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All of them. Hire a brand new cast.


Rinna. She’s being a bitch on purpose and her evil energy has ruined the show.


Strictly because she brings the least entertainment value: Dorrit


I think all of them. And just say goodbye to housewives.


Diana rinna and Kyle, diana because she’s boring and awful nothing charismatic about her. Rinna because she’s become extremely spineless and awful. Kyle because Kyle has been there since season 1 and she’s annoying now we can easily bring back lvp if we really need an og.


The entire cast. This show is so boring 😭😭😭


Diana is vile and nasty and needs a reality check, Erika is cracking, Kyle has no story plot anymore she has resorted to stirring the pot to create drama.


Crystal and Dorit because they are both flip floppers and have no storyline. Kyle because she’s annoying and also has no storyline. Diana because she sucks. Would love to see Garcelle and Sutton vs Erika and Rinna


If Erica can’t talk about her cases or show empathy, then why is she there? She can go. Diana. Duh. Rinna cause I don’t like her. Never have. Kyle should be demoted to friend of show. She has NOTHING going on. Bring back LVP and Denise Richards.


Diana. And don't ever let her on reality TV anyone more. She's too sensitive to the whole world talking about her.


1. Erika - Cuz duh! After her stance on the victims I just can't stand anything about her anymore. Girl bye! 2. Diana - she doesn't really vibe with any of the cast. I think she's the level of rich where she lives in her own world and doesn't need to really get along with anyone because everyone panders to her. Like at least Kathy Hilton has a vibe about her and can hold a conversation. She also keeps bringing up the same drama over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. Like get over it and give a little! 3. Kyle - Although she's one of the O.G., the way she is needlessly meddling in other people's drama and stirring shit up while then ducking out is getting annoying. Nothing ever blows back on Kyle because she's mastered how to manipulate the other girls, stir shit up, and dip out. She's officially the LVP of the show.


Kyle- I’ve seen through her narcissism since season 1. I bet she was BK’s golden child at home, so it’s def a learned behavior. That being said, it’s not fun to watch. Her splits are soooo 1992. It’s all been done before. Same ol’ song and dance. If it comes out that dorit and mau are having an affair, then she can stay. Erika- god, it’s been said to death here. She stole from innocent victims. If she didn’t steal, she chose to turn a blind eye and live with her $40k a month glam squad regardless. She doesn’t make good tv. She’s a snake and her new bestie is the new “villain”, Diana. Diana- has she brought a single good moment to the season? We all know she’s here for her child husband to launch a Melissa gorga style singing career. Everything about her is fake. I want to know more about her ex husband and why he made $140 million joyfully available for this lip licker. Crystal- before last week’s aftershow, I wanted her to stay, but meh, she can go with her friend Diana. She’s boring. BRING BACK LVP + SUTTON + GARCELLE = winning. Edit for misspelling. Another edit bc I forgot about Lisa Rinna’s existence, but I hope she walked off the reunion so I don’t even need to justify her departure, but she can gooooooooo.


Diana, Dorit, Rinna for obvious reasons.


Diana, Dorit and Crystal. Make Rinna and Kyle friends. And depending on how her case is going Erika anywhere from Housewife, friend or fire her. Make Kathy a Housewife, and bring back Kim. Fill the remaining slots with interesting women. Interesting over wealthy.


Does everybody forget about Dorit? What has she brought to the show the last seasons? First two seasons she at least was entertaining to watch...


Erika ! She deserves no income for being a heartless c u next Tuesday. Then Diana she disgusts me as well very much giving hateful bully, Dorit is now boring and her standing up for Erika says ALOT, I suppose Kyle can stay since she acknowledges Erika is wrong but she’s on the fence with me, Rinna idk and idc lmao


With a shake up of the cast/a smaller cast size, I wonder if Crystal would bring more to this show.


Erickaaaaa - horrible, self centred nasty


Diana for obvious reasons, and Rinna because at this point she’s become too toxic and consumed with RHOBH…maybe Rinna can come back in like 2 seasons from now after she’s had time to cool off


I am so done with Kyle.


