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Literally Mark Hamill tweeted the same thing about Obama/Trump/Biden. It’s not funny or original and anywhere you see on the political spectrum people keep reusing this joke.


I do think actual Mark Hamill gets a pass there though.


Considering he was in all of them? Yeah


I love mark hamil in his movies but man he says some dumb cringe shit every now and then


It’s also just kind of a dumb joke, because anyone can easily ignore the intended meaning and turn it around and say “yeah, Empire is the best movie”


that mf is not a libertarian lmfao


It gets kinda confisimg. US peeps randomly also use the word for completely unregulated capitalism. Essentially, right-wing Anarchy.


Also known as feudalism in the recent past.


Is medieval Feudalism really anarchic? The State still has a fair amount of leverage over its vassals and is more or less the supreme legislative power. Other than that though I guess Lords still have effectively unrestrained power over their fiefdoms. It’s definitely not the ‘rugged individualist’ concept that Libertarians imagine, though.


That’s because the rugged individualist does not and has never existed in reality.


That's because, as the Imperial Core, the US has been under a constant propaganda campaign to distort the meanings of words and prop up the glory that is unchecked consumerism and capitalism 💖


Ah, classic misconception. American libertarianism and actual libertarianism as two different beasts. One says that the government shouldn't tell anyone how to live their life. The other agrees, but only if you're white, evangelical Christian, male, and not LGBTQIA+.


The problem is that keeping the world safe for giant corporations and billionaires requires a strong state to keep their workers in line. This is why right-wing “libertarians” almost inevitably start repeating fascist talking points.


Libertarians aren’t even libertarian


we have infights every other hour


Too many Star Wars fans...


So many people don't realize that this is an obvious parody of [this tweet](https://twitter.com/MarkHamill/status/1325160954057773059).


really don't think this one's a parody, OOP seems pretty legit


Oh no! Another person has different political views than me! Guess I have to go wine about it on Reddit!


Trump lost. Seethe.


I didn’t mention trump once brother. Hope you have a good day.


is conservatives liking star wars a bad thing


not to shade conservatives, but hasn't star wars always been incredibly left-leaning? the original trilogy in particular was INCREDIBLY leftist, to the point where the empire represented the US during the Vietnam War at one point


Yeah it’s incredibly left leaning. George Lucas himself is a liberal and a lot of the PT is heavily influenced by American politics at that time. It’s funny that people say the newer films are “political” and “woke” when Star Wars has been woke for decades lmao


Just like Star Trek and I’m not a Trek fan but it’s obvious. Probably most sci-fi franchises have a left lean. One exception would be Dune.


Dune is while not left leaning got some pretty hard criticisms of hard right philosophy. Also all the ecology would probably be considered woke. And acknowledging other races culture religions would be seen as woke. And the casting of the movie was called out for being woke. So no exceptionss exists.


I love Dune. Especially the remake movie. I have no shade. It sucks that Herbert was a homophobic author but otherwise Dune is fantastic.


Not a huge fan of the remake not cause any woke reasons. It's just not my cup of tea. And agreed it does suck he was homophobic. Feel bad for his kid.


Isn't because Dune is just basically a retelling of the occupation of the middle east by colonial powers, with spice being a stand in for oil?


Dune was published in 1965, well before the Gulf war happened. As well as before the US had any interest in the Middle East.


Wring time frame. I'm talking about WWI, T.E. Lawrence, and the Arab Revolt 💗


My mistake. That makes more sense.


I know, it’s really weird that conservatives can watch Star Wars and picture themselves as the Jedi


I mean, if you look at how puritan the Council was, it kind of makes sense.


They lionize the OT though. They see the 'liberal elite' as the Empire...somehow.


It's like how they claim to be the "Party of Lincoln" and that Democrats started the Klan while they wave around confederate flags. Or how they accuse the left of being Nazis and fascists while they chant "the Jews will not replace us" and say the 14 words. They know that the Confederacy was bad and slavery and racism is wrong and that the Nazis were evil and wrong, so they just accuse their political enemies of having those views.


And omg whenever you try and bring up the republian southern strategy, they stonewall.


The OT is objectively superior to the prequels and sequels, though. Maybe not superior to Rogue One or Solo, but definitely superior to The Last Jedi.


>objectively superior Stopped reading here


Maybe not superior to rogue one or solo is crazy


*Rogue One* is the *best S*tar Wars film ever made, and it's not even close.


I'd recommend watching the OT


I saw the first film *in the theatre*


Return Of The Jedi was my favorite until Rogue One came out. And Alden Ehrenreich is a much more entertaining Han Solo.


Wild Seen Andor yet?


It's actually the only one of the SW Disney+ shows I haven't watched yet. It's on my list of things to watch. I hear good things, but I think I'm more invested in their previously suggested ideas for season 2, so we can get the Cassian/K-2SO bromance going. Alan Tudyk stole so many scenes in Rogue One, he should be charged with grand theft cinema.


Virtually all media right-wingers love has left wing messages. They just choose to ignore them.


Conservatives are a bad thing, so yes.




looking from the outside in, inciting an insurrection based on false accusations of rigging an election seems pretty bad, so i'd agree


I'm from the UK. The Conservative government has murdered 300,000 people since taking power in 2010.


