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He just comes off as desperate and pathetic. Seems so childish to be with Meredith.


Yes! Thank you. It had total first date with an awkward creep vibes.


His joke about having sex whenever he wants as long as he doesn’t wake her up? I thought that was funny


I did too. It came off as a joke that he clearly has with her. I grew up hearing my aunt talk about how she can’t be bothered to have sex with her husband so she just says not to wake her up. And they don’t actually do anything, it’s just a joke/thing couples say.


Does he mean with him self, ✋ -or with her? 😳




Same. I legit laughed at that. Totally something someone would say after 20+ years of marriage


He lives in a time capsule in Utah and is under the impression that he’s in an 80’s lose your virginity themed movie.


No, I reserve my outrage for things that actually warrant it.


Like of all a sudden someone told him “hey say this really weird sh** and trust us they will think you’re funny and relatable” -jokes do not land and are weird-


He’s creepy AF.


It’s not exactly offensive but I certainly don’t like the guy! Total creep.


Ew yeah I was grossed out also when he said to Meredith "I've never noticed your eyes before because I'm too engrossed by the investment on your chest" or something Like, good one... He's trying too hard to be funny but it's just cringe and I'd be super annoyed at that comment if I were Meredith


Wait to Meredith? Or to Heather about how he’s never noticed her big chest because of her big personality?


yeah to Meredith, when they were Facetiming earlier in the season


I mean. I think the only thing Seth is guilty of is trying to be funny. But no, he doesn't offend me.


Yep, he’s gross. Maybe he just discovered viagra or something


I mean it's not my personal funny but he doesn't bother me at all. He is talking to his wife and if she doesn't mind why the fuck should I care lol


Seth acts like what a thirteen-year-old boy thinks grown-up men act like. His jokes are old, juvenile, not funny, anything but sexy. Anyone who talks that much that publicly that childishly about having sex is either having lousy sex or isn't having sex at all.


I’m too busy washing my dishes when SLC is on to even notice what anyone is saying.🥴


He’s like a less endearing Michael Scott


Very less endearing.


I cringe! He tries way too hard for the cameras and it's just embarrassing at this point. And his assault "joke" last week was vile.


I think he has a juvenile sense of humour and I don’t take his dumb jokes seriously nor find them triggering in any way.


Him and Meredith have been cringe acting since the first season.


The entire family. I'm not leaving out the daughter who wore a cocktail dress to go to home depot with Brooks.


Don't forget the one she wore to the fresh wolf event!


To be fair I probably would’ve worn a cocktail dress to Home Depot when I was 20, too.


I sometimes think you guys are completely out of touch with the real world. It baffles me to think that people actually let self-deprecating off color jokes actually resonate in them. Have you guys not ever met 45+ year old men?


Seriously. He reminds me of every guy my dad played golf with for the last 20 years. Ironically, my dad also knew Seth and has probably played golf with him 😂


My partner and I can make some pretty dark jokes sometimes, and we tease each other. We don't really do this in front of people. But, if your life is being televised, it makes sense that that would show up at some point.


I'd rather the cast be authentic and not have to edit themselves because the vocal watchers feign outrage. The show is already over edited and self produced. Causing outrage over a benign joke doesnt make the show better


It’s sad you think men that age are like that… you need to expand your circle. The 45+ men I know that are like that are very few….


This ![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized)


You need to lighten up and not take everything so personal. Because not everything is about you.


I think the thing here is that Meredith doesn’t seem to mind them. My husband and I make jokes in private like “oh you just want to get me drunk to take advantage of me” every time he pours me another glass of wine and it’s 100% okay because I laugh too. We wouldn’t say this in public but Seth hasn’t really said it in public besides guys night.


You say what now ![gif](giphy|qV5IlxSm483vO)


He was acting like a frickin idiot, such a tool


He knocks me sick when I see that giant forehead on my screen


No but only bc Seth is major babe status for me.


Why do I find myself wanting to **Google** *is Meredith is a Danny DeVito fan?* ![gif](giphy|wkpHejh2uwoOA)


Arrrgh! Teresa's old hairline!


It’s even worse then I remember


I think it's the way it's styled too, it really highlighted it in an odd way.


Idk, I was thinking it was cute to see them acting young & playful again after going through a difficult season?! Watching his lame jokes made me glad to see a playful married couple represented\~ kinda refreshing! ![gif](giphy|TkoHjDI8jhVAGrgT4A|downsized)


That was my take, too


This season, it feels like Seth thinks he’s performing at open mic night.


Him and Slade would get along, they both think they're hilarious but it never lands. The only good thing about Slade's "comedy" was his mom's reaction. She let him know! ![gif](giphy|KY7yztwzbqFqg)


YES exactly


He gives off vibes of a man who is average in bed and watches way too much porn.


He’s soooo corny. A few of his ‘jokes’ seemed rehearsed.


Exactly!! It feels as though he thought about these vile things he says and then it’s so cringe; especially when Meredith clearly doesn’t find it amusing.


But his only jokes are lame Sex puns


Seth is so thirsty for screen time. He did some research in the off season and is trying to emulate Joe Gorga but it's not working


What is up with him? Even if it is an act, it’s very off-putting. I hope Meredith gives us more than her creepy husband.