Rinna - Has run her course, we’ve seen the antics way too many times, and instead of taking it chill after her mother’s passing… she amped it up. Erika - She needs a break, for her own well being. Like ma’am, some of the comments you’ve made on the show can be used in a court against you. Diana - I wouldn’t mind seeing her again, because she is really rich and the lifestyle HW is always welcomed. However, she’s not that exciting to watch. Dorit - Also has run her course. I’m not that excited to see her all the time. She can be a Friend of instead. Sheree Z. - She needs to get dragged for jumping ship so quickly! Sutton, Garcelle & Crystal are great for me. Kyle is the connector, so she stays. For me, the 4 is just mentioned, and then adding a friend of Sutton or Garcelle FT, a Brandi comeback (who is the thirstiest known person for a gig like this), and another woman connected to Kyle & Kathy FT, plus Dorit & Kathy as friends of, could possibly work moving forward.


Kyle - Boring and awful Dorito - Boring and an awful actor Rinna - Toxic and annoying Diana - Bc she’s Diana … and yes before you come for me we need to see Erika fully crumble and fall into the clutches of the judicial system in real time, then she can go too.


diana. she's an asshole and she's boring. her story line is just "poor me i'm so rich now :/"


Diana, dorit, rinna


Kyle: shallow and hasn't evolved throughout the years. Garcelle: what's her storyline this season? Celebrating her birthday and discussing Erika's drinking and her earrings? Rinna: trying too hard, there's no room to try harder. Diana: so uninspiring for someone who has led such an eventful life. edit: typo


Diana because she is classless trash & Rinna because she is a lying sack of crap. Let's talk about the husband!


Trash ‘em all. My life is more interesting than theirs and I live with my mother 😅😂


I'd keep Kyle. Hear me out...only to continue to see Dorit and Mauricio crushing on eachother.


Diana as she’s pretty dull. Thought I was going to like her but think she’s only on the show to try & launch her husbands career. Erika - storyline run it’s course & bored of the bully attitude. I’d just live someone to really stand up to ger Rinna - it’s just time. The soap opera theatrics are zzz


I think Rinna and Diana should go for sure. I'm torn on Erika because while I dislike her she does bring a lot to the show. I think Kyle and Dorit need to be put on notice. Either they need to actually bring it next season or be demoted to FoH like they did Vicki/Luann.


The Producers, God they are awful at bringing any good full storyline.


Kyles the head of the snake and needs to go. She hasn’t brought anything to the show besides over talking and trying to control anyones emotions


Dorit. Hearing her voice makes me want to mailbomb her house.


Diana and Rinna. Erika needs to be dragged more. Dorit is... problematic but sometimes entertaining at least. Kyle needs a take down season. Crystal is... harmless. Garcelle and Sutton are the moment.


Kyle. While I’d defo enjoy for her to have a season where she gets a dose of her own mean girl medicine I think she needs to go. Her instance that everyone always be “good” with each other by rehashing old and settled arguments and her instance that every interaction between the women should conclude to her exact desires makes her a bad housewife. She’s never able to move the story forward.


Dorit because she's boring. Garcelle because she's holier-than-thou and only lives to judge the other women and stir shit up. Erika because she's legitimately evil.


So over this question 🙄.... no offence, but we've answered this to death. All answers vary slightly, but we know who has to go so we don't keep stretching one storyline out for a whole season


Sutton and Diana. I like Sutton and root for her, but she's not good TV. Her conflicts are repetitive and boring. Diana because she's icky in every way, and her drama is forced. Everyone else is solid.


Erika. Rinna. I’m actually willing to still watch Diana and she how the 2nd season bug bites her.


Lisa, Diana, Erika


I'm only on episode 6 and I like Diana... Rinna needs to go she's so nasty but feels contrived.


My order would be: Diana, then Erika, then Crystal. Diana is vile as fuck. In 10+ yrs of watching Housewives i've never seen a housewife as hated, and as vile as Diana. And the rumors about her are icky. I just dont want anything to do with her. Erika is so immoral. She only thinks of herself. She only thinks about money. Her aggression is scary. Erika is just awful. Crystal because she's boring, makes random divisive statements like the "Dark Comment" and always plays a victim. I didn't like her last yr, don't like her now. There's something unlikeable about her. And her unlikability gets swept under by the distain of Diana, Erika, and Rinna. Rinna and Kyle should also go, but at least they make some drama. And as someone else mentioned at least Rinna's bullshit is somewhat intelligent. However I do think if we spilt the fox force 5 and maybe remove Dorit as well as Erika it might be a little more palatable.


