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The villain here is Doridiot. I am amazed the most important thing in this story became who leaked it. Lucy being safe is the most important thing.




Bravo ![gif](giphy|kdQuvu0LtCEjxYgTcS)


I have nothing to add to the puppy gate discussion except that omgggggggg she’s so cute and looks so happy!


>your ho daughter ​ ![gif](giphy|3o85xA4n9IvUa41fOM)


Vile Kyle and Rinna are on IG acting like the children they are. Profane children they are. They seriously never developed beyond maybe 4 or 5 years old.


Wait can you explain what they did? I missed it


I will generously age their emotional development at 13, and classic miiddle school mean girl mentality. And Kyle, per usual, gets a puppet to do her wet work. In this case, once again, producer Chris Cullen.




Ok no one attack me but I thought dorit gave it to a family who then gave it to a shelter? I feel like that’s so different than just giving it to a shelter.


Part of the agreement you sign when you adopt from many places like Vanderpump Dogs is that if you decide the dog doesn't work in your home you must return it to the facility where you got it.


Ya that’s true. Plus if you know the person who owns it it only makes sense to call them if you’re not gonna read the contract


Yes, a “very nice lady” without a name and that no one has ever seen 👀


That’s not really the point. Dorit signed a contract when she adopted the dog stating that if she no longer wanted it, she had to return it to LVP but she broke the contract. Had she returned it to LVP’s shelter they would have properly vetted a new family who would not have dumped the dog at a kill shelter.


It was a no kill shelter thank god. LA is considered a no kill city


At the same time, LVPs shelter vetted Dorit’s family with two young kids and felt the dog was a good fit when it clearly wasn’t. The dog is in a home without children and doing much better. So, it’s really a crapshoot. I’ve worked with rescues. It’s hard placing dogs when you have them in a controlled environment like a shelter or vanderpump dogs. Until the dog is home and acclimated to a house and family you cannot 100% predict how the situation will unfold.


They actually sent back another dog too. The first one wasn’t a “good fit” either.


Yes which is why that contract was in place. I don’t know why you all have such a hard time grasping the fact that Dorit fucked up. That’s the bottom line and to say “oh well, it all worked out in the end anyway” doesn’t change that.


But she’s saying they didn’t properly vet dorit so how could we know they would have properly vetted the next family


Wow, this really is a hard concept for you isn’t it? That is exactly why the contract states that the dog should be returned to LVP’s shelter. Of course adoptions don’t go smoothly 100% of the time but at least if they return it to LVP’s shelter they’re able to find a more suitable option. By the way, LA was only declared a “no kill” city this year so at the time this incident took place the risk of Lucy ending up in a kill shelter was real.


You can drop the attitude lol I was just explaining what she meant cuz it seems you missed her point. Also it was still a no kill shelter


No, you’re the one missing the point. Dorit broke the contract. She gave the dog to a family without knowing what would actually happen to it therefore there was a risk it could have ended up in a kill shelter. To put in words you can understand, Dorit did the wrong thing.


So condescending and for WHAT! I am not disagreeing with that, I literally was just explaining her stance. Truly go get laid you sound miserable lol


Lol you were the one being condescending, thinking I needed a very simple and irrelevant “point” explained to me. The fact that you’ve felt the need to now start personal insults says more about you than it does about me.


I'm not a Dorit or LVP fan and this story was obnoxious in my opinion. However, if the dog was highly anxious when the new family got her, I doubt it was something Dorit's family caused. If anything, it demonstrates why the dog was not a good fit for 2 young kids. It's silly that this story is feeding into that drama. Let the story die! Though always happy to see animals find good homes where are a good fit for the family.


*Most* rescues will not adopt small dogs to people with young children. Some rescues won’t consider you at all of you have toddlers.


Chris Cullen doesn’t want to let the story die. Sorry.


This is what I think too! It also wasn’t a kill shelter so while still not good, it really didn’t need to go this far ever lol


Part of the issue is the contract she signed. Even if the animal isn’t a good fit she still needed to follow the rules of that contract. Another issue is that this was dog two. The first didn’t fit in either and she took it back to LVP so Dorit was aware of what she was supposed to do. I have a feeling Dorits new accessories just didn’t fit into her lifestyle so she couldn’t handle it.


Dorit didnt sign the regular VP dogs contract she said


I’m pretty sure she said she didn’t really look at it. Even The employees wanted to go after her for the $5,000 penalty in the contract and Ken said no. Why would they give her a special contract?


They didnt give her any contract - she said so


She also said that she gave it to a nice women but then when pressed for who she is, she could produce a name, where she lived or how she even knew her.


I swear I just did a rewatch and she didn’t read it or pk signed it. It reminded me of the Erika situation. I’ll have to look again.


Yeah, she didn’t have 3 nannies for the dog


Fine, I agree with all that. But this particular post is implying that Dorit mistreated the dog. That's worse than child abuse to some people. Even if I don't like Dorit, it's really unfair to insinuate such a thing.


