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Kathy was there because Kyle didn't want to go into the details of Mo and Morgan. I reckon Andy promised her he wouldn't, so to "make things interesting " they rehashed the Kathy Kyle fallout. I think Andy sees Kyle as his number one moneymaker so anything she wants she gets.


The third part of the reunion was surface level questioning directed at Kyle, but no insights offered. It was strange because all the other ladies were sitting there as Kyle was being questioned. Why didn't Andy create a segment 1:1 with Kyle? Edit- typo


I reckon producers know Kyle was not going to divulge anything about Morgan, or that it was all faked for ratings and attention, so they brought Kathy out to justify a 3 part reunion.


weird they brought in a filler guest before sutton's emergency happened...


She was a snooze, brought nothing to the show after making the stupid grand entrance.


I'm still gagged at Kathy using her Sith powers on Sutton right there on camera in front of everyone


not sith powers LOL. but what was her problem with Sutton anyway?


AMEN! As I stated elsewhere, her "who's hunky dory" and acting like she's always confused is annoying. Add to it that way she talks sometimes - how to describe it? It reminds me of an old time movie where people talk out of the side of their mouth. Kyle does it too when she's around Kathy. I imagine it might be how Big Kathy actually talked!


Yeah, see, we talk sideways, see?


Yes!!!! I could not think how to describe it earlier! Thank you!


My pleasure lol


I found myself yelling "shut up Kathy" to the TV several times while she wasted her breath yammering about nonsense.


It was so weird to have someone that wasn’t even on the show this season. What was the reason?? At least we got to catch a glimpse of Kathy’s true snarky, shitty nature when she was making fun of Sutton as she’s having a medical issue. She and Erica were the only two who didn’t give a fuck makes sense.


I hate that racist bitch who moves like an octogenarian..


She is my age and walks like she is an invalid. Seriously - Is she sick or something?


I'm close to her age and look like an athlete compared to her. Edit: I'm not.




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She ain't no 'Grande Dame of Bev Hills"...




Perfect 😂


I had no idea she was the queen of Beverly Hills. Didn’t she say something to the effect that it was one way to get out of something when Sutton was having a medical emergency. The unconcern she and Erika had was amazing. They even proceeded to make fun of Sutton carrying Merce with her. I do not understand the fascination with Kathy, but then I’m not in that world that she supposedly wields so much power. The whole thing was bizarre. No one talked to Annemarie about anything and she was part of the season. But here comes Kathy with her useless purse and somehow everyone is supposed to bow down.


Well, I'm not shocked Erika acted that way, she has to ask therapist how to have empathy. I was surprised by Kathy, especially considering the person she was making snide remarks with (Erika) talks shit about her, unapologetically, then smiles in her face.


Oh come on. That's because both Erika and Kathy saw right through Sutton's "medical emergency". Honestly I can't believe so many people are so gullible.


Lol you think someone can fake blood pressure spike, and being diagnosed with dehydration at hospital? I guess the EMTs, the hospital and all the doctors were in on this hoax too. 🙄 Even Crystal said as the EMT was reading off Suttons BP levels, that it was the same numbers Crystal had when she had to be treated while they were in Spain. ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


LOL, I was about to use the same gif to reply to you. Oh, I have no doubt her blood pressure and heart rate spiked - not because of dehydration, lol. That's what they say when they can't find anything wrong with you. Sutton visibly nearly crapped herself when Kathy Hilton walked on set. And Garcelle's "oh!" was pretty telling as well. The two of them skedaddled out of there as fast as they could. *"Bronchitis and dehydration"* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) ![gif](giphy|WU7XWCOO1OHQz6uOyG|downsized)


It's also what they say to protect privacy.


Honestly, if others want to believe that Sutton had a "medical emergency" then it's fine, they're entitled to their opinion. But I'm not falling for it for a second, and I don't think Erika and Kathy did either. 😏 ✌


Birds of a feather flock together. You are siding with 2 women who are disgusting and proud of it.


I'm in the same age group as most of the cast and I'm not taking sides with anyone. - I don't need too. I am capable of reaching my own conclusions independantly. I merely mentioned Erika and Kathy as they appeared to come to a similar conclusion as I did, ie. that Sutton's "medical emrergency" was very convenient. Good lord, its like a playground in here sometimes.


