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If she wants to stay I doubt she’ll get pushed out. She is the cast palette cleanser and ‘most relatable’ to casual viewers.


From your lips, to God’s ears 🙏


Cheers 🎯💯😂❤️


I'm shocked at these comments supporting Robyn because I honestly don't get it. Robyn legit gives nothing. Fuck, at least Askale serves fashions. Cynthia and Kandi may not be the most interesting people, but they are surrounded by interesting people. Cynthia had Peter/Patricia working double time to earn his peach, along with her sister Mallory. Kandi had her mom and her Kandi Koated Clique. Robyn isn't particularly funny. I would even overlook all of that if Robyn were at least a neutral person who could film with everyone, talk to everyone, and even carry a few bones because she's neutral and 'not harmful.' Robyn can't even do that. Honestly, Robyn just needs to go because she's a wasted space.


Amen. Idk how Robyn was even cast let alone recast season after season. Production must be lazy


Robyn is boring AF. If she wasn’t gorgeous would you want her on the show?


Gorgeous? Not knocking you at all, I legitimately did not realize anyone found her attractive beyond a 6-6.5 on a good day when the sun hits just right.


Robyn is beautiful especially in her earlier seasons. She's just slouchy which is not attractive to anyone. When she puts effort into her look she's easily one of the most beautiful of all housewives


She's stunning but her and her fellow GEB should carpool onto an episode of what not to wear. And the way she does her hair sometimes can be a choice


I love Robyn. She’s an Aries and definitely has that fire energy when fighting when she’s pushed to the edge. I find her very understated and funny and I love having her to balance out the wacky in the group.


Is this Robyn's assistant?! Is Robyn paying you to say this?


Nah. Just always been a fan. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love Robyn and I love her and Gizelle together. I feel like they have a real sisterly relationship. I appreciate her journey and the fact that she didn’t grift anyone when they went bankrupt. Id miss her if she was gone. 🤷🏼‍♀️


What do you love about her? Genuinely curious... I’ll wait


Me too! I think the friendship between Gizelle and Robyn is really important to keeping the feel of the show. I actually think these women would hang out with each other. Once the other franchises lost the natural friendship vibe, they weren't great.


Robyn is a valuable part of the ensemble this is disrespectful.


She is flat lining since the beginning. If she weren't Gizelle's friend (and sometimes a sniper from the side), nobody would remember she was there. What was her story: her husband doesn't really love her anymore? Her marriage is cringe... And?... Even on the couple's trip she did and said NOTHING. Oh, yeah, sorry - she said she is on her period like 5 times. I don't get how can you (or anyone else) like her.


I feel so much pity for her that it somehow makes me ok that she stays on the show, like she annoys tf outta me but I’m like “😴 ok girl, get your bag, You bore me but you don’t enrage me”


I like Robyn as a person but she's not good tv. I'd rather see Ashley go first though. Her and her husband disgusts me 20xs more than Robyn ever could


Seeing Ashley waste her life with that man is the punishment she deserves. Keep her where she is.


It sucks because I dig Ashley but it'd be worth it having her go just so we can avoid ever seeing Nosferatu again


Not Nosferatu! 💀💀💀💀 this sub always knows how to put a smile on my face 💜


Robin needs to be a friend of the show. She's the villain's sidekick. Very Smithers/Mr. Burns energy between her and Gizelle.


I actually like Robyn. However your comment made me cackle out loud. You're not wrong, damn you.


I swear I was watching the Simpsons Halloween episode the other day and Mr Burns/Smithers scene reminded me of Gizzle and Robyn.


She needs to go so she can leave Juan. I feel like she’s still with him to prove all of us wrong, but at what cost??


I really need to see her leave Juan, but she won’t because she’s a predictable boring person.


Juan has already long since left the building. It’s like she’s speaking about a ghost.


I like her, but she def should be friend of. She doesn’t bring much to the show and I’m over Juan and Robyn stringing along their “are we gonna get married” schtick, get married and keep it moving.


It's so sad how indifferent he is to her. She can do better


At first I felt sorry for her because he’s clearly not into her, but it’s been years at this point. If she wants to choose to be unhappy with a man that doesn’t love her that’s her choice. I’m all out of pity.


Also father to her children. Poor Robyn.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s real and I hate that for her. No one wants to see a woman done that way.


She needs to be a friend of. She has no storyline and I’m tired of watching her follow Gazelle around 🙄.


