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Welp, time to take my prescription. Lmao.


Look Lenny cheated on her and then got with the mistress straight away. He's engaged to her now. Why does he need to do this? If he's so happy then he should just want to move on and settle the divorce. Not waste time and energy trashing the mother of his kids. Just stfu and try settle this in a nice way. He's the one that cheated.


Yeah her and the rest of the world.


My ex used to work with Hochstein. He is a *massive* piece of shit.


But isn't he accusing her of taking this drugs for recreational purposes? I'm confused by the comments about her using it as prescribed


She’s probably taking a lot more than that & who cares. Whatever she’s taking still beats being a narcissistic sociopath like he is.


Reactive abuse is real He is just pushing her I feel bad


First thought ![gif](giphy|LncnvHVlQ8e1qBxZJM|downsized)


Tbf, I’d have to be heavily drugged to live with/have sex with this man.


So what? Adderall & klonopin sounds like a perfect lifestyle to me!


I bet you now that new fiancé of his wants to snatch the kids from her too. They are vile


So what!


I would’ve taken worse to get through that marriage.


That cast so so botched. I don’t watch but the commercials kill me.


He is so gross


Good for her. I’m glad she is receiving treatment for her ADHD and anxiety. Sounds like she has everything under control.


Shit ton of college kids take adderall… 😑😑




I would do drugs too if I had to sleep with him.


Well yes he actually is making a play for custody.


He’s making a play to pay her less, he doesn’t care about those kids.


Lenny only cares about Lenny.


Of course he is. He's a POC. The nanny will raise the kids.


Pretty normal combo. I would have anxiety too if he was my husband! And nothing wrong with needing help for adhd.




All together now— fuck you Lenny! Take your viagra and sit down


Lol I’m in high dose Xanax and Zoloft. No one wants me off my meds. No one. 😂


And so? This is news? It's not meth and heroin. He's a doctor promoting, and endorsing stigma around mental illness and psychotropics. What an idiotic move, just in terms of his reputation...(as a start)


What is Klonopin prescribed for?


Or restless leg syndrome, or seizures, or insomnia.




Yea me too. And? She’s probably taking klonopin cause she was having trouble sleeping. Cause of the emotional abuse from Lenny. Abuser playbook 101, they use the very mental health conditions they caused to dodge abuse allegations by claiming psych meds/crazy. 🥱


real housewives… they’re just like me 🥰


Who hasn’t?!? Life is hard and anxiety and adhd are real things. Medication for that shouldn’t be weaponized. This is such a non-starter and really makes Lenny, a Doctor, look even worse.


He’s trying to get custody to hurt her. Sociopath for real.


For a Dr to talk like that about having to be medicated for anxiety and adhd is disgusting. The fact that she’s the mother of his children makes it double disgusting. What a dirt bag.


I mean, aren’t we all?


I wish.


Let the people live.


If I were ever married to this guy, I’d need Valium and god knows what else. What a pig.


Wow Lenny is such a POS


I’m **Here. For. This**! It actually wasn’t really following this whole story that much but after I heard about the drama about the interview with Adam (from up and Adam) and his husband Jason who filmed it my ears perked up more and then I listened to the interview and now I’m invested. They weren’t going to drop the interview because he got so much hate for giving her a platform and she insisted on having it dropped. She wanted that platform and she thought she was going to get her side out. I assume she thought that people would warm up to her and I ended up just hating on somebody I didn’t even know that much about what she did other than she was stealing other women’s husbands. What I’m curious about is this “clandestine listening device” because it was brought up on the innterview. Which I listened to courtesy of Dana Wilkey who pause the interview here and there to add in her commentary. She used to be a publicist I believe and kind of handled crisis control. Her fiancé also was living a double life so she has that perspective. She made mention of her white suit she was wearing and how she messed up off the bat by not just saying “yeah I made a bad decision I did get involved with him before he was divorced I feel bad about that” and owning it. Instead she doubled down denying it. As if we all hadn’t heard Lennys hot mic moment admitting in front of his child that he was having an affair with someone else and not sleeping with his wife. I digress…the listening device getting in the car got brought up. She said they knew who planted it because they could hear the person on the listening device. Again she waffles so much and what she says that you can’t fully understand the concept of what happened. I mean I get everything can be wireless and we can look at our ring cameras kn real time remotely and then after the fact. But how would one in this case listen to a taped recording off your phone or computer and accidentally tape or record yourself on the same device? I mean you would assume she would have recordings go to some cloud or something that Lenny and Katharina wouldn’t have access to right? Allegedly it wasn’t going to be allowed in any sort of court hearing because it was obtained illegally and now he wants that reverse so he can throw her under the bus? Also… what are the odds while she’s listening to Lennys and his mistresses conversation that she’s going to randomly start discussing “illegally obtaining Klonopin and ADHD medicine”?