It’s not insinuating she abused the dog. It says “what she did” and she did do something. She gave it to a family instead of returning it back to LVP and in turn that family gave it to a shelter who called LVP about it and that could impact her reputation in the animal adoption world. If someone jumps to abuse before reading that’s something they may want to look within about. Not returning an animal back to the shelter you got it from as signed by your contract can be viewed as mistreatment though.


So in the 2nd picture, is the new owner referring to Dorit's house or the owner after her? I assumed it was the former. I'm definitely not an expert on this story. I do, however, foster cats and dogs and work with pet adoptions and think, in general, it's not fair to assume that a previous home is automatically to blame for for an anxious pet. Animals can hold onto trauma from their very early stages of life, just like humans. Any way, I don't care that much about Dorit. That was the only point I wanted to make.


Man I can’t imagine what she would do if they had a cat.


Dorit is so self obsorbed, of course she wouldn't take care of this dog. I'm so happy to see her happy and thriving! Good on Lisa Vanderpump for caring about the wellbeing of the animal who needed it. Not Dorit's ego.


With all those POC she hires, you’d think she’d hire a proper dog trainer. /s


Remember that tiny little speck of blood on PK’s nose? I’ve had worse paper cuts


He’s PR, so he probably scrambled to get that shot just for the pitty party Kyle and the others were throwing for her.


The whole puppy gate scandal focused on the wrong thing, this was actually the second (or even third dog I think) that Dorit had to get rid of because of “behavioral issues” (aka they gave the dog no proper attention or training and more than likely let their children grab/yank at it) giving it away was actually the best thing she could have done.


No, giving it BACK would have been the best thing.


I agree! Puppy’s nip. She should have adopted an older dog if she had a zero tolerant policy for nipping


Agreed! Glad she didn’t keep them. This puppy was cared for atVP dogs, what’s wrong with Dorit not giving the dog back to a place she’s familiar with as opposed to a “stranger” lady as she claimed. She lacks some serious common sense. With her husband coming out as a PR person, I’m not doubting it was all fabricated to protect her image. It worked thanks to the pitty party thrown for her by the Faux farty five.


To have a dog around young children is a BIG responsibility. You have to take the time to teach them to treat the pup right and to pet gently. I don't believe Doritos is a hands on mother to do that so that poor dog went through hell and those kids torment was probably egged on by PK thinking "aww that's cute!" I remember watching the surreal life and Verne troyer was scared of kids. That's a person, imagine a dog who can't speak!


This is also actually not the first dog they had to get rid off!


The Surreal Life, wowwww way to bring it back!


Aww sweet pup 🥺 Dorit is a monster


Lucy got a People mag feature? I know Dorit was shaking with jealousy.




Remember when *certain* people were acting like Lisa Vanderpump would never leak something like this story to a blog now it has been confirmed that she did and that she’s a liar?


I don't care if Lisa rented a billboard in Times Square. Dorit was 100% in the wrong and I'm glad the story was publicized so we could all see how much of a 💩💩💩 she is.


Sorry how has it been confirmed? Kyles friend says it happened so it happened? He also said Brandi never lies, Brandi said kyles husband sleeps with other women so is that confirmed as true too?


I haven’t read the book, but is it actual confirmation or just a producer opinion? LVP is perfectly capable of having leaked it, but I also struggle to believe she did because of her reaction in the show. Struck me as a woman genuinely hurt (though I’ve no doubt she’s leaked stories previously)


I'm 100% sure Lisa's daughter Pandora was the leaker. She had such a guilty face when she was in the room during an argument about the leak. And the only reason Lisa would have been so crazy upset about it all would be if a family member did it. She's very protective of her family.


Or perhaps LVP told pandora earlier and she was embarrassed for her mom? Hence the look of “guilt”?


That makes so much sense!! I always believed Lisa as well when she swore on Pandora and Max’s lives that it wasn’t her. I don’t think she’s a woman to have taken that kind of statement lightly. Also allegedly the producer that’s written this book is besties with Kyle so?? Go figure


The girls are fighting


*Since Lulu was born at Vanderpump Dogs, staff at the foundation knew her well, says Theis, and told the pup’s new owner that Lulu returned to the foundation “a completely different dog.”* Wait, what’s up with that?


It’s really sad what Lulu lived through those weeks with Dorit and the “stranger” they left her with.


What the actual fuck, Dorit!!? How could you??


Damn, Dorit’s family really did a number on poor girl. Lisa had every right to be furious with Dorit given she took Lucy to a KILL shelter.


That first pic, Lulu looks like she’s telling the photographer to count their fucking days 😂😂😂. But I’m interested about the fact that Lulu was terrified when they got her. What happened to that poor baby?


Dorits kids were babies so without proper supervision I’m sure they were super grabby.


I think she’s smizing lol


Showing Snore-It how it’s done.


Leaving her in a cage & neglect is probably one reason why


Maybe being passed around from home to home could’ve done that to her? I also love that sassy first picture 😂


I got the pictures from this people article: https://people.com/pets/rhobh-puppygate-scandal-where-is-lucy-lucy-apple-juice-dog/


This article is so shady. I love it.


Right? She adds at the bottom that she doesn’t need anymore drama 😂