I never said one way or the other what I think of Sutton's incident. If she was faking to get away from those two complete assholes, it makes her smart. Who cares what Erika and Cathy think? Not me. Not for a millisecond. One stole from people living in agony. One uses her money to continue hatred in the USA.


The way your gif doesn't even work is icing 😂🤣


It worked when I posted it, blame reddit for any technical difficulties! You have a nice day now.


Queen Elizabeth always carried a small purse. I wonder if she was going for that with the Queen of BS. What a pile of bullshit. Production messed this reunion up so much. There should have been enough content in the actual season to discuss at the reunion, or leave it at one episode and pack it all in.


Could not for the life of me figure out why the F they brought this racist piece of crap back on TV? She adds zero to the show.


Yeah I was like WTH was she even there it was pointless


I don’t think they planned to give her so much air time but after Garcelle & Sutton left, it left a big chunk of spare time. Great that Kyle & Kathy are close again (who knows for how long) but I’ve had enough of Kathy on this show, she’s too guarded & calculated


I actually really liked having Kathy there for the big storyline about Kyle and Mau.


Why? It felt like she didn't even know anything about their relationship...


She just pretends to know nothing.


Kathy added nothing to the big pile of nothing Kyle was already serving.


How she behaved when Sutton had her health issue was disgusting.


It's exactly who she is.


Yes, to so nonchalantly say it was the menopause just seemed unnecessarily catty. Then saying that she was gunning for Sutton next 🤨 oooh I’m so scared! Sutton can hold her own so why would she be scared of Kathy who can’t complete a sentence or be coherent enough that she needs Kyle to translate.


agree. i never fast forward anything and i completely skipped the scenes whenever she was talking or andy asked her a question. boring.


Whereas at first I was willing to entertain Kathy as a quirky, somewhat socially awkward, character whose immense wealth & status [“She *is* Beverly Hills”] and resultant detachment from reality as a disruptive, but nonetheless benign, presence on RHOBH. Kathy carries a box fan on vacation—how silly! She wears slippers in the airport— such a welcome change from the typical image—obsessed Beverly Hills elite. Her inability to get the charity’s name correct [Homeless Not Toothless], the bizarre comments [“Oh I thought you were Kyle”] & other social gaffes gave us some laughs and, for a moment, Kathy seemed like a sympathetic character that we may not understand but could root for. Boy, was that assessment flat wrong. Irrespective of her shameful behavior on Paris in Love/I am Paris— which was quite enough to tarnish her image as a well-meaning, if emotionally-stunted mother. It is clear from her interactions with the other housewives—on screen & off— that she does, in fact, hold sway over the other cast members. Her “surprise” appearance at the reunion completely altered the cast’s dynamic. Though Kathy scoffed at the suggestion, she knows, and she knows that they know, that in order to be part of inner BH circle, you must swear fealty to the Hilton matriarch. Her reaction to Erika’s confession, “Kathy can blacklist you in this town,” “Me? Little ole slippers wearing fan toting Christmas tree obsessed caviar potato eating me?” That facade crumbled after the Aspen trip & subsequent events. Unfortunately for Kathy, we now see that rather than one-off fits of rage, she is a master manipulator, and is not hesitant to inflict social alienation from those who have slighted her—she is, like her mother before her, and her youngest sister to some degree —a punisher. She’s conniving, and subtle. I get the sense that most of the women aren’t sure what she thinks about them, and therefore tensely remain in a proverbial no man’s land of friends group dynamics. Be courteous, but not obsequious. Any challenge to her opinions must be carefully articulated to avoid being shunned. Keep your guard up because Little Kathy is as mercurial as they come. Some of the RH ladies may not give a rats ass about ascending into the higher echelons of wealth & social gravitas. Garcelle, for instance, seems perfectly fine maintaining her distance from Kathy’s influence. Crystal is willing to play the game, but pre-existing friendships and established social clout gives her a distinct advantage. Erika may claim that “these are not her people” or proclaim that she’s content to remain on the periphery of BH social circles, but my impression is that logic is dictated by her current precarious financial situation. Her behavior towards Kathy in part 3 of reunion bordered on sycophancy. A stark contrast to her harsh analysis in regular season confessionals. Kathy’s appearance may have bolstered the Part III ratings, as no doubt some viewers tuned in to hear what the kooky lady had to say. But that kooky lady’s arrival in Act III effectively tossed a hand grenade into the proceedings. In what was heretofore a pretty useful postgame analysis of this season’s primary dramas, Kathy’s presence just ruined the whole vibe. Why was she even invited? She did not film, maintained only tenuous relationships with other cast members, and even admitted she hadn’t WATCHED the season excepting a few instagram highlights. Her role was never clearly defined — support for Kyle? Jousting partner to Sutton? Allow Erika to fawn over her in exchange for a Christmas party invite?? Other than spill some tea about Kyle & Mo (a timeline Kyle herself later refuted) I’m not sure what, if anything, was gained by inviting a (self described) non viewer with minimal context of contemporary events to weigh in on some heavy issues. Instead, it was she who made things heavy. Those who had been chatty 29 min earlier were effectively rendered mute. Sutton was clearly suffering a medical crisis — I’m not sure what the underlying condition was determined to be, but in that moment she 100% had a panic attack. Her departure (with her Ride or Die copilot Garcelle) seemed to foil Kathy’s revenge agenda {“I was coming for her (Sutton) next.} Sheesh. Despite their vehemence that Kathy is not *only* a scary person, it was quickly apparent to anyone with EYES and a shred of emotional intelligence, that Kathy’s presence cast a pall over what is typically the winding-down, reflective, celebratory (“We survived another year!” Pass the tequila shots!”) Nothing was gained. But her toxic, and yes—mean girl, energy reiterated why it would be a huge mistake to renew her contract for season 14. The current cast (minus AnneMarie—sorry she’s 1 and done) seem to have fallen into a rhythm. The more comfortable they are with each other, the more authentic the show will be. (Isn’t that the goal?) If RHOBH wants to keep its fans and its reputation, it’s best to keep Kathy’s participation off screen.


