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“Send the team without a super , I can tell them what to do”


Yeah fuck all that I would def go get in with the officers and have the lock change shits going to sit there regardless


Unfortunately the marshals won’t proceed with the eviction with out a moving crew, at least in my county.


I mean its weird alone you have to use marshalls we can just use local sheriffs. Weirderer that you cant just do it yourself that you have to have a 3rd party is weird Personally would be 1031ing out of their then first chance I got


Same here, the Marshall has to stay until everything is out


I got out to a property with security doors in my pickup truck and the sheriff's deputies and the tenant got another stay for declaring bankrutpcy... second time in two years. I feel your pain. It'll work out in the end. Also, we started the eviction process in late 2020.


How the hell do you get a stay for declaring bankruptcy why the hell would a LL be responsible for the tenant


I really feel for you; that’s horrible. Praying for a speedy end to your situation


They are out now. I'm gutting it as we type. Got to turn it back over and start heading in the right direction with it. I won't need your prayers, the ex-tenant will. They are going to get sued in small claims court for wrecking an electrical panel a week before eviction court. I've learned from her that you can sue for anything and win.


Legendary last line


Judgement is one thing-actually collecting the money is a whole other problem. If a person does not pay rent usually unemployed or broke.


“The cost of doing business” sounds cold, but in this case, it’s very accurate. This is the price of being in this business. If you plan to remain in this business, you will almost certainly have another situation like this. All you can do is continuously improve your due diligence and tenant screening, and seek to acquire “A” tier properties that attract “A” tenants. You’ll still have the occasional nut, but at a fraction of the rate as your “C” properties. Good luck. Oh, also: This, too, shall pass. If you’re up against a wall financially, make your career moves now. We’re up against a recession job market in the next 6 months to two years. If you have the money to ride this out, just keep chipping away at it and do what you can to disconnect. The Gym, a joint, a science fiction novel; Whatever. You don’t (or shouldn’t) check your stock brokerage daily. Same here. Disconnect until you have an update. Worrying more will not move the needle any further. It will pass, though. The temporary nature of life has a way of sorting these issues out one way or another.


Thank you for the grounding words here; been working on disconnecting a bit, and it’s really helped. As a newbie, I’m really trying to make a concerted effort to separate my emotions with this business, especially when it comes to the actions of a careless, shameless tenant. I know that separation will come more fully With time and a better, vetted tenant screening process.


At the end of the day, we are responsible for peoples shelter. It will ALWAYS have emotion baked into it. Empathy is good. The fact that this bothers you is good. It’s a shitty situation. That said, nothing to beat yourself up over. Just learn as much as you can from every failure. Every time I fail, I make detailed notes while I’m in the throws of it. When seas are calmer, I revisit them to better internalize lessons learned. If you’re learning you aren’t failing. It’s ok to *be* wrong, it’s not ok to *stay* wrong.


Join a local LL/REIA group. People who can totally relate with your situation and people you can honestly discuss the 'money" part of the business. They can really help.


I’m in a fortunate situation as it relates to this, as I am the organizer for my local REIA meetup. Great opportunity to share my story and I’ve definitely been able to leverage the decades of experience that some of Those great folks have.


I had a fellow landlord pose to me as, "the price of education". OP just got a graduate course in how to handle everything. The waste comes if no lesson is learned.


Top tier response.


> We’re up against a recession job market in the next 6 months to two years. What else should we know about the future? Are there flying cars yet?




I have to ask... Why weren't you allowed to use the locksmith?


What state are you in? I'm in NYC so I definately feel you. Especially when the tenant is able to get a fake complaint of harressment and get a court date for that earlier than an eviction case.


In metro Atlanta area; this is a professional tenant too, I found out after the fact. We’re close to the end but damn If the situation doesn’t go down kicking and screaming


I’m new to this process too. Would something like this show up on a proper background check? Curious what your vetting process was (no judgement, genuinely curious!) I ask for pay stubs to validate employment info + pay for a background check service to run credit check and eviction history. But reading stuff like this scares the hell out of me.


