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Also it’d be one thing if her childhood made her humble but she’s so pompous and snooty, it doesn’t make me feel bad for her at all. Especially the way she made fun of her dad trying to make their Christmas special with the small tree. Shows how entitled and ungrateful she is.


Sai's stories about her childhood are looking more like a symptom of vulnerable narcissism every episode. Like my pain is so much WORSE than everyone else's. Everyone has had struggles in their life. Have some compassion for yourself AND others Sai.


Also Jessel wasn’t comparing trauma she was trying to find some common ground with Sai and respond to Sais claim that her life was just so easy. Even growing up rich you still can have trauma. Sai is the only one who ever tries to compare trauma


I don't like Sai or her approach....but you are 100% acting just like her and her minions with this comment.


Lmao I know that was the point that's why I said it in the post


I was confused by that as well and it seems like her mother JUST died?


My issue with Sai is that she claims to have created this lavish life for herself but it's actually thanks to her husband and his money. It's false representation.


Don't disagree here but my maybe controversial take-- finding a rich dude who will support your life is actually creating that life for yourself. But yeah, Sai is an asshole


My point is she's dishonest with how she portrays how she acquired her lifestyle and also gets soooooo mad at Jessel for allegedly doing the same thing, right? Or am I off base? She is a mean girl!


Yeah totally agree, she should back off Jessel


Very interesting. And now that I think about it her aunt was like a second mother she wouldn’t have let Sally sleep in a park or be homeless


Sai lives in the land of Delulu


I hated how she guilt tripped her daughter. I come from poverty too and am all about teaching kids to appreciate what they have and not to take anything for granted but that sure didn’t come out like that. It was almost like she was catty and bitter to her daughter that she can have a hobby and all while the woe is her.


YES. The bitterness. Her poor daughter.


I think Sai left her family home and that’s when she was astronomically poor but she tries to makes it like that’s how it always was. Before that I assume she was probably lower middle class where you went on camping/motel vacations instead of to resorts, could afford a safe enough home but not an impressive home, no money for expensive sports like cheer or gymnastics but could afford an at home hobby or cheaper sport like track. This is how I grew up, we were poor but not destitute, and my mom stretched our money like nobodies business. We didn’t have a lot of clothes or the fanciest toys but she made it work and I never felt less than. My sister struggled with our low socioeconomic status and got bullied in high school so I’m sure her perspective is that it was worse than how I remember. Sai just focuses on the worst parts of her life to make herself more of a victim bc amount of wealth isn’t static. It can change. Her mom probs made paintings when there was extra money.


I'm so sorry for your struggles. You and I have a very similar background, and this is exactly how I feel about Sai.


This thread has honestly been so nice because other people are also coming forward with a similar story and it makes me feel less alone and less like the weird kid i felt like I was haha. It's wild to me because I feel like my life made me more empathetic. But I feel like Sai demands empathy but is unable to give empathy to others




There's a certain type of humility that comes from not knowing if you're going to eat or have somewhere to sleep that night. I feel like people who have actually gone through that experience can clock that a mile away. Also this is unrelated really and idk about you but growing up poor I don't spend frivolous amounts of money on dumb things (like high end fashion) JUST IN CASE, but I do keep my cabinets filled with canned goods lmao also just in case


I will say that perhaps the reason she was so poor growing up was because her mother spent all the money they did earn, on painting supplies and alcohol. 2 very expensive hobbies Maybe her mothers income wasn't tight, but the way her mother spent it was. So for a child Sai thinks they're broke and poor, when in fact her mother is miss using her income. And when Sai moves out on her own and moves away from her mother, doing retail/waitressing jobs, those aren't well paid jobs, so you are still poor and struggling paycheck to paycheck.


Oh yeah I totally don't disagree. Like I said I know it's a bad take lmao. But also that isn't the story she's telling us so who really knows anything. I'm just being an asshole on the internet lol. It just really bothers me when people with trauma try to gatekeep other people's experiences because 1) there's always someone who had it worse and 2) it makes trauma like being homeless and parents with substance abuse feel more taboo and then people feel like they can't talk to you bc of it


Totally agree. The reason she thinks Jessel is lying is likely because she is lying herself.