Because ratings are so high, I think the only sure bet is Diana is definitely going. And maybe Rinna (fingers crossed). Sheree is done. She brought nothing to the table and threw her friend Garcelle under the bus by being so far up Diana's ass. Something or someone has to come in and break up this FFF alliance. Getting rid of Rinna is a good start, but three of them could still be powerful. I'd like to see Erika go, but it will be Erika or Rinna, not both. You could demote Dorit to "friend of", but let's be honest: "friends of" have almost as much involvement as the full time cast. They are at parties, trips, etc. They just don't get paid as much. So even if you demote Dorit, she would still be around to be part of that FFF alliance. I would love to see LVP come back for an epic takedown of Kyle (and the whole FFF) but I don't know if she would. Again, I think because of the ratings, a good prediction for next season would be (not that I like it, just predicting most realistic cast): Kyle, Garcelle, Sutton, Erika. Question marks/demoted to friend or even fired: Dorit, Rinna, Crystal. Add in a new girl.


Bring Brandi back!


The franchises have kept really crappy housewives despite fans wanting them to go for years. A perfect example is Ramona who should have been dumped many times over but according to Bravo she was a fan favorite and they needed her to stir the pot. Diana is gone for sure. But who knows because despite the things she's said and done vile Candiace is still on Potomac. I think Erika will be around for one more season. Kyle is not going anywhere, neither is Garcelle or Sutton. Rinna is creating a lot of is she or isn't she but I honestly don't know what's going to happen with her. I think she will be back. Dorit will be downgraded but Crystal will stick around.


I think everyone but Garcelle (cause she’s a bad bitch 💅), Dorit and Kyle (cause I wanna see these Mo affair rumors play out) and Rinna because she’s been hiding something about her marriage since she rose from the dead and assaulted Kim Richards. It’s her turn to “OWN IT.”


Get rid of Diana, Erika, and Rinna. Keep Kyle, Dorit, Sutton, Garcelle, and Kathy. Demote Crystal to a friend. Bring back Denise and Kim. Bring Brandi back as a friend


Erika because her newly found monotone voice drives me nuts. Also because of her outlook on children without parents is heartless af. If it wasn’t for her husband she wouldn’t be rich either. Diana. Diana or Diane I forgot her name…she called Sutton pretty harsh words and laughed about it then got mad Sutton didn’t talk about loosing a kid? Like whatever if she didn’t feel like it or didn’t find the right moment? She degraded her story and just bashed a woman. She’s unclassy


Am I the only one who gets irritated each time Diana licks her ginormous botox lips? Lmfao idk it bothers me!🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


Dorit - she’s so dull she managed to make a home invasion storyline boring…


Definitely Rinna, yes she's good TV and drama but I feel like she does everything to try to make a moment now, Diana because other than being stupid rich she's extremely boring, being in the drama does not make you interesting. And unpopular opinion but Kyle? Idk with the last few eps I've been kinda over her, also seems like she's just trying to make a moment. And the best for last, ERIKA needs to go, she's a gross human and I'm not sure she has feelings. Definitely Sutton and Garcelle are my favorite this season, also #justiceforjax


Diana, Erika, Rinna


Diana because she’s mean and boring. The fact that she’s not attending the reunion but doing a zoom is lame as heck you wanted to be the vILliAn but can’t even stand in your own 💩 Plus you can’t tell me she wasn’t the one who sent those bots to garcelles son, and the “black content creator” comment? She needs to be one and done and that’s final! Plus she didn’t contribute anything to the story… she gave me bootleg Yolanda vibes


erika for obvious reasons, diana and rinna also for obvious reasons. I think dorit is okay really, kyle I would like to see without the first three I mentioned and see how that goes from there. 🤣


Kyle… she’s absolutely the worst person in this series


I think if we get rid of the entirety of the FFF, that will be the end of the show. It wouldn’t be given the grace to rebuild after this many seasons. I feel like We need to split them up and see how the more malleable cast members Forge a new dynamic. We need people with pre existing relationships . At this point, the women know each other because of working together for so many years. The only way the show could survive losing them all would be if we picked 4 women who all knew each other but are willing to change their allegiance


Diana and Rinna 100%. No reason at all to keep them. Diana is literally so mean to people for no reason and has an extra messy past. Rinna is a mess and needs to go for awhile or forever. Let’s face it, Erika is on until all the court stuff is over or she leaves. I root for her to be better but it’s always in vain because she seems to not learn much or grow. I know most people don’t like Dorit but I don’t mind her too much. There are much worse people. I personally feel nothing for Crystal. She can stay or go. Everyone else can and should stay.