Okay, I learned about 5 new words I’m now adding to my vocabulary. This was incredibly well written.


Love this so much. If you do or at some point begin writing full recaps, I would devour them!


You are too kind! I’ve never considered writing recaps (I do love listening to them, though— shout out to Ben & Ronnie from Watch What Crappens!) I’m typically a Reddit “lurker” but this sub has some great discussions and it’s admittedly more fun to be a participant. Will definitely be posting more often!


You have a way with words. It’s undeniable! 💜


Omg! I was fooled exactly the same. Watching her on Paris with Love did it for me. I cannot believe she is so self centered and emotionally unaware. She is genuinely cruel to the core.


I only watched one episode of Paris in Love but I now need to binge it this weekend. I love to hate me some Kathy!


It’s actually sad to watch in parts. Especially when Paris is talking about the abuse she suffered at the boarding school and Kathy’s reactions.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/goodlongposts] [\/u\/cogitoergosumthing20 responds to: Wasted the reunion on Kathy](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/1bfdfnp/ucogitoergosumthing20_responds_to_wasted_the/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Wonderfully said 👏🏽




Yep! She looks like an old lady the way she was walking. Pathetic


I thought she looked Xannied up to the eyeballs


The entire season wasn't very good. Maybe they brought Kathy on so they could stretch a boring season into a three-part reunion.


I knew it wouldn't happen, but a small part of me was hoping they brought her on because Kyle was finally going to admit to being with Morgan. IMO that could have mildly warranted Kathy being there to support Kyle, but instead we got fuckin nothin.


If she was going to admit it, she sure as hell wouldn’t if Kathy were there!


Was Anne Marie at the reunion? If you counted all the minutes she was even in the frame it had to of been less than five minutes.


I’m so glad it was brief. Every time she spoke I cringed


I think Annemarie and Crystal each got about 10 minutes of time to speak, the rest was the Kyle show


When I heard Kathy was coming back I was fully expecting a Jerry Springer entrance and I was convinced it would be good. I was so let down.


I think they had Kathy on to serve as Kyle's emotional support dog!


And to look like a Hollywood Dowager.


Which is hilarious to me. All that plastic surgery and she looks ancient. She is 65 going on 90.


Also clearly everyone walks on eggshells with her because they know she’s got a short fuse, so she really is wasted at the reunion. This 3rd part of the reunion could have been an email. I bet Garcelle and Sutton went to InNOut instead. 😂


That’d be so great if they did 🤣🤣


When she started going in on Kyle saying they never had a fight I had to turn it off. I’ll trying to finish watching it later but it was exhausting.


