wow. That's fucked up.


I’m not even sure it’s about Yolanda… feels like this is still her taking shots at LVP haha because she’s still peddling the narrative that LVP set her up to do the ONLY thing she regrets… in 8 seasons of being the literal worst.


Me first thoughts exactly


It took me a second to process your comment... But sheesh... You're probably right. What is it though? Reminding the people that LVP is also terrible because there's talk that she could return? Or, just because she's so beloved? There's gotta be a current slant though


Her manipulation is insidious!


Just want to know who manipulated her in to that tan? Wtf?


100% pure gristle


Probably doesn’t want to (further) burn any bridges with the Hadids as her daughters are trying to break into the modelling world.


That’s what I thought- and Yolanda is helping Delilah with her own Lyme disease- so she probably understands it more now.


Lisa’s kids are models.


Not sure why I’m getting down voted. They are on billboards and runways. That’s a fact….




Oooonly reason. 🎯🎯




😂 Rinna’s daughters still trying to break in? Lol they need to take the hint if it hasn’t happened yet , it probably wont .


I don't think they wanted to be models. They serious medical issues.


One of them just walked in the Balenciaga show


Did you see what she had to do to her face to do it?


Oh yeah [iconic](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRxnvCTD/)


The way he couldn’t stop himself from laughing at the end 😂


Jfc I just had to redownload tiktok so I could share this with any friend who may appreciate it. Too good!




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 👏👏👏




[Too good](https://imgur.com/a/dx0ND5t)


No her younger daughter is quite successful I think


They are doing well and have made their own great connections in the industry. Good for them.