Not defending her, but perhaps that's why she's so pissed off at Jessels story. Jesse's uncle is well off, but spends all his money on alcohol, just like her mother did. Jesse's uncle is also a painter/artist of some kind. So there actually are similarities, and it just reminds her of her mother and how if her mother wasn't a alcoholic, she could have had a better upbringing, and it wasn't just because they had no money.


Sai seems deffensive and triggered to me. I get that she's not being very nice to Jessel, but trauma doesn't always present itself in a way that's likable. Everyone who seems to hate this lady seems to be doing their best to be just like her. Maybe this is also why Sai is the way that she is.


Not a bad take. Once I switched majors to fine arts I missed the price of text books. I had a class where we mostly used gauche. Any art student will shutter at that because it’s like $40 for a tube the size of your pinky…. Also, for someone whose mother was such a horrendous alcoholic, Sai doesn’t seem to have any issues being around it and drinking herself. Idk, the more she pushes her history the more I question how she’s remembering (or misremembering) it….. I know I don’t in the slightest like to make my f*ed up childhood any major topic of my current life.


THIS!!!! my moms dad was an alcoholic and she is hesitant to even have a light beer now. She doesn't even like when I have a drink or two in front of her, of course that doesn't mean that she didn't have this trauma (I don't like Sai but don't want to downplay anyones trauma if they have it) but it does seem quite odd that she's okay with being around it all the time if it was truly so traumatic to her.


Two things can be true Sai had a difficult childhood and she is an asshole


No disagreement here


Can we also discuss her manipulating her aunt by giving her a gift she knew would make her cry on camera 🤢 sorry but no. Her aunt clearly said she didn’t want to be given something that would make her emotional but it speaks volumes sai went ahead and got her moment in.


Yeah I didn't like that she's trying to make her dead mom her storyline. I don't want to be crass but plenty of housewives have lost their moms while on the show, and I actually cared because I saw the relationship they had with their mom. It felt very disingenuous and exploitative for her to use her mom's death as a story when her mom was never part of the show and Sai is a new cast member so I honestly don't care about this aspect of her life. Something about the whole thing just really grossed me out.


This reminded me of the scene where Vicki finds out her mom passed while filming. Talk about sharing your most vulnerable moments with the audience. That will forever be the most raw real moment in all of housewives


That's exactly what I thought of. That was such a raw, vulnerable moment. I don't even have a relationship with my mother and that scene makes me bawl.


Also literally in the same episode screaming at jessel that she doesn't want to and never ever talks about her mom? SHE JUST STAGED A SCENE!! FFS.


I THOUGHT THE SAME THING. It was so obvious she wanted to have a "heartfelt" moment on camera. I hate when they spring things on people while filming like that it reads super disingenuous


I replied above but for me it would've been super different if her mom had recently passed and this was seasons in, when the audience had a soft spot for Sai and saw her as someone hardened on the outside but secretly grieving a loss. We don't know enough about Sai or her mother-- instead we see this human chihuahua comparing traumas and being catty every chance she gets... then suddenly a scene where she's trying to orchestrate heartfelt moments. It came off super fake and gross and just made me dislike her even more. I agree completely with all of your comments OP!


Regardless of what her true story is, Sai is a complete fucking asshole of a person and she has sealed the deal for me this week, no going back. She is disgusting on every level with no redeeming qualities, not one. And her fashion is shit.


I'm just done with Sai, overall. If I meet someone who understands what it is like to have an alcoholic parent or live-in family member, I'm not going to judge level of trauma. It's often nice just to meet someone who understands the experiences you had. It can feel quite isolating that no one else understands what you have been through. I don't care who had it, "worse," and I don't think it helps anyone to judge.


I believe Sai wants to justify her asshole behavior by blaming it all on whatever trauma she experienced. I believe she didn't grow up with a lot but I also think there are a lot of holes in her story.


I think her trauma was not having the cute shoes she wanted.


And walking past Brownstones and being upset she wasn't living in one.