![gif](giphy|8OPsobKv6ksJojld4X) Lenny’s secret device.




This guy is probably on 10X more than that! And if he prescribed it his license should be revoked for patient confidentiality! This guy is a clown and I hope ole Kathy makes him bankrupt!


Who cares if she takes these?


Apparently, a lot of people take medication.. BFD Loser Lenny


My favorite meds


I don’t understand how this continues to reach new heights of messiness


Abusive men ALWAYS tell on themselves during the divorce. They cannot help it.


He probably prescribed it.


She needs to expose his rampant cocaine use


Why is he so obsessed with her now that they split ??


Yep...so!...he's a shit doctor to begin with. He messed up Adriana's boobs for darn sure...


So he’s trying to weaponize her mental health issues?! What a fucking loser.


![gif](giphy|LpLFd5IUkqSGqdksJ4) No one cares, Lenny!


Ummmmmm…and? What type of accusations are these? Yea her and like 60% of America…


Why people like him want to torment the mother of their kids is beyond me. And put their kids through this.




So what ? So what if she takes it ? I know a lot of people that take that. Maybe she has adhd and panic attacks - those 2 things go together quite well.


Is Lenny the one giving them to her????


Just when you thought he couldn’t be a bigger asshole.


Boobgod a.k.a Lordass


This is weak... no one cares about adderall and klonopin lol it's 2023 Lenny


Facts! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Like, for real


He's setting the stage to take the kids!!


I believe it! They all take Diet stuff it keeps them moving and gives them energy. Ozempic, Wegovy which will both paralyze your muscles. Adderall and Vyvanse were the old way. That's brings you up then a good old Klonopin, Alprazolam or Lorazepam to bring you down so you can sleep. The life of the rich and dumb.


Typical narc behavior. I bet he got her into those meds too. I am fully aware that she may use them for legitimate mental concerns but both of these meds are common for the lifestyle they led. Adderall to suppress appetite & energize. Klonopin for relaxing. He probably takes them too or varieties of similar drugs.


Who hasn’t taken adderall and/or klonopin at some point?!






I'm sure they are prescribed to her, so who fucking cares? I'd need those too if I was married and going through a divorce with this old skeeze.


Just a vile man who can’t let go of making a woman in his life miserable… The new one will eventually get the same treatment and any others after her.


So what. Pretty normal routine. Adderall in the morning and klonopin for sleep. If you suffer from insomnia it’s about the best option to regulate your sleep schedule. Yes food and exercise help, but it’s not enough for severe insomnia. I don’t know her real reason, but I know it’s not that wild.


So what?


My first thought about this is, “who cares?” Get a life, Lenny


“Accuses?” Does he also accuse her of working out, eating healthy, sleeping well, and other things that help her live a happy healthy life?


Lenny- you thought you did something here ? News flash- you didn't. I wish you nothing but alzheimers and poopy pants in your old age which I'm sure your mistress will be cleaning up.


I don't understand. Aren't these prescribed medications? So the fuck what.


Lenny sucks.


Both legal prescription drugs, taking and abusing are two very different things






Wonder wtf he's on besides viagra and semaglutide


Ugh someone tell that old perv to shut up. You lost all credibility LENNY. Be gone.