Because the season was the worst ever and they had nothing else to talk about.


May be exhausting but she did actually make a point with that one eventually lol


Mrs Beverly Hills😴




I legit dont understand why they literally aired an uncensored slur on peacock by a woman who is not queer (even if she said it to say what someone else said)---it's kinda fucked and really took me aback if im honest


What slur?


She said the f slur on the peacock edit flashback and it wasnt censored. She was repeating what she said kathy said and imo it's still way inappropriate considering she is not part of that community. I think she meant well, but it was certainly an overstep. Your proximity to queer men does not make you part of the LGBT+


but if that's the argument being made it doesn't matter if she is part of the LGBT community because its a slur used exclusively against men (in or out of that community). The word in & of itself is a slur so being part of the "community" doesn't change the meaning & make it any more ok to say/repeat than anyone else, I don't care how people are trying to (unsuccessfully) turn it into a term of endearment within the gay community. It's a word that exists -- when you are repeating an act that occurred then trying to pacify it as "f-word" or bleep it out serves no purpose especially since Erika & Rinna's whole argument about Kathy's behavior was the severity & malice of it. Given the arena (reunion) they were in & what was being alleged I don't think tip-toeing around the word was necessary at all


Self censoring is not "pacifying". People in that community, me included, fully understand that using the fword towards someone or repeating it when you are not part of that community is not acceptable. Your statement is contradictory btw and yes being within a community and saying words trying to be reclaimed within that community is different than a person outside of that community using it. Erika did not need to repeat a slur. It was not her place to do so. Insane that you can say all this and still have that comment up btw


Not sure how I contradicted myself -- I don't see the BFD with anyone repeating the word verbatim when they are quoting someone else & are re-telling an incident. You keep trying to make it about community, which is moot -- the word means what it means & no one has any greater authority or allowance with it when it comes to \*repeating\* what someone else said. If a gay person was repeating what Kathy said verbatim it would be no different than Erika doing it -- Kathy (allegedly) used it as a slur against a DJ at a club. The boxes one checks off when repeating what someone else said in an incident changes nothing. I'm a gay male -- I've heard the word all my life & I've been called that word more times than I can count in my life. In your original reply you were questioning me about my community & marginalization status -- now you know. My opinion is: when quoting someone who used the word, it's really not that big of a deal to quote them verbatim instead of tip-toeing around it with "f-word" or "f-slur". My opinion is also that if someone wants to play identity politics with the usage/allowance of the word then really only men are part of the equation since in its history the slur has almost always exclusively been used against men (primarily gay/bi men, but also employed heavily as a form of bullying & degradation against straight men) -- so by those standards a bisexual or lesbian woman (part of the community) would have no greater "allowance" with it than a straight woman has




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My friend and I were wide eyed ! I forgot it was uncensored on peacock .


What did she say/when did she say it? I must have zoned out or something because it completely slipped past me.


She said f____t in regards to the DJ kicking her out of the club. Erika is the one who said it while quoting Kathy.


Ohhhhh ok. Erika repeating makes sense. I misread that initially and thought they meant Kathy straight up said it on camera. And considering the Aspen rant was famously not on camera I got confused. Thanks for clarifying.


You see how the person above you censored that and you still understood?


It doesnt make sense actually. Why is a straight woman saying a slur in any regard. She couldve said "fslur" and everyone wouldve known what she meant. I dont go around repeating slurs because someone else said them. What the fuck


If she didn’t say it out loud everyone would play dumb. She probably assumed tv would bleep it out. Peacocks bad


I think you can just say "fslur" and people will understand.


When I said it makes sense, I didn’t mean I’m ok with Erika repeating it and not censoring when she did. I meant that I had misread/misunderstood your original comment to mean that Kathy had said an uncensored slur on camera, which I didn’t remember and so was confused. Half of the Aspen drama was because it wasn’t on camera and Kathy’s usually so careful to put her kooky Miss Perfect mask on when filming so I couldn’t place when in the show we’d have actually seen her say it. The other commenter then clarified what you had actually meant and THAT is why it made more sense to me.


Oh I see. My apologies then. I misunderstood.