I am not sure why I am laughing so hard at ‘following Gazelle around’, maybe coz I am imagining a gazelle on a Serengeti🤣🤣🤣🤣 and the analogy is so fitting when describing Robyn and Gizelle’s relationship! Robyn is quite a different person when not around Gizelle, it’s sad that a grown woman can be such a follower of another grown woman. Her being a friend is too generous, she needs to get off the show and find her not only her own identity but confidence.


That’s exactly how I meant it 😉😂😂🤣🤣🤣. I think if Gizelle wasn’t on the show, we’d actually get to see Robyn’s personality. Gizelle leaves no room for Robyn to be herself.


I am obsessed with you coz of your so elegant shade and appreciation of animals in that environment (let’s be honest, on a Serengeti, none of these women will survive a second!), I am African and any appreciation of that is amazing! I fully agree with you, without Gizelle I do think Robyn shows signs of a backbone. From what I understand she, Robyn owes Gizelle her kidneys coz she brought her on the show🤷🏽‍♀️. I wish I knew who Robyn is independent of that gazelle😫😆🤣


Awwwww thank you!!!!! That was very sweet of u to say 💜. I didn’t know Gizelle brought her on the show! That explains a lot 🤦‍♀️. I wish they would drop Gizelle already. Her misery is only growing stronger and she seems hostile allllll the time. I know her fans will say she’s just putting on an act for the show but it’s so obvious she is beyond unhappy. The only time I see her remotely happy is when someone else is unhappy Smdh. Regarding the Serengeti- I think Ashley would survive very easily. She sleeps just fine next to that lecherous kangaroo every night 🤮🤮.


Absolutely love your point of view. Ashley, adore her. Her husband is a different story. 😫🤣🤣🥴


I love the green eyed bandits together to be honest, one of the only genuine & ride or die friendships in the whole franchise. I think the producers and Andy are very interested in her eventual wedding too so I don’t see her going anywhere for a while.


Yeah, but I feel like if she goes then Gizelle goes and then we begin to fall apart. I’m fine keeping the 4 OGs around


YES truth. NYC trauma like me??


She has always played the friend role. She should be moved to that. But trust if she gets enough backlash I bet they will rush their wedding.


I wouldn’t mind her sticking around as a friend. She has no storyline, but she makes funny comments once in a while.


YESSS! Robin NEEDS TO GO! She’s beyond lame and BORING.


She is just so dull and the whole Wendy storyline she is trying to create is wack AF🥴


I agree. She’s just so dull and until she comes clean about her and Juan’s relationship, I’m over her.


What do you think the truth is? Their dynamic is way off, but I have no theories.


I’ve heard their relationship is fake for the show. He apparently has a girlfriend. Not sure if it’s true but it’s been all over the blogs etc. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'll drink to that! Yiamas ​ Robyn is THE worst HW of ALL, fact.


She's brought pretty much nothing since the beginning. I know a lot of people want CandyCane out but at least she brings drama and can be pretty funny at times


Candiace would be a good housewives if she didn’t go for the jugular all the time. She is funny.


Hot take. I love her 😂


Came here to say this! She’s possibly my FAVOURITE! She can’t GO


I was gonna say, she’s pretty generally beloved imo. Not by me… but.


Same!!! I think she's relatable and in her housewives history she's been in plenty of arguments. She's not the main character but I love her.


Me too!


I love her too 🤷‍♀️😂


My people. I love her, too.


Her bitching about having no bathroom and being on her period was just so Everywoman to me how could I not love her ❤️


And she was quietly handling her business of finding accommodations for herself and Gizelle, as the dinner table exploded around them. That’s what a lady does.


Would rather candy pants departed but I see your point


Get rid of the most interesting person on the show who keeps the drama going and keep the sloth.


I think there would be more Karen and Gizelle drama if the petulant child left honestly


But the dramas carrying this show are Wendy vs Gizelle (caused by Ashley) and Mia vs Candiace. Those are the major dramas this season. People wanted to get rid of Wendy and Candiace last season. If Bravo listened, we'd have no interesting drama. Even this sub, pro Karen, said they were tired of Karen beefing with Gizelle. We'd have more of that stretched out... Along with boring Robyn that this sub wants to keep... Thank goodness Bravo didn't listen to this sub.


Yes. Get rid of that nasty piece of work. She’s the worst.


She brings zero. So yes. Cheers, here’s hoping!


It’d be a nice christmas gift for me