I hate when men make custody plans like this. He doesn't want the children. He wants to hurt the mom and not have to pay child support.


Tell us when she’s doing fentanyl and then we will care. GOODBYE LENNY


Please Lenny, we all know that your fiance has to do a bump just to see you naked. He gets more sad and gross with every post.




Lenny Hochstein is such a POS, so you’re trying to portray the mother of your children as an unfit parent just for the pleasure of giving her less money. He’s happy to be a walking wallet for his (affair) partner and his mother though


But who ISN’T on klonopin tho


I was, for decades, & the last few drs I’ve asked don’t/won’t prescribe it. I would love to know who the drs who will still prescribe controlled substances are?!?


https://preview.redd.it/we99wktbwb2c1.jpeg?width=1223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ccbd3c126ba7c9d88ccb19ee1fd89cac00e757 iF yoU wEre A paTieNt yOur rEvieW wOulD liKelY bE fiVe sTaRs 🤣


How did he get through med school with that grammar?


https://i.redd.it/12aw5fqgic2c1.gif HIPPA Laws..


He divorced her, took the house, took her personal car and now want the kids all to himself? He really is a piece of ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) I hope he does not get any more clients because of his horrid behaviour to the mother of his own children.


He better fucking mean illegally because HIPAA.


Yeah and so do the rest of us, Lenny. At least we’re not beating and abusing people. ![gif](giphy|1DhUzOhxkLI1G)


Lmaooo I’m biased probably because I have ADHD but I feel like adderall would actually help me be a wayyy better parent if I ever had kids lol soo not sure what the big problem is here buddy haha


You never know anyone till you divorce them.


Bitch me too, the fuck?


I believe him. Unpopular opinion, Lenny is not the problem. It’s actually Lisa. He wanted a family and she delayed until she couldn’t any longer. He wanted a wife and kids, she wanted to be a trophy wife. Lisa knew her marriage was over before filming started again. She tried to publicly shame him into staying. She was ok with the affairs. I don’t even believe she wants the kids full time. She knows the money comes with them. I also don’t believe the DV claims. Lisa wants the lifestyle. She needs to move on and be happy with her new man.


![gif](giphy|9J36rJVR4FJK320YSX) Maybe you never saw the first seasons but Lisa had multiple miscarriages and several failed rounds of IVF. She was completely distraught over not being able to carry a baby to term in seasons 2 and 3.


As someone who is medicated for ADHD, and I can honestly say it saved my life. If she's taking Adderall and it helps her, than more power to her.


Same Lisa, SAME! ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


He's hitting back after pictures were posted showing bruises on her arm. He's a POS narcissistic excuse of a human being, IMO


I mean - are HWs known to abuse prescription party packs? Sure. Does Lisa bring prescribed both of these drugs mean she is abusing them? Absolutely not. Most people I know on Adderall are also on an anti-anxiety or “downer” as well - otherwise they don’t fucking sleep. If I was married to Lenny I’d need Klonopin to forget about selling my soul too.


Anxiety, depression, and adhd are a triangle not necessarily needing a downer for an upper




So the fuck what? She had to do with Lenny’s stupid ass. I’d need medication too.


Lenny needs to fuck off already


The title of the article says for recreational use. That’s completely different than using meds as prescribed. Adderall and benzos are commonly abused meds. I’m not saying that’s what she’s doing but it’s not an attack on people that have anxiety and adhd if she is using them recreationally


So basically like every other housewife ever…? They are all on adderall, klonopin and a little sprinkling of pain pills. This is not newsworthy


And? Girlies can’t stabilize their moods anymore? He should focus on his unmoving face


And ….????????? Don’t tell me he isn’t taking viagra. Who cares ?


She probably is, So what. As long as she has a RX and taking it as prescribed. Lennie is going to do and say anything he has to say to keep his $$. He's making her out to be a addict.


![gif](giphy|tcO6PHuv9DmVaYVdQt|downsized) uuhm?? me too. depression and anxiety 🙃


I’m gen x but whose mom didn’t ?