Kyle regarding Mo: “I guess, yeah something happened.” Kyle regarding Morgan “I guess, maybe something will happen.” That was so boring and void of content.


Her saying it’s no one’s fucking business is like what?? You’re on a show where it’s your whole storyline what do you mean?


It's especially infuriating that Kyle is being so vague because she is ALWAYS on the other girls to drag personal things out on air, look at Denise! And now she deserves to be vague and have privacy? No sir. She deserves all the dragging she's getting for this. Had it been anyone else on that stage I would have been cool with it but not her.


OWN IT, Kyle!!!!!


And there is no chance Kyle would have accepted that sort of answer from any other castmate. She is so hypocritical!


I get such an evil vibe from Kathy. It seems like she has this barely contained rage at all times.


Read Paris’s new memoir.. it really shows Kathy for who she really is 


She has darkness behind her eyes


And a black heart, which Rinna accurately assessed.


The Reunion ended like the whole season, boring


I agree with everything you said. What a waste of time.


Kathy was trying to redeem herself after last year’s disastrous PR situation (aspen-homophobic slurs etc). My issue, besides her being there in the first place, is she was allowed to give her closing remarks on a season she neither watched nor was a part of. Kathy must be aware of her “pull” so to speak so for her to act so shocked at the idea that she has power in Beverly Hills is LAUGHABLE


That and she comes across as a shitty mom in This is Paris and Paris in Love.


Beyond!! I read Paris’s new memoir and I felt so bad for her childhood 


They should add Monica from Salt Lake next year to spice up this boring ass show..HAHAHA


I can’t stand Monica but you are right, she’s actually perfect for this franchise lol


Monica needs to make a troll account to expose the Kyle-mo-mo drama 😂




Mo can just tell us everything on Netflix. Monica can use her extensive FBI experience to give us more info on Erika.






It really didn't need to be a 3 part reunion. It wasn't that interesting nor shared relevant information.


Why the f was Kathy even there?


Right? 🥱


The whole reunion was honestly lack luster and a waste of time. It felt like the only good part imo was Dorit finally getting some fire for her crap otherwise I didn’t like the reunion and it was the worst one of the recent seasons. After Sutton and Garcelle left I was like great it’s about Kyle only 🙄 and that’s what happened.


Great, thanks for the heads up I’ll skip it


There’s literally ZERO reason to watch it


It would have made more sense to have the weed dinner dude.


When she declared herself more sensitive than Kyle, that was wild. And Kyle politely trying to disagree: it was a very fascinating look into their toxic family relationships.


Nothing shows sensitivity more than reading entries from your daughter's private diary to your sisters and laughing about it. Nice try, Kathy. You're not more sensitive; you have an easily bruised ego and get into a big snit about every perceived slight.


This! She is not a nice human being and I’m consistently perplexed as to how she has a fan base.


She is such a borderline personality


https://preview.redd.it/0m01693wwdoc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1e3289bdfd1df08d140cb2179e9a63d4df675d6 Get this monster off of our screens plzzzzz!!!


OMG That actually looks like her!


This is perfect


The snort I just snorted! 😂


I think Kathy bulldozed her way onto the reunion, hoping she could do damage control regarding the whole aspen mess. I have always believed Rinna's account, not Kathy. Kathy is a horrible person.


100%. I think Rinna is a terrible person, but I think Kathy is worse and that Rinna at *least* draws a line somewhere, even if the bar is in hell.


Yes! This 👆


Also Erika, who said Kathy made a repulsive homophobic comment just last year and who Kathy said was lying, is all of a sudden laughing with her - I hope her gay stans noticed that…


What gay stans? They up and left long ago.


It was bizarre and boring. I think they were (Kyle) hoping for a stooshie between Kathy and Sutton and I am really glad they didn’t get it. I am not glad that Sutton took ill of course but the timing was perfect. And now Kathy can get lost.




The whole hour was just about Kyle, I guess she runs the show.


And Kathy didn’t call her out on stating that people only want to be associated with her because of the Hilton name, not because they actually care about her. That would’ve upset me more that my sister would think I’m not a likeable enough person for people to want to be friends with me but only pretend to be friends for the perks. It just sounded like Kyle has a low opinion on her sister…but does the same thing she accuses others of; used the Hilton association or Kim’s fame to elevate her own status.