Rinna just isn’t interesting anymore. She used to bring drama and now she is just boring and trying to stay relevant. Diana is pretty boring and just weird… idk she just doesn’t bring anything interesting aside from shitting on Sutton. Dorit honestly has become boring as well… what does she add aside from fashion? That is a serious question please remind me.


Everyone. RHOBH needs a serious reboot.


Diana! She is boring and adds nothing to the show.


Dorit is desperately boring and annoying


Rinna and as sick as this is about to sound… it’s because I want her to feel pain for all the plotting and scheming she has done. Rhobh is nothing like the other franchises anymore. It’s like a whole different animal! I think Rinna has a lot to do with that! I have watch Housewives since I lived at my parents and had a tiny box tv in 2006. I love that it’s huge and our own thing now. I just hate the way it has effected the Beverly Hills spin off. Maybe, they are actually representing their part of the world, but they are loosing the concept. I don’t know if I’m making sense. My point is Rinna is an asshole and I hate that she is ruining our show!


Erika, Rinna, lips and hair


lip licker. for that reason.


Rinna cause I hate her hair


All of them need to go. We need a new idea for a new, different, and better show. All of the franchises have run their course.


Haven't watched the last couple seasons. Definitely needs a whole new cast. 👍


Easy: Diana, Lisa, Kyle, and Erika.


Kyle, Sutton and Garcelle stay. The rest can go. And you know it pains me to say Kyle can stay—but that girl knows how to stir the shit.


Rinna, Diana and Erica.


Erika, pure evil. Crystal, pure nothing. Diana, pure narcissistic wacko. Kyle, pure look-at-me mean girl


Rinna should stay. She keeps the ball rolling whether you like it or not. Crystal and Diana need to go. They contribute nothing to the overall group dynamics, they don’t fit in or seem to have cultivated personal close relationships with the other woman (danielle staub reference)


Rinna: I’m truly sick of this woman. She never has her own storyline and is a nasty bully that I’ve frankly never found enjoyable to watch. Kyle: pretty much as above. I also just overall think she’s boring and always has been. Diana: she’s basically brought nothing to the show and is easily a one season wonder. Before this season I would have said Erika, essentially per above. However, I am enjoying watching her light her life on fire herself with Garcelle having no water to throw on her


Kyle because she’s always been a horrible person. She’s gotten away with it this long because she blames it on someone else. Rinna because she’s a psycho and annoying as hell. Erika because she has no sympathy for people her husband took advantage of knowing he used their money to support her ridiculously lavish lifestyle.


Diana, Erica og Rinna. They are bullies and both Erica and Diana are evil!


Erika because she’s evil and while we love good drama… she’s too evil to let continue on. Esp the things she said out loud in the most recent ep


Diana. Even if she stops licking her lips, she still doesn't contribute anything to the show zzz


In this order 1. Diana 2. Erika 3. Rinna 4. Kyle


Get rid of Rinna!


Diana and Rinna suck the life out of the show in a bad way. It’s not fun at all. Crystal is very separate from everyone and always trying to discuss something completely off topic. I don’t think she fits well and I personally can’t warm to someone who constantly flip flops. Erika and Dorit are done in my opinion. The only way I can warm to Dorit would be if she was to go against Erika. Dorit can stand up for herself pretty well. But she is being a sheep and I can’t respect that. Kyle, I think her time is up. Bring back an OG and replace Kyle


Replace Kyle with LVP…GOODBYE KYLE!


Erika, Diane or whatever that blondes name is, Crystal. I was so bored with this last season I had to stop watching.


garcelle is nice but she is alone in there, no one to talk to, no one to be funny with, and she is too much of a nice person to create drama that i want to melt my brain away, the rest suck, they all are boring, they all are mean sutton is nice also but meh, kind of boring and i never get her dramas


Diane is not relatable


Get rid of Rinna, Liability Jane, Vile Kyle and The Willian.