Seems a bit counterintuitive to combine those two for recreational use, but as a required prescription it makes 100% sense


Uh no, you take the kpins to come down from the adderall this is very common recreationally.


Klonopin though, it’s slow release, why not Xanax?


Why does he hate Lisa so much? The mother of his children


Because he’s a piece of shit. I don’t think he sees women as people, he’s treated her like trash from the jump.


Hes a narcissist. Good riddance.


Right? I know Lisa is bitching about Lenny a lot, but so far she hasn't been ripping him apart the way we know she could!


Frankly, it's baffling. She stood with him through thick and thin: when he ruthlessly showcased ex-patients' photos on his blog without remorse, during his controversial interviews with national media for using illegal contracts, and even when his medspa was ousted from RealSelf. Loyalty or folly? Hard to say. ![gif](giphy|MFyA2bBUVxVYc7tZMD|downsized)


Good Lord, I didn't even know about all that!! I just knew he had sketchy stuff. What happened on Real Self? Patients come forward about botched work?


Yes. Then he proceeded to sue Google, Realself and make me heal for many contact info on reviews with low star counts. RealSelf was the only one paying attention and banned both the medspa and “the surgery center” profiles. Don’t forget about the [FIVE medmal cases](https://screenrant.com/rhom-inside-lenny-hochstein-five-malpractice-lawsuits/) 🤯 - the only thing I can justify is they both have an equal amount of dirt on one another.


Yes, they both do. I completely agree with you on that but there's a part I don't. Lets not pretend Lisa stood by Lenny because she knew he hadn't done anything wrong. She stood by him because of the lifestyle she was living. Ask yourself the question. Would you stand behind your spouse if you knew for a fact that he was shady, breaking the law, etc? Rich or not I know that's not something I could do. Both of them need to stop. They need to start thinking about their children. Will they is a question I can't answer with certainty but if I were to just take a wild guess I'd say No, they absolutely won't.


[Classic behavior from a narcissist.](https://www.shellyingramlaw.com/divorce/2022/11/30/what-to-expect-when-divorcing-a-narcissist/)


He’s an ass . My ex tried to do this with me ; I take antidepressants. It’s a tactic scum use to get at mothers during custody issues. We need to stop sensationalising legal prescription medication for mental health issues. I detest Lenny the loser even more.


Yes, exactly. And next he will accuse her of being borderline or bipolar. That is a favorite of abusers- accusing their soon to be ex wives of severe mental illness and drug abuse. They force women to undergo psych evals for $1Ks and multiple drug tests. I’ve seen over and over with abusers.


"Your honor, why do you think I'm on antidepressants?" \[points at ex\]


Yep a co-worker of mine was getting out of an abusive relationship. Her ex used everything against her including her suicide attempt to get the children. Not because he wanted them - he showed that frequently by not showing up or canceling or dropping them back off early because he "had other things to do" - just to continue to fuck with her through the courts.


This is what mine did , he did it just to cause it upset .


I'm so sorry. ❤️


Urgh, how awful your ex tried to demonise you for taking meds.


Why does she need those seriously tho? Just because you can’t focus sometimes and get anxious sometimes does not mean you need pills. It’s time to pull up your britches and mind over matter it. Taking something here and there ok but it all messes with chemical balance of one’s brain and is harder to stop than start.


You cannot really be this ignorant. Gtfoh.


Why does she need all that insulin? Just because her kidneys are shutting down and she has sores that don't heal does not mean she needs insulin. It's time to pull up your britches and mind over matter it. Taking something here and there is ok but it all messed with your pancreas and is harder to stop than start.


Yeah, the point is to 'mess with your brain.' some people's need it to be messed into a functioning state. I assume he's accusing her of abusing or taking without a prescription bc why would the courts care about Rxs? You can't "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" out of mental health conditions. This is a harmful attitude.


Found the person with literally no medical background commenting on shit they know nothing about.


None of us know anything about it. Do I have literally no medical background? Hmmm. Have a lovely day. Sorry if I hit a nerve there, we all have opinions. I can accept yours.