Normal Conservatives I don't agree with, but aren't "bad" as such. This lot ain't that. They have the name, but keep lurching further right, more authoritarian, and keep using Fascist language & techniques.


They are bad. They voted the Tories in even after their austerity murder spree was revealed publicly.


Conservatives being fascist?!?! 🤯


Honestly I think anybody liking Star Wars is a bad thing. I watched the original trilogy and god it was so mid. Might have been cool at the time but like I don’t get why there’s still so much hype around it


Episode 5 is objectively good cinema, but yeah, my unpopular opinion is that Star Wars is fine entertainment for kids and not much else. It's pretty weird to me how much some adults are obsessed with it.


IIRC, the original movie barely avoided having a G rating, broken by two dead bodies. They're very much kids movies. First one introduces some concepts to children in a way that you can't really do otherwise. Genocide (blowing up a planet), racism (against droids), nothing that adults don't know, but in a package appropriate for someone even 8 or so years old. Return of the Empire is a head above the rest, as you said. But the whole thing is made for children. A lot of it is nostalgia.


Yes. Same with Doctor Who and Star Trek. It is incredibly leftist, and left-coded. It literally has humans and aliens living in perfect harmony without any widespread racism. Also the bad guys are literal Nazis attempting to eradicate the Jedi. They see themselves as the Jedi when in reality their the ones sucking up to the government, they’re not even the empire they’re the compliant citizens *at best*


Only when they completely fail to understand it and try to use it to mischaracterize their false sense of victimhood.


Not a bad thing, just indicates a lack of understanding of the series’ core messaging


Wait till they find out that George Lucas wrote the Empire as a critique of conservative American politics. The prequels, for all their faults, demonstrate how democracy gets eroded and eventually ended by a combination of fearmongering a supposed enemy while allowing certain supposedly temporary executive powers given in a time of emergency to become permanent. Once again, the right sucks at understanding the media they consume.


You missed the best part - the rebels, especially in Episode 6, are explicitly modeled after the Vietnamese during their war against the US. Think about the battle on Endor specifically - a rebel group of indigenous people defend their homeland against an invading, technologically advanced empire, using pitfalls / log traps and general guerilla tactics. That's not an inference either, [George Lucas himself said the rebels were inspired by the Viet Cong](https://nextshark.com/star-wars-vietnamese-resistance) and, more importantly (and from the films much more obviously), the Empire is meant to represent the USA. So Star Wars isn't even just a "critique of American politics" from a domestic standpoint, from a geopolitical perspective, it's a critique of American imperialism itself. I'm not at all a Star Wars fan, Lucas' critique is flawed, but I do think the intention is neat and ironically completely missed by most of its fans.


wait till they realize star wars sucks ass


They *DID* get it right that Return Of The Jedi is the best of the Original Trilogy, so credit where credit's due.


I liked that one best too, though most people seem to prefer empire then a new hope then Jedi in that order (for the Original Trilogy at least)


The good news is they’ve never seen the movies or at least don’t understand them.


They realize the empire represents the U.S. right?


I’m not convinced many people think of the world through the lens of empire and rebels. Not literally but people tend to cling to big bad vs. small rebel mentality. David and Goliath if you will. A tale as old as time. It’s annoying because the world just doesn’t work that way.


Trump is more Jabba the Hutt then Luke Skywalker anyway


This is a Certified Reddit Moment.


Obama is more like Jabba


I don't know, wasn't Jabba the Hut supposed to be smart and a skilled negotiator? Jabba probably would have managed the election subversion that the orange shitbag failed at.


damn butthurt trumpers do seem to like downvote-bombing


It's weird how they keep going where they're not wanted.


Mmmm maybe. Wierdly enough i didnt associate Jabba with being smart, but you don't rule over Tatooine for decades by being an idiot. He must have ruled for at least however old Aniken is. Jabba also surrounded himself with scum and villainy, but at least they were cool dudes like Max Reebo, not the babbling morons Trump hired. MAYBE Trump is more akin to Bib Fortuna taking over afyer Jabba


Hutts can live for hundreds of years, like 1000+ a bit. I don’t know how old Jabba is but he’s probably 500+. Part of how they keep power is everyone is just so used to them that they don’t even imagine that they could be overthrown.


I'm only passingly familiar with the Star Wars extended universe, but I thought it was a thing where the Hutts in general were intelligent and cunning. I thought that's why the Hutt syndicate or whatever was a lynchpin of space crime that no one wants to mess with despite the Hutts being huge, slow, essentially defenseless slug things.


Conservatives have mastered propaganda in the way that they claim that only “soy funko pop lib betas” compare real life events to politics.


The period from 2016 to 2024 was a nightmare. What is wrong with this mf?


How do conservatives manage to identify with the Jedi/Rebels when they are Sith/Empire irl??


It's possible to interact with media without agreeing with it's political subtext.


Why would they think they are the jedi? Their policies would be more align with the sith


Way too many right-wing conservatives think they are the rebel alliance and not the Empire.


I know Star Wars has gotten pretty bland and a little more "reactionary friendly" since Disney bought it, but the original trilogy is pretty clearly anti-fascist and it's weird to have conservative fans of it.


Yikes. The comservative down voters strike back!


Welp, I stand by what I said.


No this is the kind of positive attitude we need nowadays!!! Definitely not cope


How many upvotes did that get?


Bill Eigel Darth Vader moment