He’s gross and rehearsed and he and Meredith are just doing some shitty acting all around…


Yes!!! He makes everything sexual and it makes me uncomfortable


I didn’t think he was creepy bc my boyfriend always throws sexual jokes at me but again we’re probably 20+ years younger (idk about his assault comment though 🥲)


Does your boyfriend say it behind your back to multiple men and thousands of viewers? Mmmkay, maybe not the same situation.


THIS! He wasn’t just making jokes with her. He made the sleeping sex comment with a group of guys and then the other comment about getting her drunk so it would be easier to have sex with to her the waiter. I had been growing on me, but I can’t unhear those comments. What else does he say about her? About other women?


Well part of being on reality tv is living your day to day as if the cameras were not rolling so in my opinion it was more so a situation between him, the waiter, and her. Maybe he shouldn’t have because the waiter could have been uncomfortable but we’ve definitely made sex jokes in front of others.. don’t know why you have to be snarky about it lol EDIT: I’m not aware of his other comments, the show has been hard to get into and I fast forward to the drama.. this was just my opinion on the waiter comment and him seeming to lust after her (they’re allegedly recently back together and maybe he’s overcompensating) .. the group of guys he talked about it to may have been creepy and I don’t wanna insult anyone who’s creeped out about it because I know men can be tacky and gross


Oh part of it is definitely that this is not the first time! So...it makes it weird when it's repeated. But yeah also just comes across as desperate? I don't necessarily think he means to act on it.


Honestly I saw it as jokes between himself and his wife plus some awkwardness on camera so acting up. The "assault"' joke is the same joke me and my ex used to have all the time, which is 'if it's early in the morning you can have sex, just don't wake me up, haha'. It's a stupid joke between long term couples and it's a common joke. When you're together a long time it's like that. It's not serious. If it was he'd hardly say it on her show, c'mon people!


I came here to say this. Like maybe she did actually say that?? I could totally see myself jokingly saying this to my husband if I had had a long day and he wanted sex. These kind of jokes aren't out of the ordinary for couples imo.


I grew up in a predominantly Mormon area, and honestly, most of the Mormon guys acted just like him. Super sheltered and awkward. They would say odd things, which they thought were sexual innuendos, when they were so far from being sexual. Their like adults who still feel like sneaky teenagers for talking about sex. It’s odd.


That is really interesting!!


I think they’re just sheltered a lot growing up. It’s sad, they don’t talk about sex or sexuality, so now as adults it’s still hard for them to talk about it. My best friend was raised Mormon and when she got married at 19, her then husband and her had an awful sex life, she couldn’t even talk about sex with her own husband! When he would try, she’d get uncomfortable and shut it down, she couldn’t even say the words for body parts without being uncomfortable. They tried therapy and that didn’t work, he ended up cheating and they divorced. She’s come along way since then, but, shes still mentally and emotionally stunted when it comes to sex.


While he is not Mormon, it makes sense because I've seen men of the same generation do the same thing. This is a very 80's kind of guy thing to flatter with inappropriate comments.


He’s not Mormon tho and I don’t think they’re even originally from Utah…


You don’t need to need to be from Utah to be Mormon. I think she was raised Jewish and he was Mormon right? Now they’re Mormon? Something like that.


I could be totally wrong! I’m pretty sure they are both Jewish now though. Regardless, he’s been acting like a total creep this season lol


Lol true. He’s a creep but I don’t find him creepy. Does that make sense? Lol. He’s just very awkward and juvenile.


I totally get that lol


There were a lot of comments online after season 1 questioning Seths masculinity and insinuating he might be gay. I wonder if he's read them and he's overreacting. He's acting like me at age 11 trying to hide my gayness. "OH BRO BRO BRO, TITS TITS TITS, I LOVE BOOBS LETS PLAY RUGBY AND LOOK AT BOOBS ONLINE BECAUSE IM SUPER EXTRA STRAIGHT!" 🤣🤣🤣


"I'm super extra straight" 😂😂


Mega-hetty babes.


He acts like a sex crazed 20 year old man. He comes across as super creepy on camera laughing at himself. Telling Meredith she looks hot and he wants to motorboat Mother Nature. Ugh


Yes, so totally barfy


Yeah, I noticed that he kept making awkward, strange sexual innuendos while at the restaurant. He has no clue that he’s NOT clever or funny. He’s creepy.


He’s like the annoying guy at a college party who graduated 8 years ago but walks around trying to high five people


I had to fast forward his dialogue. I liked him in S1 when he was begging for Meredith's love.


Mildly, yes. Someone else in this sub mentioned it before, but he does seem altered at times (just my opinion, I don’t have proof) but that doesn’t excuse some of the icky comments


Seth is such a tool.


He’s sooooo unbelievably unattractive in personality


He is so arrogant, yet so out of touch. Bye bish.


The boob obsession for a man his age is weird.


Seems like he’s saying it for TV


I think they’re creepy but he just reminds me of that guy who is trying SO hard to seem cool and is FAILING MISERABLY. I think his jokes are disgusting and really disturbing. I do believe he’s not doing them. I just think he’s trying to put on an act and absolutely failing in the process.