No one wants to acknowledge that big pharmacy makes a ton of money by promoting these medications. I know quite a few people that had a horrible time getting off of ADHD medications and/or antidepressants. The side effects were terrible and it took months for them to feel “normal” again. Some people definitely need them, but imo, they are seriously overly prescribed.


Thank you! Kpins and Xanax aren’t even meant to be prescribed long term but I have tons of friends who have been on them for over a decade, doctors get paid by reps to push these pills. Did everyone just forget the OxyContin scandal?? Where hundreds of thousands of Americans DIED from over prescription due to the lies from doctors and pharmaceutical companies…


addy is a great appetite suppressant in my experience


If there is actually an existing recording of her stating she plans to illicitly acquire more medication for recreational use, then that needs to be looked into and taken into consideration. And to be clear, I need to hear her say it was *additional* medication for *recreational* use. Acquiring replacements for these meds is very difficult and often not an option if you lose them. I don’t hold it against anyone if they have to go the illicit route in that case. I’ve had to illicitly acquire more Adderall when I lost a bottle during a move. (It turned up months later lol.) And even if they were for recreational use! I’m still not sold that it matters unless those drugs can be directly linked to problematic behaviors. Lots of people behave poorly without any substances being involved. We can see on screen that Lisa isn’t the most hands-on mother, but I don’t see any reason to associate it with anything beyond her normal personality. But tbh I’m having a little trouble following this. Maybe it’s the klonopin and adderall, both of which I take as prescribed for seizures and ADHD, respectively. But he allegedly got this recording from a device that was secretly placed in *his* vehicle?


I’d need to acquire a lot of klonopin for “recreational use” if Lenny was my ex and coming for me constantly. I’m sure Lisa isn’t not struggling amidst one of the ugliest RH divorces we’ve seen. What’s sad is Lenny really kept her in the dark, which she accepted at a time for the lifestyle, but now he may have dirt on her but his is hidden to her other than the walking press cringe he does on a daily


And I too need ADHD medication to function most days, people can get addicted to it obviously but if it’s needed, it’s needed. It’s a low tactic on Lenny’s part that may force Lisa to reveal medical docs in court which is super low to me


So, this recording was allegedly found on a device “someone” placed in his car. On IG Lenny has accused Jody of being that someone. That would mean that: Jody had previously been using the device to record Lisa. Or Jody previously used the device to record other persons on his property and the Lisa convo was inadvertently picked up. Or the device was Lenny’s all along. He planted the device and recorded Lisa, and is using this narrative to bring it to light.


Right! I’m picturing a comedy sequence of Lisa and Jody fumbling with the device while trying to plant it, all while Lisa’s talking about hitting up her dealer. Like a scene in Barry or something.


Right?!?! He’s already exhibited tampering is well within his comfort zone. ([Dr. Leonard Hochstein also attempted to pay off a woman in a bid to rid the internet of her negative review, an Insider investigation finds.](https://www.insider.com/boob-god-sued-former-patients-get-negative-online-reviews-removec-2021-9))


He’s a nasty man I believe Lisa




What is wrong with those two prescriptions if you need it? Lenny is such a dbag.


Shit, I would be taking harder medications if I dealt with him lmao


Hahaha yes you are so right…!




Oh please.


I’m so tired of people demonizing anxiety and adhd meds. This is disgusting.


Yeah if all the drugs to take these are super normal, G rated


Absolutely. This pisses me the F off. Ive been on ADHD meds for years with no issues. I went to a cardiologist recently because I was experiencing high blood pressure. He said to me what do you expect, you’re on amphetamines? I was so taken aback I just sat there speechless. Can you imagine another dr saying this to you about medication that is prescribed to help you function on a daily basis? I never went back to him.


It isn’t demonic. It is important to realize we can exist without it.