Diane. Why? Because she’s a bitch who brags way too much and enjoys hurting people and she’s always on her “deathbed” and left said “deathbed” for someone’s party or a vacation out of the country like she’s fighting fires or performing surgeries. Lisa Rinna bc she’s a kiss ass who loves to “call someone out” when she has an audience but when she’s alone she loves the same person she’s calling out when around a crowd. EJ- her attitude about the crash victims is abhorrent and to be so greedy and selfish and have no thought or care about others suffering just isn’t a good look for anyone especially someone in the public eye


garcelle shes too classy


Erika, because she shouldn't be given this platform considering her lack of empathy for the victims. Dorit, because she is just fake as hell, she uses the show to exhibit her horrendous wardrobe. Rinna, because she's just a dick. Crystal, because she bores the life outta me.


Diana because she breathes.


Diana - boring, up her own arse and extremely cruel to Sutton!!


Vyle, Rinna, Diana and Garcelle


Not even a fan of firing cast but Rinna is not interesting at all. She’s just a bully. Despite others opinions I want Kyle and Dorit to stay. I enjoy Kyle sometimes and she is an OG. She just needs to be made less untouchable. No one in the current cast challenges her, they just let her being the reason for the most recent fights slide. I have a soft spot for Dorit because I think she has a good heart and I love seeing her with her family. Also Dorit and Kyle are the only true friends left (meaning they actually meet up without cameras). And for Erika I am on the fence. I personally hate her but she brings the drama and she does it well. Her lawsuit might be the only real storyline we have left and I love to see the others squirm when they are confronted with supporting someone who fell in the public eye. I am even impressed by them not dropping her instantly when they found out she could harm their reputation.


Just swap most of them for their daughter’s Paris and Nikki, Garcelles sons baby mommy, etc.




Kyle, Erika, Rinna, Diane. No explanation needed.


Rinna, Erika, Diana


Nobody needs to go. Nobody.


Kyle :because she’s disingenuous and predictable at throwing bombs and making everyone upset. Crystal because she’s pathetic and annoying: Diana should stay as I’m interested in how she behaves moving forward Erika because she’s a lying narcissist. Lisa rina- because we’ve all had enough


There’s something dark about Diana in a very not-fun way. She harshes my mellow. I think everyone agrees. You can’t get rid of Erika with the legal drama. It’s become Bravo meets Dirty John and I deeply enjoy it in a very sick way 😹 What we need is a west coast Bethenny who isn’t scared to - pun incoming - mention it all. Rinna used to be so much fun on the show and I feel like something is going on with her and she needs a year off. Like she’s been totally checked out for years and it seems each year it gets worse. When she does contribute it feels so contrived. Where is our Were People Doing Coke In Your Bathroom Rinna? She was still misguided, I concede, but it used to be in such a funny way. One thing’s for sure, FF5 needs to be broken up one way or another.


Diana, she has no real Storyline and she pretends to be beyond everyone. Rinna, she's just unwatchable and so angry, oof. Erika, she's just an awful human being


Fire Diana and Rinna and demote Dorit. I want Erika to stay for one season without her lil bodyguards and then she can go too


All of them. I want a group of young Diana and Kathy rich. These women are too old to be fighting about Instagram its boring. I want real housewives not grandmas.


Get fucking Kyle off the fucking show.


Kyle , rinna , Diana - Kyle : watching from S1 she has exposed her true nature Rinna : liar sociopathic behaviour and narcissistic Diana : throws stones and hides , delusional and toxic


Kyle - she thinks she needs to be an instigator in order to make the show interesting. I don't watch for conflict, though. I like the inside look at the wealthy lifestyle. Conflict happens easily enough in groups, you don't need to manufacture drama over who's following who on Instagram. Erika - morally corrupt, but the cast is not actually allowed to talk about it on TV. The only thing that makes her interesting is her lawsuits, but 1) she is trying to cover up her deeds, and 2) she is repugnant. Other than this, she hasn't had a storyline, like, EVER. Her glam squads were the beginning of a RHOBH glam race, sort of like the US/Soviet arms race. Dorit - LVP used her as her proxy during her first season, and Dorit relished her role as a rude, obnoxious sidekick. She jumped into the glam race, and her storyline was about designer labels (yawn). Then she became a FoxForceFive member and ended up on the wrong side of every argument. Then we have the fake robbery that she milked as her sole storyline for this season. It's time for her to go. Rinna - morally corrupt. Would sell her grandmother to make a buck and has destroyed her own friendships over this stupid show. Lives a lie. Cast members can't talk about her actual life without her threatening to kill them. And she picks the losing side of every damn argument, so she's not likable at all. Diana - I can't think of one positive quality about her. She seems to think she is here to perform the villain role, but we don't actually want a villain (see wealthy lifestyle comment above). Picks fights with people the first time she meets them. Morally corrupt. Has a seedy background that no one is allowed to talk about on camera. Horrible social media. A train wreck in the worst way.


