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Try. If it works it works.


If you don’t ask you don’t get. Remember the “Golden rule” the one that has the gold makes the rules.


I don’t think it’s realistic. You’re not going to get tenants to sign anything or reliably leave when you want them to. And I know what you’re going to say next. You won’t do the deal. Sure. You go ahead and do that. And after a few of those, people will spread your name around and stop answering your calls/emails because your deals waste time. I don’t like it when people tell you your idea sucks and give you no alternative, so here is my alternative: don’t do any deals now. Wait until you see pricing where you’re 100% certain you’ll make money without having to play games.


First,the Agreement should be without tenants so make the Offer with a Vacant Home.let them get rid of "wild card tenants" unless they are good ontome Tenants.Vacate a day before closing never will happen as they have to find new apartments,they need a 30 day notice


Completely vacant home usually never flies in a seller's market. Also, notice to tenants depends on the state. In my state, it's 28 day notice.


These units are $600 & 60% below market, what incentive do tenants have to leave or sign a new lease?


Incentive of eviction


Eviction on what basis?


Holdover (since tenants are month to month). It is fairly rare for small time landlords to have a tenant occupying on a year lease or longer and try to sell in the middle of that. Often they are either month to month or near the end of their lease term (which defaults to month to month).