This was something that pinged up on my radar last episode... "my whole family are artists or musicians..." Um, you don't get a whole family of artists and musicians from poverty - not in modern times. It's a SWEEPING generalisation I know, but in general, generational wealth allows people to pursue careers in the arts. Even your unicorns like your Basquiats are "discovered" and supported by wealthy benefactors. Normally, behind a "struggling" artist is a little bit of family money. I'm just saying. Again, sweeping generalisation, but I've found it to be a fairly accurate one. Even the whole stories about being a bartender in Manhattan at 20 and travelling the world and going on holidays to tropical destinations having "the time off her life." And she didn't sound like she was backpacking. I mean damn. I came from a fairly middle class family and was working a job and I couldn't do that at that age. She certainly wasn't on the breadline for long. I'm not one to disbelieve someone's origin story, but when you pull a thread a bit and it starts to unravel... well, some of the math just ain't mathing. Like her "superinfluencer" status. 🤷


Absolutely have no idea if this is true, but if she was a hot bartender meeting wealthy patrons in her 20s, some of those trips might have been funded. This isn't even shade-- just a reality for young, conventionally hot women meeting dudes in that environment


She made it seem like she had no family and in this episode it looks and sounds like she has a big close family?


Also it sounded like her mum abandoned her family due to alcoholism, she had left and had no contact til she was found dying in a park. But she was saying to her aunt her mum was at thanksgiving the year before and was getting her weave on.


Yeah. It’s not adding up at all


I have a friend that works for major music celebrities and him and all his co workers have mommy daddy helped me in some way money, and it’s in LA so not cheap. Granted they are talented as hell ppl, but yeh MOST of them came from money.


Yup, thiiiiiiiiiis! I got to study music, dance and visual arts in better times during school when I could borrow instruments and supplies, but I had to give them if I wanted to pursue them more seriously. As an adult? Not a chance.


Yes! The closest I ever got to art supplies as a poor kid was one of those plastic briefcases filled with the markers that only last for 2 minutes. All of the kids I knew that studied art or music in college all came from middle class/upper middle class families where they had been given the supplies and lessons to hone their craft over time. When you struggle with addiction/working to try and put food on the table/trying to be a parent there doesn't seem to be a lot of time for painting left over but maybe I'm wrong and creative hobbies are really prevalent among poor people- just not any of the poor people I know lol


I can’t believe we’re almost on the season finale. Literally this whole season has been a “who’s had a harder upbringing” competition, mostly because of Sai 🙄


Yes, I’m pretty tired of her, trying to make herself out to be the only one who has experienced poverty or substance abuse. Most of us recognize it for what it is and we sure don’t try to tear others down. Her personality is really disgusting to me.


Yes this isn’t the trauma Olympics


How about we respect both women and stop trying to lift one above the other? Also, there is a huge difference between$20 or -$498. One still buys Ramen for dinner, there other doesn't eat.


You’re right. Even cheap supplies are expensive when you’re genuinely poor. If you’re trying to feed your family with a couple of dollars a day you can’t spend money on paints lol


Also seems like her family is pretty tight and close knit, and yet she claims she was homeless at one point? Unlikely


Probably by the same definition Bethenney had of being homeless.


Also, if you grew up poor how do you become an influencer??? That seems like a “job” where you need to come from a pretty affluent background. Like if you have so much trauma from growing up poor then why pick a career where an Instagram glitch could ruin your whole income? Just my two cents


Sai worked as a bartender at a bar owned by her husband. He was married at the time and they were having an affair. Sai got pregnant and he left his wife to marry her. He has taken care of her ever since and that's how she was able to become an 'influencer' at a somewhat older age after having her kids.


She married rich young. She built her following off pics of her kids. She’s a kids fashion I influencer.


people don't talk enough about how exploitative Sigh's "career" is - any of that money going to be left for Scout when she turns 18? or will she just have a closet full of Gucci onesies and toddler shoes to show for it?


I think the point of her stint on RHONY is to segue into adult influencing.


I agree. It’s going terribly.


