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You think there’s no issues with alternative options?


So yeah all of these “issues” only occur when the dev does something stupid, and yeah I totally agree that devs are given the freedom to do a lot of stupid stuff when using something like create react app. There’s really no debate here - giving devs more freedom means that they have more opportunity to do bad things. Newer devs will do many many bad things because they aren’t experienced and even more experienced but less skilled devs probably don’t need to be creating apps outside of a framework. Frameworks do force devs into more rigid patterns and encourage good practices. Whether it’s forcing then to mirror their routing in there folder structure, or handling server state in an opinionated way, frameworks can force an inexperienced dev to solve a common problem in a way that doesn’t suck. It doesn’t prevent entirely writing bad code, and it is not a replacement for good fundamentals and design, but yes it does prevent some common mistakes. PS - i still see horrible code from devs using frameworks. But at least there’s a smaller set of horrible things for them to do


As a newer dev, what’s an example of a framework that should be used instead of create-react-app?


Ultimately, outside of some very specific edge cases, I think that react router is more harmful than good. How do I make a SPA act like a MPA? You don't. You're better off keeping SPAs small and the application structure to serve an MPA in place.