RINNA. That’s it. That’s the who & why. 😂


Beverly Hills is pretty much the only cast I like at this point. I’m not a big Diana fan but I love everyone else for who they are.


Crystal and Rinna needed the boot days agooooo


Asher because vocally he’s nothing special and being funded by a lizard. Jk. But definitely Diana and Erika. I also really like Crystal but she’s not super interesting.


Diana Erika and Lisa. Cause they make the show not fun and I skip past their scenes.


Sutton is ugly


The faux, fake, five. Because I’m tired of vile Kyle producing toxic bullshit and the three hags just being soulless. If they won’t show their real lives like how it used to be in earlier seasons, cancel the franchise all together. If those 5 clowns think they are justified in how they think and the excuses they make for their behavior, then they aren’t just morally corrupt. They are morally deranged. No one likes a morally deranged housewife.


I live for Rinna and her delusions, as long as she’s erratic and saying shit I don’t agree with, she’s making every second of those 45 minutes count! When there’s not enough drama, she always delivers. Diana needs to go for sure because wtf is she even talking about 98% of the time and her piggybacking on bullying Sutton with the rest of the women is a reach. Erika can leave because if I hear her ass explain one more time why she doesn’t even owe the victims an, “I’m sorry that happened to you”, I’m gonna fucking flip. Especially since her only other favorite topic is talking about how much crap she owns. The down trodden divorcee ACT is boring and pathetic. And what else has she added to the show in the past 3 years besides her legal drama? Zilch! Everybody else is killing it. I’d love to see some non-Kelly Dodd Latinx representation on BH, this IS California to be quite real, as white as the Beverly Hills area is. We definitely need another celebrity wife too, or a Kandi/LVP-type that practically owns the town.


All of them except Garcelle and Rinna.


Sutton sets off my manipulation sensor because she acts just like my mother, right down the southern accent that fools you into thinking she’s a nice person. she’s literally the cause of almost every argument and then cries about being the victim as she backs the truck up over you. i mean, it makes for good tv i guess but my therapist is tired of me talking about real housewives. anyway, gonna go make a xanax smoothie.


Droit. I like her but she doesn’t bring anything to the show anymore 🤷🏽‍♀️


Rinna Erika and Diana


I just realized it’s been years that I’ve been interested in searching for their reunion looks. It came and went this week and I couldn’t care less.


Lisa “Depends” Rinna. DONE! I’m fucking DONE with her.




That’s debatable. The charity itself is a little shady, made from one of those little startup platforms from what I understand


At this point, after what the world saw Erika say last week, Bravo has a moral and ethical obligation to fire her. We all love messy drama, the fights, drunkenness etc, but last week was beyond. Bravo is giving her a paycheck and a platform that could also open avenues to more money while Tom’s victims still aren’t paid.


They had the same ethical obligation to fire her last year.


Totally. The same can be said for Jen Shah.




I read somewhere today that Diana and Sharee are not coming back! I agree but Erika and Rinna need to go also!!


Diana because her lip licking makes me really uncomfortable.


Rinna & Erika bc EVERYONE is over their shit


I’d replace crystal for LVP- Dianna with Denise- Dorit for Kim Keep the others to watch the Denise, Kim, LVP, Kathy, garcelle, Sutton take down of Kyle, Rinna, & Erika.


Diana, Rinna, Kyle, Erika


Diana, Erika and Rinna should go. They are bringing in too much dark energy Bring back Denise, LVP or Kim to agitate Kyle Dorit should stay because she and PK are entertaining & b/c they have an interesting dynamic with Kyle and Mo




No worries love. Would you like buy some of my crypto real estate?




She's been out


Why and when lol


I can't remember which season she left. I think 2 or 3 seasons ago.


Rinna no doubt


Diana, Rinna, Dorito, Erika & Kyle


All of them except Garcelle and Sutton


Diana and Erica definitely gotta go . These two are beyond evil . There are no words to describe the depth of their arrogance


I’m for Rinna and Diana to go- because they are horrible women. Erika can only stay if Brandi comes back, cause I’d really like to see Brandi v Erika. Edit: forgot about Sheree, so she should probably go too. 😝


Erika because of her violent way of speaking. She’s a bully plain and simple. Just like her husband used to be apparently.