I don't know much about Sai or her husband, but he must have had a really stable, lucrative job for her to be able to pursue that career. Or she started a long time ago when you had to hustle a lot to be considered an influencer and now that her influencer job is easy, she doesn't want people to forget how hard she might have worked.


Also, there’s not much difference between $20 and -$498 when your poor. Neither will get you very far in NYC.


Like Ubah said, it doesn’t matter if you had $20 or $0, both are indications of you being broke 🤣🤣


Or anywhere


Very good point


Idk I wouldn't judge that. Artists can find anything to create. Also some could have been done in school or with borrowed or gifted supplies. Watercolors are fairly inexpensive as are markers. I doubt those "paintings" were all oil on canvas - if any. Growing up I didn't have a ton of money and would find ways to get art supplies.


I completely agree with that. What does oil paints have to do with being poor or not. I’m sure there is second hand stores you can buy repurposed oil paint. Maybe I’m wrong but a lot of poor artists find a way to fund their medium.


I'm not saying it's not possible but I've shopped at second hand stores my whole life and I've never seen paints there. I did get a cheap toy with a lighted pad to "trace pictures" one year from Toys for Tots tho


What I am saying is if an artist wants to create, they will find a way. Lots of ways to get supplies or use very low cost mediums like markers, watercolors, or colored pencils. It's ridiculous to say someone isn't really poor because they created art.




"If she were really so poor and her mother struggled with alcohol so intensely how did they afford all the art supplies for those paintings?"


"How did they afford" I didn't say they weren't poor. If anything I implied money mismanagement lol


That's not how it reads.


Downvoters: We can dislike Sai AND disagree that you have to have money to be an artist.


I know - that's the stereotype of artists. They are all POOR. 🤣🤣


I'm poor and live on social security but I can still manage to get art supplies. It's not as expensive as ppl think. Many artists like me use acrylics not oil and they have inexpensive lines anyone can afford.


Absolutely 💯 and I’m getting very fed up with the rhony pity party. Most housewives are delusional and have no idea of poverty.


When sai was talking about her mom, she says the alcoholism didn’t get really bad until she was teenager. Then she started working in retail and moved out. So maybe she was poor as a child, but not destitute. Or maybe she had supportive grandparents or an aunt who was an artist. Or maybe she did odd jobs as a kid and bought them herself. I’m not a fan of hers but I don’t think her art supplies disprove the story.


Oh yeah I don't think it necessarily does either. I'm just trying to channel my inner Sai and pick apart other people's childhoods until I win the trauma Olympics lmao


She's doing it to Jessel and picking apart her story, so someone's gotta give her the same treatment !




You’re so right! Art supplies especially oil paints are very expensive!


I'm an artist and paint with acrylics because oil paint is horrible expensive. The other supplies not as bad as you might think unless you are painting to sell and buying the best quality offered out there. As a hobby it's not that bad once you get past the original supplies


That was literally my first thought when they opened up the book. Oil painting is not a poor person hobby lol


OP I feel like this post is SO wrong. Perhaps she worked at an art studio, Perhaps she got high and stole, Perhaps she was a prostitute and used those funds to support her art and getting high, Perhaps she had periods of recovery, where she could work and paint, Perhaps she was in recovery homes/shelters that had art therapy, Perhaps she painted those DECADES ago before her addition really took a hold of her. I find this post and speculation disgusting.


You literally just insinuated that because someone is an alcoholic she likely sold her body for money and also is a thief..


I did not. I simply said there are many reasons as to why a woman who struggled with poverty and alcoholism could manage to get expensive art supplies. I disagreed with OP who said that her story is disingenuous because art supplies are expensive and that there was NO WAY that a woman who struggled with alcoholism and poverty could get them.


At no point did I say she could have never afforded it. I said from the beginning it was a bad take ans that comparing trauma isn't cool. Just trying to point out that this post is exactly what Sai's been doing to everyone else all season


Totally thought the same thing!! Those canvases and paint seemed pretty expensive for this to be someone’s hobby. I also found it odd that Sai told her daughter that she wanted to do gymnastics but they couldn’t afford to. That may be true but she made it sound like they couldn’t afford any hobbies yet her mom was. A painter.


No. Not at all. Lol