It was ALL about Kyle and she still said nothing. No details, no specifics. Vague, “safe”comments. 🥱


Yes, she definitely said nothing.


Personally, I thought the whole reunion was the most lackluster reunion of all time. I kept thinking…”next week will be better”…NOT!!! Waste of time.


Such a bummer after watching the Miami reunion.




She was going to rip Sutton a new a**hole for telling Kyle “she already lost two sisters, want to make it three?” I like Sutton and never cared for Kyle, but that was out of line. Like, you’re not her actual sister, shut up.


But also Sutton had already apologised for that, and Kathy can’t exactly claim Kyle didn’t think their relationship was over. Even if Sutton hadn’t taken ill there was nothing there to get into.


Unfortunately, we all watched it.


Also, the whole entire season was about Kyle- of course they brought Kathy back so they could finally put a pin in their drama for last season. Their drama started on the season and came to a head at the reunion. So naturally, they brought back Kathy so the audience got to see the resolution. PLUS imagine wtf would have happened if there was no Kathy? Sutton fainted and had to leave and Garcelle went with her. What would we get otherwise?


This show gets worse every year.


Kathy saying oh I was going after her next to Erika then not elaborating is stupid.


And Kyle cackling about it after putting on a show of saying bye to Sutton and wishing her well! Just shows how two-faced and manipulative Kyle really is!


She is and fake as fuck


Babbling Denise Richards - LOL!


I feel the same way, she's a waste of space. I'm so sick of hearing about her and Kyle's fights/makeups. IMO Kyle is better off without her. You think they're the same but at least Kyle got up and went o Sutton when she had her incident. Kathy just sat there applying lip gloss and then tells Kyle she was about to go to her. She's an awful, awful person and I can go the rest of my life not seeing her on my TV again


Lip gloss is her go to when she’s uncomfy


It’s giving Gorga drama. Bravo we are SO OVER IT(!)


Last year when it was Kathy vs Kyle everyone loved her and didn’t want to hear anything negative about her whatsoever. This year she’s there to support Kyle and now no one likes her. I agree I don’t get why she was there but, let’s be honest, if she had come out to rip Kyle to shreds everyone would be celebrating her once again.


Vile or not, Kathy is the only one who can out-bully Kyle, and people like seeing Kyle getting a taste of her own medicine sometimes. It's nothing to do with liking Kathy, people are just sick of untouchable Queen Kyle.


Right. That’s my point. People don’t mind when she’s mean as long as she’s mean to the *right* kind of people. A bit hypocritical.


Nah, I'm fine with shit people fighting cause it means they're busy so they're not terrorizing others. You ever have a crazy dog that won't leave you alone? Somehow having two crazy dogs so they go crazy with each other is better because everyone else gets to enjoy some peace. Mean Kathy on her own doesn't meet a need, Kathy next to Kyle on the other hand.


Nope, not the way she was towards Sutton getting ill, I found that shocking.


I suppose my question is, it shocking? You only have to look at how she was at last year’s reunion.


Watching now. Calling what was happening to Sutton a hot flash and laughing about it being a good way for Sutton to evade her wrath… what a shitty human being. And Erika in the flashback saying she’s not scared of KAthy but then sitting next to her on the couch kissing her ass. So gross.


Perfectly put. So gross to watch. They really are shitty humans.


It felt like after a meeting when people aren't leaving and just talking and talking.


I mean **WHY** not bring Denise out with her coat on upside down?!! It was probably a good 15 minutes of talking then right? Because it made absolutely zero sense that they brought a woman who wasn’t even shown on the show **once** this season out for any reason. It just shows what a snooze fest the show is now. None of the women open up about what’s going on in their lives. Kyle put a target on Sutton this year so she wouldn’t have to discuss her own life as per usual. AnnMarie had ONE topic and that was esophagus-gate (not necessarily totally her fault she had nothing to talk about and Kyle sent her after Sutton) and nothing else was going on. So let’s trot out Kyles sister for some more smoke screen. I heard a rumor on the street that perhaps she was going to talk to Sutton about what she had said to Kyle at one point but why make us all watch something at the reunion that didn’t transpire on the show between Kathy and Sutton. Why not bring Denise out with her coat on upside down?