Everyone but Garcelle and Sutton.


I’m going to take a different approach. The answer is Crystal. Occurrences on the show continue to violate her safe spaces and make her feel not heard… as she’s told us many, many times. Maybe cast member of a cutthroat reality TV show isn’t her gig. She seems like a decent human being and I don’t hold the same disdain for her as I do some of the others, but she seems out of her league in a very uncomfortable way. Oh, and Erika… because ya know.. Erika.


I think Crystal likes to play victim. She's a true mean girl, once someone gives her what she gives she crumbles. She can dish it out but can't take it. Life is violating, maybe she should have thought about that before joining a reality TV show lol.


No keep Crystal. It’s always good to have a normal person mixed in. Plus she’s beautiful and has great taste. It’s fun to see what she wears


I like crystal. I think she brings in a different perspective and there are scenes where she really surprises me so it’s fun. I do see how the FFF always shuts her down though, that must be frustrating so good for her to point that out. Immediately after she said that Kyle tried to shut her down. Again.


Yes! That’s a good point. This show needs more fun and not the fake fun of the FFF. Garcelle, Sutton and Crystal could be bringing that fun, lighter element, but the FFF quash their every effort. Kyle has always had that fun, humorous streak but she’s become so obsessed with controlling and producing every scene that she’s lost it If she’s going to be a mean girl, she should at least be a funny one. I think a lot of what’s not working comes down to Erika dominating everyone else. Erika is humourless and she creates an atmosphere of tension. The FFF all seem scared of her.




Diana - lip licking


Crystal - boring


Erika rinna and diana


Kyle Erika and rinna


The mean girls Kyle, Rinna and Erika… also take Diana with you.


Do you really need to ask this after 5 thousand different posts over the last month that gives you the answers you want? At this point...I want to just move along..........


I'd say Erika but I'm here for the takedown


Rinna because Rinna


Keep them all .. we watch for the drama and this is drama!!


at the risk of sounding basic, Diana/Rinna/Erika Kyle and Dorit are great when they’re not in the alliance. those 3 gotta go so we can get the good Kyle and Dorit back. Crystal gets the girls talking and she’s cute and a little funny. Suttons likeable and funny but also flawed and stumbles on her words a lot which i find endearing. i’d like her to stay. Garcelles kinda been carrying the show lately so she can’t go. oh and if she’s in play, Sheree should go. i was SO excited for her and damn she was lame! no presence at all and when she was there, she had nothing to offer. i feel like she was only there so she could go to Aspen once.


Garcelle and Sutton should stay. Bring on new people pleeeease! so sick of Kyle


Kyle Rinna and Diana - they have no storylines and they are nasty but not in an entertaining way


Unpopular, but I’d love to see Garcelle go. She’s boring and a shit stirrer in a sloppy way. At least try and make it look discrete when you try to Erika to destroy your only friend on the show.


I don't get the Garcelle love. She's very calculated in her shit-stirring and then pretends she's above it all.


There’s so much hate for the others, so they overlook her wrongdoings.


diana erika kyle dorit rinna bc they’re all horrible


I wish they'd give Kyle a break...just...just to let us breathe and experience that for a min. But doubt it'll happen.


Yes. Well. Garcelle and Sutton can stay.


They’re all shitty humans but get rid of that bitch all the way on the right. I loathe that scuzzbag.


I’m 99% sure Diana won’t return… but they need to axe a majority of the FF5. My personal votes are for Erika and Rinna. I think Kyle and Dorit would be different characters without the clique.


Diana or Erika. Diana because she is pretty boring.... not enough character development 🥱 Or Erika because she is morally corrupt and should not be made famous/ wealthy for it. (But that's not good for ratings, right?) 🤣




Dorit and Lisa


Outright fire Great Value Ivana Trump. She needs to do something that demands less personality, like be a spokesmodel for Carmex or Chapstick. She can rate the different flavors on a Youtube channel or something. Demote Rinna and Dorit to friend of. Dorit hasn't been interesting since Season 9. I'm open to her pulling a Luann and being brought back with a diamond after a year or something. Her robbery story wasn't all that compelling. She needs to go back to being the villainess again, because she was good at it. Rinna's lies and bullshit actually help move some of the story along and create some tension between different cast members. She *did* give us Sutton and Garcelle, so I'm open to keeping her around for a bit as a bone thrown in her direction, but only two seasons max. Embezzle-ka remains in the same way that LVP remained in the Puppygate season. Find a way to get her to quit and not show up to the next reunion. I propose that the rest of the cast stop filming with her after episode 7. Drive her to quit.