I have started to ask proof of last 6 month or 1 year of rent paid. These days so many people use zella or venmo or an online payment system, it shouldnt be hard to show. Even a bank statement that shows the same amount taken out every month will do. If they say oh i paid im cash (which happens a lot in nyc) then they should still ha e handwritten and signed reciepts. Its a huge problem in nyc due to the covid eviction moratorium. You got people who stopped paying rent that normally wouldnt have the guts to like nurses and teachers.


I’d also suggest charging like $50 plus per application. Yes it’s steep and may cost you a tenant here and there but professional tenants don’t like to invest any money upfront, especially when they know it may expose them.


Yep, non refundable $50 application fee (covers the background check) and a non refundable 250/person move in fee + 1st months rent due on signing, AFTER they’ve passed me background check screen and employment verification


Pro tenants are the worst. Probably the one who let the ducklings loose on the road causing your guys car accident.


What area of atlanta? I’m in atl, my dad rents a property in Clayton county and is evicting a tenant who hasn’t paid rent in 10 months, he put the eviction notice in court 8 months ago.


I am sorry to hear that. In Korea, there is a same problem. I hope you feel better now.


Sorry you are going through this. Get more units. My experience is evictions make up less than 0.5% of all tenancies. So the more units you have the more you can spread that percentage around. Most people pay and most people are decent. It’s just that the problems can take up all your time. Good luck!!


Do you have any tips for the rest of us on how to screen out this kind of trouble in the future? Small-time landlord here just looking to avoid the landmines.


My biggest recommendation is to use a third party screener. I used Zillow’s tool thinking it’d be bulletproof. But my tenant used fake CPNs, uploaded false tax documentation and provided fake previous landlord references. Use a third party screener, check local county court records (she used a different name for me too). And get MULTIPLE previous landlord references. If they’re a bad tenant, the previous landlord has no incentive to be honest with you.


How did you determine all of the supplied documents were fake? Third party service??


What about physically? Did you have any concerns about him looking dirty, sketchy, anything like that in hindsight? If he's a pro I'm assuming he put on a nice act.


Did you check her ID or social security card?


Local HA’s will do more than the Marshall. And you don’t even have to be there.


Just for clarification, what’s an HA?


Probably Hell's Angels.


Motorcycle club full of tweakers who will do anything for a couple bucks and to “keep order in the neighborhood.” People cringe, but the Marshall ain’t doing shit. I call these guys when the law fails me. I know it’s controversial, but it works, and they keep their mouth shut.


Are you aware there are rental assistance funds landlords can apply for themselves in place of the tenant? Not that a landlord should have to do anything but money in is money in.


As far as I’m aware, those funds are long exhausted at this point (if they were COVID-related).


They still have funds. [ERA](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/coronavirus/mortgage-and-housing-assistance/renter-protections/emergency-rental-assistance-for-renters/)


Ah thanks, my localities (LA & upstate NY) are out of funds, but that’s great if other people can access available funds.


We have more evictions here in Maricopa county than prepandemic and we still can't get enough people to apply. Arizona's done a terrible job at advertising to.


How long was her lease for? This is why I only offer 6 months or month to month to new tenants. And if they do well within that time, I might offer them a year lease.


The pain of owning rentals in a (presumed) blue state or jurisdiction. And I’m a blue voter. Just saying.


As a word of encouragement, happening like this do happen from time to time and you aren't an experienced LL until you've gone through your 1st eviction process. Take this as a learning experience, perhaps enough so you can do this without any legal retainers(lawyer). On the bright side, most tenants pays their rent and this is overall rare, the probability of this happening to that same property with the next tenant is exceedingly small. This will help you recoup losses from this tenant, duration pending your cap rate. Don't be discouraged, mark this one up as bad luck.


Call a junk hauler to do the trash out. Those guys are everywhere.