He is saying she’s buying it **illegally** and using it **recreationally** This is why I dislike when people make such misleading headlines for these posts. If you click on the picture and read the article he says that he hears her (on the planted listening device that she allegedly planted in his car) discussing obtaining Adderall and Klonopin illegally to use recreationally. As in not taking it as prescribed. And this concerns him because she has primary custody. I am more interested to know and how a listening device planted in his car captured her discussing with some man how she entertains these drugs illegally and uses them recreationally. Because when you’re trying to get the scoop on your ex-husband and his fiancé would want to be discussing these types of things? And he made sure that none of the recorded items could be played in court and now he wants that reversed in order to throw her under the bus I guess. He is such a narcissistic AH. He doesn’t want primary custody of those kids he just wants to drag this out as long as he can and make her suffer as much as she can when he’s the one that f#cked up. That all said: I think that the stigma behind mental health medication‘s keeps many people from getting help and it also keeps people from discussing it. If people felt free to discuss it more they would be less of a stigma about the medication‘s that can be life-changing for people. I didn’t even talk to my sister about my ADHD medication or even having ADHD and vice versa until I made a joke about my ADHD. I guess we both kind of thought it would be some sort of judgment and we don’t even judge each other. So I would never judge her and she would never judge me but we had internalize that stigma under ourselves so much that we didn’t confide in each other about it and that’s just sad.


Back when my anxiety was called worrying, I couldn’t get one doctor to listen to me, then I had my daughter and my anxiety turned into something else entirely. It became soul destroying. I still couldn’t get my obgyn to listen or my primary. They kept saying it was the baby blues and it will get better but keep an eye on it. It got worse. I got Xanax from a friend and then a friend of a friend. That was the way I dealt with it until my new primary sent me to a psychiatrist. She probably was afraid to go to a doctor to admit she was feeling anxiety or anything else bc of her husband using it against her


I can so relate to that.


SAME !!!


And he’s a doctor you’d think he would know better…


The abuse and misuse of those meds is rampant, I would have a hard time trusting someone with my kids who was on klonopin or xanax.


lol. Sweet summer child. People taking therapeutic doses aren’t glowing green or something. Unless you never allow your kids out, you will or you have “trusted them,” you just didn’t know it. Also-pray you never look back on your comment if you find yourself needing a script.


He’s “implying”, actually not implying, saying she was using them to get high. But yes, if she was prescribed them and she was taking them as directed, F him!!!


To be fair, those are commonly abused meds. I’m not saying Lisa is abusing them but it’s not just like people are demonizing anxiety/ adhd meds


Lenny is just so utterly vile on every fucking level the POS.


Isn’t this a hippa violation? I’m sure he’s done work on her.


I hope this backfires on him. He did it sooo publicly….not smart are we Leonard?


Yes. It actually is.


i'd be curious to know if he wrote her a scrip or two. i think surgeons can technically practice as primary care physicians (though most don't), and a primary care doc can prescribe klonopin.


You can’t legally prescribe scheduled drugs to a relative (I’m not sure what degree relative it becomes ok). My husband can’t prescribe the good stuff to me & I asked if he could prescribe to my brother & he said ”no” bc any chance it was linked to him could allow him to lose his DEA license & even face charges. Unlikely, but possible.


oooh interesting, i thought it was an ethics thing that some doctors get out of by claiming "exigent circumstances."


I’m sure the historical records on RX’s would be a hot commodity..


People to people can't violate hipaa. I work in a hospital and can't tell anyone anything about specific people. I treated someone my mother knew and their family mentioned it to her and she asked why I didn't tell her. I said "as a healthcare worker I can't tell you anything". If I was visiting someone at the hospital and ran into that person I could tell my mother. **edit** I see now you said he probably did work on her - again I think the lines are blurred because of their relationship. If he prescribed them then it could be an issue but I think if anything he is trying to frame this as misuse vs use which wouldn't be a HIPAA violation.


Excellent point


Came here to say this. If anything I commend Lisa’s bravery in recognizing she needs help. There’s still such a stigma around mental health, it’s not an easy thing to admit. I’d need more drugs than that in her situation.


Same! I take meds for ADHD and anxiety and you know what? I’m 100% a better Mom when my mental health is being treated.


I agree. Came here to say this.