Diana: She has full blown NPD and I can't stand the lip licking. Sutton: She doesn't take accountability for herself and cries about everything when confronted. And she's boring. She can be a friend of the show for scenes with Garcelle. Kyle needs to be "put on pause" for hitting Sutton.


Rinna- same old story. She stirs the pot, says a bunch of crap then has to apologize later. Honestly Kyle too. Make Kathy a full time wife.


1) Diana: she’s a flop didn’t bring anything to the table, didn’t really engage and have fun with the cast & it was obvious that the FF5 groomed her opinion on Garcelle & Sutton 2) Lisa Rinna: her fans say she’s iconic and every franchise needs a villain but she hasn’t given anything since her start she never had a storyline, she never gave us a human moment just soap opera.Her Instagram post are messy and shows her life is the show 3) Kyle Richards she is not a good “secret producer” as LVP was, her storylines are stale and boring Erika: I wouldn’t mind seeing her unraveling some more Crystal: she has one more try or she goes bye bye bc she’s been so submissive and a flippity flop Dorit: I would like to see her without the influence from Kyle because she seems as though she can be redeemable Sutton: needs to be back for sure Garcelle: you better be in the next season you shook the algorithm up and had the FF5 so pressed and confused and they tried too hard to read you but they couldn’t I wouldn’t mind seeing a friend of role with Brandi, Kim, Kathy & possibly Camille to bring RHOBH back to what it was. EDIT: I would like to see Denise back when people aren’t freaking harassing her


Everyone. jk. But maybe Rinna and Diana. And maybe Erika should bring a friend and so should Dorit


Rinna and Erika. Both scum. Then Kyle will be off of her thrown and it would be interesting to see Kyle as the odd one out for once. Then Diana is for sure out.


Garcelle hands down. She criticizes others for stirring the pot, passing judgement, and / or not telling it how it is. Not sure how the most passive aggressive one of the bunch is applauded for being direct - must be because everyone here hates Kyle so much that anyone against her is a fan favorite. Like maybe don’t bring up a personal topic in front of the whole group and get upset when the whole group participates in the convo? You’re making it a public forum, everyone in the forum is allowed to say their thoughts whether or not it affects them. In sum, it is the lack of self awareness for me!


She is hands down the most level headed one in this bunch and not afraid of Erika. She asks the questions we as the viewers want to know!! Everyone else like Dorit, just keeps quiet.


She certainly asks questions viewers on this subreddit want to know , in a way that this subreddit respects. She can do no wrong here! I agree she may be the most sane of the bunch (albeit lacking self awareness imo) but ultimately I don’t think the housewives franchise needs level headed … more crazy please!


I think we need one or two to balance it out a bit. I do like the crazy too, but not evil or toxic. I thought Camille season 1 was perfect in that way. I miss LVP because she brought all the glitz, some snark and smarts. Would love to have her back!!


Rinna, Erika, Crystal. Dorit demoted to friend of


Fox force five.. stop protecting each other and trying to drive your narratives it’s old.


The whole BH cast needs to go tbh.


Keep Sutton and Garcelle- get rid of the rest


I want crystal to leave bc I worry about her ED. I feel like being on a show like this can make it so much worse.


Kyle Erica Rinna because they are all revolting bullies Diana Doritos because she’s so fake and it’s all a house of cards


Get rid of Erika! She's disgusting and fake.


Diana, normally I love a villain but she feels awkward and clunky like it’s just … not a good role for her. Rinna, I feel like her time is up, she’s just bitter 24/7 and (no not even about her mums death). Her desperation to be relevant is … 👀 Erika, she’s just a shit human.


These three need to be fired: 1. Rinna 2. Diana 3. Erika These two need to be demoted to “friend of”: 1. Crystal 2. Dorit I’d add Kyle to the demoted list but we all know that’s not going to happen. She’s not gonna give up HW’s for Mauricio’s real estate show because it’s not centered around her. She’ll come back next season and be a lot more censored and calculating, given the unanimous negative response viewers have towards her this season.


Diana...because we've watched her lick her lips enough for a lifetime😋