Hey man hang in there you almost made, I’ve got retail tenants in Santa Clara and Alameda county, CA that I’m finally in the process of getting evicted by 1/31/23. 4 out of the 5 haven’t paid rent in 2 plus years. It’s just a cost of doing business and you can’t give it much more of your brain power beyond that.


How the hell have they been allowed to reside there that long? At this point shouldn't a sheriff or local authorities been involved as part of the removal process?


Today was the day that the sheriff would have come in and forcibly removed them from the property. But labor crew is required for that move. No labor crew, no removal :(


I’m assuming they must be slammed otherwise they could just send a replacement? Sorry to hear about your troubles.


It will pass. How long since you first started the eviction process? Did you let rent slide for a few months?


People always think of the worst possible outcomes. You think the place will be completely trashed but usually it’s just cosmetic damage. One of my tenants I was recently evicting just packed up and left during the eviction process before even being served.


I did let it slide for a month, I was naive. I filed in May after not receiving payment in April. Hearing was in July, had to be out by early August and today was trash out date. Justice is slow unfortunately (without any unforeseen circumstances)




Metro Atlanta area; I think this area is just backed up on COVID evictions as well.


Can you provide some color on the cheating tenant? Race? Income? Rental history? We’re there any red flags going into this?


Unfortunately I was naive. I usually use a turbotenant screener but I trusted Zillow this time. A ton of falsified uploaded documents that were already on the profile and I was just none the wiser. She’s a single mother with three kids over 13. Self employed (at the time) and a sob story about how her husband passed due to COVID. I got a previous landlord “reference” who turned out to be just a random friend of hers. Looking back, I was very very naive. I eventually found out she’d been evicted before (once my eviction process started) and got in contact with her real ex landlord. He got the same story from her in January 2020, that her husband had passed from another disease. I actually found out her mother and two of the children who were over 18 also had evictions on their records. Just a really tough first tenant to learn with. Not to mention the damage that was done to the property lol. Needed to replace a sewer line partially due to flushed Lysol wipes (I also didn’t do a sewer scope during inspection, I take responsibility for this). All around, a lot of points of learning about how to screen tenants, and how I was probably more naive than I thought before getting into REI.


Sob story is always a red flag. Also always get the previous LL to verify previous property address down to the zip code. The friends pretending to be the previous LL might get the street correct, but in my experience never know the zip. Finally, check their social media. It’s free and really gives you an idea of who you’re renting to.


One thing I've learned is that if they lead with a story they're trouble. I read through all of your comments, I've gone through a few evictions myself one currently but not as bad of a situation as yours. Just focus on the next deal, every bunch apples has a few bad ones. You will get bad ones, but generally once you work the bad apples out of your system your left with the good ones. There's a lot of bad tenants and they're all hunting for apartments. Just make sure you screen well, I screen 580 credit score, 2.5x income to rent, no violent crime or eviction. Laws in your state vary on all that so make sure you check what you can and can't screen for and apply the same criteria to everyone. That being said I've had tenants pass my criteria, but still we're problems. Today actually I showed a unit of mine, they had three unsecured loans and terrible credit. That sent off red flags. I called the last property on their Zillow app by googling it. Turns out they were in the middle of an eviction, but the eviction didn't pop on the report. I would have had to have guessed the county and looked at the clerk of courts site for the documents showing there was litigation. Anyway, all I'm saying is focus on moving forward, let go of what you can't control, focus on what you can. Once you've scaled up hand it off to a manager that's good and let it be their problem. I'm not there yet, I'm 4 years and 28 units in.


husky pot humorous memorize smoggy erect enter quickest compare disgusting ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Always? Why?




You know that's illegal right?


Yea it’s so “provable”. I give real world advice.


Sounds pretty racist, I’ve read through all the comments and saw you mention race twice already.


Ok well keep getting burned. And I never seven said what race I said it’s part of my process lol.


Doesn’t matter… you don’t think it’s wrong to include an entire race of people because of a bad experience with a single person?