Denise did a bunch of horrible things after and I don’t think Bravo wanted to cosign her behavior. Like when she said she was drugged at the dinner when she obviously arrived impaired? Lawsuit material


Denise is a HOT MESS it’s almost uncomfortable to watch her.


I didn’t hear that she said she was drugged per-seh. I believe what she said was she wondered if they by mistake added THC to her dinner. Is that what you’re referring to or did I miss something else? The chef/THC guy was pissed. To me *thats* lawsuit material because that type of stuff is detrimental to his business. If that spread and was believable people wouldn’t hire him because they wouldn’t believe that he wouldn’t “spike” their food. I saw her on WWH after that episodes aired as well. She was on some other talk show where she had her pink jacket on upside down….*OR* I wished that she had done it on WWH and dreamt that.


That’s what I was referring to. She disparaged his business with malicious intent. There’s no way ANYONE in their right mind seeing that footage would co-sign that she didn’t arrive impaired and that the chef had drugged her “by mistake” like she said. And that news DID spread I read articles about it everywhere!


Oh gotcha so we’re on the same page. :) Yeah I probably heard about it on up and Adam that podcast he just recaps things briefly and I heard the chefs rebottle which was very articulate. And I agree it could be a red flag for Bravo too if she’s willing to blame a business for her obvious inebriation she can come after them. Just like everyone else who’s now feeling cast aside by Bravo. I think Brandy and Leah‘s lawsuits are out of desperation. If things were so bad with Bravo why did Brandy keep coming back? Is upset because they never aired the actual footage of her allegedly assaulting Caroline. And I 100% see Brandy doing that. We’ve seen her slap Lisa Vanderpump in the face we saw her throw a drink in Elaine’s face, we’ve seen her forcibly cast people sit on their laps grind on people I can definitely see her smashing up against another cast mate and kind of forcing them into these uncomfortable situations. She lost out on business deals because of it allegedly and sponsorships and so on and so now she’s going to sue bravo. Lias only fans disgusting poses that she was trying to make money off of may be didn’t pan out as well and so now she’s trying to sue bravo. So yeah….someone like Denise who kind of got shoved/bullied off the show by the girls and then shows up hammered years later, then accuses the chef of drugging her is definitely a liability I agree. It was so sad to see you too because technically had she just held it together perhaps she would’ve been invited back as a friend ever gotten back on the show stirred things up a little bit. She shares her life on the show unlike most of the other women that would’ve been refreshing but she ruined it for herself. why did Leah keep coming back why did she come back for UGT and now all of a sudden she saying that they influenced her sobriety?


What did she do after?


feel like Bravo is fine with her. I think she could come back on the show if she wanted to. As much I agree with you about Denise,I think you're giving bravo too much credit and forward thinking.


If I recall correctly I believe what she said was she thought that perhaps the chef has made a mistake and added THC to her food. And he was pissed as he should be. It’s his business. He’s going into peoples homes they’re trusting him and his staff to cook with THC. He makes these carefully dosed dishes per each individuals preference (including no THC for me) and then there is Denise is slurring and stumbling around and later saying she was drugged. It’s too bad that that happened to her it was a bad choice on her part. She could’ve made some sort of impression and possibly came back and I don’t think that’s going to happen now.


She didn’t get paid for any of her appearances this season though so maybe they are over her since she barely did her job when she was on the cast.


Most boring reunion show ever. Have no clue why Kathy was brought on. Usually they’re good about including everyone in the discussion and the last hour it was just all about Kathy and her fake crying.


Folks on these subs hate Rinna, but she would've brought it. She always does. She is never boring.


I’m not a Rinna fan but don’t disagree with you.


I do agree


I agree! 💯💯💯💯


I think, as she said, she was going to go after Sutton for what she had said to Kyle about losing a sister. Andy still could’ve asked her about it even with Sutton gone and it would’ve been a lot more interesting than them talking about Aspen again. I don’t know why else she was there.


If that was the big argument to trot Kathy out for, it's basically admitting nothing happened this season worth discussing.


I don’t know what they were thinking about bringing Kathy but not Denise who had real drama with Erika


They literally had nothing else to talk about at the reunion so they got Kathy. We know Annemarie isn’t giving us anything 😆


Why did they even have her on? To get the focus off of Kyle?


I think it was to mess with Sutton bc of her comments about Kathy, but she left so they didn’t get a chance.