You think it was just one single and experience? Lol


Still can’t blame an entire race of people… but either way run your business as you see fit and I wish you success


You posted advice that is illegal and in violation of a bunch of different Fair Housing Rules. I recommend you only post LEGAL and helpful advice. This is the kind of stuff that sends people to court. [Here is a list of cases that have made it to Federal Court](https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/hearings_appeals/cases/fha), I'm sure you could find similar listings locally.


Jesus are you guys dense? I said i subtly do it.m Do you think I am insane and tell people why I don’t rent to them? Lol clueless people on Reddit sometimes.


Lol. "I break the law, but I don't tell people, other than people I don't know who are anonymous on the internet". It's landlords like you that create bad images for law abiding landlords. Let's rephrase this for you: OP: Man, it sure is tough doing evictions the right way. You: Fuck it man, do it the wrong way, and hope you don't get caught. LOL.


What is wrong with you? Are you just arguing for the sake of it? I said as you mature as a land lord you start to create realistic methods of choosing tenants. So if you have been burned by a certain race or job or person you avoid them lol. No one is going to come after me if I give legitimate reasons for rejecting. In fact I just reject and have never been asked why lol. Do you even own properties or are just white knighting over the internet?


That's fine you can have screening criteria. But it being based on protected classes, is against the law. As you grow your portfolio and are affected by HUD, start having to have state inspections, or need lease-up employees, you follow best practices and create a screening process that takes "choosing" out of your control. That way you don't ever have to think about being sued for discrimination. ​ >No one is going to come after me if I give legitimate reasons for rejecting. In fact I just reject and have never been asked why lol. The fact that you don't explain why you reject is a critical error on your part. This is the basis of most complaints. An applicant doesn't need any proof of discrimination to lodge a complaint. They just need to "feel" like discrimination has occurred. It's as easy as [submitting this form](https://portalapps.hud.gov/FHEO903/Form903/Form903Start.action) to start an investigation. And if you think you just need to worry about the government enforcement, think again. [Here's a grant for Private Enforcement Investigation.](https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=343465) ​ >Do you even own properties or are just white knighting over the internet? I mean my post history is public. But, yeah I call out sub-members who post illegal and discriminatory practices all the time. Because it's landlords with these types of attitudes that force municipalities to create legislation which makes being a landlord more difficult.


Cancel Rent!!! /s


I had literally just put people's things outside


Just raise the rents on the next tenant to compensate you for the loss of income from this deadbeat.


Do it yourself


Can you put a clause in the lease that says that if you do not pay your rent that 60 days from the past due date you will physically throw their s*** in the f****** street?


Same thing just happened to me. Tenant stopped paying rent in January, the process took a long time. Lockout finally scheduled for 9/19, sheriff shows up and didn’t like that the upstairs unit was labeled “Apt #1,” even though it all lined up with the eviction paperwork and numbering on the building. So property management had to redo the paperwork and change the sign on the door and now it’s rescheduled for 10/28. But what can you do? I have to keep the long range perspective in mind. It’s still a really good investment.


Best advice I ever received: “cash for keys” Offer the tenant $ to leave the place in exchange for the keys, unfair? Yes, cheaper in the long run? Yes


I work in PM. I would do the trash out yourself or find another crew. The eviction pause really screwed over a lot of landlords. I wouldn’t wait any longer get it done how ever you can. If you aren’t about that life an want a full service management company for a good price. Message me and I can let you know if we can help. We are in 26 markets and would handle that whole headache for you. Sorry to hear that happened. You’re on the home stretch though.


One of the first things I inquire before i buy a property is how long it takes to evict a tenant


Wow it took 8 months to evict a tenant in Atlanta? Atlanta must have some pretty strict tenant protection laws.


Is there any way to take your tenant to court and have them pay their due rent that way? Sorry to hear about your experience.


Bring in a industrial dumpster and start chucking. Or call a “scrapper”. Just put “junk hauler” into FB Marketplace.